Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 901

Shang Xia looked at the colorful token in his hand, then looked at the direction where the "Purple Clothes Fairy" Lian Ziyi left, looked at Huang Yu beside him speechlessly, and said, "What is this guy doing here?"

Huang Yu pondered: "It may be related to your way of cultivation."

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, and said, "How should I say it?"

Huang Yu shook his head and said, "Since you have left a token, if you are interested in the future, you might as well ask yourself."

Seeing that Huang Yu didn\'t talk much, Shang Xia changed the topic and said, "Will she see your identity as a flaw in the future?"

Huang Yu pondered for a moment, a little unconfident flashed in his eyes, but finally shook his head and said, "No."

This "no" may be the reason why the other party can\'t detect his changed identity at all, or it may be that the other party has noticed it but won\'t say it, and Shang Xia always feels that the latter is more likely.

Shang Xia thought for a while and said with a smile: "The water in Lingyu Realm also looks very deep."

Huang Yu took it for granted, "That\'s not unexpected."

While speaking, the two had already returned to Tongyou City.

Although the main force of the Tongyou Academy was used to resist the invasion of the masters of the Lingyu world on the sky, they still left a few fourth-tier warriors in Tongyou City, and some third-tier warriors trained by the academy. , to control the guardian formation together to prevent anyone from taking advantage of it.

Shang Xia could go out of Tongyou City quietly before, but now it is not so easy to get in, even if he thinks that he may not be able to do it.

After going through the necessary screening process, Shang Xia brought Huang Yu straight to the academy, and then introduced him to several fourth-tier warriors sitting in the town, asking them to cooperate with Huang Yu in guarding Tongyou City.

Although the fourth-tier warriors who stayed behind at the academy had doubts about Huang Yu\'s identity, they trusted Shang Xia. Moreover, there was an extra fifth-tier master in the academy who personally sat in it, which would definitely make Tong Youcheng The defense became more and more impregnable.

Shang Xia can already feel that the fundamental qualitative change of the world in Cangsheng Realm is just around the corner. Before the world promotion is completed, the invasion of Lingyu Realm will inevitably become more ferocious. By then, no matter how remote Youzhou is, it will definitely be greatly affected shock.

After making arrangements for Huang Yu, Shang Xia immediately returned to the sky.

Through the incarnation of Yuan Gang left on the sky before, Shang Xia has already learned that the situation on the dome sky has become more and more bad at this time.

"You still have an incarnation of Yuangang on the dome?"

When Huang Yu learned that Shang Xia was not in peak condition before his departure, his eyes were completely filled with surprise.

Shang Xia said with a smile: "This incarnation of Yuangang doesn\'t have much combat power, it\'s just to smooth out the scattered and turbulent vitality on the dome, and provide assistance for the maintenance of everyone\'s joint attack formation."

Huang Yu waved his hand, seemed to understand Shang Xia\'s usual modest routine, and sighed slightly: "If there is a chance, I mean, if you can kill a sixth-level existence on the sky, then tell Kou Chongxue to kill Dugu Yuanshan !"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, thinking that Huang Yu was joking, it was obvious that he had a serious expression on his face, Shang Xia couldn\'t help restraining his excess emotions, and asked, "Why is it him?"

At this time, Shang Xia had already learned from Huang Yu the names of the five sixth-level existences in the Lingyu Realm who appeared outside the dome of the Cangsheng Realm this time, and this Dugu Yuanshan from Yue Dutian Lake, the other His cultivation base and combat strength are second to none among the five!

Huang Yu said in a deep voice: "If Dugu Yuanshan dies, and Yue Dutian Lake is not worthy of its name, there will be chaos in Lingyu Realm!"

Just such a sentence is obviously not enough. Although Shang Xia didn\'t say anything, he was obviously waiting for him to explain further.

Huang Yu pondered for a while, as if he was considering the content of the explanation, and then said: "Yue Dutian Lake ranks eighth among the nine great caves in Lingyu Realm. Although Dugu Yuanshan is famous in Lingyu Realm, the entire Yuedutian Lake is He is the only patriarch of the sixth rank. Once he really dies in the Cangsheng Realm, Yue Dutian Lake will inevitably suffer from internal turmoil and external worries, and it may cause a storm that will affect the entire Lingyu Realm. There is no time to care about him, and Cangsheng Realm can also get a breather because of this."

Shang Xia suddenly thought that Dugu Gaolou, who had died in his hands before, not only came from Yue Dutian Lake, but was also a descendant of the direct line raised by Dugu Yuanshan as his heir.

Now that Dugu Gaolou died and ascended to the world, Yue Dutian Lake has no heirs who have been trained for many years, and the internal struggle for the inheritance of the secret realm of the cave is bound to be unstable.

Now Huang Yu is inciting Kou Chongxue to target Dugu Yuanshan through Shang Xia, it\'s hard to say that he didn\'t premeditate.

Seeing the change in Shang Xia\'s expression, Huang Yu couldn\'t guess what he was thinking, so he smiled wryly and said: "Success or failure is just an attempt. After all, Dugu Yuanshan has already reached the third level of the sixth order. Easy to kill."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "Then Tongyou City will be handed over to you."

At this time, there are already countless fifth-level masters in the Cangsheng Realm who forcibly broke in, and the major forces in the entire Cangsheng Realm are already retreating to their own fundamental areas, and these foreign warriors are allowed to wreak havoc in other places.

Even the Tongyou Academy is the same. The core forces carefully cultivated in recent years have been withdrawn to Tongyou City. give up.

At this time, the major forces in the entire Ascendant Realm have only one purpose, and that is to concentrate all their power to accelerate the transformation of the Ascendant Realm to the Spiritual Realm.

Once the Ascension Realm completes its essential transformation, the sublimated world\'s original will will inevitably suppress the warriors from outside the realm stronger, while the warriors in this realm will receive even greater blessings. The invasion of the Ascension Realm will surely return in vain. This is the fundamental way to defeat the Cangsheng Realm and minimize the loss of one\'s own side.

When Shang Xia returned to the sky, although he had expected this, the deterioration of the situation still shocked him.

At this time, the vaulted sky of Cangsheng Realm can be described as riddled with holes.

On the sky screens of the major states, warriors of various forces are shrinking with the holy land sects as the core, firmly guarding the exits of the blessed places and the secret realms above the sky screens, which are also the world boundaries of the Cangsheng Realm. The loophole in the barrier still leads directly to the channel of the world\'s original sea.

In addition, the sky of the dome is already allowing warriors from the Lingyu world to enter and exit freely.

The moment Shang Xia appeared on the sky, Yuan Gang\'s incarnation instantly sensed the deity, and then turned into a colorful streamer and merged into Shang Xia\'s body.

Shang Xia was in the process of quickly recovering the depleted five-element qi in his body. At this time, the incarnation of Yuangang merged, and the originally restrained qi suddenly exploded. Based on the five-element origin with a total of eighty yuan-gang essences, his qi Although the machine coercion is not enough to be condescending, it is enough to force everyone out of breath.

All of a sudden, not only the many warriors of Tongyou Academy, but also the masters of the outer domain within a thousand miles above the sky, all of them showed solemn expressions, and they took the initiative to avoid the residence of Tongyou Academy, and even left directly. The canopy of Youzhou state domain.

A large amount of the origin of heaven and earth poured into the body, Shang Xia\'s five elements Yuan Gang gradually recovered, and his own Qi mechanism was gradually brought under control again.

After seeing the three deputy mountain chiefs, Shang Xia first gave a general account of what he and Huang Yu had done, and finally said: "Looking at the current situation, even if the Cangsheng Realm is promoted to the Spiritual Realm successfully, I am afraid that the inside of the plane world will Also corrupt!"

There is no doubt about the destructive power of the five heavenly masters, not to mention that almost none of the Lingyu warriors who came to the Cangsheng Realm this time were below the third level of the five heavenly heavens.

After learning from Shang Xia that Tongyou City is safe, Shang Xia and Huang Yu jointly beheaded two warriors from the Lingyu Realm and expelled a master of Qiselou, which was enough to deter foreign warriors who broke into Youzhou. Afterwards, the three vice-heads of Tongyou Academy were obviously relieved.

At this time, Ji Wenlong followed Shang Xia\'s tone and said, "Don\'t just wait until the world is promoted? Now the interior of Cangsheng Realm is already rotten!"

Seeing Shang Xia\'s astonished gaze, Shang Bo sighed from the side: "I have received news before that the mountain gate of Zhenyang Gate in Xuzhou has been broken, and now the core disciples of Zhenyang Gate and a fifth-rank ancestor retreated to the blessed land, and even Breaking through the space entrance of the blessed land, and being trapped in the blessed land; the Modu gate in the northwest of Youzhou has almost been wiped out..."

Both Zhenyangmen and Modumen are holy land sects in the Cangsheng Realm with the secret realm of the blessed land.

Upon hearing the news, Shang Xia couldn\'t help but exclaimed: "How could it be? Has the possession of the secret realm of the blessed land of Zhenyangmen been found? Could it be that the Beihai Xuansheng faction was indifferent to the fall of Modumen?"

Yun Jing shook her head and said: "The situation is unknown, but the secret realm of the blessed land of Zhenyangmen has never been breached, and the thing that was supposed to carry it has not been found yet, but Modumen... It is completely late. As for the Beihai Xuansheng Sect, they are now encountering two Even if the sixth-order existences join forces to suppress them, even if they can free up their hands, they probably won\'t dare to rescue them easily."

As soon as Yun Jing\'s voice fell, a mournful cry that almost directly affected Cang Sheng\'s soul and will appeared, and Shang Xia instantly felt sad as if he had lost something important.

This kind of feeling is not unfamiliar to Shang Xia. When he was in the Cangyan Realm, he had captured this kind of resonance from the original will of the whole world several times.

It\'s just that at that time he was one of the culprits who personally caused the original will of the Cangyan world to be injured again and again, but now what he feels is the mourning of his own original will.

Not only that, when the mournful cry came, Shang Xia could even clearly perceive the Cangsheng Realm, which was rolling forward and transforming all the way towards the spiritual world, and therefore slowed down a little.

Of course, it just slowed down a bit, and the Ascension Realm is still continuing to transform towards the Spirit Realm.

Yun Jing suddenly sighed: "It should be that the secret realm of the blessed land of Zhenyangmen has been breached!"

But Shang Xia showed doubts on his face, and said: "Did Modumen have such a phenomenon before it was captured, why didn\'t I feel it?"

Ji Wenlong, Shang Bo and others all looked at Shang Xia suspiciously when they heard the words, and then everyone\'s eyes turned to the northern skyline. There was obviously something strange in Modumen!

Shang Bo sighed: "I\'m too late to wait, and now I can only guard the three-acre land in Youzhou. I\'m afraid everything will have to wait until the world\'s promotion is finally completed, or after it fails, the truth will be completely revealed."

Shang Xia nodded, then looked at Yun Jing beside him, and said, "There are disciples here, you should prepare for promotion to the fifth heaven in advance at this time."

As soon as Shang Xia\'s words fell, a nine-story tower that almost pierced the sky above the southwest sky was suddenly destroyed by one floor!

Shang Xia\'s heart sank, that was the direction of the Shendu Sect, and the nine-story tower should be the carrier of the Shendu Cave, and now that this thing has been destroyed by one layer, then the Shendu Cave must be damaged accordingly!