Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 581

For a warrior, the limit of the original spirit that can be fortified in his body is actually directly related to the strength of his body.

Only a strong physique can carry a more vigorous natal spirit, which was originally just a simple logical relationship.

In the same way, the thicker and purer the natal spirit in the warrior\'s body, the more obvious the nourishment of the body will be.

This is originally a process of mutual promotion.

If it is said that before Shang Xia advanced to the Fourth Heaven, his physical body was nourished by the origin of the dantian, although his strength was far superior to that of martial artists of the same level, but it was still limited. After cultivating the four evil spirits, Shang Xia\'s physical strength has reached an outrageous level.

In particular, he once had the experience of forcibly traveling through the void in the Linyuan Secret Realm. Although the void in the Linyuan Secret Realm was fragile at that time, and he had also completed the physical body with the help of the fourth-order martial talisman "Linyuan Breaking the Void Talisman". Traveling through the void gave Shang Xia a better understanding of how powerful his body was.

It is precisely because of the existence of these factors that Shang Xia dared to come across such a violent turbulence in the void, completely catching the two warriors of the Guan Yu faction by surprise.

No matter how violent the turmoil in the void was, it still didn\'t shatter.

Since it was not broken, Shang Xia dared to take the risk of passing through.

Although it seems to others that Shang Xia\'s actions are about to be surrounded by three people and jump over the wall, in fact, Shang Xia has 70% certainty in his heart!

And when Shang Xia forced the two people who were completely defenseless in front of them back with one sword, the Four Elephant Palm directly brought the two of them under the envelope of the palm.

When Shang Xia refined the spirit of the four seasons to 80%, he used a four-elephant palm in the void to retreat a fragment of land and land with a radius of tens of miles.

Now that he has refined more than 90% of his natal spirit demon, both his cultivation and his combat power have undergone a substantial leap. At this time, he once again casts the Four Elephant Palm. Being able to do so has already caused the liver and gallbladder of the two people in front of them to be torn apart, and there is a feeling that a catastrophe is imminent.

"Be careful, it\'s a quadruple heavenly power!"

The two high-ranking quadruple heaven warriors of the Guanyu Sect reminded and warned each other, and at the same time began to use their own methods to resist this seemingly extraordinary martial arts supernatural power.

A fourth-order "Silver Scale Talisman" was torn apart by Shang Xia\'s four-elephant palm, and a copper bell covered with reliefs could not prop up his falling palm...

If it is said that when Shang Xia refined his natal spirit to 70%, the power of his Four Elephant Palms had already crossed that threshold, but it was only at the bottom of all the fourth-order magical powers, then after he refined After 80% of the spirits of the four seasons have been eliminated, the power of the Four Elephant Palm can already be compared with the supernatural powers practiced by most fourth-order Dzogchen warriors.

Now that Shang Xia\'s cultivation base has gone further, refining his natal spirit to 90%, the power of the Four Elephants in his hands is already second only to Cen Yu\'s "Sky Flame Splitting the Sky", the top four heavenly supernatural powers .

When the two wanted to use more means to resist, Shang Xia would not give them any more chances. In desperation, the two had no choice but to combine their bodyguards into one, and work together to resist the crushing of the Four Elephant Palms. It\'s really blocked!

Although it seemed that the two of them had a hard time resisting, and the protective light they jointly supported was gradually being worn away and compressed, but at least they had bought time.

This method of linking the two warriors\' different body-guards into one body is obviously a unique inheritance secret technique of the Guan Yu Sect.

Although the Four Elephant Palm is strong, Shang Xia can\'t slap the two people in front of him to death with one slap.

But at this moment, the high-ranking martial artist finally bypassed the turbulent void, and approached the two companions from another direction.

However, before this person rushed to Shang Xia, he was forced to retreat again by him casually.

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly jumped up, and flew directly over the heads of the two Guan Yu faction warriors who were suppressed by him, leaving behind a light that pointed to the location of Guan Yu Ludao.

After realizing that it was impossible to defeat the combination of the three high-ranking warriors of Guanyu Sect in a short period of time, Shang Xia immediately changed his strategy and went to Guanyu Ludao single-handedly.


"Your opponent is me!"

Shang Xia\'s actions instantly humiliated and drove the three Guan Yu faction warriors who were left behind by him.

After the two land islands of Tongyou and Guanyu passed by each other, during the confrontation between the two sides, the Guanyu faction did show a foundation accumulation far beyond Tongyou College, and its cultivation was above the melting of the four natal spirits. The warriors sent out three in one go.

But in fact, there are only three of them on Guan Yu Lu Island.

It\'s not that the sect power will be like Tongyou Academy, which will overwhelm 90% of its own quadruple heaven warriors for a land island in another world.

At this time, although there are still many fourth-tier warriors staying on Guanyu Lu Island, there are no warriors above the fourth-tier and fourth-tier.

In other words, at this time, if Shang Xia killed Shangguan Yulu Island, he could almost do whatever he wanted.

Unless, the Dzogchen master of the Guan Yu faction who has been hiding and waiting for the opportunity to advance to the fifth heaven, can\'t help but stop him!

But if that\'s the case, Shang Xia\'s goal has been achieved.

The three high-ranking warriors of the Guan Yu faction chased after Shang Xia with all their might, and even used a special flying escape secret treasure to try to stop him before he broke into Ludao.

However, Shang Xia also has the auspicious cloud cloak that has an excellent effect on increasing the speed of flying away, and he has gradually summed up a set of secret techniques from the process of controlling the flying escape of the evil light of his own life, which can make his flying speed within Explosive improvement in a short period of time.

So, no matter how the three Guan Yu faction warriors shouted behind them, the distance between Shang Xia and them was not only not shortened, but even further.

At the same time, the Guan Yu warriors on the Lu Island have also realized Shang Xia\'s plan. Several fourth-tier warriors have gathered in the direction where he landed on the Lu Island, and jointly launched a sniper attack on Shang Xia from the air, trying to prevent him from landing. island.

But at this moment, facing the joint sniper attack of several fourth-level masters, Shang Xia refused to give way in mid-air, suddenly shouted, and volleyed down with Linyuan Dao in both hands.

Before the light of the saber fell, the saber intent had already soaked into the void. In an instant, all those who sensed this saber intent would have the idea of ​​cutting off all the past and starting again.

This knife cut not only people, but also people\'s hearts!

This knife can not only break the opponent\'s killing move, but also break the opponent\'s killing intent!

This knife can make the fighting spirit of the strong wither, and it can kill the weak.

This knife is the end of everything, but it is also the beginning of everything.

One yuan starts again, Vientiane is renewed!

Shang Xia defined this knife as the first form of the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Magical Sword"-"Lichun"!

As soon as this saber style came out, the defense line composed of a fourth-tier and third-tier warrior in front of Shang Xia, and four or five fourth-tier first- and second-tier warriors collapsed immediately.

Shang Xia drove straight in, directly killed Guanyu Ludao, and then slashed to the ground on the edge of Ludao with a backhand, forming a huge gully that continued to crack into the depths.

With a loud noise, a fragment of land nearly thirty miles long and ten miles wide broke away from the land island, and floated into the void away from the land island.

"You are not Shangbo, who are you?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in Shang Xia\'s ears, as if the speaker was standing not far from him.

However, instead of being flustered in the slightest, Shang Xia raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile as if the scheme had succeeded.