Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1732

Chu Jia roughly explained her method to everyone.

Although this method is not perfect, but as far as it is concerned, it is indeed a method that can preserve the essence of the Lingyin small world and the survivors of the Lingyin world to the maximum extent.

After hearing this, Gu Mingzheng\'s face was cloudy and uncertain. He also understood that once this method was implemented, the survivors of the spiritual music world, including some warriors, would become part of the sacrifice.

However, he is very clear that the people in front of him, from the star-cloaked venerable, are also determined to win the Lingyin Xiaojie.

He can strive for all possible benefits for the survivors of the spiritual music world as much as possible, but he must not express even the slightest objection on this matter.

So, when Chu Jia finished her method and everyone was still thinking about and digesting her plan, Gu Mingzheng was the first to speak: "I agree with Master Chu\'s plan, and I will do everything possible to cooperate with you." Master Chu will cooperate."

Except for the star-cloak avatar, several other academy warriors looked at the real Gu Mingzheng in surprise when they heard the words, but then they secretly admired him again.

Song Zhen said at this time: "But Hall Master Chu\'s plan is still based on the fact that we have an ark. The problem is still back to the original point. How can we get a batch of empty space enough to build a spirit-level ark?" stone?"

However, as soon as Song Zhen finished speaking, Chu Jia said again: "Perhaps we can temporarily own a spirit-level ark without using the Skystone!"

Before Chu Jia finished speaking, everyone\'s eyes were shifted to her, and there was a strange light in their eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Even though Chu Jiadang was a little unhappy, he said, "Don\'t you believe it?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and for a while, no one dared to speak first.

In the end, the star-robed avatar said, "What are you going to do?"

Chu Jiadao: "It\'s very simple. Arrange the five-element array in the ark to simulate the \'five-element void secret technique\', but then you can personally perform the \'space-breaking technique\', which is enough to open up a space in the ark. In a short time, there is enough space to carry the secret realm of the cave.”

The avatar of Xingpao subconsciously turned his gaze to Hai Yuanyuan, only to see the girl giggle a couple of times in embarrassment.

Whether it is the "Five Elements Void Secret Art" or "The Art of Opening Space and Establishing Boundaries", they are all Shang Xia\'s unique inheritance of martial arts secret arts. As a person who is very close to him, Chu Jia, even if he knows these two secret arts The existence of these two secret arts, but they don\'t know the real foundation of these two secret arts, and the only one who knows the details of the true content of the inheritance of these two secret arts is Hai Yuanyuan, the heir of the true body of the deity.

Of course, all of this is based on Chu Jia\'s in-depth research on the path of the Five Elements Formation.

The star-cloaked avatar thought for a while, and said: "Even if the formation you set up can carry my \'Space Breaking Art\', but even if the Lingyin Small Realm returns to a cave, it must be the top one. How long do you think this temporary method can last? Especially when you travel through the gaps in the boundary barriers, you will face the impact of the tides in the sky, and the requirements for the stability of the inner space of the ark will only be stronger."

Chu Jia directly sacrificed the five-element ring, saying: "I have this, the big deal is that I don\'t want this magical weapon, it is enough to withstand the influence of the tide in the sky."

The star-robed avatar frowned, and said, "Are you willing?"

Chu Jia caressed this magic weapon in his hand, but with a "giggle" smile on his face, he said: "It\'s a big deal, you can make another five-element ring magic weapon for me, and if you can get most of the essence of Lingyin Xiaojie Sending it back to this world, the price you pay is not just a magic weapon."

Huang Yu asked subconsciously after hearing the words: "What else?"

Without Chu Jia opening his mouth, the star-robed avatar said, "I\'m afraid that ark will also be scrapped, right?"

Chu Jia nodded, and said: "My formation practice has been brought to the limit, and I just use the Five Elements Void Secret Art to maintain the level of the formation at the limit of the sixth level, and carry a secret space that contains some characteristics of the Yuanjie. It must be assisted by the power of the seventh heaven."

The star-cloaked incarnation also explained: "The origin of the heaven and earth in a secret cave is still second to the Lingfeng Realm. The Lingyin Realm fell short at the last moment of being promoted to the Yuan Realm, and the most essential part of the source that it retains is fully equipped with the Yuan Realm. This is what the Lingfeng Realm really needs, and this part of things is something that even a spirit-level ark cannot carry."

Speaking of this, the star-cloak avatar further added: "The spirit-level ark can only carry world fragments below the spirit-level world, but cannot carry the yuan-level upper realm fragments that contain the source sea. The super-level ark can only be the key to the spiritual level."

Huang Yu said: "So, this Kongtianshi actually has a grade?"

The star-robed avatar said as it should: "Of course!"

Now that everyone has decided on a plan, not only the group of Tongyou Academy, but also the survivors and warriors in Lingyin Xiaojie were mobilized as much as possible. Under Chu Jia\'s command, Lingyin Xiaojie started The ark in the world is undergoing the final upgrade.

Under the intervention of Gu Mingzheng, a large amount of material resources in the Lingyin Small World were donated, and even several formation masters above the fourth rank among the survivors also participated in the arrangement of the five-element formation inside the ark.

And outside the small world of Lingyin, the large starship of the Tongyou Academy scavenged a large number of materials and resources from the ruins of the world. At this time, everything that could be used was sent to the inside of the small world of Lingyin. .

Even if this time it was just a one-time formation before leaving, under the premise of massive resource supply, the formation masters headed by Chu Jia worked hard day and night, and it took nearly a month. , just to see that the ark has been rebuilt.

However, so far this ark is far from being a real ark. After Song Zhen and others drove the ark out of the small world, under the anxious eyes of everyone, the star-robed avatar walked away alone. into the interior of the ark.

Accompanied by almost undetectable fluctuations in the void, under the control of the star-robed avatar, the "secret technique of opening up space and establishing boundaries" was performed, and finally opened up a highly stable space secret realm inside the ark.

So far, the mission of this ark that has found a different way has been half completed.

The remaining half depends on whether it can carry the condensed spiritual sound realm into its internal space, and withstand the test of the sky tide in the process of shuttling through the gaps in the realm barrier.