Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1467

The stronghold of the Twin Pirates in the original Chen star area was jointly raided by three large-scale star bandits, Baoxing, Wuyang, and Chuanyun.

Even though the twin thieves were occupying a favorable location, they still suffered heavy losses after the First World War. Not to mention the loss of manpower replenished in recent years, the complete destruction of those well-built starships almost wiped out the wealth accumulated by the twin thieves in recent years. Lost all.

And this is exactly what confuses the Ying brothers, the leader of the twin bandits.

Because although the star bandit groups in the Chaotic Star Sea fought frequently, such attacks without any scruples and no consideration of losses were rare.

Generally speaking, apart from the core leader and backbone elites of a Star Thief group, other grassroots and even peripheral members will mainly surrender. Humans are used to expand their own forces, and at the same time, they can also completely accept a batch of enemy material resources including starships.

However, the actions of these three star thieves have obviously cut off all the back roads of the twin thieves, whether they are the core backbone or the peripheral members, leaving only the way to fight to the death.

Fortunately, up to now, the two leaders of the twin thieves still leave a back road for their family that only they know. In a special airspace behind the original star area, there will be void fluctuations at certain times. It even turned into a turbulent void.

This is a secret that only the two brothers know, and it is also the fundamental reason why the Twin Thieves secretly operated a stronghold in the Yuanchen star area and came to this star area for repairs at this time.

Under the siege of the three star thieves, the twin thieves desperately broke through. After losing all small and medium-sized star ships, the only remaining large star ship and the spirit-level ark finally broke into this land that has never been recorded in the star map. Among the void turbulence that appeared in it.

At this point, the Ying brothers thought that they had successfully broken through, not to mention that there was Xin Lu, a fourth-level stargazer among them, as their hole card.

However, the development of the next thing pushed the twin robbers into a desperate situation step by step.

After the twin thieves\' only two starships escaped into the turbulent void, the three star thieves immediately abandoned the remaining small and medium-sized starships, and a total of five large starships followed the twin thieves into the turbulent void.

Originally, with the help of Xin Lu, a fourth-level stargazer, the two starships of the twin thieves avoided danger many times in the turbulence of the void. In addition, the turbulence of the void is already dangerous. It is expected that getting rid of the pursuit of the three star thieves should have been

It\'s an easy thing to do.

Unexpectedly, no matter how the two starships of the twin thieves flickered in the turbulence of the void, and even took the initiative to take risks to get close to some sudden dangers in the middle, they still couldn\'t get rid of the five large starships trailing behind them, and even followed them. With the passage of time, the five starships that were chasing closer and closer from the turbulent flow of the void gradually showed a posture of outflanking.

Now, no matter how slow the reaction of the Ying brothers is, they already know that there must be an inner ghost inside the twin robbers, and the status of this inner ghost should be extremely high!

In fact, as early as when the three star bandits jointly raided the Yuanchen star area, the Ying brothers had already had doubts.

It\'s just that before coming here, they were fighting while breaking out, and the twin robbers had already lost most of their manpower, and after escaping into the turbulent void, it was originally expected that even if the inner ghost was still alive, they might not be able to survive in the turbulent void in a hurry. Pass the message.

However, the facts prove that the inner ghost among the twin thieves still has the ability to provide positioning for the three star thieves in the turbulent void!

As a result, the identity of this inner ghost can no longer be concealed. He is one of the only three sixth-level real people of the twin thief, and the only fourth-level stargazer Tian Zhen after losing his brother!

And after seeing the five starships chasing after him begin to form an outflank, this first-rank real person naturally understood that the identity of his inner ghost must have been leaked, so he rushed towards Xin Lu, the fourth-rank stargazer, as planned. !

As long as Xin Lu is under control, it will naturally limit the twin robbers\' ability to travel through the turbulent void.

More importantly, Zhenren Tian knew the plan of the Ying brothers to conquer a wild world, and even speculated that the wild world was hidden in the current turbulent void. This is the reason why the twin thieves are repairing in the original star area.

And once he takes control of Xin Lu, a well-inherited Tier 4 stargazer, he will inevitably find this wild sky world to provide excellent assistance in the future, and it will become a perfect investment status for him to join forces in the future, besides, he He is also a Tier 4 stargazer himself. In the past, he lacked means due to the lack of inheritance. Now he not only has the opportunity to complete the inheritance, but may even go further in the future!

Such an opportunity to kill three birds with one stone, how could Tian Zhen let it go easily.

However, he had calculated thousands of times, but the only thing he didn\'t count was that Xin Lu, who seemed to have just advanced to fifth stage

Chongtian\'s stargazer is actually a rose with thorns.

The Ying brothers could think of the ghost inside the Twins Thieves, how could Xin Lu not think of it?

Just when Tian Zhen thought he had the chance to win and was about to capture him, he was greeted by a high-level martial talisman thrown by Xin Lu.

The lightning flames triggered by three fifth-level martial talismans in succession can make Tian Zhen, a real person of the first rank, flustered. After he cleared these obstacles, he suddenly found himself trapped in an invisible space.

"Sixth Rank Martial Talisman!"

Tian Zhen was in a panic, and he was in a hurry to use his original domain to fight against the confinement of the void, while activating a few life-saving things on his body.

But at this moment, he watched helplessly as Xin Lu activated a martial talisman that looked like a scroll in his hand again.

Another sixth-order martial talisman!

Accompanied by a crackling sound, a giant hand of origin qi formed on the spirit-level ark, and then it swept across and flew the first-rank real person from the ark.

Although this real Tian Zhen is a sixth-rank first-rank cultivation base, but because of the death of his twin brother, his strength is much lower than that of a real man of the same rank and the same rank after being unable to perform the twin-life secret technique unique to Twin Thieves. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be in a hurry just because of the three or four Tier 5 Martial Talismans thrown out by Xin Lu, let alone facing two Tier 6 Martial Talismans directly.

Almost at this moment, the two leaders of the Twin Thieves, who were originally on the large starship promoted in the rear and were in charge of breaking the rear, rushed to the rescue as quickly as possible after sensing the movement on the ark.

But the Ying brothers were still one step too late. Although the real Tian Zhen was hit unexpectedly by Xin Lu\'s two sixth-order martial talismans, the three star thieves who surrounded him obviously would not easily give up a fourth-order stargazer. The master\'s inner ghost, soon two high-grade real people flew out from the two nearby large starships, and rescued him before the void turbulence swept him away.

"Tian Lao Wu, why is this so?!"

Standing on the edge of the ark\'s side, Ying Lianquan glared at Tian Zhenzhen, who had been rescued in the turbulent void in the distance, and questioned him.

Natian Zhenzhen\'s mouth and nose were bleeding, he had obviously been severely injured, and he looked even more embarrassed, but at this time he was struggling and said: "Bosses, Tian Laowu can\'t help you, but I don\'t want my martial arts path to be cut off !"