Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 43: New skill [Jumping White Mist]

Chapter 400 New Skill [Jumping White Mist]

A meal is not too healthy, but after eating a very delicious supper, Alice and Vivian are both satisfied.

Dorn and the two of them exchanged activities in the restaurant for a while, and then each went back to rest in the room where they lived recently.

On the second floor of the old castle in the heart of the lake, there is a bedroom belonging to Donne. Many of the furniture in it are newly purchased.

These new furniture have brought a little bit of life to this originally gloomy castle room.

Dorn sat down on his favorite soft velvet bench, and then opened his system panel.

Just when I was eating downstairs, there was a system prompt about [Predator] and [Synchronous Stomach Bag] being triggered, but he didn\'t take a closer look at that time.

"Let’s take a look, let’s take a look. [Predator]’s income is not too high, only 3 points of mental power. Um... Bai Mist is not a powerful monster, its magic power is not very full, and this attribute point benefits also It\'s understandable."

Dorn talked to himself while operating.

Then, he set his sights on the new skills obtained by eating SSS Assorted Ice Cream.

When I just got this new skill in the restaurant, the system prompt was like this—

System prompt: [Synchronous Stomach Bag] is triggered and the skill [White Mist Lv0] is obtained.

System reminder: Because of the dishes of the [White Mist] skill, the rating breaks through the SSS level, [White Mist lv0] → [Jump White Mist (not upgradeable)], the skill effect will be permanently strengthened!

"I remember that the system prompts a reminder just now, because the dishes have broken through the SSS level, which led to the enhancement of the effect of the newly acquired skills."

Dorn began to research this new skill.

[White Mist Jump (not upgradeable)]: Summon white mist with the ability to jump. By crossing the white mist, you can reach any place you want in a short time.

In addition to the introduction of the skill, there is a line of small-print comments below.

indicates the difference between the upgraded effect of [White Fog] and the original [White Fog].

It can be seen that the system panel is still relatively user-friendly, and the specific strengths of the enhanced version of the skills are also explained.

Dorn studied the notes roughly, and concluded that there are roughly two effects of the upgrade—

First of all, the spatial ability of the original [White Mist] is [Shuttle].

After passing through the white fog, you can choose an approximate landing point at any location within a radius of ten kilometers.

But after the upgrade, the [Yueqiang White Mist] is more powerful, and its [Yueqiang] effect has no distance limit!

White fog, go wherever you want!

However, 【Yueqiang White Mist】is not perfect. There are still some negligible shortcomings.

For example, the farther the drop point is, the longer it will take to traverse the white fog.

In addition, the farther the distance is, it is like the distance of a one-time jump of more than four to five hundred kilometers, and the accuracy of the landing position will appear to be a certain deviation.

"So, if you want to accurately land at the destination you want to go, you\'d better use this ability in stages for long-distance jumps." While reading the notes, Donne touched his chin to think.

In addition to the huge gap in the distance across the space, the other difference between the original version of [White Mist] and the upgraded version of [Yueqiang White Mist] is—

[White Mist] can\'t take people to shuttle, but [Jumping White Mist] can.

Whether it is a two-person trip, a three-person trip, or even a five-person trip, it can be done. As long as the fellow teammates do not fall into the team while following the skill user through the white fog, there will be no problems.

In general, this [Yueqiang White Mist] skill is better than the original [White Mist] skill, it is not a little bit stronger!

"Similar to what I had previously speculated, the skills acquired by eating SSS-level dishes will really be greatly enhanced!" Don\'s spirit was lifted.

The last skill he obtained in this way was the 【砥砥砥】of the Bulls of Crete.

Once a month, you can resurrect in situ with excess blood after being killed. Perhaps it\'s because the skill itself is outrageously strong.

So, the effect of SSS dishes increase is to give a chance to upgrade.

And the [White Mist] I got this time, there is a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, with the increase of SSS dishes, the skill effect is directly improved.

"These ten thousand points [cooking power] are not spent injustice!"

"It seems that if you encounter any SS-level ingredients in the future, spending 10,000 points [cooking power] to upgrade the dish level to SSS level is a steady profit."

"[Cooking Force] is awesome!"

Dorn lying on the plush couch in the bedroom, twisted happily like a baby maggot.


After a nap.

Dorn and Vivian once again come out of the story world, continue to explore the [Concert Forest], and find the temple here by the way.

This is already the third day for the two to explore the ruins.

Through the various scenery and vegetation that Miss Fairy saw during the period, she has recalled many lost memories in the past.

She can now be sure that she has lived in this fairy-tale forest for a long, long time.

But it is a pity that the memories Vivian recalled are all fragments and bits of past life experiences, and few are directly related to her own identity.

"Before, there were groups of fairies living here."

"Their bodies are only the size of a palm, with transparent wings, and they are all beautiful girls."

"The fairies are only wrapped in fresh leaves and flowers. They will dance here, laughing and chasing the light **** floating in the air, and collecting various fruits to fill their stomachs. Then I—um...I..."

"I just remember those fairies don\'t like to play with me, and I rarely see them... Hey? I used to be a hated person, right?"

While resting for a short time under a huge, glowing deciduous tree, Miss Fairy seemed to think of some memories related to this place again.

So he didn\'t hide it at all, and told Donne to know everything.

Speaking of the last, because in my memory, I rarely play with the fairies here, and it seems a little out of gregariousness.

Vivian’s final tone was wronged.

"Vivian is so cute, it\'s impossible to be hated by others." Don just smiled at her.

He thought differently from Vivian. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

In the introduction of the copy given by the system, there is a mention of the words [King of Fairies].

If Vivian is really the king here, then there are no fairies who dare to play with you!

You are their superior!

Besides this lighter thought, Donne currently has some other worries and doubts.

is still about this copy.

This [Concert Forest] has lush vegetation and full of vitality. But to some extent, it makes people feel lifeless.

It is rare to see animals in the forest.

Even, I have been exploring for almost three days, and the only living monster I saw was the white mist that had been kept in captivity in the story world.

In addition, there are the fairies who have appeared in the introduction of the dungeon and Vivian’s memories. So far, no trace of their activities have been seen in this forest.

"I don\'t know if I think too much, but it always feels like something is going to happen, or something big happened here?"

(End of this chapter)