Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 639

The three major factions suddenly sent more than 2,000 second- and third-tier low-level warriors to Sanhe Island, making the entire two-world trade fair extremely lively. However, under the cover of this lively scene, high-level warriors from various forces The atmosphere between them gradually became weird.

In the Jingshe small courtyard belonging to Tongyou Academy, except for Chu Jia who continued to stay in that shop, the rest of the people went out and began to secretly buy a large number of second- and third-tier drugs commonly used in the production of advanced potions from the shops of various forces. Spiritual objects, especially those related to the martial arts inheritance system with Youzhou characteristics, are the focus of the five people\'s transactions including Shang Xia.

This time, the six people from Tongyou City came to Sanhe Island. Although they concentrated a part of the source crystals on Shang Xia, how could it be possible for them to experience the colleges and families represented by each of them? , Naturally, he also carries various other things that may be used for trading.

Shang Xia also proposed to return the source crystal on his body to everyone so that they could use it to buy all kinds of urgently needed supplies first, but it was quickly rejected by everyone.

The actions of Tongyou and his party went smoothly at the beginning, and the people who went out quickly traded back a batch of low-level materials that Tongyou Academy urgently needed and used without worrying too much about gains and losses.

However, some people from other sects soon realized this. Even if they didn\'t expect it, they quickly and keenly guessed it from the behavior of more and more fourth-level warriors starting to purchase low-level materials.

As a result, various forces tightened up the sale of various low-level spiritual materials, and at the same time began to send their own people to buy various low-level spiritual materials from other people, so that all kinds of low-level spiritual materials on Sanhe Island were in the market. Prices skyrocketed in a short period of time.

"Fortunately, we acted quickly. We finally traded a batch of low-level spiritual objects that are commonly used in Youzhou but rarely seen before. This time, those low-level students in the academy are blessed. I make a rough estimate, ideally Under normal circumstances, this batch of spiritual objects can at least allow the academy to have an additional fifty copies of second-level advanced potions, and almost twenty copies of third-level advanced potions."

After the acquisition of these low-level but urgently-needed spirit objects, Liu Qinglan, who is the teacher of Tongyou College\'s Shangshe, was the happiest one.

Although this is only an estimated number, it is not accurate enough, and after this batch of spiritual objects are all used to make advanced potions, they need to be distributed to the four major families in a certain proportion, but this is very important for the academy and the entire Youzhou. The overall strength is a real improvement.

"It\'s no longer profitable to buy low-level spiritual objects, so what should I do next, wait for the transaction to end on this Sanhe Island?"

Chu Jia, who was already a little impatient in the shop, asked Yun Yichen to replace her immediately after seeing everyone returning.

Liu Qinglan smiled and said: "How is it possible? The three factions have worked so hard to create such a big scene, how could it be possible to only use it to trade some low-level items? Haven\'t you discovered it for so long? All kinds of items have rarely appeared until now, and everyone is waiting, waiting for what the three major factions plan to do."

Ji Yu also nodded in agreement and said, "The higher the level of items, the more scarce they are. Whether it\'s making potions, making talismans, refining weapons, or others, it\'s very difficult for one person, even if it\'s a party, to get all the things they need. Difficult, at this time, exchanging information is the quickest way. All forces understand this truth, therefore, this time the three major factions take the lead in organizing the two-world trade fair, and so many two-world forces will respond."

Liu knew it and said with a smile: "That is to say, everyone in Sanhe Island now

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Tier 4 warriors, I am afraid that everyone is full of wealth, waiting for the final transaction. "

Chu Jia tilted her head and nodded, and said, "So that\'s the case, what are the three major sects going to do?"

Shang Xia said: "I don\'t know if you have noticed the sunken ground in the center of Sanhe Island, which looks like a solid foundation."

Liu Qinglan nodded, and said, "What do you think it will be there, a larger venue for high-level spiritual item transactions?"

Shang Xia shook his head, and said: "I\'m afraid only the three major factions know about it, and considering the current situation on Sanhe Island, the three major factions won\'t make people wait too long."

After finishing the acquisition of low-level spiritual objects, everyone in Tongyou returned to their idle state again.

Yun Yichen still helps Chu Jia\'s operators to pave the way, although he no longer trades spiritual materials, spiritual objects and other things, but has a few sets of low-level formation flags, formation plates and other formation equipment that Chu Jia made in the past, There are also some low-level martial arts collected from Shang Xia that were used to practice pens in the past to attract customers, and the business is actually pretty good.

Yun Yichen also said: "If you run a store on this Sanhe Island for a long time to buy some items needed by Youzhou and sell some special products of Youzhou, it will be a steady business. .”

Apart from these two, Liu Qinglan, Ji Yu and Liu Zhi are still wandering around the island, first to continue to increase their knowledge, and second, to make friends with some fellow fighters.

Only Shang Xia calmed down in the small courtyard of the jingshe during this period, and even started a short retreat directly in his room-he has always had a certain idea of ​​"talisman", and now it has become more and more serious. It\'s getting closer to being realized.

In the room where Shang Xia lived, Shang Xia was carefully inspecting a seal carved from fragments of a knife-inserting stone.

On the table around this seal, there is a thin layer of stone grains and stone powder, and there are two waste seals that were damaged during the carving process on the table farther away.

As Shang Xia carved the last stroke with a small carving knife in his hand, the surface in his hand was not decorated in any way, and the slightly original "talisman" was completed in Shang Xia\'s expectation.

The next step is to confirm that his initial guess can come true.

Prior to this, Shang Xia had conducted intermittent verification of this idea for two or three years, and there were dozens of pieces of knife-slotted stones that were discarded in his spare time.

Thanks to the fact that the blade-throwing stone that Shang Xia got back then was big enough, and the scrapped seal could still be used for practice after being polished, so there wasn\'t too much waste in the morning.

Even so, Shang Xia still felt extremely distressed, the quality of the knife-piercing stone itself was very good, and more importantly, it was extremely rare.

After Shang Xia blew off the tiny stone chips on the surface of the seal, the clear rune lines on it finally emerged, but it was just an ordinary first-order "Wind Arrow Talisman".

"We\'ll see if we can make it this time!"

While muttering to himself, Shang Xia brought a box of ink pads that were carefully blended based on first-order talisman ink from his hand.

Shang Xia dipped the seal in the ink pad a few times, took out a piece of first-grade talisman paper and spread it on the table, and then took a deep breath, a trace of anxiety appeared on the face of this great talisman master, Then he put the seal in his hand on the talisman paper heavily, even fearing that the seal would not be able to seal well, he also used another

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A hand covered the back of his hand and pressed it hard a few times.

During this process, Shang Xia had to keep the vitality in his body evenly poured into this ancient seal to ensure that the runes of the seal could finally take effect on the rune paper.

This time, the seal in my hand didn\'t explode or crack like before...

After Shang Xia pressed the seal, he hesitated, but in the end he slowly lifted the seal, and a one-inch-square green-red seal appeared on the talisman paper.

However, what made Shang Xia even more excited was that this bluish-red seal circulated uniform vitality on the surface of the talisman paper, and it did not immediately lose control of its vitality and collapse as before, directly tearing the talisman paper into pieces.

At least on the surface, this first-order "Wind Arrow Talisman" remained intact.

Although from the perspective of Master Shang Xia\'s talisman, this "printing talisman" must have been a success, but he still felt that it should be verified by himself.

Perhaps because of being too excited, Shang Xia directly inspired this "Wind Arrow Talisman" and threw it out casually.

Immediately, a cyan wind arrow appeared from the talisman paper turned into confetti, and directly hit the door and window that was restricted by Shang Xia. Although it didn\'t penetrate it, it made a heavy "boom" sound.

Although he had already expected this result, when Shang Xia witnessed the successful activation of this "seal" with his own eyes, he still couldn\'t restrain the excitement in his heart. A little out of control, there was a crisp sonic boom.

"Hey, what are you doing in there, is something wrong?"

Chu Jia\'s business suddenly sounded from outside the house.

"Oh, it\'s nothing, I just tried a method of making talismans!"

Shang Xia suppressed the excitement in his heart, and spoke in a calm voice as much as possible.

"You\'ve been in there for so long, don\'t you come out to get some air?"

Chu Jia seemed to be taking a few steps closer to Shang Xia\'s house.

"No need, this method of making talismans still needs to be improved, and Teacher Lao is worried about it."

Shang Xia has calmed down a lot at this time.

"Mysterious, I don\'t know what I\'m doing..."

Chu Jia outside the house mumbled and walked away.

At this time, Shang Xia turned up the seal of the newly made first-order "Wind Arrow Talisman", carefully inspected the carved runes on it, and frowned slightly.

Just now when he said that improvement is needed, he was not trying to perfunctory Chu Jia.

After the excitement of successfully verifying his conjecture about the "sigil", Shang Xia also discovered several problems that may need to be improved.

First of all, the power of the "Wind Arrow Talisman" just now seems to be weaker than that of the first-order "Wind Arrow Talisman" drawn with a talisman pen!

Secondly, when Shang Xia stamped the "Wind Arrow Talisman" just now, although the time was very short, the total amount of energy he consumed seemed to be more than when he normally drew the "Wind Arrow Talisman" by hand!

Third, after the palm print was put on, the lines carved on the surface of the seal actually showed wear and tear visible to the naked eye.

In other words, the more seals of the "Wind Arrow Talisman" under the cover, the greater the wear and tear of the seal, until the runes on the surface of the seal finally disappear, then this seal will naturally be completely scrapped!


The editor said that there is an important recommendation this week, and it will be updated in autumn!