Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 881

"Your people have already left, and the inner city is empty. According to our agreement, it\'s time for the two of you to speak."

Yuan Cangming looked at the silent sea in the inner city in the distance without turning his head, but when he spoke, his tone was as cold as winter.

The two fourth-tier fighters behind him shuddered subconsciously when they heard the words, and then looked at each other, each of them had already seen the struggle hidden in the other\'s eyes.

Yuan Cangming suddenly turned his head, and Ruyuan\'s aura instantly enveloped the two of them, and said in a dark voice: "Why, are you still not giving up? Waiting for your people to rescue you back? Hehe, wake up, you are just two unrelated people. Only important people."

After all, Yuan Cangming\'s figure turned around again, but his tone became more and more cold: "Besides, your elders probably thought that the two of you are already dead, and they only think that you two are already dead!"

The two fourth-rank Cangsheng warriors behind Yuan Cangming looked more and more depressed. How could they not know their own situation, but it was because the warriors had their own character, and they had some luck before.

Yuan Cangming stopped talking, as if he was waiting for the two to make a decision.

At this time, a master of the Cangming clan who has been following Yuan Cangming suddenly said: "Both of you, according to the previous agreement, our Cangming clan will guarantee that you will not die, and we will not die here. The world survives, but you should also tell me everything you know. Besides, do you two think it is necessary to keep a secret now?"

The words of this master of the Cangming clan seemed to shatter the last persistence in the two hearts.

One of the older warriors let out a long sigh and said, "Okay, I said..."

Yuan Cangming, who was standing in front of the two with his hands behind his back, raised his hand suddenly, and the master of the Cangming clan immediately understood what he meant, and immediately took a few steps outside to whisper to a few trusted masters, and then walked back in front of him. Yuan Cangming whispered in his ear: "We are surrounded by cronies and clansmen, and even after we captured these two people, outsiders never noticed."

Yuan Cangming nodded. In fact, most of the area on the giant floating boat they were in was under his control, and it was just a precautionary measure.

Under the signal of the hidden master, the elderly fourth-rank warrior in the Cangsheng Realm continued: "The two of us don\'t know too much, after all, we are only members of the fourth-level Heavenly Martial Demon Realm. Warriors, there are dozens of fifth-level masters above us, and they are the ones who really know the inside story."

The fourth-order warrior first made a foreshadowing for the two of them.

Unexpectedly, his opening seemed to remind Yuan Cangming, and he raised his hand again to stop the words of the fourth-rank martial artist in Cangsheng Realm, and then told the master of the Cangming clan who was following him, saying: "You bring another person down for interrogation, everything is fine and detailed, and then you compare what the two said one by one, but there are some inaccuracies..."

Yuan Cangming didn\'t say anything later, he just turned his head slightly to look at the two people who were standing next to him.

The older Tier 4 martial artist smiled wryly, and said: "This is the end of the matter, we don\'t need to hide it anymore, besides, the plan of the Tier 5 patriarchs in this world has been completed..."

The elder warrior\'s words sounded like he was expressing his heart to Yuan Cangming, but in fact, it was more like saying it to his companions who were captured together.

"Take it down!"

The master of the Cangming clan waved his hand, and immediately two fourth-rank Martial Ancestors picked up the young Cangsheng warrior and accompanied him to another place to listen to his confession.

At this time, the elderly fourth-rank warrior continued to speak: "We come from another world deep in the starry sky, the Cangsheng Realm, and we came here this time to absorb the origin of the world from this world. Guess it should be to promote this world to the spirit world, or to allow warriors to step from the fifth heaven to the sixth heaven..."

Yuan Cangming turned his head abruptly, rushing down like Yuan\'s aura: "What spiritual world? What sixth heaven?"


Cangsheng Realm is above the dome outside the sky.

At this time, most of the Cangsheng warriors who were on the top of the vault had already been attracted by the three huge void passages that had already formed beyond the ten thousand miles of void.

Just at this time, on the dome corresponding to Jiaozhou, the void suddenly began to collapse layer by layer, even distorting the starlight in the distance. The power of the void was superimposed layer by layer, and the invisible force suddenly collapsed. Squeeze down towards the dome, and the center of this dome is where the hidden observatory is located.

The sixth-order existence in Lingyu Realm has indeed grasped the specific location of the observatory, and rushed straight to the key nodes as soon as he made a move.

Once the observatory is destroyed, Kou Chongxue and others in the Cangyan Realm will temporarily lose the receiving coordinates to return to the Cangsheng Realm, and the Cangsheng Realm will inevitably lose the most powerful team in this battle. Approved five heavenly masters!

However, at the moment when the invisible power of the void was about to fall, a Milky Way across the sky seemed to appear in the sky of Jiaozhou in an instant. The descending void forces collided together.

There was no earth-shattering sound coming from the void, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened at first glance.

On the dome outside the sky, there were only masters whose cultivation base was above the fifth heaven, and they felt heart palpitations in an instant, and turned their heads involuntarily to look at the southern sky.

"Hey, someone is guarding here!"

A peaceful voice instantly rang out in the ears of all the warriors in the Cangsheng Realm on the outer vault of the sky: "Rely on the original world to fight against the old man, aren\'t you afraid that you will destroy this world and lose your trust in the soul?" The origin of the earth?"

The voice seemed very peaceful to the ears, but the spirit and will of the fifth-level heavenly warriors felt a chill in an instant, as if the whole person\'s thinking was about to be frozen, but as they surged This feeling will soon fade away by itself.

However, many Tier 4 fighters on the Qionglu were no longer so lucky. They stood stiffly, their eyes were bloodshot, as if they were about to leave their bodies in the next moment.

At this time, a cold snort suddenly sounded from above the southern sky: "Liu is only a newcomer to the sixth heaven, how dare the seniors in the upper realm fight head-on? Since Liu can use the power of heaven and earth to increase his cultivation and combat power Why do you give up these advantages to use the short to attack the long?"

When the sound came, it was like a warm current passing through the territory, instantly dispelling the coldness that had just penetrated into the warrior\'s soul and will, making every warrior on the dome come alive.

In an instant, just the time of the dialogue between the two masters of the sixth level, the warriors on the outer sky of the Cangsheng Realm seemed to be fighting back and forth at the gate of hell.

"However, your Excellency, as a senior from the upper realm, the dignified Patriarch of the Six Heavens, is so humble as to attack the juniors of the lower ranks. I really despise you!"

The voice above the southern dome quickly retorted after resolving their own predicament, and there was a faint threat between the words that they would also attack the opponent\'s low-level warriors.

"Hehe, old Dugu, I told you a long time ago, don\'t let everyone be fooled, since the other party can discover a plane world, naturally they won\'t let me destroy the observatory easily, there must be masters Sitting guard, but you have a hard head, you just want to touch it!"

A woman\'s voice came from deep in the void.

In the void thousands of miles away, a figure slowly solidified from the void outside a void passage. A heroic woman dressed in plain clothes and dressed as a man appeared there. There seemed to be a residual sense of ridicule on her face, but The whole figure was quickly enveloped by the blazing aura from the whole body, as if just a single glance would blind the eyes.

"What\'s wrong with giving it a try? What if it can destroy this observatory?"

A gloomy cold light emerged from the void, and under the faint brilliance, it was also impossible for people to see the reality in it, as if looking at the gloomy cold light for a second, it seemed that it would flow directly into the warrior\'s mind, so It froze and killed everything invisible, even more domineering than the figure who just walked out of the void passage.

The voice of the female warrior in the blazing aura came again, saying: "Just because of your failed sneak attack just now, the Dajun Dynasty opened a channel for you to send you here alone. Do you know that you have to give way to the other party?" How many things to cross?"

The voice in the dark and cold light did not ring out immediately, as if she was also thinking about the news that the female warrior had just revealed, but then said with a relaxed tone: "The family of the Dajun Dynasty has a great career, and old Dugu knows it well, so don\'t worry about these three ladies Already!"

The female warrior known as the "Three Lady" sighed lightly and stopped speaking, but she also hung in the void and did not act rashly, as if she was looking at the entire Cangsheng from the distant void through the outer sky. The world seems to be guarding the void passage behind him, waiting for others to come.

No matter which possibility it is, it can be seen that this sixth heaven existence known as "Three Ladies" should be an extremely cautious warrior.

At this time, another voice sounded from the vault of the Cangsheng Realm: "I don\'t know what to call the two seniors from the upper realm? I don\'t know where the two are from the Nine Great Sacred Sects of the Lingyu Realm. Is it Fukong Mountain or Cangming Island? Or is it Yue Dutian Lake?"

This sudden question seemed to be beyond the expectations of the two sixth-order masters from the Lingyu Realm in the void. The gloomy and cold light that sneaked into the observatory was even more violent.

The sixth-level existence called "Third Lady" suddenly smiled, and said in a voice: "Old Dugu, it seems that people don\'t know everything about us, and this world is worthy of standing in the spirit world." The top Cang Realm on the threshold of promotion can give birth to four masters of the Wuxu Realm. Although they only took a shortcut by relying on the land of the cave, they obviously have other communication channels. But..."

The voice of the third lady paused here, and then said: "However, I do not belong to the three families you mentioned, but come from the Splendid Heavenly Palace among the Nine Great Sacred Sects. I live in the Heavenly Palace three times, so Known as the \'Three Lady\', you can also call the concubine\'s name \'Jiang Guannan\', and this \'Old Dugu\' is Dugu Yuanshan, the Supreme Elder from the \'Yue Dutian Lake\' that you all call!"

A cold snort came from the dark and cold light, followed by the sixth-order existence known as "Dugu Yuanshan" and said in a deep voice: "Since the third lady has already introduced, should the four of Cangsheng Realm also shine?" Your own name?"

There was silence above the dome outside the sky in the Cangsheng Realm.

Seeing this, Dugu Yuanshan couldn\'t help but sneered, not hiding the contempt in his laughter at all.

At this time, a vigorous voice came from above the dome in the northern sky: "My old man Zhang Xuansheng is now in charge of Beihai Dongtian!"

As soon as Master Dongtian of Beihai Xuansheng Sect opened his mouth, the other three were no longer silent.

"Old man Yang Taihe is now in charge of Weiyang Dongtian."

"Old man Li Jidao, he is in charge of Shendu Cave Heaven!"

"Old man Liu Jingsheng is in charge of Xiangyang Dongtian!"


The name of Dongtian Daoist was changed in the previous episode, and the name of Dongtian Daoist taught by Shendu is not "Jiudu".