Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 64: Tea time

The latest website: "Okay, let\'s hurry up. If it takes too long, the cute little sister outside might wait to cry?" Dolores\' tone was a little joke:

"Then please make your question concrete, so that I can answer or refuse to answer based on your question. Of course, this is all based on the original face."

Hearing this, it is impossible to expect this Cthulhu Big Sister to throw out all kinds of information spontaneously and knowingly.

In addition, I feel that his relationship with the original God seems to be pretty good?

Dorn began to think about exactly what to ask: "Miss Plague. Uh, sorry, shouldn\'t I call you that way?"

"No. I like this title, please continue."

"Well, Miss Plague. [Plague] is your name and ability, right?" Donne asked tentatively.

"It can be understood this way, but it\'s better to call this ability authority." Dolores nodded.

The kettle in the kitchen started to hum.

The water has boiled.

Donn didn’t pay attention to these noises, and grabbed the questions he cared more about and continued to ask: “But as far as I see it, your ability is definitely not the only one, right?”

Miss Plague\'s abilities, especially the authority that is enough to be called "the power of the gods", the "healing and saving people" which contradicts his title can be ignored for the first time.

Because practicing medicine may also be a pure accumulation of experience.

But from the point of view of "The Bedtime Story of ***Lisi", the ability or authority he possesses definitely contains a certain amount of space and life domain.

The independent space story world that can deceive the remains of the gods; and the fact that reality is a book, and the strange life individual Alice in which the world is a dragon is the best proof.

"It\'s not bad. It seems that I want to probe into the cards of our evil gods." Although the words were strange, Dolores\' tone was still calm and a little joke.

At this time, the boiling kettle flew out of the kitchen whirring, and automatically hot tea for the two in the hall.

"Yeah~ the tea soup is very clear and the smell is also very good. Expert, it seems that you have a lot of good products."

The Cthulhu Big Sister calmly picked up the tea and smelled it, as if it was some leisure time for drinking tea, and the topic of conversation was not serious at all:

"You are right. Although my name is [Plague], I do have authority in other fields. For example, part of the authority related to life lies with me, so I am very good at curing diseases and saving people."

"The same goes for other apocalypses. [War] has both dream authority, [Famine] has authority related to black fog and fall. In the case of [Death], it seems like nothing else, but his original authority and ability are weird enough."

The other party\'s relaxed tone and expressive attitude surprised Dorn, who was the questioner.

But think about it, [Plague] was originally the two or five of the Heretic God\'s forces. The last battle of God\'s battle and his rebellion meant a complete break with the original Apocalypse forces.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with revealing the trump cards of my old colleague and showing it to my original divine envoy?

But then again, what is the authority of these evil gods?

[Famine] The black mist and babble, after causing people to fall, will turn people into hungry monsters who only know cannibalism, and they are still somewhat related to his title.

But aren\'t war and dreams incompatible with each other?

There are also plague and life, aren’t these two conflicting abilities?

As if seeing Donne’s confusion, Dolores took the initiative to speak:

"That\'s it. You can understand our title as our primary authority, and the others as secondary authority. There is no contradiction between these authorities, and they can be combined at will."

"Perhaps when your strength rises to a certain level, you will start to gradually come into contact with these?"

After speaking, he calmly took a sip of the tea soup.

"So it can be combined at will?"

"I thought you knew it. After all, when you were in Port Marlow, you should have had some knowledge about it."

"Port Marlowe?" Dorn was a little surprised.

Dolores continued to drink tea calmly:

"Yes, haven\'t you seen our statue? At that time, Marlowe, except for the black fog that [Famine] deliberately poured out, the secondary authority of the rest of us should be more or less revealed. ?"

"After all, those statues are too old. They were from before the first battle. There is a lot of our magic left on them, and it\'s really difficult for those pirates to find them."

Sister Cthulhu\'s tea drinking posture is very elegant.

When the teacup is near his chin, the hazy white gauze on his face will spontaneously rise slightly, revealing only the curved lips.

At this reminder, Dorn recalled some details that he had overlooked.

According to the intelligence that the priests retrieved from various informants at that time, reflecting the abnormal situation of Marlowe.

Many people have said that they have dreamed of a "red war".

It now appears that the power of [war] is leaking through his stone statue.

Another is about an informant who fell into the water near the island where the statue was located, and saw a white light flashing underneath, and the old rheumatism that followed for many years was cured.

At that time, this information was processed by the original waste information.

Now Dorn realized that this turned out to be a manifestation of the leakage of the healing power of [Plague] and life-related authority.

Dorn recalled what happened in Port Marlow, and when he thought about it, he noticed something was wrong:

"Wait. Miss Plague, since you know that I have seen your statue in Marlowe, doesn\'t it mean that other apocalypses are also known?"

"I am completely exposed to your vision now?"


Thinking carefully, I’m terrified, okay if my back gets cold!

The big sister Cthulhu touched the corner of the teacup\'s mouth to create a "funny" arc:

"Well, it should have been like this. But the original glowing rabbits did not wash away the traces of your group."

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry."

"Now you and your friends. They belong to you. Standing in front of me and the other three apocalypses, we can all recognize them. But you are scattered in the miraculous land, even if we can\'t track them efficiently."

"Isn\'t this very safe."


I was inexplicably familiar with the evil gods, which sounded unsafe at all.

However, UU Reading dare to love the original [Lucky Rabbit Feet], and there is a magical effect that shields the perception of Cthulhu...

Thank you horned rabbit for saving my dog\'s life!

At this time, Dolores put down the tea cup and began to add:

"However, you should know that we have the characteristics of [the more we know, the reverse understanding of each other], right? So, regarding the evil god, I advise you not to inquire too much."

"I feel like I know you better now."

After this sentence, the big sister\'s white veil was still slightly raised.

He can be seen sticking out his tongue slightly and licking his upper lips flexibly.

Very evil.

Very Cthulhu.
