Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 44: Bud and shamrock

In the afternoon of the third day.

The two of Dorn explored a deep water pool with floating bubbles, and after passing through a dense deciduous forest, they finally found the [Concert Forest] shrine that grew among several jagged trees.

At present, this dungeon is about to explore seven or eight, and there is nothing surprising to find the temple at this time.

Rather, it would be surprising if there was no temple at this time.

[The Concerto Forest] The temple is very magnificent.

The surface is covered with some lush wall-climbing plants, resulting in the original rock wall being lush.

And the tall trees around and growing on it also live in harmony with this extraordinary building, as if they were part of the original temple.

From the appearance of the entire [Concerto Forest] temple, there is only one key word—coordination!

Its existence is really in harmony with this fantasy fairy tale forest, like a mansion where the fairy in the forest and the lord of the forest live.

On the periphery of the temple, there are also huge stone pillars that can\'t be contained by a few adults.

This kind of stone pillar seems to be the standard configuration of the boss room in the dungeon.

Without it, there would be no smell.

Dorn and Vivian watched the temple from a distance.

"Dorn, this is what you said, should we find the temple?"

"Hmm... Seeing the temple, do you remember anything?"

"Well—" Miss Fairy nodded, and then looked serious, "I seem to have lived in this building for a long time. I feel that if I go inside, I might be able to remember what I was like before."

Hearing this, Dorn hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Then let\'s go in."

The main purpose of this trip to [Concerto Forest] is to completely lift the curse of the relics for Vivian and break the barrier between her and the real world.

By the way, I learned about her real life experience.

Since I have explored the ruins for so long, there are no critical gains.

So the results and answers they both wanted, 80% of them were in the temple.

"I hope that the hints given by the system won\'t be wrong, the original God is on." Learning from the locals in the land of miracles, Donne prayed to the righteous **** in his heart.

After passing through the thick vines growing in the forest, or standing or falling stone pillars, the two of Dorn came to the temple.

It is not the same as the boss room encountered in the past.

[Concert Forest] The stone gate of the temple is not closed, but open.

Between the two stone gates, you can see vines growing, blocking the passage.

Obviously, this door has not been closed for a long, long time.

"After the king of the fairies left, everything was silent here."

Don\'t scratched this copy of the brief in his mind for no reason. After taking more precautions and caution in his heart, he walked to the stone gate.

Using the abilities of [Flame Technique] and [Fire Element Affinity], a strong flame is generated out of thin air, directly igniting the plant vines at the passage.

The flame rose, but it was only confined between the stone gates, and a single spark did not spread to the side.

When the burning sound and heat wave ceased, the vines that had blocked the entrance had been burnt, and the ground was covered with ashes with residual warmth.

And the situation inside this temple can finally be spied on.

Inside the temple, you can also see the vines all over the walls, growing very lush. Deeper, you can see a quiet pool.

There are countless bright **** of light floating in the inner space of the temple, providing a very dreamy light source.

After the two of Dorn looked at each other, they nodded to each other and entered carefully in a fighting posture.

The interior space of the temple is very large.

Vivienne dragged the heavy ebony staff and followed Donn step by step. The two hadn\'t found anything too valuable for the time being.

After a few steps out, Vivian suddenly heard a very clear voice.


It seemed that someone was yelling at her in an extremely angry voice.


Miss Fairy squeezed the staff slightly subconsciously.

Dorne at the side was keenly aware of her strangeness. As a qualified adventurous companion, he immediately asked: "What\'s the matter?"

"Dorn, did you hear any sound?" Vivian whispered softly and looked around at the same time.


Dorn held his breath slightly and turned his head to listen, but he heard nothing. The whole temple was silent.

Vivienne was about to explain.

At this time, the voice just sounded again:

"You didn\'t protect them. When they cried, you can\'t do anything when they bleed, you are useless! Sinner, sinner, sinner!"

"You left here! You damn, damn, damn!"

This time the voice spoke longer, giving Vivian more time to distinguish.

She found that this hateful voice could only feel emotions, but could not hear the tone and timbre, could not hear the gender of the speaker, and could not find out who this person was.

This voice seemed to sound from her mind.

It\'s like her silent reading voice.

It is clearly audible to her, but in fact it does not exist.

No wonder Vivian couldn\'t find the owner of this voice.

Ordinary people read silently in their minds, whose voice should be used?

Maybe it\'s his own, maybe no one\'s.

But this voice, if one day yells emotionally at himself, it will still feel terrible.

"Dorn, that voice just now..."

Vivian held the staff tighter and was ready to fight and wield the staff at any time, and at the same time told Dorn around her about what she had discovered.

She has nothing to hide from Dorn.

"The voice in my head is talking to you? Say you are a betrayer?"

After hearing Miss Fairy\'s words, Dorn couldn\'t figure out what this sudden situation meant for the time being.

He could only take a picture of "Alice\'s Bedtime Story" in his arms, and silently communicated with the dragon lady in the story world: "If something goes wrong in a while, please put Vivienne in the book first. ."

After that, the two remained vigilant in the fighting state for a while, but nothing happened.

Even the voice in Vivian\'s mind stopped.

Therefore, the two can only decide to explore the temple first, and then make other plans.

The process of exploring the temple is relatively smooth.

Like the forest outside, this area originally existed as a boss room without any monsters.

In the huge temple, the two of them only found two things worthy of attention.

The first is a huge flower bud growing in a cluster of intricate vine branches.

In the entire temple, there is only one flower in UU Reading

The petals are light blue, closed together, like a huge egg, which makes people feel like something is gestating inside.

The second one is almost a whole tree trunk of shamrock.

This plant has burnt traces, and most of the trunk is charred, among which there are black, gray, red and yellow.

"When the shamwood burns, people who light the wood will see beautiful pictures or memories. After this wood is burned, it will be red or yellow. I don\'t remember that they will turn black or gray." Vivian Introduce like this.

After all, it is a magical wood with special functions that exists in the ruins, and the state after being lit cannot be judged by common sense.

It sounds like the red and yellow are what the bismuth should look like after it is burned, but the black-gray charring is abnormal.

"Well-besides, I think this section of the sabbath tree can still be ignited." Miss Fairy continued.
