Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1455

Shang Xia tried his best to cover up his whereabouts during the flight, but he knew that when he met Gong Zhuo, it was the moment when he was exposed as a high-grade real person from the outer domain.

He can disguise the aura of local warriors without fighting with others. He can also explode his own combat power in the foreign world without being suppressed by the will of heaven and earth as much as possible, but he cannot disguise the aura of local warriors. Under the circumstances, it can also exert its full force as an explosive combat power.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and the local high-quality real people in Yuan Xingjie?

Although Gong Zhuo\'s secret communication talisman told Shang Xia to leave as soon as possible, he only needed to keep the inheritance of Wan Yunhui as much as possible.

But after thinking about it for a while, Shang Xia decided to go to meet Gong Zhuo and try his best to help him leave.

Following the direction from which the secret message talisman flew and the ray of indifference of Gong Zhuo left on it, Shang Xia quickly rushed towards the approximate direction from which the secret message talisman was sent.

After passing through the two states in the Qi Dynasty in a row, and getting closer to Qijing, Shang Xia suddenly felt that an invisible net had been laid between the heaven and the earth in front of him.

If it weren\'t for his own keen perception, once he stepped into that area for half a step, I am afraid that his current method of covering his whereabouts would be useless, and he would be noticed by the high-grade real people of the three dynasties immediately, and then they would attract The encirclement and suppression of the three dynasties.

However, Gong Zhuo was most likely trapped in this land of arrest, and Shang Xia had no choice but to step into it if he wanted to save someone.

To make matters worse, at this time the three major dynasties suddenly joined forces to launch an encirclement and suppression against the masters of the major martial arts sects in the Yuanxing world. At this time, the eyes of the two seventh-rank masters in Yuan Xingjie are probably paying attention to this place.

"Since this is the case, then we can only do it once. As for the inheritance and continuation of Wan Yunhui, it is better for you to do it yourself, brother Gong!"

When Shang Xia thought of this, Shang Xia\'s figure didn\'t stop at all, but after bypassing this area that seemed to be a net of heaven and earth, he continued to head towards the northwest direction of the territory of Qi Chao.

But before leaving, Shang Xia still sent Gong Zhuo a secret talisman of communication, and it is not known whether he can still receive it.

With Shang Xia\'s footsteps as a sixth-rank real person, even if he has scruples, it won\'t take too long to go around the Qijing area and come to Tongzhou.

After all, Gong Zhuo is also a fifth-rank real person, and even if the seventh-rank master does not make a move, Chen

Emperor Qi and Emperor Qi are also very likely to lose both sides. As long as they don\'t fall into siege, it may not be too easy to kill him.

Such a thought flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind, and he arrived outside the governor\'s mansion in Tongzhou Zhoucheng with ease.

Perhaps it was because of the Chen Dynasty\'s attack on the dojo in the previous region, or it might be because of the fact that around Qijing and the other two dynasties laid a net to siege and kill high-level warriors from various sects, Tongzhou does not seem to be a high-grade real person at present. The governor of the governor is in charge, but the governor\'s mansion has already opened a large guard formation, guarding the inside and outside.

Although Shang Xia thinks that he is sure to break this protective formation, it will take a certain amount of time and there will be a lot of commotion, so it is obviously not feasible.

However, it is not difficult for Shang Xia to communicate with Yuanhai in Tongzhou even if he does not use Yuanhai\'s formation medium in the governor\'s mansion. Who told him that he is now more and more comfortable in controlling the Sifangbei?

Of course, what is more important is that he has a seal in his hand, a seal of the governor of Tongzhou that was originally obtained from the real person Qi Chao, the governor of Tongzhou.

This seal of the governor of Tongzhou is not only a medium that the governor of Tongzhou can use to communicate with Yuanhai, but also can use the seal to control Tongzhou Yuanhai to a large extent, and this is the real purpose of Shang Xia\'s trip.

Shang Xia used the technique of earth escape outside the city of Tongzhou to go underground again, and then summoned a real square stele projection to insert into the ground in the same way, directly completing the direct connection with Tongzhou Yuanhai.

After completing the communication with Yuan Hai, although Shang Xia can also try to control and interfere with Yuan Hai to a certain extent, but with the seal of the governor in hand, this matter will undoubtedly become faster and easier .

However, since he already understood that what he was going to do next would definitely reveal his identity, Shang Xia naturally had no scruples, and began to swallow the origin of heaven and earth wantonly the moment the Sifangbei pierced through Yuanhai.

If it is said that when Shang Xia was in the "Three Emperors\' Corner" before, because he was worried about being noticed by the seventh-rank master, he still had scruples about absorbing the origin of the source of the three prefectures, the source of the sea, the source of the world, then the Sifangbei now has a great influence on Tongzhou Yuanhai. The speed of embezzlement has almost increased several times, not to mention the assistance of the governor\'s seal!

However, while Shang Xia allowed the Sifang Monument to encroach on Tongzhou Yuanhai, he was still using the governor\'s seal to continuously seek the source of heaven and earth from the surrounding states, especially in the direction of Qijing and the surrounding states.

The source seas of the states in the plane world are interconnected. At this time, the turmoil in the source sea has weakened a lot compared to before, but the aftermath is still not small, not to mention that the gap in the Qichao dojo has not been completely closed, and it is still still there. There are small stocks of original essence leaking out and pouring into the source sea continuously, therefore, the waves in the source sea have never stopped.

At this time, the wanton encroachment of the Sifang Monument had already caused Tongzhou\'s source sea to drop drastically, and coupled with the search for the governor\'s seal, it directly caused the source sea of ​​Qijing and surrounding states to flow in the direction of Tongzhou on a large scale.

At the beginning, the masters of Yuan Xingjie hadn\'t noticed it, and even though the turmoil in Yuanhai had diminished, it had always been turbulent, which could cover up one or two.

After staying for a long time, the phenomenon of a large number of outflows from Qijing and its surrounding prefectures immediately attracted the attention of high-ranking real people from the Yuanxing Realm, especially the high-ranking real people from the three dynasties who were jointly encircling and suppressing at this time.

However, because encircling and suppressing the high-ranking fighters of the major sects is still the top priority, there are too many people who can\'t spare a while to trace the source and find out where the source of Yuanhai\'s mobilization is.

However, the large-scale net that the three dynasties were able to deploy in the surrounding areas of Qijing obviously could not be successful with the help of source crystals and formations. Naturally, extracting the origin of heaven and earth from the source sea is the most direct and easiest way.

The rapid loss of the source of heaven and earth in the surrounding area Yuanhai in a short period of time has directly affected this vast formation, weakening the power of the formation to encircle and shield this area.

Shang Xia\'s strategy was a real drudgery, but it was far more than that.

After he continuously absorbed a large amount of the origin of heaven and earth from the surrounding states with the help of the governor\'s seal, even exceeding the speed of the Sifangbei to a certain extent, he immediately used the governor\'s seal to absorb the original saturation of Tongzhou. Yuan Hai Tian Di Yuan Yuan all-in-one drove towards Qi Jing\'s direction.

There is the capital of the Qi Dynasty, and it is also the place where the Qi Dynasty Dojo was opened. Naturally, there is a source sea under it, and because of its special location and status, and the leakage of the original essence of the dojo, it is supplemented. , Therefore, this sea of ​​origin was originally becoming saturated and continuously transporting the extra source of heaven and earth to the sea of ​​origin of the outer states.

But now, under Shang Xia\'s deliberate drive, there is another almost saturated source of heaven and earth in the state domain, rushing in towards the source sea of ​​Qijing.

Therefore, Qijing\'s source sea... is about to explode!