Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1682

After Shang Xia gained an understanding of the origin of the dantian, and then had a better understanding of the direction and nature of future cultivation, most of the power of the rules contained in the three big gaps above the sky barrier had been expelled by him. The hole also began to close gradually.

During this process, Shang Xia also tried to get in touch with the original will of heaven and earth in the plane world, and soon found that if he wanted to control or dominate it, it didn\'t seem too difficult.

Of course, this only refers to a part of the original will of heaven and earth.

At first, Shang Xia thought it was because Lingfeng Realm hadn\'t completed the metamorphosis of the Yuan-level Upper Realm. In essence, she was still just a spirit-level world.

However, after Shang Xia let go of his control over this part of the world\'s will, he soon discovered that the fetters between himself and the plane world seemed to have increased, and the burden between the two parties also increased. Variety.

This made Shang Xia uncontrollably vigilant.

A very important purpose of his advancement to the seven-star realm is to reduce the burden between himself and the plane world, so that he can successfully get rid of the fetters with this world, and truly detached from the starry sky, how could he actively increase The fetters between the two parties?

It\'s just that if he no longer dominates the will of the world in the plane world, there is no doubt that Shang Xia\'s methods in the Seven Star Realm will be greatly reduced, and his own strength will also be affected to a certain extent.

After all, being able to control the will of heaven and earth at any time, borrowing the power of the plane world, and being blessed by the will of heaven and earth, the strength of the seventh-level master will also increase greatly, and even the lifespan of the warrior himself may be due to being attached to a complete plane. The world has been greatly extended.

Despite all the benefits, Shang Xia is still unwilling to give up the opportunity to escape because of this.

Fortunately, Shang Xia just tasted it just now, and the added fetters and burdens were really nothing to Shang Xia.

But I\'m afraid that he will be immersed in the soaring power of his own, and after a long period of time, it will be impossible to get rid of the shackles of the world.

"No, even if I have a firm will in martial arts and stay in the plane world for a long time, it is inevitable that I will quietly deepen my connection with this world. It seems that I need more time to stay away from the local world in the future, or Build a dojo secret realm as soon as possible?"

Shang Xia thought to himself for a moment, but didn\'t think of a good solution for a while, so he decided to bring back Kou Chongxue and others who were swimming in the turbulent void first.

After successfully advancing to the seven-star realm, another great advantage is that the turbulent flow of the void can no longer completely block his perception and detection of divine will, and he can even make shots from the air without being affected by the turbulent flow of the void.

Under the guidance of Yuan Qiuyuan and other three fifth-level great stargazers, Shang Xia quickly found their traces in the turbulence of the void, and then the Big Dipper Star Origin of the Seven Star Realm was displayed, a space channel completely condensed by starlight Emerged in the void, and then went straight into the turbulent flow of the void.

After a while, the starlight channel retracted, and the spiritual world real people standing on the channel also successfully returned.

It\'s just that after the retracted starlight passage, there are still two large starships following.

At this time, the more than ten real people in Lingfeng Realm did not look very good. They were either extremely embarrassed, extremely tired, or looked weak after recovering from a serious illness. Even a sixth-rank real person like Kou Chongxue could hardly Escaping from it even looks more miserable than others.

This time, all the spiritual realities in the Lingfeng Realm, except Lu Bailu, who needs to sit in the Jianmen Cave of Shuzhou, who has been reborn all the time, participated in the battle of sniping several spirit worlds to invade the Lingfeng Realm in the turbulent flow of the void.

&nbbsp;In this battle, Kou Chongxue and Gao Qin participated in the battle with injuries, and the latter participated in the battle passively.

However, at this time Kou Chongxue was dying, and it seemed that he could barely maintain his cultivation level of the sixth-grade unity realm.

At this time, even if any sixth-level real person has malicious intentions, he can easily knock down his cultivation base from sixth-rank to fifth-rank.

If it is said that Kou Chongxue was seriously injured and managed to keep her own cultivation after all, then Daoist Gao Qin would be even more miserable. Her original cultivation of the fifth-rank Guizhen Realm had been greatly reduced to the fourth-rank at this time, and the whole person was even more miserable. Depressed by his injuries, he doesn\'t have the demeanor of a high-quality real person.

Except for these two people, Shang Xia\'s external incarnation, which can be regarded as a strong person among fifth-rank real people, was completely scrapped because of self-explosion, and all kinds of high-grade spiritual materials and spiritual objects smashed in for this external incarnation It was also completely in vain.

The second-rank real person Yin Jingxu of Tianxing Pavilion, and the second-rank real person Nine Classics taught by Shendu died in the battle.

Feng Ziyuan, the second-rank real person who was abducted from the Xingyuan Dojo by Feng Ziying by some unknown method, also died in this battle.

In addition, Feng Ziying and Sun Haiwei were seriously injured. Huang Jinghan, Fei Xuzi and Yifan were also seriously injured. On the contrary, Dou Zhong, Lu Xueji and Zhu Nang, three first-rank real people who looked like they were making up numbers, were injured in this battle. not big.

Song Zhen, on the other hand, came late to join the battle because he led the helpers, so he basically didn\'t have any injuries.

Looking at this group of old, weak, sick, and disabled, Shang Xia couldn\'t help but secretly sighed in his heart, knowing that he might not be able to rely on the strength of these people for a long time, especially in the near future. The Yuanping Realm is about to be attacked, and I am afraid that he will need to act alone.

When the starlight channel dispersed, all the real people in Lingfeng Realm naturally knew what happened. Except for the sixth-level real people from Tongyou College, all the real people, including Song Zhen, Zhu Nang and others, bowed their hands to Shang Xia and saluted: "I have met Shang Zun, congratulations Shang Zun for making great progress!"

Among them, Song Zhen and Zhu Nang were the most excited. They were subdued by Shang Xia at the beginning, how could they have imagined that they would have today?

Thinking back to when I was begging for work under Shang Xia\'s men, I was still extremely reluctant, and even fantasized about how to escape from Shang Xia\'s hands, but now I can\'t wait to throw these original thoughts out of the sky, and now it is Shang Xia who wants to let them go Freedom, the two of them will stay crying and shouting.

Are you kidding me, this is a real master of the seventh rank!

What an honor it is to be able to serve under a master of the seventh rank? !

Shang Xia didn\'t pay attention to Song Zhen and Zhu Nang who were about to jump up excitedly, and didn\'t even bother to explore what they were thinking in their hearts. He just bowed his hands to everyone and said kindly: "You are welcome, Shang can have today. Thanks to all the comrades who fought against the invasion of masters from all walks of life in the turbulent void, it should be Shang who thanked all the comrades here!"

A group of sixth-order real people dare not even say it.

Shang Xia said again: "Although Shang was lucky enough to advance to the seventh heaven this time, the crisis in this world has not been resolved! Fortunately, after everyone returned, the defense power of this world has been greatly enhanced, and Shang can continue to do it with confidence and boldly." Something should be done."

Shang Xia knew that all the real people in this world were probably extremely exhausted at this time, and after a few simple greetings, he ordered everyone to return to their own sects to recuperate as soon as possible.

Then Shang Xia\'s eyes fell on the two large starships that slowly stopped from the far void.

The two fifth-rank Daoist Ying brothers from the Spiritual Realm, and the three high-rank Daoist Cai Qiao, Yu Tieshan, and Wu Zhang from the Lingmang Realm were already standing on the bow of the boat, each with complicated and incomprehensible eyes, looking towards Shang Xia bowed and saluted.