Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1466

After Shang Xia entered the Yuanchen star area, it can be said that he drove straight in.

During the period, although they repeatedly encountered the patrolling and detecting Xingzhou under the jurisdiction of Baoxing, Wuyang, and Chuanyun, these means were obviously impossible to detect the existence of Shang Xia, a sixth-rank real person.

But even so, it can be seen that the three star bandits are cautious in their actions, even when they have an absolute advantage with three enemies and one, they dare not relax in the slightest.

Seeing this, Shang Xia\'s expression became more and more serious, which meant that the three star bandits\' siege and killing of the twin bandits was bound to win.

However, as Shang Xia penetrated halfway into the star area, he still didn\'t realize where the battlefield was. If he hadn\'t met the hands of the three major star bandits from time to time along the way, he would almost have thought that he was chasing in the wrong direction.

In this way, Shang Xia continued to go deep into this star area, and after an unknown period of time, the originally hidden figure suddenly stopped after a few earth stars.

If he could see the expression on his face clearly at this time, he would be able to see his gloomy expression at this time, and the divine perception he diffused and removed seemed to have noticed something.

As Shang Xia continued to fly forward, after passing around behind those earth stars, he could see that the side of them was already full of scars, and there were traces of bombardment by mid-to-high-level martial arts and magical powers everywhere.

And in front of these earth stars is a huge and open airspace, in this airspace there is no earth star or floating land, not even a slightly larger meteorite, some are just smashed The tattered starship wreckage, and large clusters of Starfield dust...

Seeing this, Shang Xia\'s heart sank, and he thought to himself that he was too late, and the twin thieves had already been wiped out under the siege of the three star thieves.

But he soon realized that this was not the case. If the twin thieves were really wiped out, there should be starships from the three star thieves in this airspace, and the detection ships encountered along the way would not be so cautious.

The three star bandits and the twin bandits did have a big battle here, and judging from the wreckage left in this airspace, the twin bandits did suffer a big loss, but it shouldn\'t be that the entire army was wiped out, at least the most core part of the manpower Already evacuated.

When Shang Xia passed through the wreckage area, he didn\'t find any signs of a large starship or ark being destroyed. This shows that the Ying brothers have successfully broken through, but they don\'t know exactly where they fled.

After Shang Xia passed through the wreckage-filled airspace, he soon discovered some star robbers driving small and medium-sized starships to search for loot among the wreckages of the starships. It is extremely rare to reach the fifth level.

Shang Xia didn\'t want to cause trouble, and continued to follow the star boat after going far away.

According to the star map that Song Zhen gave him, the trajectory of the wreckage spread forward, almost all of the Yuanchen star area was almost crossed by him.

But at this moment, Shang Xia, who was going forward, suddenly stopped. At the limit of the extension of his divine perception, his perception was being distorted, washed away, and annihilated.

"Void turbulence!"

Shang Xia\'s expression changed slightly, and he couldn\'t help but take out the star map that Song Zhen gave him to check again. Originally, there should be no void and turbulence in this area.

"Is it because of the war?"

Shang Xia soon came to the airspace where the perception of God\'s will was different before, and the bizarre scene in front of him finally made him sure that there was really a void and turbulent flow here.

However, seeing that the void in front of him was completely blocked by the turbulent flow of the void, Shang Xia didn\'t think it could be caused by a few star bandits, but he could conclude that the twin bandits should have died under the pursuit of three star bandits. Broke into this turbulent void.

"So, in this case, the Twin Thief should have an even greater advantage!"

Shang Xia rubbed his chin, but didn\'t rush into this turbulent void immediately.

He has not forgotten that Xin Luke is still on the ship of the twin pirates. With Xin Lu\'s status as a fourth-order stargazer and her relationship with him behind her, the Ying Brothers will definitely protect her.

Then after the twin thieves fled into this turbulent void, the twin thieves with the fourth-level stargazer should have an even more advantage.

Of course, there are many dangers in the turbulence of the void, even if there is a stargazer in charge, it doesn\'t mean that you can sit back and relax.

But what makes Shang Xia more interested at this time is that according to the records of the star map, there should be no void turbulence in the airspace around the original Chen star area, but now it has clearly appeared again, but it happens that the twin thieves are in this area again. The airspace modification happened to be an excellent way for the twin thieves to break through and escape under the circumstances of the joint raid of the three star thieves.

Reminiscent of the purpose that the twin thieves made a promise with himself at the beginning, Shang Xia couldn\'t help thinking to himself, could it be that the Cang-level world they found was hidden behind this sudden turbulent void?

Of course, this is just Shang Xia\'s own guess.

The periphery of the void where each plane world is located is surrounded by void turbulence, but it does not mean that every time the void turbulence appears, there is a plane world hidden in it.

But what troubles Shang Xia now is, how should he track down the twin thieves in the turbulent void?

Just when Shang Xia was feeling at a loss, the aura around him fluctuated, and his original aura of great success in the heaven and earth was vaguely reduced.

However, Shang Xia at this time not only did not

Some panicked, but overjoyed, he even took the initiative to reduce a part of the source energy to follow the induction input from somewhere, to maintain and expand this induction.

Immediately, Shang Xia escaped into the turbulent void without hesitation, and still escaped with all his strength!


In the depths of the turbulent void, the twin thieves now have only one spirit-level ark left. The last part of the elite fighters of the twin thieves, the younger generations trained, and some of the essence accumulated in recent years are all concentrated here on an ark.

However, at this time, around the ark, there were at least six large starships surrounding it.

"how so?"

On the spirit-level ark of the twin thieves, Xin Lu, a fourth-level stargazer, supported her crumbling body and did not fall down, but her expression was full of frustration. Frequent use of stargazing for a long time made her consume almost exhausted.

"It\'s nothing to be surprised about. Since there is an inner ghost guiding us, no matter how wonderful Miss Xin\'s stargazing skills are, we will never be able to get rid of the pursuit of the other three star thieves!"

At the signal of Ying Lianxi, one of the leaders of the Twin Pirates, a girl in her teens stepped forward to help Xin Lu walk down from a high wooden platform about ten feet high.

"But why? Tian Zhenren has followed the two leaders for decades, how could he suddenly..."

Xin Lu said with some puzzlement.

However, in the face of Xin Lu\'s inquiry, the Ying brothers were full of bitterness at this time. Of course they knew the reason for Tian Zhen\'s betrayal. That\'s all.

"I\'m sorry, Miss Xin, this time you have suffered bad luck as well."

Ying Lianxi said apologetically.

Xin Lu quickly waved his hand and said, "No need to do that, this is something no one has thought of."

At this time, Ying Lianquan, another leader of the Twin Pirates, murmured: "Miss Xin, stargazers are scarce in the sea of ​​chaotic stars. Stargazers with a well-inherited heritage and superb astronomy skills like yours are even rarer. If... ..."

Xin Lu directly interrupted the high-quality real person\'s next words, saying: "You don\'t need to say anything, since I entered Chaos Star Sea, I have been taken care of by you, and I will never abandon you to live alone anyway."

As he said that, Xin Lu subconsciously touched a sachet hanging from his waist. It was a Qiankun bag carefully made by Qitang of the academy, and inside it contained the high-level martial amulet Shang Xia gave her before coming to the outside world. , She even used one of the sixth-order martial talismans to force back the real Tian Zhen who tried to capture her alive, which also exposed his attempt as an inner ghost to inform the other three star bandits.