Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1687


The moment Shang Xia\'s real body stepped into the void of the plane of Lingtu, the entire plane world and even the void outside the sky ushered in an overall turmoil.

The upper limit of warriors that can be carried in a spiritual-level world is only the sixth-order Dzogchen, and a seventh-order existence that appears in the void outside the sky has already reached the limit that the void of this world can carry, let alone this one. Two seventh-order beings squeezed in?

After all, the Lingtu Realm is no more generous than the Lingfeng Realm, which is in the process of being promoted to the Yuan-level Upper Realm.

But even the Lingfeng Realm can only carry two or three more within the scope of the seventh-order first-rank, and don\'t even think about the existence of the seventh-rank second-rank.

The moment Shang Xia stepped into the void of the plane, he had already discovered that even where he walked casually, the void was a sign of cracking everywhere that was about to exceed the limit.

But at this time, in his perception of divine will, on the sky barrier millions of miles away, a figure exuding a seventh-order aura stood there motionless.

Shang Xia just took a few steps forward at random, and after getting closer to the sky barrier of the Lingtu Realm by hundreds of thousands of miles, he had to stop, and frowned when he looked at the Lingtu Realm again.

"Hey, this deity doesn\'t mind destroying this plane world, and the left and right are just losing one original incarnation!"

A hoarse voice rang in Shang Xia\'s ears across hundreds of thousands of miles of space: "So, what about you?"

Shang Xia stared intently at the void in the distance, as if he could see the sky barrier of the Lingtu Realm hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The moment Shang Xia\'s real body entered the void of the Lingtu Realm, he had already sensed a potential danger: once the Lingtu Realm collapsed because of him, there would be a huge disaster. The burden fell upon him.

Shang Xia\'s current state, which seems to be detached from the Lingfeng world, was originally obtained in a way similar to "credit".

What\'s more, the Lingfeng Realm, which has not yet completed the promotion to the Yuan-level Upper Realm, itself is still part of the Guantianyu.

Shang Xia got rid of the shackles of the Lingfeng Realm, but was still trapped in the prison of the Guantianyu, and the Lingtu Realm was also a part of the Guantianyu. However, the seventh-level Master behind the Lingtu Realm is really from outside Guantianyu. He has no loss in destroying the inner plane world of Guantianyu, and at most loses one original incarnation.

But if Shang Xia becomes one of the culprits, then what he lost is most likely his martial arts path beyond the shackles of the Tianyu world!

At this time, the seventh-rank master behind the Lingtu world seemed to have sensed Shang Xia\'s inner hesitation, and his original incarnation immediately changed his tone, saying: "The Lingtu world has already paid the price for their actions, the three spirits A high-ranking real person in the world, two dead and one seriously injured, why should Shang Shangzun be so aggressive?"

It has been less than a month since Shang Xia completed his promotion to the Seventh Heaven, but the news about his promotion has already been known to people in Outland.

Shang Xia\'s eyes were deep, but he couldn\'t tell what he was thinking on the surface.

The seventh-order original incarnation on the sky barrier of the spiritual tea world did not urge him, and seemed to be quietly waiting for his final decision.

But at this moment, Shang Xia took a deep look in the direction of the Lingtu Realm, then turned and left in the direction he came from.

On the sky barrier of the Lingtu Realm, above that, the seventh-order original avatar could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although everything he just said is true, but in fact, if the Lingtu Realm is really going to be destroyed by the two, he will also lose his foothold to enter the Tianguan Realm, and naturally he will lose his respect for the Star Master and the Guantian Realm. An opportunity to find the remains of the Tianpai.

Now it is the best choice for this newly promoted seventh-rank master in front of Guan Tianyu to take the initiative to retreat!

But before this original incarnation was completely relieved, Shang Xia, who had already arrived at the buffer zone between the void of the plane and the turbulent flow of the void, suddenly stopped. point out!

A bit of starlight peeled off from his fingertips, and the void shattered in an instant. This bit of starlight has already come from one end of the void in the spirit tea world to the other end.

The other side of the void in the Lingtu Realm is also the turbulent flow of the void, but it coincides with the turbulent flow of the sky in the world of Guan Tianyu.

And that bit of starlight not only broke through the distance of millions of miles in the void of the plane, but also seemed to be completely unaffected by the turbulent flow of the void, until it passed through a certain barrier hidden in the turbulent flow of the void in the sky. Gap...

"Ah, bastard..., this deity and you are irreconcilable—"

Vaguely, whether it was Shang Xia or the warriors above the sixth rank in the Lingtu Realm, they all seemed to hear a roar of anger that seemed to be there.

But the original incarnation above the sky barrier in the Lingtu Realm seemed to be stunned by what had just happened at this moment, and it took a moment to fully react.

"Shang Xia!"

The angry roar almost broke the sound. At this moment, the sky barrier of the Lingtu Realm is like a rag that has been randomly ravaged, making people worry that it will be completely torn apart in the next moment.

However, at this time, Shang Xia had already stepped into the turbulent flow of the void, and began to walk outside the Lingtu Realm under the guidance of Guan Xingyin.

The turbulent flow of the void was surging behind him, and the seventh-order source avatar who was extremely angry was sparing no effort to stir up the turbulent flow of the void to attack Shang Xia.

However, before it joined hands with other seventh-order existences, it could not prevent Shang Xia from breaking into the spiritual tea world. At this time, it is even more impossible for him to stop Shang Xia\'s departure with his own strength.

In the case that the original incarnation still didn\'t have the guts to chase into the turbulent void, everything it did was nothing more than impotent rage in Shang Xia\'s eyes.

"However, it can also be judged from this that the cultivation level and combat power of the seventh-rank master from the outer domain behind the spirit tea world are not particularly high, perhaps only the second rank of the seventh rank, and probably not even the third rank. "

"Otherwise, the seventh-rank master who is hiding behind the gap in the boundary barrier and spying, will not be caught off guard and hurt by my pointing."

Thinking of this, Shang Xia could not help putting a mocking smile on his face while dispelling the turbulent flow of the void that was attacked by the manipulator.

Shang Xia\'s finger failed to poke the eyes of the real body of the seventh-rank master at all, but it must have left an indelible scar on his face.

After Shang Xia was promoted to the seven-star realm, the Beidou source power transformed in the dantian was also a manifestation of certain rules. It was not easy for the seventh-level master to get rid of the scars on his face.

It\'s just that the finger he just tapped suddenly on a whim is a bit interesting, maybe he can use it to deduce and create a set of seventh-level fingering inheritance?

Well, maybe it\'s not impossible!