Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1525

In Xihai Liuzhangzong Dongtian Secret Realm.

Daoist Gaopin from all major forces in Yuandu respectfully bid farewell to Master Yan Yu, and left Xihai Prefecture as if fleeing after leaving Liuzhangzong.

Master Yan Yu sat upright at the head, making it hard to see that he was calming down at this time, but every warrior in Yuandu Realm did not dare to speak loudly in front of him.

Everyone present knew that the person from the outer domain who had infiltrated into the Yuandu Realm had successfully escaped from the Realm, and he escaped unscathed under the circumstances of Master Yan Yu himself.

If it is said that the foreign master who sneaked into this world is generally a seventh-layer existence like Master Yan Yu, then it is understandable that Master Yan Yu missed this time.

However, when the person from the outer domain chose to shake the iron seal thrown by Master Yan Yu at the last moment in order to escape, everyone clearly felt that the strange expert from the outer domain was just a It\'s just a Dzogchen existence in the sixth heaven.

That is to say, Master Yan Yu, the seventh-level master, had no choice but to obtain a sixth-level warrior from the outer domain who was suppressed by his own world in the end when he had the advantage of the host country.

Is it because Master Yan Yu, a seventh-level existence, is superficial, or is that foreign master too strong, or is it a combination of both?

Every high-ranking real person in Yuandu Realm had doubts, but none of them dared to show it in front of Master Yan Yu, so they had to leave in a hurry, leaving Qiu Zhongyuan, Zhang Zihu and Su Mou alone. Gao Pin is restless.

"When Er equaled to sniping the martial artist who was promoted to the sixth heaven in the source sea of ​​Qinghuangzhou, what did he get from his lost original true spirit?"

Fortunately, Master Yan Yu didn\'t let this silence last for too long, but asked straight to the point.

"How can I wait..."

Zhang Zihu was about to get up to defend himself, but suddenly he felt that both sides of his clothes were being pulled down at the same time, making it almost difficult to maintain his figure.

Reverend Zhang subconsciously turned his head to look to the side, but just as he saw Reverend Su Mo shaking his head unobtrusively.

At this time, Qiu Zhongyuan\'s voice sounded again, saying: "Reporting to the Master, the strange treasure that the man used to protect the original true spirit was smashed by us in the sky, and we only got extremely fast fragments."

After all, this fourth-rank real person did not hesitate to present a piece of copper paperweight that he got from Yuanhai in Qinghuangzhou that day.

Acting with Qiu Zhongyuan is Su Mou.

Zhang Zihu was slightly behind by half a beat, but he immediately took out a fragment that he had taken that day and presented it to Master Yan Yu.

The three fragments of copper paperweights flew straight in front of Master Yan Yu, and after being glanced at by him, he smiled coldly and said, "You are another delusional person."

After all, Master Yan Yu waved his hand casually, and the three fragments flew back to the front of the three high-grade real people.

After putting away the fragments in front of him, Master Su Mou boldly asked: "Dare to ask the Master, what is \'sending souls and fixing spirits\'?"

Master Yan Yu glanced at the three of them, and said casually: "It\'s just an unrealistic idea put forward by some whimsical people in the past who wanted to refine divine weapons and even holy weapons, and this kind of idea has long been proven to be ineffective. It’s nonsense, it’s really not worth talking about, but I don’t know where this person got the secret technique, and he seems to think it’s some kind of great inheritance.”

While speaking, the disdain in Master Yan Yu\'s tone was beyond words.

Qiu, Zhang, and Su, the three high-quality real people, naturally agreed. However, the three of them had truly felt the protective power of the complete strange treasure for the warrior\'s original true spirit. They naturally doubted Master Yan Yu\'s statement in their hearts, but they didn\'t dare to show it on the surface at all. .

It\'s a pity that although the rare treasure was shattered at the beginning, the largest piece fell into the depths of the source sea because the original true spirit of the warrior finally broke through the layered barrier of the source sea. The sea is turbulent, and the origin of the foreign world has merged, and it is even more unclear where the largest fragment has been washed away. In addition to Master Yan Yu\'s previous prohibition, now I want to go to the depths of the source sea of ​​​​Qinghuangzhou to find it. Almost impossible.

However, the three high-rankings quickly realized that Master Yan Yu was a majestic seventh-level existence, so why would he ask a fifth-level warrior who failed to advance to the sixth-level for no reason?

Reverend Su Mou asked cautiously, "Does the Venerable Master suspect that this person\'s technique of \'Subsisting Souls and Fixing Spirits\' originated from that foreign expert who sneaked into this world?"

Qiu Zhongyuan continued: "But what is his purpose for doing this?"

Zhang Zihu looked at the two of them strangely, and said, "Is there even a question? Of course, it is to cause confusion, and then it is convenient for him to act in Qinglanzhou and steal the origin of Yuanhai, Heaven and Earth. Is this a typical example of Tiaohulishan?"

Qiu and Su each turned their faces away, pretending that they didn\'t know this person.

If only it were that simple!

What\'s more, if it is "tune the tiger away from the mountain", then the best time should be to act at the same time when the fact that Qinghuangzhou Yuanhai was stolen was revealed, not after the Qinghuangzhou Yuanhai incident happened. It\'s called "tune the tiger away from the mountain", but it should be "throw the grass to scare the snake".

"A new force has entered the arena, and that person is not from the Lingmang Realm!"

Master Yan Yu\'s tone was slow and dignified. Looking at the three people below, he said in a concentrated voice: "I\'m afraid there is something wrong with this matter. Keep an eye on Qinghuang Prefecture and Qinglan Prefecture!"

After the three high-quality masters bid farewell and left, Master Yan Yu stretched out his palm, and a square iron seal with rusty surface appeared on his palm out of thin air.

"With just a few words, nearly one-third of the source sea in Qinglanzhou is missing out of thin air! How did that man do it, and what is that non-physical square mace in his hand..."


On the edge of the void in the Yuandu Realm, after Shang Xia escaped from the Yuandu Realm\'s sky barrier, he activated two Liuhe Shifting Talismans in succession, and moved himself into the depths of the void millions of miles away from the Yuandu Realm. .

Even though he had initially escaped Master Yan Yu\'s tracking at this time, Shang Xia still didn\'t dare to be careless until he flew all the way to the edge of the void of the plane and entered the buffer zone with the turbulent flow of the void. Take it easy and plan to fix one or two.


Shang Xia spat out a few mouthfuls of bloody acid water.

Previously, he had a head-to-head confrontation with Master Yan Yu with the help of the projection of the Sifangbei. Although the opponent barely repelled him under the carelessness of the opponent, his internal organs were still injured.

With his cultivation base at Shang Xia\'s level, it was almost impossible for him to suffer from ordinary external injuries, but internal injuries were more troublesome.

But at this time, Shang Xia was obviously not more concerned about his injuries, but whether the Sifangbei had absorbed enough of the origin of heaven and earth.

Shang Xia used Lingyu Banner to isolate one-third of the origin of the heaven and earth in Qinglanzhou in the lower layer of Yuanhai, but the Sifangbei only absorbed nearly two-thirds. Qinglanzhou Yuanhai has lost nearly one-third of the origin of heaven and earth.

It\'s a pity that outside the sky barrier, Shang Xia took the risk to snipe Master Yan Yu\'s pursuit, and pointed out with the help of the "Liuhe Qingtian Boundary Stick" projected from the Sifangbei. Part of the stored source of heaven and earth was scattered by the earthquake, and the remaining source of heaven and earth was only equivalent to a quarter of the source sea of ​​Qinglanzhou.

In any case, Qinglanzhou is also a Yuanjie state with an area of ​​15,000 to 6,000 miles.

Although Shang Xia\'s harvest this time is far less than the amount of the source of heaven and earth that he absorbed in Yuan Xingjie, if it is only used to deduce the remaining content of the Qixing Dingling Pill formula, it should be able to advance the progress of the deduction by a lot. ?

After making some adjustments at the edge of the turbulent void, Shang Xia decided to enter the turbulent void to track Song Zhen and others even though he hadn\'t recovered yet.

And almost in the same period of time, Song Zhen and Xin Lu drove a large starship and a spirit-level ark around the Yuandu Realm along the edge of the void and turbulence, and then passed through. After a turbulent flow in the void, he entered the void of the plane of the Lingmang Realm.

With the guidance of Xin Lu, the fifth-rank stargazer, not only are the two big boats not afraid of getting lost or encountering danger on the way, but even the speed is much faster than before.

After entering the void of the plane of the spirit world, because they did not cover their tracks, the two large boats were quickly discovered by the warriors of the spirit world patrolling the void of the plane, and soon attracted sixth-order masters from the spirit world Check.

After confirming that the visitors were indeed from the fleet of allies in the Lingfeng Realm, Master Wu Zhang looked at Song Zhen in surprise, but with strong doubts in his tone, he asked, "You are the only one with two ships?" The big boat has bypassed the Yuandu world, and it has never been discovered along the way?"

Song Zhen smiled slightly, and said reservedly: "I\'m just lucky."

"They are indeed lucky!"

A voice came from the void behind Daoist Wu Zhang, saying: "We have just received the news from the insiders of the Yuandu Realm. There has been a lot of movement in the Yuandu Realm recently. It seems that at least two states The phenomenon of Yuanhai being stolen has occurred in the Yuandu Realm, causing the major forces in the Yuandu Realm to be suspicious and suspicious of each other. However, those people finally seem to blame the lack of Yuanhai on our Lingmang Realm. I heard that those big forces All the high-quality real people were called to Xihaizhou to give lectures."

"According to their itinerary, I\'m afraid that when they detour around the Yuandu Realm, it happens to be the time when something goes wrong inside the Yuandu Realm."

Just as he finished speaking, a ray of light happened to fall in front of everyone, it was Yu Tieshan, a fifth-rank real person from the Lingmang Realm.

Wu Zhang said with a smile: "So that\'s the case! But judging from the relationship between this world and the Yuandu world, it\'s already common for us to be the targets of internal forces in the Yuandu world. It\'s just that I don\'t know who is so capable. To be able to steal the source seas of the two prefectures under the nose of Master Yan Yu? But I think it is more likely that the big forces in the Yuandu Realm are guarding and stealing from themselves!"


Master Yu Tieshan nodded after hearing the words, obviously agreeing with Master Wu Zhang\'s guess.

It\'s just that neither of them noticed that when they were talking about the internal chaos in Yuandu and the theft of Yuanhai, Song Zhen and Xin Lu had been secretly exchanging eyes, and their expressions seemed to be the same. It\'s getting weirder.


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