Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1686

"I can\'t hold my breath so soon?!"

Shang Xia said something in surprise, then shook his head and laughed.

However, thinking of the blows that the Lingtu Realm suffered in the process of targeting the Lingfeng Realm, Shang Xia was a little dazed again.

In the turbulence of the void in the Lingfeng world, the two high-ranking figures of the Lingfeng world, Qu Guan and Luan Jingyi, and even Zuo Li, a newly promoted sixth-rank real person, were severely injured, plus the news that Shang Xia was promoted to the seventh heaven. I\'m afraid it has spread throughout Guantianyu by now, and most of the hearts of the entire Lingtu world have been knocked out.

Now the entire Lingtu world is probably immersed in the fear of revenge from the Lingfeng world, so it is not surprising that the reaction seems to be too extreme.

It\'s just that I don\'t know how the seventh-rank master from the outer domain behind the Lingtu world intervened in the interference of the Tianguan Tianyu. Is it the incarnation of the original source or the incarnation of the original source?

Facing the inward compression of the surrounding void turbulence, Shang Xia seemed unaware, and continued to go deeper into the void turbulence.

However, when the surrounding void turbulence squeezed inward to a certain range around him, accompanied by the surge of dense starlight, those void turbulences that surged back were completely eliminated, and they could no longer cause any harm to Shang Xia. Little bit of pressure.

The seventh-level existence who was competing with Shang Xia in the air seemed to have realized that this method was useless to the opponent, so suddenly the void turbulence that was retracting and squeezing around it suddenly dissipated, and the last one was completely controlled by the void turbulence. Huge palms gathered together appeared in Shang Xia\'s direction, and then slapped him hard.

Shang Xia let out a sneer with a "heh", the previous means of manipulating the turbulent flow of the void to compress and squeeze couldn\'t get close to him, so what if it was replaced with a palm?

Shang Xia didn\'t even bother to make any changes, and let the palm slap down, but still couldn\'t penetrate into the field of starlight that filled his body, so he was firmly resisted at a distance of a hundred feet away from him.

However, that palm did not dissipate on its own because it returned in vain, but continued to press on the starlight field to push it back.

Seeing this, Shang Xia felt a little funny, like a robber is about to invade your home, but all you want is to push him out from the door!

Shang Xia stretched out a finger, and the origin of the Big Dipper gleaming with starlight quickly converged on his fingertip.

However, before he could point this out, Shang Xia suddenly turned around and looked at the turbulent void behind him.

The surging void turbulence was suddenly broken, and another giant palm formed by the void turbulence slapped.

The two giant palms, one in front and one in the back, intend to sandwich Shang Xia in the middle!

How could the seventh-rank master behind Lingtu Realm just push Shang Xia out of the turbulent flow of the plane?

It\'s just that when the palm behind him struck, Shang Xia had already noticed that the two palms formed by the turbulent flow of the void in front and back were definitely not cast by the same person, at least the seven powers contained in the two palms The source of the order is completely different.

There is also a second seventh-rank master present!

Shang Xia\'s heart tightened, and while continuing to point forward, the other palm struck behind him.



The two strange sounds could not even be distorted and covered by the turbulent flow of the void.

First, the giant palm in front was opened a huge hole by Shang Xiayi\'s guidance, followed by the same palm and the turbulent flow of the void that was also induced by the other palm to hit the giant palm behind, and then his whole body was crushed. Pushed by a huge force, it flew straight out of the opened hole.

Grotto -

The two giant palms collided in the turbulent void behind Shang Xia and shattered them all, but they set off a more violent turbulent storm. Even Shang Xia himself could not stabilize his figure for a while, and his whole body was engulfed. Then it was thrown into the depths of the turbulent void at a faster speed.

Naturally, Shang Xia couldn\'t even have a way to stabilize his figure, but in the situation where the turbulent storm couldn\'t hurt him at all, and then this force traveled through the turbulent void, which saved him a lot of energy.

But what makes Shang Xia curious is whether the two seventh-order beings who just fought against him are from the spiritual tea world?

Although it is very unlikely that the Lingtu Realm can carry the original incarnations of two seventh-level masters, it is not impossible.

However, judging from the power gap contained in the two giant palms one behind the other just now, Shang Xia is more inclined to have the seventh-order original incarnation who descended from another spiritual world and participated in the attack just now.

Because the power of the giant palm that just came from behind is obviously much weaker than the one in front, and most of the seventh-level original incarnations can only maintain the combat power of the first-time seventh-level heaven, regardless of the seventh-level master who differentiates the original incarnation. Because of the strength of the combat power, the original avatars that everyone stripped out should not be much different.

Unless the giant palm that just came from behind Shang Xia came from other spiritual worlds in the Tianguan, and there was too much loss in the process of power extension and crossing, the power of the giant palm behind was obviously weak. The one that Yu intercepted Shang Xia in front of him.

As for where did the giant palm behind him come from?

Shang Xia guessed that it was more likely to come from the Linglang Realm!

Otherwise, when the alliance of the Three Realms was broken, even if the Lingtu Realm was backed by a seventh-rank master and encouraged, the Linglang Realm might not have dared to make trouble.

This shows that the two worlds have secretly colluded for a long time, and maybe the seventh-rank masters of the outer domain behind the two worlds also have colluded.

Perhaps it was because Shang Xia deliberately showed the state of being knocked into the air, and when he was walking through the turbulent void, and the turbulent void itself also interfered with the seventh-level master, so he did not move forward. When he encountered the attack of the seventh-rank master, he followed the guidance of Guan Xingyin, and he was getting closer and closer to the Lingtu Realm at this time.

So after the power that pushed him to travel was exhausted, Shang Xia simply continued to travel at this speed in the turbulent void. After an unknown amount of time, the turbulent void around him suddenly began to calm down, and he had already entered the spirit tea The buffer zone between the void and the turbulent flow of the void on the interface plane.

But at this time, perhaps because of the loss of the disturbing effect of the turbulent flow of the void under the high-speed travel, the seventh-order original incarnation sitting in the spiritual tea world captured his whereabouts again, so the void in the buffer zone that Shang Xia just entered Suddenly collapsed, and the space in the entire area became violent | chaotic again, and even directly turned into chaos and submerged Shang Xia in it.

Although this blow seemed fierce, Shang Xia had already noticed it the moment he encountered the opponent\'s attack. The person who made the attack seemed a little hasty, as if he had never thought that Shang Xia would break into the soul through the turbulent flow of the void so quickly. Tea world in general.

It\'s just that Shang Xia didn\'t bother to think about the reason. When the void almost turned into chaos to bury him after the collapse, a piece of starlight suddenly emerged, and even chaos couldn\'t annihilate the seven shining stars in the starlight. .

The next moment, where the starlight spread, the broken void immediately began to recover, and Shang Xia passed through the buffer zone like a stroll in the garden, and entered the void of the plane of the Lingtu Realm.