Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 640

This first-order "Wind Arrow Talisman" seal made by Shang Xia seems to be really inconspicuous, and it seems to have various shortcomings and problems.

But for Shang Xia, this talisman is of great significance!

It first proved the authenticity and feasibility of Shang Xia\'s original conjecture about the "seal".

Secondly, this "Wind Arrow Talisman" talisman not only saves Shang Xia\'s talisman making time, but more importantly, this seal can be obtained easily even in the hands of a warrior who is not a talisman maker. A "Wind Arrow Talisman".

And what this martial artist needs to do is to evenly inject the vitality in his body into the seal in his hand, and then cover it on a piece of first-order talisman paper!

Shang Xia could almost imagine what a commotion it would cause at the Two Realms Trade Fair if this news was revealed!

This almost means that as long as there is a corresponding talisman in hand, even a warrior who is not a talisman maker can use the talisman to continuously make corresponding martial talismans!

Although Shangxia has only made one sigil at present, and it is still the lowest-level first-order sigil, it is far from being able to explain anything.

To prove its feasibility, Shang Xia still needs to make at least one different sigil.

Of course, it would be even better if it could be made into a second-order or even a higher-order sigil!

But right now, he can\'t be impatient. At least he needs to be patient and thoroughly research the finished product of the first-order talisman in his hand. At least it still has a lot of room for improvement.

After careful inspection, Shang Xia took another piece of the knife-inserting stone, then picked up the carving knife again, and soon devoted himself to the making and improvement of the second "Wind Arrow Talisman" talisman in process.

And when Shang Xia is immersed in a certain thing, time always passes quickly.

Moreover, the first-order talisman is a little simpler after all. For Shang Xia, a great talisman master, most of them are just repeated engravings. The process is actually not too difficult.

The most difficult time has passed when the talisman was successfully engraved for the first time.

After more than an hour passed, as Shang Xia finished engraving the last rune pattern, the second improved "Wind Arrow Talisman" was finally completed.

After dipping the inkpad and using it on the first-order talisman paper, the "Wind Arrow Talisman" after printing this time, no matter in terms of the power of the talisman after being activated, the consumption of vitality, or the consumption of the talisman itself , have been improved to a certain extent.

However, the successful production of this sigil once again proved the feasibility of the "sigil", and it was not a coincidence.

However, this time of production, Shang Xia once again discovered another shortcoming of the "talisman" stamped by the seal, that is, the preservation time after the talisman is formed is far less than that of the similar martial talisman drawn by the talisman master himself. !

Shang Xia soon found out the reason for this, the "tale seal" itself was a dead thing after all, it was just a seal stamped on the talisman paper.

As for the martial talisman made by the talisman master, the process of drawing the lines of the talisman is that the talisman master used the strokes of the talisman to inherit the same origin, and its own charm is contained in it. Naturally, the preservation time after the talisman is completed is much longer.

But the former is quick and easy to make, and in Shang Xia\'s vision, even ordinary warriors can use martial talismans whose talisman finished product level does not exceed their own cultivation.

But the latter can only make the making of martial talismans in the hands of talisman masters.

In a sense, the "talisman seal" made by Shang Xia

"After that, it may have a certain impact on the status of the talisman master to a certain extent.

After Shang Xia made the second "Wind Arrow Talisman" sigil, he immediately prepared to start making the sigil of the second first-order martial talisman.

This time, Shang Xia chose the first-order "Heartbeat Talisman".

This talisman is considered to be a difficult one among the first-order martial talismans, but it is also the first first-order martial talisman mastered by Shang Xia.

Although I have already had two experiences in making the first-order talisman, the process of making the "Heartbeat Talisman" talisman this time did not seem to go smoothly. Although it was finally made by force, Shang Xia discovered after the experiment that this talisman I\'m afraid it won\'t take long for the seal, and the runes will wear off.

But with this experience, it will be much easier for Shang Xia to make the "Heart Charm" seal.

However, this time the production process was interrupted by Ji Yu who hurried over.

"Quick, a tower appeared above Sanhe Island!"

After Ji Yu patted the door of Shang Xia\'s house, she couldn\'t wait to say loudly.

In fact, Ji Yuduo didn\'t need to say, the moment Shang Xia opened the door, he had already discovered a giant three-story pagoda floating above Sanhe Island and slowly falling towards the center of the island!

What shocked Shang Xia even more was that when the giant three-story tower fell from the mid-air, its body was still slowly expanding and getting bigger!

At the same time, in Shang Xia\'s keen perception of divine will, there are at least three auras of five-level heavenly warriors attached to the three-story giant tower, and they seem to be in charge of the placement of the giant tower.

"I think this huge tower is the real center of gravity of the Sanhe Island Trade Fair. The circular connection where the forces of the two worlds are located is built around this huge tower."

While Ji Yu was speaking, his gaze was fixed on the giant tower that descended from the void.

With a muffled sound, the entire Sanhe Island trembled violently, and the three-story giant tower finally fell into the center of the Sanhe Island.

"Shall we go and see?"

Chu Jia, who had already heard the news and returned to the yard, immediately looked at the giant tower eager to try it.

Ji Yu was also moved when he heard the words, and turned to look at Shang Xia.

Shang Xia looked away from the void above Sanhe Island in three different directions, and after pondering for a while, he said: "I won\'t go, the two of you can go and have a look first, but I expect that the next three major factions will definitely decide on their own. explained to us."

"Hmph, disappointment!"

Seeing that Shang Xia didn\'t go, Chu Jia was a little unhappy and said, "I\'ve been hiding in my room all day long, and I don\'t know what I\'m doing!"

Shang Xia was about to turn around and go back to the room, but when he heard this, he paused, but raised his hand and threw something at Chu Jia: "I\'ll give you a little thing!"

Chu Jia reached out to catch it and saw that it was a piece of stone that was one inch square but only five cents thick, and one side of the one inch square was engraved with many Yang engraved patterns that looked like runes.


Chu Jia asked suspiciously, but when she looked up, she saw the door of Shang Xia\'s room closing with a "snap".

"This is a stone talisman!"

Ji Yu, who was on the side, glanced at the stone in Chu Jia\'s hand out of curiosity, and immediately recognized that the Yang engraving on the side of the stone should undoubtedly be a martial talisman.

"Stone Talisman?"

Chu Jia was overjoyed when she heard the words, she subconsciously thought that the quality of the stone talisman given to her by Shang Xia, a great talisman master, would definitely not be low.

"Hey, that\'s not right, this stone talisman doesn\'t look much like an ordinary martial talisman.

So, could it be a new talisman pondered by Xiaoshang? "

After all, Ji Yu still had some knowledge, and soon realized that the real stone talisman was not made in this way.

Chu Jia was also taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly turned Yang\'s side with the runes engraved on it to examine it carefully.

"A first-order martial talisman?"

Even if Chu Jia didn\'t know how to make martial talismans, he could still judge the quality of this "stone talisman" from the simple lines of the sun-carved runes.

The "unexpected surprise" in my heart suddenly disappeared.

After all, she is a high-level martial artist of the fourth level, what\'s the point of giving her a first-level "stone talisman"?

Chu Jia felt resentful in her heart, and almost threw the "stone talisman" in her hand to the ground: "This miser!"

"Teacher Chu, can you show me this stone talisman?"

Ji Yu\'s eyes looking at this "stone talisman" became more and more strange.

Chu Jia originally intended to give the "stone talisman" in his hand to Ji Yu directly, but he didn\'t say it when he got to his mouth, and just handed him the stone talisman in his hand for inspection.

Ji Yu took the "Stone Talisman" in his hand and carefully looked it back and forth several times, then raised his head and said with surprise: "Master Chu, do you think this \'Stone Talisman\' looks more like a... …seal? "


Chu Jia took a closer look at the inscription on one side of the piece of stone that Ji Yu exchanged, and asked in confusion, "What kind of seal? What kind of tricks are they doing? I don\'t want to explain it clearly!"

Chu Jia thought for a while, and finally put the "stone talisman" away, and at the same time asked casually, "Oh, by the way, what kind of rune do you think is engraved on this \'stone talisman\'?"

Ji Yu seemed to be thinking about something, and said casually after hearing the words: "Oh, it\'s a first-order \'heart charm\'."

Chu Jia turned around and walked towards the outside of the small courtyard, but her steps sounded a little hurried, even messy...


The reason why Shang Xia threw the first-order "Heart Charm" seal that he just made in his hand to Chu Jia was on the one hand, on a whim, and on the other hand, it was because the quality of this seal was actually not good, and he planned to buy it immediately. Proceed to make the second seal.

As for the appearance of the Sanhe Pagoda and the fifth-rank patriarch of the three sects, Shang Xia was not surprised. Even if his predictions were correct, the highlight of the next high-level warrior transaction would definitely be staged in that Sanhe Pagoda, and Before that, warriors from the three factions might even take the initiative to pay a visit.

There was a lot of disturbance on Sanhe Island, but it could not affect Shang Xia who had already devoted all her attention to the process of making the talisman.

With the experience of making the first "Heart Talisman" seal, the process of making Shang Xia\'s second "Heart Talisman" appeared much smoother, and it was also much more perfect than the first one.

After completing the production of this talisman, Shang Xia quickly set his sights on the production of the second-order talisman.

This is not to say that Shang Xia has fully mastered the production of first-order sigils. After all, he has just completed the production of two first-order sigils, and he is far from proficient.

The main reason is that it is too bad to make a first-order sigil!

The quality of the knife inserting stone itself is extremely high, and in Shang Xia\'s opinion, it is at least a fourth-tier item, and it may even be a fifth-tier item.

Using such a high-level spiritual object to make a seal that can only stamp a first-level martial talisman is simply overkill.

In fact, apart from the sword-slotting stone, it is not that Shang Xia has tried to make sigils with other spiritual objects and materials, but the final result of the attempt is not feasible for the knife-slotting stone.