Start Evolutionary Upgrade From Wild Monster

Chapter 185

The blood devil invaded for 11 hours! There are 23 million Chinese players still fighting.

Some newly launched players have timely supplemented the army of Chinese players.

The wild monster army is also constantly replenishing. At present, the two sides are still fighting to the death.

But now people are most concerned about the fight between the monkey and the blood devil.

He has been watching on the wall for an hour, but his eyebrows have never been loosened.

"That monkey... Is definitely not a wild monster!"

The heads of several guilds around me also have this feeling, "I also think that if wild monsters have this operation, we\'ll play a hairy game."

"He has been consuming the blood of the blood devil. So far, he has been attacked by the blood devil less than 10 times! And the blood devil\'s skills haven\'t hit him once!"

In more than an hour, it was only attacked 10 times, which was incredible.

The blood devil\'s general attack has range damage, but there is no combo attack, so 10 attacks do not pose a threat to the monkey at all.

Using the monkey\'s fight to recover blood, the blood therapy effect can slowly recover from 10 times of damage.

"Is it nameless or crazy?" someone suddenly asked.

"This wild monster is nameless or crazy God... It\'s too difficult to understand, but... Crazy God, I don\'t know, but nameless attacks are also poisonous, and they all have a chasm."

Years without withering slightly narrowed his eyes, "it\'s hard to say. The nameless skills should all come from the boss and equipment, and the equipment is also lost by the boss, so it\'s not surprising that his skills are similar to a boss."

"The monkey moved quickly again. I can understand the chasm, but why did the monkey attack with poison?"

Years without Kui shook his head, "I also know that after level 30, the nine professions will usher in the second profession refinement. Pharmacists can be transferred to poison masters, and the level of wild monsters is also high. It\'s normal for them to attack with poison."

"I\'ve played games for more than 20 years and brought many teams. At least I\'ve never met a situation where players can play wild monsters. Is there such a bug that heaven doesn\'t have a title?"

"Maybe it\'s a nine day hidden career?"

"Hide career?" the years are not dry, and his brow is tight. "Maybe, but now we can\'t be sure. At least fortunately, whether the monkey is nameless or crazy, at least he\'s fighting a blood devil!"

In one hour, the blood devil invasion will be over. As long as they can resist the attack, Chinese players will not only keep the main city of Xianshan, but also usher in 48 hours of double experience and drop.

As for the fairy mountain beast, people are not sure whether it will be reborn, but as long as it doesn\'t make a blood demon invasion, the problem is not big.

Forty minutes later, the blood devil\'s blood volume had been ground to less than 100000 by Lu Chen.

Five minutes later, Lu Chen separated, added the fierce tiger down the mountain, roared and launched the last attack on the blood devil!

5W + damage, finally put down the monster!

"No, it\'s impossible!" the blood devil wailed before he died.

[kill the moon worshiping blood Demon (secret map boss), capture 4 million heaven and earth auras, obtain ancient heart * 3 and ancient fragments * 3]

Lu Chen stared with excitement, "ancient materials! NIMA, finally lost ancient materials!"

As a non soul boss, the blood devil also dropped a lot of equipment!

[Ding, obtain the item "flame sword" (lv35 orange) (unique), the item "demon wing" (purple wing), the item "demon heart" (lv40 purple material), the item "blood demon amulet" (lv40 purple), and the item "blood skeleton summoning skill" (LV5 spirit master skill) , obtain item ancient heart * 2, obtain item ancient fragment * 3...]

"Hmm? How many more ancient materials have been lost?"

Lu Chen thought for a moment and probably figured out the reason.

The first ancient material is that only he can kill it. Just like those evolutionary materials, other players can\'t kill monsters.

But the second distant material is dropped along with the equipment. This item may be useful for other classes. It can be regarded as a normal drop.

In addition to these equipment, the blood demon also dropped some level 40 materials and a lot of things into Lu Chen\'s backpack.

[congratulations on killing the boss Baiyue blood demon and obtaining 20000 boss points.]

"Oh! Sure enough, there are boss points!" Lu Chen immediately opened the activity ranking list.

Previously, he had no points at all. Now "only I am crazy" has occupied the first place in the list!

With this number of points, other players can\'t surpass him in one day.

"Hmm?" Lu Chen blinked and suddenly thought of a question.

His ID appears on the list!

"I went and forgot to hide my ID..." Lu Chen thought about it and then shook his head. "Forget it, I\'ve been playing this number for so long. If Tianxing wants to seal it, it\'s already sealed. Players know it."

"They didn\'t see me as I was anyway."

Once the blood devil dies, the blood therapy effect on the wild monster disappears, and the blood poison effect on the player disappears.

The active boss refreshed in the distance will no longer be assimilated.

Lu Chen looked back at the main city of Xianshan. The players were exhausted one by one, still biting their teeth and struggling to resist the wild monster army, but it seemed that it would be no problem to stick to it for more than ten minutes.

"OK, the goal has been achieved, and I should go."

After that, Lu Chen jumped onto a big tree around him. He took off and fell between several trees and was far away.

However, the major live broadcasting rooms have exploded at the moment.

The focus of people\'s discussion is not the invasion of blood demons, but all on that ID!

"So... That monkey is... A lunatic?! how could it be? And he killed all the two super bosses alone? What ghost, which side is he on?"

"Is it strange? To be honest, if I want to have this strength, both bosses will be killed. I can rush the activity ranking and lose my equipment, as long as I finally ensure that Xianshan will not be destroyed."

"Is monkey a hidden occupation for nine days? Is there a hidden occupation for nine days? Is there a big bird?"

"I haven\'t heard of the hidden profession, and there seems to be no foreign service. Did the crazy god get the illusion skill? Nine days have the skill of separation, and there should also be the skill of illusion."

"You can\'t say with such certainty that there are no hidden occupations. After all, you won\'t say it to everyone if you take your own hidden occupations. Maybe there are several hidden occupations in a national service, but they haven\'t been shown."

"Brother nameless may also be a hidden profession. He has many similarities with crazy God skills."

"Their two levels are similar. If they are similar, it is normal to have similar skills. Just like many people have the skills of wind and night devil after the three pieces of tiger king."

"Can the nameless be the mad God?"

"It doesn\'t feel like it. The two people are a little different in character. Brother nameless will pick a Korean suit for the national clothes. If he is crazy, he feels both right and evil... He killed both the white tiger and the blood devil for equipment, which can be seen."

"Well, I also think that brother nameless is very low-key, but crazy God doesn\'t hide his ID every time. In the past, he used to sell things with his own number, and then he created a copy or something. I didn\'t see him hide his identity."

"Have you forgotten? Last time when nobody broke into the twin towers, the crazy God saw him break into the towers. How could it be a person."

"But don\'t you think it\'s strange that brother nameless hasn\'t appeared in such a big event?"

"Maybe someone else has something to do?"

"Isn\'t anyone surprised that the strength of crazy God has been so rebellious that he has directly worked as two world bosses?"

Players have been extremely curious about the crazy God, and various discussion posts have appeared on the forum. For a moment, people have forgotten that the Chinese clothes survived the blood demon invasion.


The discussion among players is in full swing, and all kinds of brain holes emerge one after another.

But Lu Chen doesn\'t care at all. He has a pile of good things in his backpack waiting for him to count!