Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 882

Yang Taihe, the sixth-rank patriarch of Weiyang Palace, also known as "the real person of Weiyang", was surrounded by a dark light cluster when he appeared.

Li Jidao, the sixth-rank patriarch of the Shendu Sect, also known as the "Shendu Daoist", is covered in gray fog, making it difficult for people to see the reality.

Zhang Xuansheng, the sixth-rank patriarch of Beihai Xuansheng Sect, is also known as "Xuansheng Daoist" or "Beihai Daoist". The grandest one.

As for Liu Jingsheng, the newly promoted sixth-rank patriarch of the Yuanchen sect, he is called "Yuanchen Daoist". The sixth-level real person in Mingguan City, with a clear and brilliance, makes people feel peaceful.

At this time, "Third Lady" Jiang Guannan\'s real person Jiang Guannan trembled in the void passage, as if there were footsteps coming from far to near, seemingly slow but fast, which could be heard clearly from thousands of miles away, followed by I saw one foot stepping out of the passage, and a little old man with a slightly hunched back and only a small bunch of gray hair left on his head, which was randomly gathered up with a wooden hairpin, walked out of the passage with a somewhat illusory figure.

When he came to Jiang Guannan\'s side, his figure gradually solidified, and a layer of green and green light mist appeared around his body, and the figure in the middle bowed his head vaguely, saying: "Old man Fukong Mountain Chongxu, I have met four comrades from Cangsheng Realm."

Beihai Patriarch Zhang Xuansheng\'s voice was vigorous and hoarse, and he asked directly: "The Nine Great Cave Heaven Sects in Lingyu Realm, how many Sixth Heavens will come here this time?"

"Not much, not much!"

As soon as Xuansheng Zhang finished speaking, another voice came from the third void passage, and then one of them carried a rotten silver iron gun on his shoulder, his face looked a little sallow, and his figure was slightly thin. But a middle-aged man with extremely long arms came out of it, and then a layer of mist that looked like rust appeared around his body, and said: "Zhao Wuhen from a certain Cangming Island, there should be another person behind a certain family. , I just don’t know how this one plans to come here.”

As soon as Zhao Wuhen\'s words fell, a muffled "rumbling" sound shook the void, and the blazing aura around "Third Lady" Jiang Guannan suddenly trembled, which seemed to indicate that her mood was fluctuating violently at this time, because the muffled sound shaking the void It came from the void passage behind her.

Seeing this, Zhao Wuhen, a sixth-level master of Cangming Island, laughed "haha" and said, "As expected, Lu Pingyuan walked through the void passage where the \'Third Lady\' came. How could Zhao not feel any surprise?"

Since the laughter was heard by the low-level warriors in the Cangsheng Realm, the schadenfreude in it couldn\'t be concealed.

Amidst the blazing aura, Jiang Guannan suddenly gave a "giggle" smile, and his figure flashed to give way to the void passage behind him.

Zhao Wuhen\'s laughter faltered slightly, and then he said: "It\'s boring and boring, women are really weak in temperament, I thought that the \'Third Lady\' is so heroic and strong that men can\'t beat them, but unexpectedly she is so \'tolerance is great\'."

As soon as Zhao Wuhen finished speaking, a hoarse voice came out from the void passage: "Sick Mr. Zhao, you don\'t need to show your provocative methods like a three-legged cat, so you don\'t have to insult your identity as the ancestor of the Wuxu Realm!" .”

This is the second time I have heard the term "Wuxu Realm" from the mouths of warriors in the Lingyu Realm.

The four real people of the sixth level in the Cangsheng Realm, and the fifth-level ancestors who are qualified to be "listeners" on the Qionglu secretly thought in their hearts. It seems that the realm of the sixth-level heaven is called the "Wuxu Realm" in the Lingyu Realm. "Yes, and the few sixth-level beings who came here this time are not monolithic at least on the surface. From this, it can be roughly inferred that the Nine Great Dongtian Sects in Lingyu Realm seem to be in conflict with each other.

This point is actually from the time when Lingyu Realm invaded before, there were actually only Fukong Mountain, Cangming Island and Yueyue Mountain behind them.

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With the promotion of the three holy sects of Dutian Lake, it can be inferred that after discovering the existence of the Cangsheng Realm at the beginning, these three holy sects obviously wanted to monopolize the benefits.

It\'s a pity that in the end, because Liu Jingsheng forcibly stepped into the sixth heaven, and Kou Chongxue used the original sacred weapon to make a killing, this finally made the three holy sects return home, but because of this, there was no way to hide the Cangsheng Realm in the Lingyu Realm exist.

It\'s just that although the nine holy sects of Lingyu Realm are greedy for the fat of Cangsheng Realm, they also have their own rivals peeping at them, and even if they want to, they can\'t use their full strength.

This time the Lingyu Realm invaded again, in fact, it was forced by the sudden disappearance of Kou Chongxue and others to go to the new plane world, so it had to be launched in advance, which seemed somewhat hasty.

Otherwise, once the Cangsheng Realm is successfully promoted to the Spirit Realm and the plane world undergoes a qualitative change, the major Dongtian Sects and Fudi Sects that rely on the origin of the world will also benefit greatly, and their strength will inevitably increase greatly. It will be difficult for the world to easily swallow the Cangsheng world.

But even so, Lingyu Realm dispatched five sixth-level masters in one breath to come outside the Qionglu in the form of the real body descending, which still made the entire Cangsheng Realm feel great pressure.

However, judging from the five sixth-order beings who came here this time, each of the first three Dongtian holy sects of Fukong Mountain, Cangming Island, and Yuedutian Lake has a sixth-order existence, while the other two are from Jinxiu Tiangong. "Third Lady" Jiang Guannan, and this sixth-order existence called "Lu Pingyuan" who just appeared from the void passage.

However, judging from the short conversations between the sixth-order beings of the Lingyu Realm just now, the "Three Ladies" Jiang Guannan had a lot of verbal quarrels with Dugu Yuanshan and Zhao Wuhen.

Although the real person Chongxu of Fukong Mountain looks peaceful, judging from the fact that Fukong Mountain, Cangming Island and Yuedutian Lake joined forces to seize the Cangsheng Realm, these three families are obviously a small group with joint cooperation.

And the Splendid Heavenly Palace to which Jiang Guannan belongs, as a new force that joined in to share the benefits, is obviously not welcomed by these three families.

And the last person who came, Lu Pingyuan, hadn\'t declared his family name yet, but if Jiang Guannan\'s Jinxiu Tiangong and the forces behind this person were originally allied, then Zhao Wuhen didn\'t have to use such crude provocative words, so it can be seen However, Lu Pingyuan and the forces behind him who also serve as a share of the pie are not only at odds with the previous three families, but also probably not with Jiang Guannan.

Just as the sixth-order beings from Lingyu Realm appeared one after another, the four sixth-rank ancestors from Cangsheng Realm also quickly analyzed the relationship between them in private, and quickly got He came to the conclusion that the five sixth-rank patriarchs in front of him belonged to three factions.

At this moment, a dark black light gushed out like an abyss, and a figure of Shang Xia who was covered in Shang Xia seemed to be condensed from a mass of dark twisted objects into the black light.

"Old man Lu Pingyuan, from Tiandi Villa in Lingyu Realm!"

As soon as the voice fell, the void passages behind him suddenly began to melt in silence. The three void passages originally opened and maintained from Lingyu Realm to Cangsheng Realm, because one of them passed through two sixth-level passages in a row. It exists but cannot bear it in the end, completely collapses and dissolves.

However, looking at the situation in front of them, instead of feeling lucky in the slightest for the loss of a void passage, the four sixth-level ancestors in the Cangsheng Realm became more and more nervous.

There are still two void passages, doesn\'t that mean that the other party can walk out of two sixth-order ancestors?

The five sixth-rank patriarchs in front of them have already overwhelmed the four great masters of the Cangsheng Realm in the imposing competition that no one can see. What resistance, wouldn\'t it be better to just surrender and beg for life?

But there is actually a doubt among them that makes the four Dongtian masters even more confused.

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In the throat, how did Dugu Yuanshan appear in the first place?

The four Dongtian masters stared at the three void passages thousands of miles away from the beginning, and they can be sure that Dugu Yuanshan did not come out of the void passages, but appeared in the perception of the four people very abruptly.

No matter how he appeared here, will there be other sixth-order beings who suddenly descended outside the Lingyu world in the same way?


Perhaps because he sensed something in the invisible contest between each other, Dugu Yuanshan suddenly smiled strangely and said: "I think you might as well surrender directly, you seem to have mentioned the Nine Great Cave Heaven Sects in Lingyu Realm, but I\'m afraid so far The strength of the Dongtian Sacred Sect is still unknown, right? How can a Cang Realm, which relies on the power of the world\'s origin and can only barely supply four newcomers to the Wuxu Realm, be able to compete with the strength of the Lingyu Realm, which only has Wuxu Realm? Void masters can be compared with no less than 20 people in the spiritual world?"

Dugu Yuanshan\'s words were not meant for the four Dongtian Masters in Cangsheng Realm.

"Twenty martial arts masters..."

"Wu Xujing is the name of the sixth heaven, right?"

"Not twenty, but at least twenty, that is to say, there are more than twenty warriors above the sixth rank..."

"How many fifth-level masters should there be?"

"During the battle of the 30,000-mile void, the number of fifth-level masters dispatched by the opponent was about seventy or eighty?"

"That\'s only the three major holy sects, but now the nine great cave sects are coming out together. Don\'t we need... two hundred masters of the fifth rank?"

"Hiss, how can I fight..."

Sure enough, when Dugu Yuanshan\'s words reached the ears of the Cangsheng Realm warriors on the Qionglu, even though the warriors themselves had a strong will in martial arts, many people were frightened and their hearts trembled.


"Calm down!"

"Be careful!"

"Be honest!"

At this moment, the masters of the four great caves in the Cangsheng Realm shouted in unison, as if they were enlightened, and awakened the Cangsheng warriors on the dome.

"Senior from the spiritual world, this is already the second time, Your Excellency!"

In the still calm and vigorous voice of Beihai Master Zhang Xuansheng, there was almost uncontrollable anger.


Dugu Yuanshan snorted twice in dissatisfaction, and said to himself: "I hate this kind of tortoise shell style of play the most, locked in this world with the help of the power of the cave, everyone\'s cultivation base can be in Wuxu The realm is raised one level out of thin air, but even if a small sky world is one step away from the spirit world, how can there be four caves? Strange things, strange things..."

At this time, Jiang Guannan glanced at Dugu Yuanshan, which is the closest to the Cangsheng Realm, and said calmly: "Okay, the old bear who wants to come to the Dajun Dynasty has already accumulated enough strength, and the younger generations will arrive soon , I should also exercise my muscles and bones!"

After all, the third lady just took a step forward, and the distance between her and the vault of heaven outside the Cangsheng Realm has been shortened by half, and she is directly standing side by side with Dugu Yuanshan in the void.

The third lady, Jiang Guannan, may not be the crown of the five sixth-order patriarchs present, but her status seems to be extremely high among the five. After opening their mouths, they also took action one after another.

At this moment, all the warriors in the Cangsheng Realm above the deep vault suddenly noticed that the sky under their feet was slowly descending!

No, it\'s not descending, but it\'s sinking toward the interior of the Ascending World!


Ask for a monthly pass!

There should be a third one!