Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 50: Another Vivienne

Latest website: The girl who doesn\'t have wings was originally just holding the staff, standing silly at the bud. After Shimen was opened and Wen Feng walked into the temple, she had a little reaction.

The girl turned her head, her delicate facial features were as good as the king of fairies.

However, she didn\'t have the cool high-ranking temperament of the Fairy Queen, her face was only blank, ignorant and at a loss.

"Wang?" Wen Feng stood still, and said to the girl like this.

But the other party didn\'t react too much, just glanced at Wen Feng dumbly, then holding the staff, ran away from the opened stone gate of the temple.

Wen Feng stayed there for a while, then looked at the huge flower bud for a while, and did not chase the strange girl.

Then he walked out of the temple and spent some time, dragging in almost a whole sabbath tree.

Then he took out several rest wooden boxes from his body.

These boxes are very delicate. One of them also has an extraordinarily complex decoration with gold rims to reflect the unusual things in it.

Wen Feng set ablaze the whole sabbath tree.

"I remember now. You once told me that after this kind of wood is ignited, you can see beautiful pictures or memories."

The flames pulsated.

Wen Feng muttered to himself like this, and began to gently put those resting wooden boxes into the fire.

The big sham tree continued to burn, leaving strange burn marks, red and black.

This is not the same as the burning traces of sham wood that only let people see beautiful pictures in the past. I don\'t know if it was affected by Wen Feng\'s own emotions or by the corpses of the elves that were burned in the wooden box.

Wen Feng stared at the pulsating picture in the firelight, and the rest wooden boxes around him were slowly burned out.

In the end, only the one with the gold rim remained.

He looked at the box in his hand, his eyes pulsating with the firelight. In the end, he didn\'t open the wooden box, but murmured and continued to say something:

"Grossini, after I came back, I killed a lot of people and angered a lot of people. I don\'t seem to be able to go back again... I\'m sorry, I should be back sooner."

The resting wooden box inlaid with gold rims was gently put into the fire, and it was quickly engulfed by the tongue of fire.


In the temple of [Concerto Forest], the fire light slowly diminished, the picture inside disappeared, and finally went out.

After burning this time, the originally carbonized abams turned into ashes.

Among the ashes, two small objects can be seen. After being burned at a high temperature, the two objects are even shining brightly.

These are two rings.

One of them is a blood-red ring with a strong surge of magic power, which is unusual at first glance, and contains a powerful force.

The other one is an ordinary gold ring with two rings of gold wire entwined.

The blood red ring and the gold wire ring, in the ashes, lightly depend on each other.

Dorn looked at the two rings in the ashes, and then at Vivian next to him.

Miss Fairy was still lost at this time, her lake-blue eyes lost their high light, and no color could be seen.

"Vivienne." Dorne whispered her name.

Vivienne turned her head in a daze at this time, her expression like a marionette.

But when her gaze fell on Donne, her eyes regained some brilliance, and then a thick mist of water was quickly covered, and her mouth was even more choked:

"Dorn, I remembered. I remembered all of them, everyone is gone, I didn\'t save them, I didn\'t save anyone...uuuu-"

Miss Fairy cried.

She stretched out her slender arms around Don\'s neck, then buried her face in Don\'s arms.

The next step is the loud howling and heart-piercing crying, crying more fiercely than when she entered the [Concerto Forest] on the first day.

Vivienne\'s thin shoulders twitched, and she couldn\'t stop the tears that burst.

Dorn didn\'t speak, but just gently held the fairy lady in his arms tightly.

Words are pale.

He felt that at this time, it was useless to say anything.

Dorne couldn\'t comfort Vivian, all he could do was stay with her quietly until she stopped crying.

After a long time, Miss Fairy finally stopped the outburst of emotions and stopped crying. But because she couldn\'t help crying, she leaned in Dorn\'s arms and fell asleep unconsciously.

Dorn remained in his original posture and did not move.

He planned to wait for Vivian to fall asleep before letting Longniang pull her back into the story world to take a good rest.

"So, there is still that huge bud in the temple that I haven\'t explored."

"At the end of Wen Feng\'s memory on the resting wood, he saw Weiwei quietly standing in front of the huge flower bud in a daze. There must be some connection between the blue flower bud and Vivian."

Dorn integrated the information he had just received in his mind, thinking about this, he naturally turned his head to check the location of the bud not far behind him.

But this time, I saw that the originally closed flower bud, I don’t know when, it turned into a blooming state...


In the layer upon layer of dreams, there is silent black.

Then, some light **** started to float up and down.

Immediately afterwards, the same scene as [Concerto Forest] was slowly outlined in the dream.

Vivienne slowly gained some consciousness in her dream.

"Where am I? Where\'s Dorne?"

Vivienne in the dream glanced around her around, but didn\'t see Dorn.

Before she could do anything, a voice that had been heard from somewhere suddenly rang in her ears—

"You didn\'t do anything. When they were crying and bleeding, the king of the fairies could do nothing! You are incompetent, you are guilty, guilty, guilty!"

"You escape, leave everything here, regardless, you are cowardly! You should bury them, bury them, bury them!"

The voice was roaring, mixed with anger and spite.

Vivienne heard it really, and at the same time she remembered when she last heard this voice.

It was the one she had just entered the Forest Temple, and it resounded in her mind, similar to a "silent reading" voice.

Vivienne raised her head, and when her attention was gathered again, she didn\'t know when there was an extra figure in front of her.

With long silver hair like a waterfall, and a heavy ebony staff in his hand, his delicate facial features are distorted by anger.

The person in front of him looks the same as Vivienne.

The only difference is that the other party has a pair of thin and transparent fairy wings on his back.

"You shouldn\'t don\'t deserve to be the king of fairies, you deserve to die. You should be with Grossani and the others, with the entire concerto forest, to die! To die!"

The other Vivian continued to speak.

"" Vivian took a step back.

According to Miss Fairy\'s instinct, to meet such a crazy dangerous object in normal times, it must be a staff directly on the opponent\'s head.

Let\'s talk about it first.

But the person on the other side looked exactly like herself, which made her hesitate to start.

"Me? You? I am you, you are me. We **** it! Damn it!"

And the other Vivienne\'s emotions seemed to be getting out of control, as she slammed the ebony staff in her hand against the ground, her expression incomparably mad.
