Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1733

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Look at the void in the plane of the Tianyu Lingfeng Realm.

Shang Xia once again completed the original seven-star martial arts in his body, and carefully realized that after the end of the Zhou Tianyun training, the trace of the Big Dipper source added in his body seemed to have a slight increase in efficiency compared to the previous few times.

And in the process of Zhou Tianyun training this time, Shang Xia also discovered several details that can be adjusted. If they can be properly deployed, it may be possible to shorten the time of the Zhou Tian operation of martial arts exercises, and at the same time improve the efficiency.

This is the basic process for Shang Xia to create a martial art that is completely suitable for him every time he enters a new martial arts realm. It is a little bit of correction and improvement in the process of trial and error again and again, and finally reaches perfection. state.

And this process takes a long time, often taking several years or even longer.

But in the process of creating martial arts again and again, Shang Xia will also have a deeper understanding of the essence of martial arts at the current level, and this will directly lead to the result?????????????? ?? As a result, after he completes the creation of martial arts skills, he will hardly encounter any major bottlenecks in the cultivation process at the current level.

At this time, after Shang Xia woke up from meditation practice, he habitually sensed the general state of the star-robed avatar through the Big Dipper, but suddenly found that the star source in his body was in a state of rapid but irregular loss. This means that the avatar of the star robe seems to be fighting someone at this time!

Although the star-robed avatar didn\'t seem to be asking for help from the deity at this time, Shang Xia still decided to transmit the Big Dipper source that he had accumulated in recent days through the seven-day star.

Of course, in this process, one more attempt that Shang Xia wants to make is to try to make the star-cloaked incarnation realize the existence of the Sifangbei in the body of the deity. ability!

The star-robed incarnation fought with three seventh-order beings before and after the ruins of the Lingyin world, but in fact most of the time he did not have an absolute upper hand, and in the process of becoming the final victor, he relied more on his real body regardless Lost Big Dipper source transmission, and a considerable degree of luck.

But once the star-cloak avatar has the ability to summon the projection of the square monument, his combat power will be completely different.

At least the star-robed avatar is confident. Once he controls the projection of the square stele, even if he doesn\'t have the martial arts of the seven-star realm and the transmission of the source of the Big Dipper from his real body, he can still counteract Master Jiuyin in the first fight. To suppress, instead of relying on the Xingyuan transmission of the real body to consume the opponent to win.


With the input of resources regardless of the cost and the day and night arrangements of Chu Jia and many other fourth-tier and above formation masters, after the star-robed incarnation finally made a move, the preliminary transformation of this ark was finally successfully completed.

In the void beyond the barrier of the secret realm of Lingyin Small Realm, two starships with completely different construction styles hover side by side in the void.

Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, Chu Jia said proudly to the star-robed avatar next to him, "Do you think we have mastered a special means of opening up the secret realm of the cave?"

The star-robed avatar glanced at her and said, "Isn\'t it strange that a top sixth-order formation master and a seventh-order existence jointly opened up a temporary cave space?"

Chu Jia immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said, "Since a temporary cave space can be opened up, it\'s no problem to build and develop a stable and long-term real cave space!"

The star-robed avatar shook his head, and said, "You should figure out how to load as complete a spiritual world as possible into the ark!"

Chu Jia retorted: "I\'m just a formation master in charge of the formation. It\'s up to you sixth- and seventh-level masters to incorporate the entire Lingyin Small Realm into the ark. You still have to figure out how to compress it." In the process of Lingyin Xiaojie, reduce the consumption and overflow of the original source!"

The incarnation of the star robe who was defeated by Chu Jia smiled helplessly. When he raised his eyes, he saw Huang Yu walking towards him.

"I have a piece of news here. People from the Yuandu Realm and the Lingmang Realm are in contact. Once we take something from the Lingyin Small Realm back to Guantianyu, the two will most likely choose to join forces!"

As soon as Huang Yu came up, he told the star robe incarnation the bad news.

The star-robed avatar didn\'t seem surprised by this, but said: "Sure enough, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests! Even if Yuandu and Lingmang have fought for hundreds of years, many martial arts masters on both sides have died, and enmity is entangled It is extremely deep, but once encountering an opportunity that may make the world of the plane grow, I still chose to join forces without hesitation."

Huang Yu said in a deep voice: "Can you alone stop Master Yan Yu and Guan Ziqing?"

The star-robed incarnation said: "The way we return is on the side of the spirit world. Even if the two sides join hands, it is impossible for Master Yan Yu to descend in person, and he doesn\'t have that ability. As for Guan Ziqing, he will definitely not be as good after the previous defeat, but after all, the Lingmang world is his lair, and he may still be able to maintain the seventh-level combat power. If the two choose to join forces..."

Speaking of this, the star-cloaked avatar changed his expression, and suddenly laughed. Under Huang Yu\'s inexplicable gaze, he explained: "If the two of you join hands, I really can\'t be an opponent before, but now I can Just maybe."

As he said that, the star-cloaked avatar spread his palms, and in his palms, there was a faint source of stars converging into an invisible vortex, as if something could come and go from it at any time as he wished.

Huang Yu glanced at the palm of the star-cloaked incarnation, but found nothing, but he knew that Shang Xia, or the star-cloaked incarnation, was by no means the kind of person who would aimlessly, so he said: "Just be sure in your heart." , but I came to you for another matter.”

The star-cloaked avatar was slightly taken aback, but still said, "Say it."

Huang Yu said: "No matter what happens this time, I hope you can help me sneak into Yuandu Realm, or send me to Chaotic Star Sea, or send me to Lingmang Realm if it doesn\'t work."

The star-cloaked incarnation was a little bit shocked when he heard the words, and couldn\'t help but said: "Are you going to lurk and be an undercover agent again? Yuandu Realm or Lingmang Realm, is this what the head of the mountain means?"

Huang Yu shook his head and said: "That\'s what I mean. Maybe I\'m used to this kind of life. It\'s awkward to stay in Lingfeng Realm during this period of time. This is why I insisted on watching Tianyu with the real Zhu Nang before." The root cause of coming out."

After getting an affirmative answer from the star robe incarnation, Huang Yu left in a hurry.

The void around Lingyin Xiaojie is almost within the control and perception range of the star-cloak incarnation. According to the star-cloak incarnation, Huang Yu has actually been secretly connected with the outside world during this period of time. Liaison did play a role, too.

This also made the incarnation of the star robe have to admire Huang Yu\'s ability, which was the joint exploration of the ruins of the spiritual world for several months. , he has already established a reliable news channel in the two worlds through his own ability.

And just as the star-robed avatar\'s thinking was diverging, Zhu Nang had hurried over.

"My lord, should we free up our hands and set up the \'refining the origin and returning to the void and returning to the original formation\' in the remaining ruins?"

Zhu Nang asked the star robe incarnation for instructions.

This "Refining the Origin and Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin Array" should have been a secret inheritance at the very core of Tongyou Academy, but with the continuous rise of Tongyou Academy, Shang Xia has crossed the threshold of the seventh heaven, and the original Xingyuan Dojo After gradually losing its deterrent power, the right to know has begun to spread within the academy.

The star-cloaked avatar asked strangely: "Why do you need to set up an array? I\'m afraid that ruins have no value to use?"

But Zhu Nang said: "Once the Venerable Master starts to compress the space of the Lingyin Small World, part of the original essence will inevitably be lost, and this part of the essence is most likely to be integrated into the ruins. If we can deploy this formation in advance to refine the source crystal, Maybe we can maximize the use of this part of the original essence and reduce our losses."

The star-cloaked avatar smiled and said: "Your suggestion was originally excellent and necessary, but now, it is no longer needed!"

The star robe incarnation patted Zhu Nang on the shoulder, and walked past him with a happy expression, leaving behind Zhu Nang for some reason.

The star-robed incarnation suddenly became in a very good mood at this time, but it was because when he found that he could summon the projection of the Sifangbei, he had an idea in his mind. He can continue to receive transmissions from the source of the Big Dipper, and he can also summon the projection of the Sifangbei, so why can\'t he use the projection of the Sifangbei to absorb the essence of the spiritual small world, and then transmit it back to the real body in Guantianyu?


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