Start Evolutionary Upgrade From Wild Monster

Chapter 184

Aurora white tiger and blood demon are two super bosses. Now the hatred value has been transferred to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen wants to apologize to the blood devil. Brother, I was forced

A group of players have been completely confused.

"What happened? The three bosses fought by themselves? How did the monkey fight the blood devil?"

"Can wild monsters of different species attack each other? But other wild monsters don\'t have this situation."

"I said the monkey was a psycho..."

If no one would have thought that in nine days, a player would play as a wild monster, it is estimated that someone would guess something.

This can\'t blame the players for being stupid. In any game, they suddenly find a wild monster with strange behavior. Normal players will never think that the wild monster is a player. They will only think that it may be a bug or even a small surprise designed deliberately.

But for Lu Chen, being targeted by two bosses is not a good thing. Now the situation is a little bad.

Looking at the two giants, Lu Chen swallowed his saliva when he showed that he was going to swallow himself raw.

Now Lu Chen can\'t be invisible, otherwise his hatred value will disappear, and the blood demon will be white tiger for another second.

Lu Chen thought, "take them for a run and let the white tiger\'s blood volume return to more than 100000."

"You can also get rid of those pharmacists."

Move quickly!

The two super bosses were eager to catch up. The boss moved on the battlefield. The originally stable battlefield suddenly became chaotic.

"Brothers, * * this moon worshipper!"

"Human beings, your time of death has come!"

A wave of players are besieging two month worshippers. Suddenly, a blood ring swings open and all human players are killed

It\'s not easy for the wild monster. Tianyan column keeps breaking out around the white tiger. The wild monster who doesn\'t know the truth is killed by Tianyan column without warning

The two bosses moved so fast that Lu Chen had to use them frequently to move rapidly and shuttle back and forth in the battlefield.

In this way, human players and the army of wild monsters will suffer completely.

"Shit, boss, how can he run everywhere."

"It\'s raining blood again. It\'s over..."

"What happened? How did so many players die?"

The boss was out of control. In an instant, there were corpses everywhere in front of the main city of Xianshan.

The blood devil invaded for 9 hours and 45 minutes, and there are only 27 million players online!

After running for more than ten minutes, the white tiger returned blood by itself. In the blood poison state, it can still recover the blood volume. The blood volume is back to 120000!

The blood devil side has a blood therapy effect. The blood volume has risen very fast and has slowly returned to 3.5 million blood volume.

Lu Chen looked almost and asked Xiaomin to start stealth.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chen became invisible, the primary goal of the blood devil returned to the white tiger.

It raised the flame sword. After two seconds of preparation, it cut at the white tiger with a sword.

10W damage! The white tiger\'s blood volume was instantly black.

"It\'s now!" Lu chenmu\'s canthus were about to crack, "crack the gully!"

Go down with a stick and knock out the blood devil and the white tiger at the same time.

Split up, tiger down the mountain!

-622, - 1580 (poisoning), - 1580 (poisoning)... Section 18 damage!

Separate and contribute damage at the same time! 18 damage!

Only the white tiger with a blood volume of more than 20000 was left. He was no longer able to resist the attack, and his huge snow-white body fell to the ground.

[kill the remnant spirit of Aurora white tiger (Guardian beast of fairy mountain), capture 3 million heaven and earth aura, obtain 5 pieces of level 8 talent and 5 quality points of 8 stars]

[Ding, get the item "Aurora white tiger Summoning Stone" (optional), get level 3 Lingyuan core * 1, get Lingyuan fragment * 40, get a julingdan * 5, and get the magic weapon "Tianyan pillar" (purple)]

Lu Chen was stunned.

He succeeded! He robbed the head of the white tiger from the blood devil!

Drop the summon stone! This thing can summon the remnant spirit of the aurora white tiger or change the cub of the aurora white tiger.

His ultimate beast task was finally completed.

What the white tiger dropped also shocked Lu Chen.

8-star material, one can exchange 10 million reputation! Lost 10 in one breath, all in exchange for reputation, that\'s 100 million!

Originally, the wild monsters of this kind of soul can hardly lose their equipment, whether they are spirit or Serapis, but the white tiger remnant spirit has lost a purple magic weapon?! Lu Chen hasn\'t seen a magic weapon yet!

What else is the spiritual core? I don\'t know what it is.

After 9 hours of waiting, accurate judgment in the final stage and several thrilling decisions, they finally got their due return!

"I\'m so hard..." Lu Chen excitedly accepted the falling items of white tiger.

But now is not the time to be happy. There is a big guy waiting for him behind him.

3 million + blood demons!

The blood devil was too strong, but Lu Chen wanted to kill this guy.

Lu Chen wants white tiger cubs, not to break the main city of Xianshan.

If Xianshan can not be broken, it is the best. Although in the long run, the level 10 main city is about to withdraw from the stage, after all, now Chinese players still point to the level 10 main city to supply and learn skills.

The fall of the white tiger has become so abnormal. The blood demon is stronger than the white tiger, and it is not a soul state. Maybe what God costume can be lost!

What\'s more, Lu Chen didn\'t get boss points after killing the white tiger during the nine day and 50 day celebration. Maybe the white tiger is not included in the scope of this celebration.

But! This blood devil is definitely the boss. Its boss score must be very high.

That guy\'s blood volume is only one-fifth. If you don\'t kill him now, when will it be.

Lu Chen had observed the battle of the blood devil before and knew its moves like the back of his hand. It was very clear whether each action was an ordinary attack or launching a skill.

Hold two rapid movements, two control skills, one stealth, one 80% blood return, one separation, and blood therapy effect. Lu Chen thinks he can have a try!

"3 million blood. My poison is much stronger than its blood therapy. The attack takes blood... Then I won\'t let you hit it!"

Hu Xiao starts, Lu Chen hits it well, moves quickly and opens the distance!

"Roar!" the blood devil was furious, but Lu Chen played the effect of gathering souls to seal the pulse again. He was silent, accelerated and slowed down, couldn\'t catch up, and couldn\'t hit the skill!

Poison damage continuously floats from the blood devil\'s head. The two poisons work together to cause 3000 + damage at a time.

Chasm! Lu Chen launches skills, hits damage and stuns blood demons!

Lu Chen quickly approached, another wave of fierce tigers came down the mountain, 18 sections of damage, 30000 + damage, and refreshed the poisoning time of two poisons and the pulse sealing time of gathering spirit at the same time.

Gathering souls to seal the pulse is really easy to use. Although there is only a 10% chance, the trigger probability is greatly improved under Lu Chen\'s multi-stage damage. It often triggers continuously.

Of course, in addition to the boss accident, there is almost no one who can support Lu Chen\'s continuous attack, so the advantage of gathering spirit to seal the pulse is the most obvious when playing the boss.

After several rounds, Lu Chen was not hit once and consumed 200000 blood of the blood devil.

Lu Chen also played slowly. He always ensured that he still had at least one skill in his hand.

Split the earth gap, the monkey king goes against the blood, moves rapidly, becomes invisible, separates, and switches in turn

This is definitely a protracted war!