Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 114: Hyena and spiny boa (four thousand)

Anaconda took the list of orders and flipped a few pages roughly.

The receptionist behind the bar warmed up a bowl of dim wine and handed it out.

The spiny boa raised his head slightly, seemingly hesitant, but finally took the wine bowl over.

This was bought for fifteen copper nars.

I didn\'t have much money on my body, if I didn\'t drink it, it would be too wasteful.

The spiny boa picked up the wine bowl and took a sip.


Bitter and astringent.

She doesn\'t love or drink at all.

"So, why do so many people like to drink?" Ji Yan thought in his heart, and then went on to pick up the list of orders and read them, trying to find someone to do it quickly.

The counterparts who were closer to the bar did not dare to provoke her again because they caught a glimpse of Thorn Anaconda\'s A-level credentials, so they continued drinking and chatting to find tasks.

Among them, someone was talking about the war between Dona and Tazan—

"Where did I just talk, oh, yes. The Tazan Empire seems to be about to be unable to sustain it, and it is preparing to surrender to Dona."

Said a sloppy mercenary in cotton clothes and rotten leather armor.

A rosacea man with a leather hat sitting next to him answered, "Huh? Surrender. Those barbarians in the west are willing to surrender? Aren\'t they the best?"

The fur man was immersed in the conversation with his companions, and did not notice that when the word "those barbarians in the west" was uttered, the spiny anaconda not far from him glanced at him coldly.

Cotton-clothed mercenary: "Hush, don\'t yell so loudly. There are a few adventurers of Tazan who just look at their appearance in this room."

"What\'s the matter, the barbarian is a barbarian, don\'t let people talk about it?" The man in the fur hat looked indifferent, but his voice was much smaller from his heart. "By the way, is your news reliable?"

"Of course it\'s reliable. Haven\'t you seen how capable the troops from the north are? Once you got here, they fought two great victories, and drove all Tazan\'s troops beyond the border. "

This topic aroused the interest of other people around, and many people began to talk about why the army from the north could fight in this way.

Some people say that it is because of the army\'s little queen Anriata Zhizhu who is in control and the command and use of people are appropriate, which leads to the full victory of the front battlefield.

"Didn\'t it mean that as long as you win Tazan, the Prince of the North will be crowned as the new Dona Emperor?"

"Then the little queen, Anrietta will be the future Queen of Dona. I now know how powerful the royal father and daughter are in staying low-key in the north. It\'s no wonder that the royal city will lose to them. For father and daughter leaders, they will surely be great again!"

It is also said that the main reason for the Northern Army\'s ability to fight is because the Phoenix Grand Duke in the north is strong.

A few months ago, the Grand Duke of Phoenix personally led five hundred cavalrymen in the Ping River Valley and rushed into the Tazan camp at night, beheading the coach and retiring all over, setting a great victory in one fell swoop.

"This wave, this wave is called Grand Duke Megatron Ping River Valley! I heard that the children on Tazan now dare not cry at night as long as they hear the name of Duke Phoenix."

Others believe that Veronica, the "Red Lotus Witch" under Xiao Wangnv, is not as active as her grandfather on the battlefield.

Veronica used to rely on herself alone, relying on the burning prairie fire that can burn the sky, and the entire centurion team of the Tazan army was destroyed.

Anyway, those adventurers who looked like Dona in the association joined the discussion in a rush.

And the few adventurers who looked like Tazan, because the Dona people in this association were so many and powerful, they were all black-faced and didn\'t say a word. Two of them just slammed the door and left.

Although the group of adventurers is neutral in the world, most of the war between Tazan and Donna is biased towards their hometown in their hearts.

The spiny anaconda was also a little overwhelmed by the quarrels of the Donners around him. The method of flipping through the list of orders was a lot rougher, and he was a little annoyed and drank the bowl of warm wine that was not good.

The association was clamoring and talking. The man in cotton clothes who was the initiator of the topic saw the surrounding atmosphere and the few Tazan adventurers who didn’t say much, and started to bring a new round of rhythm. :

"I also heard that in Tazan\'s preparations for peace, one item is marriage! The emperor of Tazan intends to marry one of his daughters to Dona, haha!"

"real or fake?"

The man in the cotton suit: "Of course it is true. The news I heard from Baidu has never been false!"

"I know more. The illegitimate daughter of Emperor Tazan who is going to marry is only a few years after she was admitted to the palace from the people. Our old emperor has no son anymore, and the son of the Prince of the North is already married. , Or the age is too young."

"So Tazan\'s illegitimate daughter princess was arranged to marry a grandson of the Grand Duke of Phoenix. It seems to be called, um, yes, Crick. This matter has been spread all over Tazan."

When the surrounding Donut adventurers heard these words, they all laughed with drunkenness.

The emperor on Tazan was obviously domineering before the fight, and he lost his daughter and lost everything.

As a Donah, I have a lot of face!

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry, I have more powerful news." The man in cotton clothes got even more vigorous, and stood up with a glass of wine. This matter was also spread by Tazan! Absolute fidelity!"

As soon as this statement was made, the atmosphere on the scene reached a climax.

Dare to love the cotton-padded jacket man still holds such a great melon.

The adventurers started clinking glasses and started talking. At this time, many people began to belch while accusing Shu Luoqi of the neighboring princess who had never met:

"From the point of view of a neutral adventurer and a pure passerby. Let\'s analyze the wave rationally, hiccup~ That illegitimate female princess is really irresponsible! My country, my father, are called the neighbors The enemy country lost its armor and armor. The heavy responsibility of being a husband fell on her, and she ran away! It\'s not like a word, it\'s not like a word! Hiccups!"


At this time, the spiny anaconda sitting in front of the bar stood up.

He took out his shriveled purse and opened it open, and the few coppers crackled and fell on the bar.

This small move did not affect the lively discussion atmosphere in the association.

"Another glass of wine, better spirits this time."

"Uh...Miss Spinner?"

The receptionist glanced at the coppers on the bar, and began to hesitate how to tell this Miss A-level adventurer, this little copper might not be able to order a full glass of good spirits.

The discussion of those on the side continues:

"...I said my brother\'s opinion! Even if the princess really suffers a bit when she gets married, that is a necessary sacrifice. As long as she makes some sacrifices alone, then her country and her family will have a chance to breathe. I don\'t even have this awareness, tusk, it\'s really pathetic and pathetic."

"Yes, yes. That princess is really wayward and selfish..."


After hearing these harsh words for her, Thorny Anaconda was finally impatient to the extreme.

Looking at the receptionist in front of him who only wanted to talk but didn\'t say anything, and didn\'t go to get the wine, the anaconda felt a certain string in his heart broke.

She raised her hand, used all her strength, and patted it on the bar!


"Can\'t you understand what I\'m talking about? I said I\'ll have another strong drink!"

The other discussions in the audience stopped abruptly, and were interrupted by a loud slap and a loud drink.

"Ok...Okay! Miss!"

The poor receptionist was frightened by the thorny anaconda\'s aura, and finally couldn\'t care about the price, so the poor receptionist took the change from the bar to prepare the wine.

Spiny Anaconda turned his head, took off his large black hood, and faced the few adventurers who had just discussed the loudest.

She is very beautiful, with a standard Tazan appearance, her skin is wheatish, her facial features are more erect and darker, and her long, crimson hair is naturally curly.

In the eyes of the Donners, they are beautiful women with exotic flavors.

Perhaps because of the wine\'s incompetence, the firm face of Anaconda was a little red. She exhaled, and the smell of inferior wine still remained in her mouth:

"Sacrifice, sacrifice... It sounds good. The princess of the illegitimate daughter in your mouth, do you know her? Why do you tell her to make sacrifices?"

"Why? Just for Tazan, for her father? Don\'t be kidding! What did Tazan give her? I think about it, oh yes, I gave ridicule, slapped, spit, and fists."

"When she couldn\'t eat enough when she was a child, when her mother was bullied by bad guys, did anyone help them?"

"When she was called to breed wild animals, and her mother was chased into the street like a wild dog, where was her golden and precious emperor, Lao Tzu!?"

The spiny anaconda talked louder and louder, and all the other adventurers were silent.

At this time, the receptionist had already delivered a glass of good spirits, but seeing the emotional look of this Miss A-level adventurer, she just held the glass in her hand, neither was it to pass it, nor to put it down.

The spiny anaconda had obviously noticed this, so he chopped his hand and snatched the wine glass.

She was a little thirsty.

The glass full of wine was lifted, and then gobbled down.

In this way, the spiny anaconda drank a whole glass of spirits under the silent eyes of all the people.

The pungent and pungent taste surging in the mouth and stomach.

The wine is really not good.

The spiny anaconda threw the wine glass aside, shook his dizzy head, and calmed his body:

"That\'s why I hate you, respectable Donatians. You are ridiculous, do you know? Call yourself a reserved civilized person, call me a barbarian."

"Haha, yes, yes, you civilized people think you know everything, even if you don\'t understand things at all, you have to use a condescending attitude to give pointers."

"No one is qualified to ask her to sacrifice. The people on Tazan are not worthy, and you are not worthy. What does it have to do with her? Even if your Donna’s army hits under Tazan’s royal city, you What does it matter?"

"She doesn\'t care, she doesn\'t owe anyone! So, shut my mouth, do you understand? I don\'t care!"

Using Jiu Jin to speak a little bit more, Ji Yan changed the third person in the words into the first person.

This should not be.

Zhuan felt that he might be a little drunk and he was still conscious, but he just couldn\'t control his words and actions.

But it doesn\'t matter, right?

After letting out a loud vent, the spiny anaconda felt an unprecedented invigoration.

She picked up the thick task list on the bar counter and pulled out one of them.

In fact, before ordering that glass of spirits, Anaconda had already found a task that could make a lot of money.

"Hey, I\'m going to do this." Spiny Anaconda took this commission in front of the receptionist. "There may be a corrupted person who spreads famine nearby. Investigate him and it\'s best to deal with it. The bounty is 60 silver nars. . I want to do this."

The commissioned tasks in the Beach City Adventurers Association are not as formal as those in the big city. After the adventurer accepts the task, as long as he proves that he has completed it, he can receive the corresponding reward.

"Miss Spiny Anaconda." The receptionist no longer knows how many times he has made trouble, "I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to take this task."

"Why, I am A-level, hiccup—A-level!" Ji Zhu patted the table and began to emphasize.

"Yes, I know. But this quest was issued by the adults in the Holy See. They have requirements. Two adventurers above level B can take it."

"Two?" Jiao Yao picked up the commission and looked at it carefully, only to realize that there seemed to be such a comment on it.

She squinted her heavily drunk eyes and scanned the adventurers around her.

Hey, never team up with these people.

However, abandoning this commission, the anaconda was somewhat reluctant.

This is a full sixty silver nars.

On the streets of Beach City, the autumn wind was so cold that no one could be seen.

"It\'s a bit cold today."

Dressed as an adventurer, a boy about sixteen or seventeen, walking alone in a deserted street.

His face is dark, his dark red hair is a bit messy, but his eyes are sharp.

Wearing a thick cloth, a delicate leather armor on the outer head, and other equipment on the body are worth talking about.

There is a silver horn hanging from the chest, which is obviously a large metal pendant, but after a long time, it will feel that the thing has an inexplicable flowing texture.

On his back was a very peculiar mechanical object with a dwarven pragmatism style, which seemed to be a weapon.

A bracer full of magical power, worn on the left wrist, was concealed under the commoner.

Around his waist was a belt of good quality, a horn decorated with purple gold, and a hunting knife.

This well-equipped young adventurer is naturally Dorn\'s little brother hyena.

The hyena walked straight to the less formal Association of Adventurers in Beach City, and touched his chin, following the way his elder brother usually thinks.

"Forget it, UU Reading alone will take the task alone."

Hyenas today act alone.

His inconspicuous master, Greg Lu, came to Beach City and stabs the hyena directly with a knife.

Since last night, Greg Lu has been hanging out with a local wife who is close to each other, and there is still no one in sight.

Before going to fooling around, it is better to exercise the independent ability of hyenas.

Hyena has been with his master for so long, it\'s not that he doesn\'t understand how romantic and sinful he is.

However, if you have a good friend in those big cities that you often go to, why do you have it in such a barren border town!

How many good ladies do you still have!

"It would be great if the master can be as reliable as Brother Donne." The hyena sighed helplessly, and walked towards the closed gate of the association.