Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1526

According to the prior agreement, Shang Xia was supposed to return before Song Zhen and others crossed the turbulent void and entered the Lingmang Realm.

However, Shang Xia\'s stay in Yuandu was obviously a bit long.

After Song Zhen and Xin Lu confirmed that he was not in any danger through the methods left by Shang Xia, they believed that staying on the edge of the void in the Yuandu world, even if they were close to the turbulent flow of the void, was quite a challenge for the two big boats. risks of.

So, after the two discussed, a large starship and a spirit-level ark began to cross the turbulent void in tandem, entering the void of the plane of the spirit world, and were quickly captured by the spirit world. The Gaopin real person discovered and approached him.

After the two parties confirmed their identities and established trust, Song Zhen and others learned some recent developments in the Yuandu Realm from the mouths of the two high-ranking real Wu Zhang and Yu Tieshan.

However, the losses and turmoil in the Yuandu world that surprised the high-level leaders of the Lingmang world, after comparing it with the time when Shang Xia left, Song Zhen and Xin Lu judged the cause almost immediately Who did it happen to.

It\'s just that Song Zhen and Xin Lu kept silent for the first time, and did not disclose Shang Xia\'s existence and whereabouts to the two high-level spiritual masters in front of them.

However, what surprised the two of them was that the high-level executives of Lingmang Realm were able to learn the news inside Yuandu Realm so quickly.

You must know that the speed of the two large boats traveling through the turbulent void is not satisfactory, not to mention that there is a fifth-rank stargazer guiding the course.

This only shows that there may be a faster news channel in the Lingmang world in the Yuandu world, and there may even be more than one channel.

"What\'s the plan for the two of you next? Are you going to cross the void of my plane and return to Tianyu?"

Zhenren Wu Zhang knew that Song Zhen and the others were unlikely to return to Guantianyu directly, but he still asked this question, and at the same time, he also had some expectations in his heart.

Song Zhen waved his hands with a smile and said: "I\'m afraid I will disturb you for a while, I don\'t have the means to cross the boundary barrier, but I think it won\'t be long before a high-quality real person from this world will come to meet you."

Immortal Wu Zhang let out an "oh" when he heard the words, but he wasn\'t too disappointed. He still said enthusiastically, "In that case, let\'s take a good rest here in this world, and you can also enter the inside of my Lingmang plane. Watching, the Lingmang world is looking forward to the distinguished guests from Guan Tianyu."

Song Zhen hastily declined and said: "It\'s still not possible. After all, we are people from outside the domain. It is inconvenient to enter and leave your world. And I will not hide it from you. Now, I am looking forward to returning home. Although your world is beautiful, I\'m afraid I don\'t want to appreciate it. It\'s better to wait." We will have time to talk about it later.”

"Understandable, understandable!"

Daoist Wu Zhang was still enthusiastic, and he didn\'t feel a little bit uneasy because of Song Zhen\'s refusal. On the contrary, it made Song Zhen and others feel a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Master Yu Tieshan\'s eyes fell on Xin Lu, and he asked, "Dare you think this girl is a stargazer from your world?"

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, but on the surface he remained calm, first Xin Lu asked with a smile, "Does Master Yu have any advice?"


Although Yuandu Realm and Lingmang Realm are separated by a layer of void turbulence, for Shang Xia, who has personally made Xinggaoyin, a fifth-rank stargazer, Xin Lu, it is not easy to travel through such a layer of void turbulence. It\'s too difficult!

Shang Xia rode the tiny starship across the turbulent void, and even had time to observe the changes on the surface of the Stele.

Although the origin of heaven and earth he absorbed from Yuandu Realm this time is far less than that of Yuanxing Realm, the origin of heaven and earth he absorbed that time helped Shang Xia practice the martial arts supernatural power "Liuhe Qingtian Lijie stick", which made Liuhejing great. In addition to the perfect realm, he also helped him complete the deduction of the most important monarch medicine in the formula of Qixing Dingling Pill, an advanced medicine of Seven Star Realm.

Although the source of heaven and earth accumulated in the Sifang Monument can\'t help him complete the deduction of the complete Qixing Dingling Pill formula content, at least it should be no problem to deduce the content of the minister\'s medicine.

It\'s just that the time of this deduction obviously requires him to have a certain amount of patience.

When Shang Xia managed to divert his attention away from the Square Monument, he faintly felt that something was missing in his journey this time.

What exactly is it?

Despite the guidance of Stargazing Guide, Shang Xia\'s journey through the turbulent void was not smooth sailing. At least the undercurrent of space that might appear at any time, or even the erosion of the torrent of space, was often hard to guard against.

Even Shang Xia himself, if there is no large starship to rely on, may calm down the impact by himself, so as to avoid the small starship below him from overturning.

But just as he resisted the turbulent flow of the void, he suddenly realized that something was missing.

Since he left Guantianyu before, he has gone through several large and small plane worlds during this period of time, and crossed numerous turbulent voids of different sizes, but he rarely encountered those beast warriors. No, even those star beasts that haunt the turbulent void are rarely seen.

This should have been a good thing.

Whether it is a beast warrior or a star beast, they are a huge threat to the starships that haunt the void and the turbulent worlds and the worlds of various planes, and a consensus has already been formed on them that "everyone shouts and fights".

It\'s just that these things suddenly disappeared, and it was obviously unlikely to be because they were all consulted, so the things behind this seemed a bit intriguing.

At least Shang Xia didn\'t really believe that his luck would be so good that he never found any traces of beast warriors and star beasts.

When approaching the edge of the void of the spirit world, the square monument in Shang Xia\'s mind finally changed. The flickering and illusory handwriting on both sides of the monument finally stabilized. The formula of "Spiritual Pill" finally had a new deduction content, and it occupied two sides of the stele at once.

According to Shang Xia\'s past experience, this shows that with the help of the original power of Qinglanzhou Yuanhai Tiandi in Yuandu, Sifangbei deduces the two contents of the ministerial medicine and the adjuvant medicine in the "Seven Star Dingling Pill".

Sure enough, when Shang Xia\'s mind, soul and will were betting on the Sifangbei, the content on it also emerged at the same time.

Seven-Star Realm Advanced Formula:

【Name】: Qixing Dingling Pill

[Preface]: Liuhe Realm Dzogchen

[Monarch Medicine]: Seven source sea origins originating from plane worlds of different spirit levels or above (seven plane worlds located in different heavens and above the spirit world or above the spirit world, choose one with an area of ​​thousands of miles) One for each of the source seas in the state above, send it into the spirit-fixing device with the will of the soul and put it into the depths of the source sea, and then take a drop of the source sea to refine it)

[Minister medicine]: Choose seven sun stars in the sea of ​​stars and take a ray of source light from each to refine them into original starbursts

[Adjuvant medicine]: the blessing of the will of heaven and earth in the local plane world


The new content on the Sifangbei is only two short sentences, but these two sentences made Shang Xia rub his chin and think for a long time, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the new content might be more than simple It\'s as simple as two sentences.

First of all, the "sun star" in the item of "minister medicine", obviously does not refer to the sun rising in the east and setting in the west in the plane world, but should be the stars scattered in the sea of ​​stars.

This type of star is not unfamiliar to Shang Xia, except for the various star energy he has been in contact with many times, and the Xingyuan Dojo gathers the original energy of the stars through the star observation platform in order to gather the power of the seventh order. In recent years, he has been in and out of the chaotic star sea, and in the process of traveling to and from the major celestial domains, he has seen and even had close contact with many sun stars.

It\'s just how to choose the so-called seven sun stars, and how to refine the original starlight from them?

Is it feasible to choose seven sun stars at random?

It seems that it is not impossible, but Shang Xia himself is not willing to be so perfunctory.

This is related to his promotion to the Seven Star Realm, so he cannot be overly cautious.

On that day, there are big and small stars, some are bright and hot, and there are also dark and red ones.

Moreover, the positions of these sun stars are also random, some are located in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, some are not too far from some worlds in the sky domain, some are located in remote voids, and some are located in places that even Shang Xia does not know how far away. In the depths of the boundless star sea.

How to choose these sun stars may not only be related to the difficulty of his promotion to the seven-star realm, but may even affect the level of his personal strength after he is promoted to the seven-star realm.

What\'s more, the so-called sun stars do not exist forever. They may also die out with the passage of time, and may even be destroyed. Then, once these unpredictable things happen, will the warrior himself be affected?

All these need to be carefully considered by Shang Xia.

The "medicine" deduced by Sifangbei is obviously not as simple as it seems on the surface.

However, Shang Xia already had some thoughts in his heart at this time, but he needed to verify it with the help of Yuan Qiuyuan and Xin Lu, two fifth-level stargazers, after returning to Lingfeng Realm.

As for the other item of "adjuvant medicine", the blessing of the will of the world in the local plane given by the "auxiliary medicine" was not an easy task at first, but for Shang Xia today, this item seems to be a bit more familiar .

The so-called "native plane world" refers to the world from which the warrior was born, or more precisely, it should be the plane world where the source sea where the warrior\'s original true spirit resides when he advances to the sixth heaven.

For Shang Xia, it was naturally Lingfeng Realm.

However, Lingfeng Realm is only a spiritual world after all. If it wants to host a seventh-level master, then Lingfeng Realm needs to be promoted to Yuan-level Upper Realm first.

As for the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, what Shang Xia has to do is to continue to promote the growth of the Lingfeng world, then the will of heaven and earth will naturally favor him.

However, it can also be seen from this point that a warrior\'s promotion to the seventh heaven is closely related to the rank of the plane world he lives in.

If Shang Xia wants to complete the promotion to the Seven Star Realm, the best situation should be to choose to be promoted at the same time as the Lingfeng Realm.

However, if the Lingfeng Realm wants to have the conditions to be promoted to the Yuan-level Upper Realm, it seems that there is still a long way to go.

Just when Shang Xia was dissecting the newly deduced content of Sifangbei, the tiny starship he was riding on had already crossed the buffer zone and entered the void of the plane of Lingmang Realm.

Because Shang Xia was too obsessed with the analysis of the content on the square tablet before, so that he didn\'t deliberately cover up his aura, so he was soon noticed by Xingzhou, who was patrolling the void of the plane in the spirit world.

When Shang Xia woke up from his contemplation, he sensed a surge of energy coming from the depths of the void, but he didn\'t hold any direct hostility towards him.

"Six products?!"

A look of surprise flashed across Shang Xia\'s face.

As far as he knew, there was only one sixth-rank real person, Guan Ziqing, in the Lingmang world. Could it be that he came here in person?