Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 49: The end of the story

Latest website: The gray-spotted jackal Robark senses that the atmosphere is not right, and instinctively feels a little scared.

He wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his furry paws. What the human lord on the main seat asks, he can only answer truthfully:

"It is to cut the skin from the spine and split the back skin in half with a single knife. Slowly use the knife to separate the skin and muscles, and tear them apart like a butterfly spreading its wings."

This is the first thing Robark has to do after he catches the fairies in the ruins before making them into specimens.

Wen Feng on the main seat was silent at first, and after sitting for a while, he slowly said, "Fuad, have you heard him clearly?"

His tone was calm, like the sea before the storm. On the surface, the waves are calm, but under the sea, a strong and unknown emotional surge is suppressed.

Fuad is the captain of the one-eyed guard next to Wen Feng.

This sentence is for the captain.

"I understand, sir." Fuad, who was named, was actually a little confused about the current situation.

He didn\'t know what his Lord Earl wanted to do.

Fuad only knew that the current state of Earl Wenfeng was very similar to the state of the southern army generals and soldiers who had decided to execute captured soldiers on the front line when he was a general.


It should be much more terrifying than that time.

The hall was extremely quiet at this time, and the shadow of the lamp was shaking.

On the main seat, Wen Feng\'s eyebrows were lowered and gathered, and his closed lips slowly opened after a while: "As he said, peel him off."

"Master Earl!"

This sudden word directly scared Robark and rolled from the guest seat.

The tall gray-spotted jackal knelt on his knees and kept kowtow in prayer. He could not understand at all, where he had offended this new human lord of the territory.

"grown ups…"

Not to mention that Robark didn\'t understand, even Fuad, who had been following Wenfeng, couldn\'t understand why the Earl wanted to execute the Jackal merchant in front of him.

"Is it hard to understand what I said?" Seeing Fuad hadn\'t moved, Wen Feng spoke again.

His chest was high, his fists clenched, his breathing was heavy, and his teeth clicked. And the eyes under his lampshade, completely lit by uncontrollable anger, with a strong killing intent.

Compared to the Jackal with the appearance of a wild beast, Wen Feng is now more like an injured and irrational beast with red eyes:

"I said! Skinned him!"

"Yes...sir!" Fuad, in a neat armor, walked off the small platform where the main seat was.

Seeing the emotional change of Lord Earl, as a subordinate, he no longer dared to say more.

As for Robark on the ground, he has been frightened incoherently:

"Master Earl, Fuad! You can\'t kill me! You can\'t do this! When my father was a mercenary, he did things for you, and did meritorious service for you!"

But as the gray-spotted jackals were dragged out of the hall by a few guards, the screaming scream gradually faded away, and it became unrealistic.

After a short while.

Outside the hall, the already weakened jackal cried again, this time his voice was terrible.

Because Fuad is acting as an unskilled executioner in accordance with Wen Feng\'s orders.

The captain of the guard fixed Robark with a torture frame, and then cut his back with a knife from his spine, and cut his back skin in half with a single knife, and slowly separated the skin and muscles with the knife, tearing the skin of the tall jackal man like a butterfly with its wings spread. …

But Wen Feng heard the horrible cry and was unmoved, just sitting alone on the main seat on the high platform.

"Skinned him."

He spoke quietly, his gaze fell on the gold-rimmed box on the table, on the gold ring.

"Skinned him."

"Skinned them."

"Kill them all."

The lights are shaking, and the light and shadow are brilliant.

Wen Feng, the vigorous young general in the past, the cruel Count Skinner in the story circulated in later generations, the lights and shadows under his feet overlap.

The bright or dark lines and faces in the hall were finally fixed on Wen Feng who was sitting.

In the temple of [Concerto Forest], the flames of the Ann Ximu are still pulsating.

Seeing those memories from Wen Feng in the flame, Dorn remained silent, and Vivian\'s face completely lost the vivid look.

None of them spoke, nor could they say anything.

The story in the fire continues—

In the cave on the snow-capped mountain, Wen Feng, dressed in a velvet white fur robe, walked alone into the teleportation array emitting a faint blue light.

He returned to the [Concerto Forest].

It used to be full of vitality, and the surrounding sounds are harmonious like a fairy tale forest. This time it became lifeless.

Here, you can no longer see those forest fairies with transparent wings and dancing among the green leaves and red flowers.

During Wen Feng\'s fifteen years of warfare, the [Concert Forest] opened five times.

The jackals, human mercenaries and adventurers, and large merchants holding various resources, have also jointly "developed" this ruin five times.

Facing large-scale outsiders, the fairies couldn\'t organize a decent resistance at all.

According to the set of hidden rules in the ruins, the gate of the temple could not be pushed open until a few days after outsiders entered.

The first four slaughters, which were getting bigger and bigger, and more and more participants, almost consumed the number of goblins in [Concerto Forest].

And together with the various resources in the ruins, they were also raided.

Under this kind of cleaning, only a few monsters with superb running ability and skills are still alive.

When the ruins opened for the fifth time, people finally focused their attention on the temple.

They gathered more manpower and material resources and wanted to break through the temple in the forest in one fell swoop.

However, as far as Wen Feng knew, none of the people who entered the ruins for the fifth time came out.

They should have endured the endless anger of the Fairy Queen.

Wen Feng walked in the [Concerto Forest], and based on his memory and feelings, he walked to the magnificent forest temple.

The door of the temple is still quietly closed.

Wen Feng walked straight forward, UU reading began to push the door.

After he pushed through a gap with difficulty, Shimen did not open directly from the inside to the outside like the last time.

So Wen Feng continued to exert force until he pushed the stone gate open enough for people to pass through.

Now he can see the situation inside the temple.

In the huge temple, spheres of light of various colors float up and down. Outside of the first time, Wen Feng saw a huge closed bud.

The bud is like a giant egg, in which I don\'t know what is conceiving.

And in front of the flower, there was a girl with long silver-white hair, holding a heavy ebony staff in her hand.

The figure of this girl is no different from that of the fairy queen.

However, she does not have wings on her back, so she looks more like a human being.
