Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 70: Skill upgrade: the pupil of breaking delusion

Here is Cthulhu Big Sister.

After tasting the beef stew in Burgundy red wine, He ate several side dishes one after another and drank a whole glass of stamen honey juice.

In the process, Dolores\' satisfaction with the dinner that Dorn had prepared meticulously increased.

Afterwards, perhaps because she felt that she was almost ready, this Cthulhu sister finally turned her attention to the roasted evil eye that she named to eat.

The grilled evil eyes are skewered, showing a brownish color. Compared with eyeballs, they are now more like tight and plump meatballs.

On the roasted evil eyes, some sesame seeds and chopped green onion are sprinkled to decorate, which has a better look and feel.

Because it has been cool for a while, now is the best time to taste roast evil eyes.

Eating too eagerly will easily get burnt like Alice, but if you let it cool for too long, the syrup inside will lose its hot taste again, and the experience will drop sharply.

The baked eyeballs must be put in the mouth as a whole.

Then take a bite.

The moment the tooth cuts the eyeball, the hot slurry in it will burst out!

The irritation is one hundred times stronger than the most explosive peeing cow pill!

After the passion.

The burnt and crisp collagen material around the eyeballs will provide the fleshy feeling of the teeth. After chewing a few more times, you will bite into the crunchy lens and cornea.

The taste of cumin and chili powder is very authentic and delicious.

"The perfect Evil Eye turns out to have this taste. It\'s delicious, even better than I thought. Don, right? I like you more and more. Maybe I should talk to Yuan Chu. Loan it to me for a few days."

Cthulhu Big Sister licked the dripping water on the corner of her mouth, she should be very satisfied with the taste of the dish she ordered herself.

And when he finished speaking, Vivian, who had been immersed in a happy meal beside Donne, raised her head vigilantly.


"Cooking, I mean cooking, little fairy sister, don\'t be nervous. I have tasted the evil eye that has always wanted to eat. If I have the opportunity in the future, I want to taste the whip of the deep-sea terrifying beast." Dolores said. With a smile and ridicule.


Did you hear the words of tiger and wolf just now?

Deep sea terrifying beast.

It looks like a large ocean monster with flexible whip growing on its forelimbs.


Dorn is not very sure, the kind of food that Cthulhu Big Sister wants to eat, specifically refers to the flexible whip that grows on the forelimbs of the deep-sea horror beast to assist in action, or the important organs that grow between the hind limbs.

But no matter what it is, it is enough to see that this evil and enchanting Cthulhu big sister is definitely an avid fan of dark cuisine.

Wait until the dinner tonight is over, full of wine and food.

Those skills feedback after eating monster dishes also came as expected—

System reminder: 【Predator】The effect is triggered, and the attributes of attack, physique, defense, and mental power are enhanced.

System prompt: [Synchronized Stomach Pouch] effect is triggered, the same type of skills are retrieved, and the skills are combined and upgraded.

System prompt: The superimposed skill is [Eagle View], and the skill [Breaking Eyes (Not Upgradeable)] is obtained.

Dorn was surprised by the benefits of eating Evil Eye.

The first is the attribute points captured by the [Predator]. Attack, physique, and defense have each added 23 to 27 points, and the mental power has increased by 40 points!

Of course, this high attribute return is also related to the large number of evil eyes that Dorn eats.

After this meal, the attribute points that can be obtained from monsters like evil eyes have already been eaten to the upper limit and cannot be increased.

Apart from the increase in attributes, what surprises Donn even more is the acquisition of skills.

Directly is a compound upgrade.

The [Eagle View] skill that hadn\'t had time to fully acquire it, got a chance to merge and upgrade on the spot, and a new skill [Breaking Eyes] was combined.

According to Donn’s past experience, there are two reasons for general skill upgrades. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

One is that the old skills in their own body have undergone mutations and breakthroughs, such as the previous [Dream], but now I have not found a suitable combination of skills [砥砥砥]. Minus

The other is that the newly eaten monster food is very powerful.

It\'s like eating the BOSS bullfrog and upgrading to get the [Poison Frog] skill.

And this time the acquisition of [Breaking Eyes] was obviously because of the latter.

The evil eyes that Dolores had provided to herself were definitely not the kind of weak monsters lying on the chopping board and letting go of mermaid flesh.

On the contrary, they should be very powerful!

"However, think about what they are raised by evil gods. Even if they are raised as food, they are probably better than wild evil eyes by several grades."

After thinking about it this way, Dorn could understand why this windfall was so rich.

Then, he opened his attribute panel again to check the newly acquired skill.

【Breaking Eyes】: 1. Night vision. 2. Dynamic vision. 3. See through all illusions and falsehoods.

Among them, [Night Vision] and [Dynamic Vision] are very easy to understand. These are the inherent attributes of [Eagle\'s Eye View], which Donne is very familiar with.

After being upgraded now, these two abilities have been further strengthened.

And that [see through all illusions and delusions], combined with the illusion ability of monsters such as evil eyes, is estimated to mean that through the [Despair Eyes], the influence of illusion skills can be eliminated.

Seeing the essence through the phenomenon belongs to yes.

Excluding some of the income gained from eating by himself, after becoming [God of Cooking], Don can also get rewards from the behavior of others eating.

[Plague] But the **** of this other world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

One of the most powerful beings.

By throwing food at him, the [cooking power value] obtained has a full 1 million points!

This is enough [cooking power] to upgrade one hundred SS dishes to SSS level!

One hundred!

Just relying on cooking for ordinary people, and on-hook phones in several restaurants under the name, I don’t know that I have to wait until the year of the monkey to get so much cooking power!

"There are refreshing, some refreshing. The gods are really extraordinary!"

Seeing that the already scarce kitchen power tank suddenly pulled to an exaggerated and terrifying value, this in itself was a very cool thing.

With the warm power of the cooking power flowing through his body, Dorn began to think about it happily.

"Moreover, I always feel that the role of cooking power is not only for the purposes I have developed. This time, the value of cooking power has been pulled to an unprecedented height, and it may help me unlock some new postures."

He still has a special instinct and full of expectations for this unique hidden mechanism.

After reading the harvest carefully, Dorn turned off the system panel and turned his attention back to the story world.

In the current castle restaurant, there are only two people left with him and Vivian.

As for Dolores and the two dragon maidens, they disappeared unknowingly after eating.

This story world is the place of their mother and daughter. Don estimated that he couldn\'t find them either, so he stayed on the castle side and didn\'t move.

"Dorn, you say..." Vivienne next to him wondered for a while, and then tugged Don\'s hand. "Will Alice go back with us?" Mi He Mi

Her voice was a little low and her tone was a little lost.

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