Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 582

"You are not Shangbo, who are you?"

When this voice suddenly pierced into his ears without warning, Shang Xia knew that his plan had succeeded.

It\'s not that Shang Xia is boasting, but that he already possesses this kind of self-confidence. If there is one person on Guan Yu Lu Island who can do it at this time, then this person must be the Guan Yu faction who has always wanted to hide in the snow. The four-level Dzogchen warrior who was preparing to attack the Wugang Realm when he finally carve up the source of the will of the world.

And Shang Xia\'s real purpose is to force this person out by destroying Guanyu Ludao wantonly.

It is not surprising that this person knows Shangbo.

There are only a few big cats and small cats that can be mastered by Tongyou Academy, and those who are interested can guess who they are just by asking a little.

As for Shang Xia, he would not be so stupid as to stop to answer the other party\'s question, or trace the other party\'s voice to find out the deliberately concealed aura of the other party in the surrounding void.

Behind him were still chasing three masters of Guan Yu sect, once he stopped, he would be surrounded by the people behind him immediately.

And this is the territory of the Guan Yu Sect. Although the protective formation on the island was lost because of the previous use of the "string light system", if he is surrounded here, the degree of danger will be more dangerous than in the void. Much more serious.

When his figure was flashing, Shang Xia ran around irregularly on Guanyu Ludao. Once he saw a gap, he slashed and landed on the ground, forming a long line ranging from several miles to tens of miles. huge ravine.

If this gully is not far from the edge of the land island, then immediately a land fragment will separate from the land island and float into the void.

Since Shang Xia landed on Ludao, it took only a cup of tea one after another. Like a dog walking a dog, he led a few martial artists from the Guan Yu sect around, but he never fell into the siege of the other party.

These warriors of Guan Yu sect were roared again and again by Shang Xia\'s teasing, but they still couldn\'t do anything to catch him.

However, the fringe area of ​​this huge continental island has become riddled with holes under the ravages of Shang Xia.

Despite this, Shang Xia never gave up his vigilance, because the fourth-order Dzogchen warrior of the Guan Yu School just said a word at the beginning, and never reappeared, not even his own aura. Leaked a little.

This made Shang Xia gradually feel jealous, and the longer the time, the deeper the fear in his heart.

This is also the fundamental reason why Shang Xia has been wandering around the fringes of this land island since he landed on Guanyu Lu Island, never going deep.

And maybe it was because of Shang Xia\'s caution that the Dzogchen warrior who was waiting for him to make a mistake lost his patience, or maybe it was because Shang Xia\'s destruction of Guanyu Lu Island completely angered him,

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When Shang Xia once again stripped a piece of land several miles long away from the land island, the previous burst of vigorous but turbulent energy reappeared, and it was only a hundred miles away from Shang Xia.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s divine perception range had already exceeded a hundred miles away, but he didn\'t notice the slightest trace of sneaking in and following up beforehand, and he couldn\'t help but feel dark.

Therefore, Shang Xia didn\'t have the slightest intention to weigh the opponent\'s Dzogchen warrior. He immediately chose to withdraw from the edge of the land island, and fled to the depths of the void with all his strength.

Shang Xia\'s reaction could not be described as unpleasant, but the opponent\'s Dzogchen warrior had endured for such a long time before making a move, so naturally he was also making secret preparations, so that Shang Xia would not be able to escape easily.

Huo Guanzhang and the other three high-ranking quadruple heaven warriors who were originally chasing after Shang Xia, the moment their own Dzogchen warrior appeared, they each escaped from the pursuit of Shang Xia and fled to the land of the island. The void outside was obviously intended to block Shang Xia\'s escape route and drive him to the depths of Lu Island.

However, at the moment when the three of them encountered Shang Xia in a nearly head-on collision, the void behind the three of them was suddenly pierced, and two evil lights protruded from it, like two huge and curved spider legs, heading straight towards Huo Guanzhang A stab in the back of a person.

Yun Jing, who was entangled by two fourth-tier and third-tier Guan Yu warriors before, also secretly hid her strength, and when there was no time, she suddenly launched a sneak attack to lure Shang Xia to break through.

Huo Guanzhang was attacked suddenly, so he naturally didn\'t care to stop Shang Xia again, and the remaining two masters of the Guan Yu sect had been forcibly broken through by Shang Xia before, so it was naturally even more impossible to stop them this time.

When Shang Xia slashed out with a knife, a large piece of blade light was thrown out immediately, and although the blade light was not dense, each blade glow contained the meaning of the cold spring, which was different from the "grain rain" in the sixth form. The one-knife style is called "rainwater" in the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Divine Knife"!

Because of the lessons learned from the past, those two people suddenly saw dozens of hundreds of swords slashing their heads and covering their faces, and they subconsciously wanted to protect themselves first. Forcibly broke through the obstruction of the two.

The two were naturally unwilling to be teased again, and quickly entangled their tails. All kinds of punches and palms triggered the evil light to explode pieces of spiritual light in the void, resolutely not letting Shang Xia escape from the hands of the two again.

At the same time, the Dzogchen fighters of the Guan Yu School saw that their prey was about to escape from the trap he had carefully woven, but they did not care about the loss of their own perfection energy, and left Lu Dao to chase Shang Xia.

The moment Shang Xia really faced the opponent directly and caught the opponent\'s aura, he already knew that the opponent\'s real strength might be stronger than his.

Of course, Shang Xia is not afraid of this person because of this, but Guanyu Ludao is the territory of the other party after all, and there must be many helpers around him

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, Shang Xia naturally wouldn\'t make fun of himself.

But now that this person had actually left Guanyu Ludao, Shang Xia\'s scruples were suddenly reduced by one-third. Although he was still being entangled by the two Guanyu warriors, it did not prevent him from deliberately testing the depth of this person.

Shang Xia, who was being chased, turned around suddenly, and pressed down on the two who were following him with a volley of palms.

Although this four-image applause is powerful, its power is not the same as before. It is purely bluffing.

Most of the evil spirits were poured into the Linyuan knife by Shang Xia at this time, and turned into a real ultimate move - "Lichun"!

This is the second time that Shang Xia has really used this knife style in actual combat. Compared with the unfamiliarity with the first time, this knife style is not only more powerful in his hands, but also more powerful.

When Shang Xia followed the "Four Seasons and Four Scenes Reincarnation Technique" to create his own "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Divine Sword", he found that almost every knife style he created could correspond to one of the solar terms.

However, as more and more solar terms can be accommodated, he found that among all the created knife styles, there has never been one that symbolizes "Lichun", "Lixia", "Liqiu" and "Lidong". The solar terms corresponding to the beginning of the four seasons and the sword style.

Shang Xia gradually understood that all of this was obviously not a coincidence, especially as he created more and more knife styles that corresponded with other solar terms, and when he had a deeper grasp and understanding of these knife styles, he finally realized gradually , which symbolizes the beginning of the four seasons "Si Li" knife style, each style is the beginning and general outline of the next five knife skills.

In other words, "Lichun" can change five times in one style!

When Shang Xia slashed at the fourth-order Dzogchen warriors of the Guanyu School with the "Lichun" style, he could rely on the sword style itself to combine the two into one to win by force; he could also change according to the opponent\'s own changes to win by cleverness.

This style of saber technique, no matter in terms of conception, power, or ingenuity, has far surpassed the other five-style saber techniques, and it can even be said that it has entered the threshold of the fourth-order supernatural power!

However, for now, such a move can be said to be the most peak sword that Shang Xia can unleash. When he slashed at the Dzogchen warrior of the Guan Yu sect, he suddenly found that this aura was perfectly round, "Li Chun" The knife style has five changes, but there is no room for change at all.

Since no flaws can be found, Shang Xia\'s sword technique can only choose to fight against the opponent\'s hard steel!


Shang Xia relied on the Linyuan Saber in his hand to not be completely disadvantaged, but his figure was inevitably knocked away by the opponent in mid-air.

However, the moment the other party took over his saber style, Shang Xia saw clearly that the weapon in his hand was a strangely shaped halberd staff.

However, looking at Shang Xia\'s body that was knocked into the air, the face of the Dzogchen warrior of the Guan Yu faction became extremely ugly.