Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1536

"You\'re right," Shang Xia confirmed Gai Qingzhu\'s guess, and continued: "If there is anyone who is most sensitive to Zhuo Gudao\'s advancement to the seventh heaven, then this person must be the Star Lord himself!"

"Because the imprint of the true spirit controlling the core of Xingyuan Dojo has been annihilated, the star master must be able to know it immediately."

Sun Haiwei followed up and said: "So the star master also reacted accordingly, at the cost of expelling some of the origin of the world in Yuanping Realm that has not been replaced and refined by him, to speed up the control of the entire Yuanping Realm."

Gai Qingzhu said: "In other words, the cold wave broke out again in the Lingyu world, but it\'s not because of their intention?"

Sun Haiwei shook her head and said: "I can\'t tell, maybe it\'s because the Star Master is pushing the boat along the way, but the head of the mountain and the others have obviously noticed the clues, otherwise they wouldn\'t have left for so long in the name of practicing a combined attack formation. time."

When Sun Haiwei said this, Gai Qingzhu also nodded immediately, and said: "That\'s right, this time the head of the mountain has indeed been away for a long time, and as far as I know, the real people from the three realms have practiced the battle formation before. It took shape."

Speaking of this, Gai Qingzhu looked at Shang Xia again, and said: "By the way, originally the Three Realms Alliance practiced a combined attack formation. As the one with the highest cultivation and combat power, you were indispensable, but in fact you never Participated in a joint strike drill."

Shang Xia smiled and said, "Me? I\'ll forget it!"

Without waiting for others to ask, Shang Xia said with a smile: "Joining their joint attack now is completely meaningless to me. It\'s better to cruise outside, and maybe it can provide additional help for Shan Zhang and the others."

When Shang Xia said this, Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei almost understood what he meant: the joint attack formation has become a tasteless existence for Shang Xia.

Gai Qingzhu couldn\'t help asking: "How far has your cultivation reached now?"

Shang Xia smiled and said, "I have already started preparing for promotion to the Seventh Heaven."

Gai Qingzhu stared blankly at Shang Xia, speechless.

Not only him, but also Sun Haiwei, Yuan Qiuyuan and others next to him were completely stunned when they heard the words, only Xin Lu covered his mouth and chuckled.

Shang Xia said sternly: "Since the matter has been basically confirmed, whether it is the Dongtian secret realm in Jiaozhou or Dou Zhong\'s promotion to the sixth heaven, we should speed up the process."

Having said that, Shang Xia\'s tone paused slightly, and said: "We need to have the strength to fight against the seventh-rank master of the Wukong Realm as soon as possible!"

Sun Haiwei couldn\'t help but said, "Do you have any worries?"

Shang Xia looked cold, and said: "Once Zhuo Gudao has established a firm foothold in the Seventh Heaven, then quickly forming a Tianyu world around the Xingyuan Dojo will be the most convenient way for him to improve his cultivation strength, and this is also the most convenient way for him to improve his cultivation. It is the most common method for seventh-level masters in the Tianyu world to improve their own cultivation."

At this time, Gai Qingzhu could probably see that Shang Xia should have something to talk to the two fifth-rank stargazers, so he said: "Then I will go to Bingzhou, and if he plans to attack the sixth heaven, I will protect him."

Sun Haiwei also said: "In that case, I will go to Jiaozhou to take care of the final finishing touches of Gu Dongtian Secret Realm."

Speaking of this, Sun Haiwei mentioned another sentence to Gai Qingzhu: "You might as well tell Dou Zhong later, it is best to start the promotion after the Jiaozhou Dongtian Secret Realm is completed."

Gai Qingzhu let out a "huh" and understood that this was to provide another guarantee for Dou Zhong to hit the sixth heaven.

Once he completed all the steps to ascend to the sixth heaven, but had an accident in the last stage of relying on the original true spirit, then it is also a martial path to transform from a spiritual-level real person to a Dongtian real person.

"Bingzhou, Jezhou, and Jiaozhou\'s Dongtian Secret Realm, if Dou Zhong is promoted this time, one of the two sixth-level places held by the academy will be used up."

Shang Xia seemed to be muttering to himself: "If Lingfeng Realm cannot be promoted to Yuan-level Upper Realm as soon as possible, I am afraid that the academy will run out of places for promotion to Sixth Heaven in a short time."

Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei exchanged glances, but neither of them responded to Shang Xia\'s words.

When Tongyou Academy is about to have five sixth-level real people, it can actually have two quotas for warriors to advance to the sixth-level heaven. You must know that even the other Dongtian sects have one or two sixth-level people who already have one or two. In the case of a high-level real person, being able to have one more sixth-level advanced quota is already considered commendable.

In fact, more Dongtian sects, such as Yuanchen Sect and Tianxing Pavilion, may not even be able to get an additional sixth-level advanced quota.

After Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei bid farewell and left, Shang Xia looked at Yuan Qiuyuan and Xin Lu, two fifth-rank stargazers, and said, "You two, I need you to find seven special stars for me in the depths of the starry sky. Sun Xing, prepare for my promotion to the seventh heaven in the future!"

Even though Xin Lu had already suggested something beforehand, after hearing Shang Xia\'s words, even though Yuan Qiuyuan wanted to be reserved and dull, at this moment his face couldn\'t help showing a little more excitement.

"what should we do?"

"What are the requirements of these seven sun stars?"

Xin Lu and Yuan Qiuyuan asked almost at the same time.

Shang Xia pondered for a while, organized his words, and said: "First of all, these seven sun stars should be located in relatively remote places as much as possible, and secondly, these seven sun stars must be large enough!"

Speaking of this, Shang Xia glanced at Xin Lu next to him, and then said to Yuan Qiuyuan: "You can find out about the general situation outside the Tianyu through Xin Lu. She is also a stargazer, and she will definitely be able to give you more accurate information." positioning and recommendations.”

"As for the third point, I need these seven sun stars to be arranged in a certain pattern when they are observed in Lingfeng Realm."

Yuan Qiuyuan immediately asked: "What pattern?"

Shang Xia did not hesitate, and without any concealment, he showed the arrangement of the Big Dipper in front of the eyes of the two great stargazers, and said: "The seven sun stars are arranged according to this pattern, and we only need to present this pattern in the Lingfeng world. Patterns will do."

Then Shang Xia added: "After finding out such seven sun stars, you two need to deduce the specific position coordinates of these seven sun stars, and I still need to go to the outer domain to find them and see them with my own eyes. Just look at the seven sun stars."

Yuan Qiuyuan thought about it, and said: "This matter shouldn\'t be too difficult. The star map I drew through observations before may come in handy, and I can also prepare a few more sets of spare seven-day star offerings. your choice."

Xin Lu also said: "I will first screen the sun stars he found."

Shang Xia smiled and said: "You are the ones who are good at these things, I just wait for the results, and then go to the outer domain to verify them one by one."

Shang Xia was about to leave, but when he turned around, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and then turned around and asked: "By the way, there is also the approximate distance of these seven sun stars when they were observed in Lingfeng Realm."

While talking, Shang Xia pointed to the sky above the northern sky beyond the secret realm of the cave, and said: "The seven sun stars should be in that position, and their size should occupy at least a third to a quarter of the northern sky."

Yuan Qiuyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and said: "The seven sun stars need to be found in the depths of the starry sky outside the sky viewing area. If they need to occupy such a large area of ​​the northern sky, the distance between the seven sun stars I\'m afraid the distance will be extremely far, not to mention you need to go to verify one by one, I\'m afraid it won\'t take too much time."

Xin Lu also said: "As long as the arrangement of the seven sun stars remains the same, can the size be reduced?"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and finally shook his head and said: "Leave the matter of verification to me. In this matter, I would rather slow down the speed of impacting the seventh heaven, and also have to ensure that the Big Dipper pattern presented by the seven sun stars is not the same. Change, please!"