Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 902

Under the suppression of the five and sixth-level beings in the Lingyu Realm, the sky in the Cangsheng Realm is constantly falling.

At this time, if one looks up at the sky from the inside of the plane world, one can feel the heavy sky, and even ordinary people will feel a kind of depression for no reason, like the end of the world.

What\'s more, in the process of the sky sinking, it was torn apart from time to time, and the light of Lingyu warriors flew across the sky of Cangsheng Realm like meteors, descending in different directions of the major states, or directly attacking the various regions. The bases of large and small forces destroy their spiritual lands, mysterious worlds, and even the secret realm of the blessed land, causing turmoil and loss of the origin of the world in the Sea of ​​Origin, plundering all resources that can be seen, and hindering the sublimation and qualitative changes of this world.

However, it is not only ordinary people in Cangsheng Realm who feel that the building is about to fall. At this time, on the sky of the dome, when the nine-story tower symbolizing the gods and caves is destroyed, most of the Cangsheng Realm At this moment, a trace of despair appeared in the bottom of the hearts of all the warriors.

Could it be that even the sixth-order real person who is the god of the cave can\'t stop it?

You must know that the reason why the sixth-level existence of the Cangsheng Realm can compete with the same-level warriors in the Lingyu Realm who are obviously superior in cultivation is nothing more than the blessing of the original will of the world, as well as the strength of each family\'s Dongtian Secret Realm. support.

Now that the god capital Dongtian has been injured, although the support of Dongtian\'s power to the real Li Jidao has not been completely wiped out, there is no doubt that his own combat power has been affected.

What\'s more, since the opponent was able to injure the nine-story tower once in the process of fighting with real Li Jidao, then naturally he could injure the second time!

The situation seemed to take a turn for the worse at this instant!

If the breach of the blessed land secrets of Modu Gate and Zhenyang Gate may affect the progress of Cangsheng Realm\'s promotion to a certain extent, but it will not hinder the general trend, then if a Cave Heaven Secret Realm is breached, then Cangsheng Realm If the qualitative change in the world is really delayed, it may even be declared a failure!

Even though Shendu Dongtian did not experience the kind of continuous destructive attacks that everyone worried about until it completely collapsed after being attacked once, the real person Li Jidao of Shendu was still doing his best to fight against the masters of Wuxu Realm in Cangming Island Zhao Wuhen, but no one has the confidence for how long he can persist.

It has only been a short time since the nine-story tower of Shendu Dongtian was destroyed, but the ascended fighters on the sky of the sky seem to be waiting for the final verdict, and every moment is a kind of torment .

However, at this moment, the hoarse, old and deeply tired voice of Zhang Xuansheng, the real person from Beihai, suddenly sounded from the sky above the dome, and even reached the ears of every warrior: "Kou Chongxue, Zhenyang blessed land has been destroyed Break through, if you don’t sacrifice it to the sky at this time, what are you waiting for? Waiting for the entire Cangsheng Realm to fall?”

This sudden shout stunned everyone above the sky, and the warriors of the major forces in the Cangsheng Realm couldn\'t even care about the despair just now.

"Sacrificing to heaven? What do you mean? Is this what you want to do with the entire town of Zhenyang?"

"Blood sacrifice? Is there such a method?"

"Isn\'t Zhenyangmen going to be completely finished?"

"If the promotion of Cangsheng Realm can be preserved because of this..."

No one is a fool, the high-ranking fighters above the sky of the dome have deduced many results and possibilities almost in an instant.

Shang Xia even communicated silently with the eyes of the three deputy mountain chiefs. They seemed to have found the reason why the promotion of Cangsheng Realm had not been affected after the fall of Modumen. What if after Modumen was breached, their blessed land secret realm had been "sacrificed to heaven" in time?

As for "sacrificing to heaven", in the understanding of Shang Xia and others, it should be to forcibly integrate the origin of the entire blessed land secret realm into the original sea of ​​Cangsheng Realm, so as to accelerate the transformation of Cangsheng Realm, so as to get rid of the will of the world. Get more favors and gifts from the source, or borrow more powerful power.

And this seems to explain why Zhang Xuansheng, the real person from Beihai, suddenly reached the second level of the sixth order at a critical moment, and even managed to face the ancestor Chongxu of Fukong Mountain and Jiang Guannan of Jinxiu Tiangong with one enemy two The two warriors of the same level have been able to persist until now.

You must know that before this, the people in Cangsheng Realm were most worried not about Li Jidao of Shendu and Yang Taihe of Weiyang, but Liu Jingsheng of Yuanchen and Zhang Xuansheng of Beihai.

The former has just advanced to the sixth level of heaven, and he is facing Dugu Yuanshan, the strongest among the five Wuxu Realm masters who came from the Lingyu world, while the latter will be besieged by Chongxu and Jiang Guannan.

However, no one expected that the first person to lose the chain would be Li Jidao, the true God of God who thought it was the least likely to go wrong.

"Kou Chongxue, give up a Zhenyang Gate, give up a Zhenyang Fudi, and protect Cangsheng Realm to complete its transformation, which is more important? Don\'t ask for the kindness of women!" Zhang Xuansheng urged again.

At this time, the Zhenyang Gate may have been breached by foreign warriors and broke the secret realm of the blessed land, but it does not mean that the Zhenyang Gate has given up resistance.

In fact, there are still high-ranking martial artists from Zhenyangmen on the dome of Xuzhou at this time.

However, Zhang Xuansheng\'s words were obviously at the expense of the entire Zhenyangmen, and such naked announcements clearly made up his mind to give up the entire Zhenyangmen, and he didn\'t even mind letting the surviving Zhenyangmen Warrior heard.

There was no movement in the sky over Jiaozhou for a long time, Kou Chongxue was still fighting a guerrilla above the sky, assisting Liu Jingsheng to fight against Dugu Yuanshan.

It wasn\'t that Kou Chongxue ignored Zhang Xuansheng\'s proposal on purpose, or it was because of the benevolence of a woman, but because not long ago, Dugu Yuanshan, who seemed a little casual and even a bit cautious in the confrontation with the two of them, suddenly seemed to be It was like a different person, becoming unusually heavy and solemn.

Although Dugu Yuanshan seems to be more absent-minded than before, both Liu Jingsheng and Kou Chongxue can feel that the person in front of him seems to be determining something, and as time goes by, that uncertainty seems to be disappearing, and The ferocious aura in his whole body is rising sharply, like a volcano that may erupt at any time.

Under such circumstances, whether it is Liu Jingsheng or Kou Chongxue, they can probably guess that something that may directly affect the sixth-level existence in front of them has happened, and it is very likely that it will have a great negative impact on it. This made both of them filled with deep uneasiness.

It is almost conceivable that once Dugu Yuanshan completely erupts the continuous fierceness in his chest because of something, the other party will no longer care about the star tree on the observatory behind Liu Jingsheng, then Liu Jingsheng and Kou Chongxue will face each other directly. Furious and unreserved Dugu Yuanshan.

If Kou Chongxue dared to take a step away without permission at this time, then maybe Liu Jingsheng would not be blown up next. I am afraid that the entire Jiaozhou would be smashed, and half of the sky in Cangsheng Realm would be torn apart. The sea of ​​origin will be pierced through, which will directly cause the promotion of the plane world that is about to complete the transformation to fail completely! Therefore, Kou Chongxue didn\'t dare to move, and Liu Jingsheng didn\'t dare to let Kou Chongxue take half a step away!

"Dead, alas, the heir that I have cultivated with painstaking efforts for many years, unexpectedly died like this! If that\'s the case, don\'t worry about this star tree, you can just bury it with my great-great-great-grandson!"

Endless anger and madness gradually rose from the deep sigh, the dark cold light around Dugu Yuan Mountain suddenly expanded, and a dark mountain peak flew out of it, as if covering the entire Jiaozhou in an instant The sky of chaos.

A divine weapon, that cold and gloomy mountain must be a divine weapon!

Both Liu Jingsheng and Kou Chongxue can be sure of one thing. If this mountain peak breaks through the sky and falls into the territory of Jiaozhou without stopping it, I am afraid that the entire Jiaozhou will be smashed to pieces by this blow!

This is a majestic crushing situation. At this moment, the cultivation base and combat power of the third level of Wuxu Realm are finally displayed to everyone. Liu Jingsheng and Kou Chongxue cannot avoid it, so they can only face it head-on.

Zhang Xuansheng called Kou Chongxue twice in a row but could not respond. First, he yelled "Zhuzi is not enough and tricky", and then he seemed to have noticed the change in the situation over Jiaozhou, so he stopped talking, but concentrated on resisting Chongxu, Jiang Guannan and two sixth-order beings came to attack.

However, just when everyone was worried, huge void fluctuations suddenly erupted above the Xuzhou sky in the southeast direction, and the immeasurable origin of heaven and earth suddenly disappeared in everyone\'s senses before it could be vented.

Zhenyang Blessed Land is completely over!

In an instant, such a thought appeared in the hearts of almost all high-level warriors.

However, there are only many fifth-level masters who are wondering, where is the origin of the huge amount of heaven and earth accumulated in Zhenyang blessed land?

The feeling of disappearing suddenly, as if being swallowed by some existence.

Could it be...

This idea just flashed in the hearts of some fifth-level masters, and almost all the warriors in the Ascendant Realm felt that the whole world had a new look at this moment.

At this moment, the transformation process that had become slow in Cangsheng Realm not only fully recovered, but even advanced a lot.

Not only that, but the highest floor of the nine-story tower in Yongzhou\'s capital of gods, the cave, was originally destroyed, but at this time it was gradually restored due to the return of the massive source of heaven and earth, even though it was only a layer of phantom. However, it can be seen that Li Jidao\'s originally weakened combat power has been restored.

"what happened?"

Although Shang Bo and Ji Wenlong had vaguely guessed, their sensory perception obviously couldn\'t be compared with Shang Xia\'s.

Shang Xia said in a deep voice: "People from the Shendu Sect sacrificed the birth of Zhenyang Cave to the origin of the world of Cangsheng Realm."

Ji Wenlong quickly asked: "Who, who did it?"

Shang Xia\'s expression turned ugly, but he still replied, "It\'s Jiudu!"

The expressions of Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo looked a little complicated, but in fact they were more or less relieved, it would have been better if Kou Chongxue hadn\'t done it!

Jiudu, the top fifth-level master of the Shendu Sect, brought several fifth-level masters of the Shendu Sect to launch a surprise attack from the sky when the warriors of Zhenyangmen were fighting to the death with the Lingyu warriors in the blessed land. Captured the entrance and exit of Zhenyang Blessed Land on the sky screen, and then directly sacrificed the entire Blessed Land Secret Realm in some way, together with the Zhenyangmen warriors who were making the last resistance in the Blessed Land Secret Boundary, and many masters of the Lingyu world!