Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1535

The Dongtian Secret Realm located in Jiaozhou is about to take shape, which not only means that Lingfeng Realm will soon attract the eighth Dongtian Secret Realm, and the power of the cave-sky array used to protect the plane world will be improved to a higher level, but also means that Tongyou College will There will be one more sixth-level place to be promoted to Dongtian Daoist.

On the way back to Youzhou, Shang Xia had already noticed that both Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei had been promoted to the second-rank inner union realm.

It\'s just that Gai Qingzhu\'s whole body\'s Qi is more solid and thick, and it\'s obvious that the time to advance to the second-rank internal union is longer, while Sun Haiwei\'s Qi is relatively weaker, and it is obvious that the advanced inner union is coming soon.

Shang Xia asked with a smile: "Are there any people in the academy who are ready to attack the sixth heaven?"

At present, the cultivation bases of the four sixth-level real people in Tongyou Academy are above the second rank, especially Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue, whose cultivation bases are ridiculously high.

The gap between high-level monks and other warriors in the academy is getting bigger and bigger. This is not a normal phenomenon, which shows that Tongyou Academy\'s own inheritance is not smooth.

Of course, there is actually a reason for this.

Needless to say, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia have contributed a lot to the growth of the plane world. They have been favored by the entire plane world for a long time, and their own martial arts practice is naturally smooth.

Coupled with the opportunities and encounters that the two of them each had, this is how they have achieved today.

As for Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei, they also used the fragments of the world brought back by Shang Xia before, and later participated in the battle to wipe out Yu Haizong, and it took a relatively short time to cross the realm of the first rank of the sixth heaven.

Hearing Shang Xia\'s inquiry, the eyes of the two had a brief exchange, and then Gai Qingzhu said: "Now the one who is closest to the sixth heaven should be Dou Zhong. The Sixth Heaven should be the one with the longest preparation time, the most sufficient, and the most sure."

Shang Xia nodded when he heard the words, and said: "This is not surprising. He was originally one of the most potential among our generation, and the head of the mountain also valued him very much."

Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei both had strange expressions on their faces.

What he said does not sound wrong. Dou Zhong\'s strength and potential are obvious to all in the academy, but why does the phrase "our generation" feel awkward no matter how you hear it?

Are you sure you are among "our generation"?

The past martial arts students of Tongyou Academy naturally have their own seniority divisions and circles, but no matter which method or circle, Shang Xia is usually subconsciously excluded when discussing.

Gai Qingzhu coughed dryly, and said: "Dou Zhong intends to rely on Bingzhou Yuanhai to complete the promotion to the sixth heaven, and he has already made full preparations, but he is still worried about accidents, so he has been waiting for Shan You will be promoted after you return to your own realm."

Shang Xia nodded, and said casually: "You can tell him that if you start to be promoted now, no one in the Lingfeng world will dare to act openly or secretly."

"Of course, he can also wait for the return of the mountain chief. After all, no amount of time will be spent preparing for the impact on the sixth heaven."

"It\'s all up to him!"

Gai Qingzhu smiled and said, "I will convey your words word for word."

Shang Xia nodded, while Sun Haiwei just smiled slightly, and never said a word on this matter from the beginning to the end.

Strictly speaking, among the children of college students of their generation, Dou Zhong was the one who received Kou Chongxue\'s guidance and teaching the most.

Among them is the reason why Dou Zhong\'s teacher is Kou Shanchang\'s sworn brother, but also the reason why Dou Zhong\'s own potential and hard work are favored by Kou Shanchang.

After returning to the academy, even though Shang Xia didn\'t want too many people to know, the senior officials of the academy rushed to meet each other after getting the news.

After a period of pleasantries, he sat down with the very real core of the academy.

It wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia directly asked: "What is the news about the Xingyuan Taoist Temple? Has Zhuo Gudao been promoted to the seventh heaven?"

This is the news that Shang Xia is most eager to confirm.

The deputy mountain chief Yun Jing looked at the others, coughed lightly, and said, "We are not sure whether Zhuo Gudao has been promoted to the Seventh Heaven."

"Don\'t be in a hurry," Yun Jing saw that Shang Xia was about to speak again, and quickly continued, "You have to know that if your cultivation has reached the level of Zhuo Gudao, if you deliberately hide your cultivation, other people will try to do it. It is almost impossible to make a correct judgment, even if our people are inside, we can only make a judgment based on some clues."

Shang Xia also realized that he was a little too eager. After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he said slowly: "What kind of clues?"

Yunjing didn\'t answer directly, but looked at Gai Qingzhu who was on the side.

Gai Qingzhu smiled and said: "After receiving the news from Xingyuan Dojo, I went to the observatory as soon as possible, and asked our Yuanda stargazer to verify it. What is confirmed at present is that Xingyuan Dojo is in the void. The position has indeed shifted significantly."

Shang Xia\'s face was serious when he heard the words, and said: "Are you sure? Is it true that the dojo has shifted? Did it happen once or many times?"

Seeing Shang Xia\'s serious face, Gai Qingzhu couldn\'t help but become more solemn, and said seriously: "It\'s certain! Yuan Qiuyuan not only discovered the fact that the position of the Xingyuan Dojo is changing in the void, but even directly observed the movement of the dojo itself in the void. track."

Upon hearing this, Shang Xia immediately got up and said to the elders of the surrounding colleges: "I will talk about other things later, this disciple will go to the Star Observatory first!"

Seeing that Shang Xia was about to leave, several other people got up one after another. Ji Wenlong quickly interrupted and asked, "What does the move of Xingyuan Dojo mean?"

Shang Xia didn\'t turn his head back and said: "The disciple also just found out that only the seventh-rank master of Wukong Realm can completely control a dojo. Now that the Xingyuan Dojo has started to move, it means that Zhuo Gudao has indeed been completed. He has been promoted to the Seventh Heavenly Layer, and he should be adapting to his martial arts realm right now."

Before the words fell, Shang Xia\'s figure had already disappeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei, two real people of the sixth rank, left behind, leaving several senior warriors in the academy looking at each other in blank dismay.

Tongyou|Dongtian, above the observatory.

When Shang Xia, Gai Qingzhu, and Sun Haiwei came here, Xin Lu, who had already returned to Youzhou with two big boats, had already rushed to Tongyou|Dongtianzhong and Yuan Qiuyuan to wait for the arrival of Shang Xia and others .

Shang Xia\'s eyes swept across Yuan Qiuyuan\'s body, the cultivation base of the fourth level of Wugang Realm was not satisfactory.

"The speed of improving the cultivation base is a bit slow. It should be known that the level of martial arts cultivation base is the root of everything!"

Shang Xia casually made a point.

Yuan Qiuyuan quickly nodded in agreement.

In all fairness, the speed at which Yuan Qiuyuan\'s own martial arts improved was not slow compared to his peers of the same age.

However, Yuan Qiuyuan, as a martial artist focused on training by the academy, received a considerable degree of resource tilt.

But Yuan Qiuyuan\'s energy is obviously more focused on astrology. To be precise, he prefers to observe the starry sky, and astrology is just a secret technique that he has to use in order to observe the changes of the starry sky more accurately.

And these can also be glimpsed from the star maps he has drawn in recent years.

"His stargazing skills have reached the point of perfection at the stage of the fifth-level grand stargazer, at least I am far behind him."

Xin Lu reported to Shang Xiahui.

Shang Xia thought about it: "That is to say, what restricts your progress in stargazing is your own cultivation level?"

Yuan Qiuyuan let out an "uh" and lowered his head in embarrassment.

This naturally shy stargazer, even though his status in Tongyou Academy is comparable to that of a sixth-order real person, he still remains dull and taciturn.

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "I think Xin Lu has already introduced you to some information about Outer Domain, especially about the inheritance of stargazers in Outer Domain, so you should already know something about it?"

Seeing Yuan Qiuyuan nodded, Shang Xia continued: "So far, I haven\'t seen or heard of a stargazer above the fifth level in the outer world, and I rarely see a stargazer of the fourth level. Even if there are, the means to perform stargazing are often pitiful. But there are at least two fifth-level stargazers in Xingyuan Dojo! As for the sixth-level stargazers? Don’t forget that there is still a stargazer in Yuanpingjie. There is a star master, let alone a sixth-level stargazer, even if his stargazing skills have reached the seventh level, I will not be surprised."

Yuan Qiuyuan\'s originally introverted expression also showed a rare dignified and tense look at this time, and said in a low voice: "I, I got it."

Gai Qingzhu on the side felt that the atmosphere was a bit dignified, so he smiled and said: "Okay, since this is the case, let\'s talk about the movement of the Xingyuan Dojo in the void. We are here for this purpose."

Yuan Qiuyuan was slightly taken aback, and then said: "It moved back again."

"What\'s the meaning?"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and asked.

At this time, Xin Lu explained: "Xiaoyuan discovered that the land where Xingyuan Daoist is located has shifted from the direction of the void where it was originally located, and has been paying attention to the movement trajectory of Xingyuan Daoist, and finally found that it is orbiting The original void position moved, and recently it returned to its original position."

At this time, Shang Xia already had great confidence in his heart that Zhuo Gudao was probably already a seventh-rank master at this time.

However, Gai Qingzhu asked from the side: "Does the move of the Xingyuan Dojo have to be done by a master of the seventh rank? I have heard you mention that there is a treasure left by the Star Lord in the Star Lord\'s mansion. Nazhuo\'s old way may have completed the control of Xingyuan Dojo through this rare treasure."

Shang Xia shook his head slightly, and said: "The prerequisite for being able to control the entire Xingyuan Dojo is to be able to refine the core of the Dojo, and the prerequisite for being able to refine the core of the Dojo is to be able to expel or annihilate the true spirit imprint left by the Star Lord in the first place. And the imprint of the true spirit, which involves personality surprises, cannot be erased by a sixth-order real person with time."

Although Shang Xia said this on his lips, he actually thought to himself in his heart that the Liuhe Yuanyuan Qi he had practiced might still be possible to some extent.

Sun Haiwei, who hadn\'t been born for a long time, suddenly said at this moment: "That is to say, if all this is true, then the Star Lord in Yuanping Realm must have noticed that the imprint of his true spirit left in the Xingyuan Dojo has been erased. .”

Gai Qingzhu said thoughtfully: "In this way, when there was a problem in the Yuanping Realm, it seems that it was after the displacement of the Xingyuan Dojo?"