Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1683

In the beginning, Shang Xia was able to make friends with the Ying brothers, and befriend the sixth-order real people in the Lingmang world. Apart from the common interests and demands of the two parties, it was largely due to the similar strength of the two parties and the size of the worlds of the planes to which they belonged. Pretty much the same.

However, when Shang Xia, who was originally a friend of the same way, suddenly transformed into the Seventh Heavenly Supreme Being that they could not reach. It was difficult for Gaopin Zhenren to accept it for a while.

However, the Ying brothers are better. After all, the two brothers have asked Shang Xia in the past. Before and after the spiritual law world was pushed forward to complete the promotion, they also witnessed the incredible methods displayed by Shang Xia. Shang Xia in the seventh heaven, the two brothers actually have a mentality of "no wonder this is so", and they are more receptive to Shang Xia\'s identity change.

But the three high-quality real people in the spirit world are different.

Originally, the successful alliance between the Lingmang Realm and the Lingfeng Realm was based on the fact that the worlds in the two dimensions were similar in size—even strictly speaking, the foundation and overall strength of the Lingmang Realm should be higher than that of the Lingfeng Realm—and in There is a common pursuit in resisting foreign invasion.

However, now that Shang Xia has transformed himself, from a sixth-level real person to a seventh-level superior in one fell swoop, the weight of allies who were originally of equal status has suddenly become lighter and heavier, and the gap between them is too great.

It is even unknown whether the three high-quality real people will change their positions because of Shang Xia\'s promotion, and it is not known whether the Lingfeng world wants to bring the Lingmang world under their own control like the current Yuandu world.

You know, before Yuandu Realm and Master Yan Yu completed their transformation, the relationship between the original Lingdu Realm and Lingmang Realm was quite friendly, but now Master Yan Yu and Master Yuandu Realm are quite friendly. He wholeheartedly wanted to incorporate the Lingmang Realm into his own Tianyu system, and become a stepping stone for master Yan Yu to improve his cultivation base.

Shang Xia also seemed to have noticed the changes in the three high-quality real people in the Lingmang world, and said with a smile: "The three of you are able to take the risk to come to help this time, and this kind of love will be repaid by Shang Xia in the Lingfeng world!"

After a pause, Shang Xia continued: "If Master Yan Yu attacks again, Shang will definitely block him! But there is only so much Shang can do. Things have changed, even if Shang is lucky enough to be promoted to the seventh heaven, he dare not say that he can sit back and relax in the next few years."

Cai Qiao and the other three high-quality real people thanked him immediately after hearing the words.

Shang Xia turned his attention to the Ying brothers again, and said with a smile: "Xin Kunzhong can come to help, this time Gaoyi Lingfeng Realm must remember it, and now that the Spiritual Law Realm has completed the promotion, we can try to complete that matter with the Lingcang Realm Things, so as not to keep the world on the two seats from slipping."

"If there is a need for Shang to take action, both of you can speak up! In addition, the faction that Shang belongs to is somewhat good at stargazing and formations. If there is a need in the spiritual law world, just ask."

The Ying brothers quickly thanked her, and seeing Ying Lianxi\'s hesitant expression, she asked, "My lord, I don\'t know that jade pillar supporting the sky..."

Shang Xia smiled and said, "It won\'t be long before Shang will take it back."

The Ying brothers had obviously discovered something from the jade pillar supporting the sky that had sunk into the depths of the source sea.

In fact, without the Ying brothers asking, Shang Xia also planned to take back the stone stick that turned into a jade pillar supporting the sky.

Shang Xia\'s other spirit-fixing tools were buried deep in the source sea of ​​the hostile world, but this stone stick turned into a sky-supporting jade pillar was not only in the world of one\'s own allies, but also did not make any cover Cheng Tian grounded.

At the beginning, it was fine. After all, the spiritual law world was in a special situation at that time, and Shang Xia needed to use this method to forcefully promote the promotion of the plane world.

But now that the spiritual law world has completed its transformation, and Shang Xia has also used this large spirit fixation device to absorb part of the origin of the world and completed the promotion to the seven-star realm, so it is unreasonable to keep it in the spiritual law world.

The five high-grade real people on the two large starships left shortly after meeting Shang Xia, and Shang Xia didn\'t do much to keep them, but at the request of the Ying brothers, he sent two fourth-order The array master and Xin Lu, the fifth-rank stargazing master, left together.

After watching the two large starships leave, Shang Xia pondered for a while, then stripped a sixth-order original avatar from his body and entered the plane world.

Before Lingfeng Realm and Lingfeng Realm completely completed the promotion of Yuan-level Upper Realm, Shang Xia no longer planned to enter the plane world easily.

One is because the Lingfeng Realm, which is currently undergoing transformation, is extremely reluctant to carry a seventh-layer heavenly being, which may hinder the process of transformation; Increased burden.

After the original incarnation entered the sky barrier, he could easily perceive the obvious rise in the vitality of the whole world.

Obviously, after continuous fusion and assimilation of two seventh-order source incarnations, the source of heaven and earth in Lingfeng Realm has been greatly supplemented.

After the original incarnation entered the world of the plane, he originally wanted to go to Youzhou to find Kou Chongxue, but he never thought that Kou Chongxue was actually recuperating in the secret cave of Jiaozhou at this time.

However, Shang Xia understood the reason just after thinking about it. The best place for a sixth-level real person to practice in seclusion and heal his wounds should naturally be in the place where his original true spirit is entrusted, and Kou Chongxue was at the sixth level when he entered the sixth level. Entrust the original true spirit in Jiaozhou Yuanhai.

Kou Chongxue soon noticed the arrival of Shang Xia Yuanyuan\'s incarnation, so he welcomed it into his retreat.

"What happened in the Lingyu world, and how did you get hurt?"

Shang Xia\'s original avatar asked straight to the point.

Kou Chongxue had already expected this, so he recounted how the Three Realms Alliance disintegrated and how he was injured.

Shang Xia had also speculated about this before, and at this moment, after hearing Kou Chongxue\'s detailed account, he couldn\'t help saying: "So, it really is the master from the outer domain who is behind the Linglang world and the Lingtu world? Attacking and killing, the greater possibility is to eliminate the seeds that may be promoted to the seventh heaven in Guantianyu."

Kou Chongxue nodded, generally approved of Shang Xia\'s judgment, and then asked about his promotion before and after,

Shang Xia also did not hide anything, and told Kou Chongxue in detail everything that happened before and after his promotion, including the small actions of Zhang Xuansheng, Yang Taihe, Li Jidao and others behind the scenes, as well as the behind-the-scenes actions of Master Gu Yi in the Yuanming Realm. The effect of the arrival, and then to Zhuo Gudao and the two original incarnations from Star Lord and Jin Shangzun, and so on.

Even though Kou Chongxue had expected it in advance, it was inevitable that he would feel thrilled when he heard the narration of Shang Xia Yuanyuan\'s incarnation.

"The fact that you were able to finally complete the promotion to the Seventh Heaven is because you have prepared well in advance and your personal ability is too outstanding!"

Kou Chongxue couldn\'t help but sighed and shook his head while talking, and then asked: "As for Yang Taihe, Zhang Xuansheng and others, and the Dongtian sect behind them, what do you plan to do? I heard that you have spared them ?”

Shang Xia had a good idea about this for a long time, and replied after hearing the words: "I don\'t have the sentiment to repay grievances with virtue. Zhang Xuansheng and Yang Taihe seem to be pitiful, but in fact they are just looking at the right place. Facing the world is in the process of being promoted, out of overall considerations, I will not easily kill the Daoist Dongtian who sits in the secret realm of the Nine Great Caves."

"Once the promotion in this world is completed, whether it is Zhang Xuansheng, Yang Taihe, or Li Jidao, the disciples will definitely not let the three of them have a good time."

"As for what I promised them, it\'s just that the inheritance of Beihai, Weiyang and Shendu will not be cut off. What does it have to do with their lives?"

Kou Chongxue nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, and then only listened to his suggestion: "If you really don\'t plan to keep these three people, it\'s best to do it before the transformation of the plane world is about to complete, otherwise once the transformation of the plane world is completed, A large amount of heaven and earth origin feeds back, as the promoters of participating in the promotion of the plane world, these people will definitely share a lot of benefits from it, at least their personal cultivation will inevitably usher in a substantial collective improvement."

"Although even under such circumstances, accidents are very small, but it will still be a little troublesome, and let these people share the source of the plane world for no reason!"

Hearing the words, Yuanyuan incarnation couldn\'t help secretly praising Jiang as still old and spicy, and said sincerely: "What the head of the mountain said is true."

Kou Chongxue nodded, and then asked: "Then what are your plans next?"

Yuanyuan incarnate said with a smile: "Naturally, I want to go to the Linglang Realm and the Lingtu Realm to see what is behind these two realms?!"