Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 71: What is the meaning of not staying in the female college?

"Should it?" Don\'s tone was uncertain.

Originally, the purpose of Alice\'s activities in the land of miracles was to find her mother, Dolores.

Now that my mother has found it, Long Niang really doesn\'t seem to need to travel with Donne anymore.

"If Alice is not there, will my portable space be gone?" Dorn thought with regret in his heart.

It seems blood loss.

In addition, if that guy is really gone, maybe he will be a little lonely in the future...

After all, I unilaterally recognize her as her father in my heart.

In the story world, the royal city is built into a scenic spot and within the magnificent palace.

Dolores came here with Alice after dinner.

"In other words, this yellow palace is still ugly. Alice, who inherited the aesthetics of your farmhouse?"

Sister Cthulhu shook her head frequently while looking at the layout of the surrounding buildings.

White Alice: "Farm, home, pleasure?"

Not long after getting to know Dorn, Long Niang felt that there were some things about this man that resembled her own mother.

But for a while, I can\'t tell where it looks like.

Now think about it, it seems that when these two people are speaking, they will occasionally pop up some incomprehensible coined words.

Although she doesn\'t quite understand what "agricultural aesthetics" means, Alice feels that her mother shouldn\'t be using this coinage to praise herself.

Black Alice: "The stories of the princesses and brave men who were told to me by those outside before, the princesses all lived in this golden palace."

The arrogant Black Dragon Lady in front of Dorn, in front of her mother, behaved like a wronged little puff.

"Forget it, let\'s not talk about this. I am a guardian who has not done a good job in aesthetic education." Dolores changed the subject seriously:

"Don\'t you ask me something, Alice? You seem to have something to say to me."

Long Niang\'s black body and white body dropped the corners of her eyes, and her eyes fell to the ground with some anxiety.

Of course there is something to say.

Alice, who was originally dependent on her mother, was suddenly left behind one day in a long, long time.

Become a lonely person.

She wandered in the land of miracles, searching, and after searching for so long, she finally found it today.

But her mother behaved like a okay person.

Although his attitude towards himself is still intimacy, he should eat and drink, with a careless look.

How could Alice have nothing to say?

"Mom...why are you leaving?" Long Niang\'s two bodies simultaneously startled and said, "Alice hadn\'t been disobedient before."

This problem should be expected by Miss Plague.

However, judging from the body movements of this Cthulhu Big Sister, he was still slightly moved after hearing this unexpected statement.

"Because I was going to do a very important thing at that time, it is not safe for you to follow me."

Dolores stretched out her hands and patted the heads of the two dragon maidens at the same time.

The important things the Cthulhu Big Sister said, if you let Donne, who has more information at present, listened to it, it would be easy to infer that what he was referring to was God War.

Dolores wanted to participate in the battle of Gods, and was ready to fight back before joining the battle.

In that case, it was indeed not safe to bring Alice, who was still ignorant.

And Dragon Mother still doesn\'t know enough about these disputes of the gods.

Because of staying in the book, getting outside information is relatively fragmentary.

It just vaguely understood that his mother seemed to be a Cthulhu named [Plague]. At the same time, she rebelled against the original apocalyptic forces and is currently in alliance with the original god.

But these are not important.

Alice didn\'t care either.

As she said a long time ago, mother is mother.

But what is Dolores\' identity, what she has done in the past, and what she will do in the future. For Alice, this will not change.

"But, after the matter is over, why don\'t you come to pick up Alice?" Long Niang\'s tone was still aggrieved.

"Alice, the matter is not over yet." Dolores\'s tone was rare and serious. "As long as the Apocalypses are still there, the matter is not over, and it will not be safe to follow me."

Alice was stunned, and after a while, the body of the black dragon lady spoke: "So, what about Don?"

"At present, his situation is not safe. After all, he is the divine envoy of the original forces. Oh? Are you caring about him?"

"Yeah. Dorn also cares about me very much. He is very nice to me, he will tell me stories and make me good food! Just like Dad!" White Alice added.


Sister Cthulhu felt delicate.

If Alice recognizes that Donne as a father...

Isn\'t it the equivalent of selling yourself this "mother" naturally!

"Well, mother, I didn\'t mean that." Long Niang realized later.

Dolores returned to her original attitude of indifferent: "It\'s okay, Alice."

Speaking of it, Cthulhu Big Sister has never asked this little dragon lady to call herself mother since she created Alice. For a while, He even tried to correct Long Niang and call herself "Sister".

In short, the title "Mom" is what Alice insists on calling.

Perhaps, for Long Niang, the two best people in this world are her "dad and mother".

And these two people seem to be Don and Dolores at present.

That\'s it.

There is absolutely no CP, the intention of Lalang is in it.

"Well, so mom didn\'t want Alice, did she?" After talking like this for a while, Alice\'s expression returned to life a little, and she cautiously asked for confirmation.

"Yeah. Alice, maybe you don\'t believe it... Actually, I love you very much." The Cthulhu Big Sister continued to rub Long Niang\'s head.

When he said this, his tone was earnest. B*XwX汜

"Well, Alice believed it." Long Niang squinted her eyes like a puppy with her head rubbed, and the words in her mouth became vague.

After the mother and daughter stayed calmly for a while.

Alice spoke again: "Mom, can I come back to see you with Donne after UU reads"

"Oh? And Don, come back to see me?" Dolores looked surprised.

He originally thought that Alice would want to stay after she found herself.

Although, Cthulhu Sister didn\'t want Dragon Mother to follow her.

"Um, yeah. Didn\'t you say that during the meal? Next, Don will follow his mother\'s suggestion and go hunting for the demigod in the Sea of ​​Storms."

"I said, that person\'s side is not safe." Dolores shook her head solemnly.

He didn\'t want Alice to follow him, and naturally he didn\'t want Alice to continue to follow Don.

In the future, the battle of Gods, whether it is the rebellious evil **** of the past, or the newly risen gods, will undoubtedly be involved in the center of the dispute. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

"I know. But I need to be insecure? Alice also grew up and can help a lot now. Then, because my mother is much better than Dorne. So, I want to continue to follow Dorne, I can Protect him."

Bai Longniang replied very seriously.

Even Black Alice was helping out: "And without the help of Lord Alice, Donne is clumsy, and he can\'t do anything."

Dolores: ...Mi He Mi

The old mother expressed heartache.

What is the meaning of not staying in the female college?

Not good, very bad.

I felt that the daughter of the little dragon man she pinched out was pinched by the original divine envoy.

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