Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 65: We are bugs

Latest website: To be honest, Dorn was really surprised by the abrupt words of the big sister of the evil god.

However, Dolores, who was opposite him, laughed again:

"Understand and understand, but for the time being, I haven\'t understood the extent to which you can be found anytime and anywhere. But I still advise you to inquire less about our evil gods."


In other words, is it okay to call yourself a Cthulhu in a serious manner?

And the personality of this lady plague seems a bit bad.

After being reminded that the evil gods generally have the characteristic of "the more they understand, the easier it is to be perceived in the opposite direction", Donn temporarily put aside his research on them.

"Then I want to ask something more about the world. I have always been a person who loves to study, so I have been pondering a question for a long time."

"Is there such a possibility, although the possibility is very small, will there be other worlds outside of the world we are in now?"

Donn still tentatively asked a little question about the truth of this other world.

He has always wanted to know what kind of relationship exists between this other world called the Land of Miracles and the earth?

He clearly lay in the game cabin, playing games, how did he realize the crossing?

Although it has been determined that his crossing must be related to the original god, [Plague] is also a **** in another world, and he must have some secrets that ordinary people don\'t know.

It doesn\'t matter if he really doesn\'t know anything about it.

Just ask, and I won\'t get pregnant.

"Are you talking about the world outside of the land of miracles?" Dolores\'s tone was ridiculed. "Don\'t you know this too well? Outside of the land of wonders, there are humans and all carbon. The beautiful home of the basic creatures, the earth."

As soon as this remark came out, Dorn, who had been controlling his expression, was completely stunned.

He did prepare for Dolores to speak some amazing words, but he didn\'t expect it to be so amazing!

Cthulhu Sister still has that indifferent tone: "Don\'t be so surprised, in a sense, we are [worker] eh."

Dorn naturally knew what the word "hometown" meant.

In fact, when Dolores described the tone of "Earth" just now, he felt it.

"The other apocalypse?"

"Yes, so are they. It\'s not just the Apocalypse, but the original he is also." When it comes to "the original", [Plague]\'s tone is so unnoticeable hesitation.

Perhaps, he did not fully understand himself, his righteous ally.

At the end of the day, Cthulhu Sister returned to a relaxed tone and added:

"We do not belong to this world in the first place. The individual high-level rules in this world do not apply to us, and may even change because of our existence."

"It\'s like, Alice can\'t control your actions with words in this independent world, right? Tsk, that\'s why you can be so easily coaxed into being an accomplice."

"Because we are all outsiders to the land of miracles. To put it bluntly, we are the bugs walking in this world."

Donne had calmed down quite a bit at this time.

After experiencing so many desperate heartbeats in this other world, he can be regarded as a master of art and bold.

The brain worked more soberly, and combined with this long passage of Dolores\'s words, he thought of a lot.

The problem that has troubled him before, has not been solved exactly, now finally has the answer.

According to Dolores, certain high-level rules of this world do not apply to "outsiders", and may even change due to the existence of "outsiders".

The corresponding example is that Alice\'s "spoken words" in the story world is invalid for Donne.

In addition, Dorn himself can at least draw inferences from one another based on his personal experience.

For example, when Vivienne is still carrying the curse of the relic, only she can ignore this "zero presence" rule and perceive her existence.

For example, the gate of the temple in the ruins of the gods will even automatically open to pick up guests because of their proximity.

These are probably all manifestations of "rules" that are not applicable or directly changed in the face of "outsiders".

The rules behind Alice are the power of the gods of [Plague]; the rules behind Vivienne and the temple gate are the relics of gods. It\'s all the high-level rules of this different world, nothing wrong.

The case was solved.

Everything is the fault of the traverser\'s physique.

Dolores describes the traversers as walking bugs, which is really appropriate.

"So the so-called battle of gods is actually the chaos of the traversers?" Now, Donne cared more about himself and these righteous and evil spirits, how did he complete the traversal.

"You said you just talked about crossing? Do you understand that? Oh, it seems to make sense." Dolores took a sip of tea and said in a rather strange tone.

Now, Donne was confused again.

He couldn\'t keep up with the conversation rhythm of the evil **** in front of him.

It seems to make sense?

Isn’t the subtext of this statement, isn’t it actually unreasonable?

Could it be that the speculation in the future has been wrong?

Didn\'t you cross?

But just now, Dolores clearly said that his group are "outsiders", right?

Dorn:! ? …

This is the second time Donne has felt a strong impact on the Three Views since he came to the miraculous land.

The last time I felt this way, I suspected that I had crossed.

This time, I suspected that I hadn\'t crossed.

"I don\'t understand." After a while, Dorne struggled to spit out such a sentence.

After that, it was rare for Dolores to be silent for a while.

He took the teacup again, took a sip of the tea, and slowly said:

"I just tried to perceive it. It seems that I can\'t talk to you too much about this matter."

"This is not only your deepest personal secret, but also the deepest secret of all the apocalypses. If you fully understand it, other apocalypses can probably deduct your real-time location at any time."

"Before you have the ability to escape the chase of three non-heyday evil gods at the same time, let\'s stop it first."

"If you want to think about these issues, please leave Shelley far away, or wait until I run away from you far away. I don\'t want to be caught by those three guys because of you."

"You should know how miserable the traitor will end? Besides, I am still the only goddess in the apocalypse. UU reading, thinking about it, I feel terrible (great reading)."


Don also knows how troublesome the apocalypse\'s passiveness of "whatever you think, must be felt" is.

Although the Cthulhu Big Sister in front of him has a very bad personality, in the course of the conversation, he seems to be controlling the Cthulhu\'s perception threshold for himself based on the information thrown out in real time.

In a sense, it seems a bit reliable.

Donn forced himself not to ask about this matter for the time being.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Now they have all been interviewed by the evil gods in front of the Cthulhu statue, and they have become familiar with each other. If it develops further and is controlled by Cthulhu\'s real-time position, the days after that will be lively.

Donn didn\'t want to live so lively for the time being.
