Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1454

This seemed to be the first time that Shang Xia really witnessed Liuchongtian\'s great martial arts supernatural powers, and he witnessed two of them at once.

Moreover, almost at the moment when the power of the two supernatural powers was completely displayed, Shang Xia already had enough confidence to judge that the so-called "seventh-level power" he had come into contact with before that was accomplished by various external forces. It may not be able to resist these two sixth-order martial arts supernatural powers!

To put it bluntly, whether it is through the formation of the cave sky, the array of star boats, or the joint attack formation of the sixth-level real people, the "seventh-level power" gathered and condensed is basically an imitation of the real power of the seventh-level heaven. Possesses the true essence of the Wuxu Realm, but the great martial arts supernatural power of the Sixth Heaven is a symbol of the essence of the Wuxu Realm.

These two martial arts great supernatural powers obviously have their own characteristics. When the first martial arts supernatural power exploded, it seemed to have a great impact on the soul and will of martial arts, even though Shangxia was separated by two or three states tens of thousands of miles away. , was also dizzy and shaken by this magical power for a while.

The second martial arts supernatural power seems to be more inclined to destroy the reality. The power displayed by the void tornado that connects the sky and the earth is much more dangerous than the void turbulence.

Even if what Shang Xia observes from tens of thousands of miles away is only the reflection of supernatural power, there is a faint feeling in his mind that he will be involved and wiped out.

Until this time, Shang Xia had a faint realization in his heart: the great supernatural powers of the six heavenly martial arts comprehended by the warriors may be different, but these supernatural powers may also have one thing in common, that is, the will of the warrior\'s soul, Even the influence of the original true spirit, even killing!

It\'s just that when Shang Xia realized this, for no reason, he thought of the martial arts supernatural power he had comprehended in the three-talented state: killing the god gun!

It\'s just that the God Killing Spear is more aimed at the soul will of the warrior, but after all, it is only a third-level martial arts supernatural power, and its own rank determines that this supernatural power has limited damage to the soul will of high-level warriors.

Even if it is performed in the hands of Shang Xia, who is now Liuhejing, for a warrior of the same level, it may only make his mind appear in a trance for a moment, and naturally it cannot be called "killing gods".

Not to mention that once opponents of the same level practice some secret techniques to strengthen the will of the soul, it may be extremely difficult to make the opponent "trance".

As for the damage to the original true spirit of the warrior, then

It\'s even more impossible to talk about.

But this is not to say that low-level martial arts supernatural powers will be useless when a warrior grows to a high level. At least in the process of fighting between warriors of the same level, being able to make the opponent appear "trance" for a moment is enough to win the game.

What\'s more, the supernatural power of "Murdering God Spear" is only lacking in grade, but it doesn\'t mean that this supernatural power has no reference value. On the contrary, Shang Xia intuitively feels that if he wants to understand Liuhejing Martial Dao supernatural powers, maybe you really need to find some inspiration in the martial arts supernatural powers of the three talents.

It\'s just that against such a huge sixth-level heavenly martial arts supernatural power confrontation, if there were no strong protection measures, the Qi Dynasty\'s Haojing would probably be razed to the ground, right?

Even though Shang Xia could only see the original reflection tens of thousands of miles away, he guessed that Emperor Qi and Emperor Chen might have fought a losing-lose battle.

It\'s just that the battlefield broke out in the territory of the Qi Dynasty. Even if the Qi Dynasty had already prepared in advance, the losses in this battle would only be more severe, as evidenced by the broken space barrier of the dojo.

Although Shang Xia has already noticed that the original essence pouring out seems to be weakening at this time, it is obvious that the Qi Dynasty has taken measures to restore the gap in the secret realm of the dojo at the first time, and at the same time block the Qijing Master from sitting After the leakage of the original essence left over, a considerable part of the pure essence poured directly into the source sea, causing the source sea, which had just shown signs of calming down, to become turbulent again, and at the same time, it was stolen. The origin of heaven and earth in the amount of Zhou Yuanhai added a wave.

Thinking about this, not only Emperor Qi was bleeding from his heart, but also Emperor Chen must be very upset, right?

In fact, as long as you see that such a large amount of original essence left by Master Qijing after his incarnation is still sealed in the Qi Dynasty Dojo, anyone who is not mentally ill will know that it must be related to Emperor Qi\'s promotion to the seventh heaven.

This loss of so much will inevitably have a negative impact on Emperor Qi\'s promotion to the seventh heaven.

As for Emperor Chen, although he has accumulated enough and does not need too much original essence to support his advancement, his main purpose is to reduce the burden. The bondage of the plane world to him.

However, if the secret space of the dojo is broken, it will weaken the quality of the dojo itself. The most intuitive thing is that the secret space of the dojo will definitely be greatly reduced.

Dojo Secret Realm Empty

The space itself can actually be regarded as a balloon that is blown up and then sealed. After the space barrier is broken, it is equivalent to pricking a hole in the balloon. When the original essence filled inside leaks out, the volume of the balloon also decreases. will shrink dramatically.

At this time, even if the punctured hole is sealed in time, although the original essence inside will no longer leak out, the shrinking volume of the balloon will not recover.

At this moment, a secret communication talisman suddenly pierced through the void and landed in Shang Xia\'s hands.

Shang Xia only saw the content of the secret talisman with a glance of divine intent: The three dynasties jointly encircled and suppressed, this is a trap! If Gong suffers any misfortune, I implore Brother Shang to help protect Wan Yunhui\'s inheritance!

Shang Xia sighed softly. The various sects in Yuan Xingjie wanted to muddy the water, and then take advantage of the troubled waters. They might even have the idea of ​​snipe and clam competing for the fisherman\'s profit.

It\'s a pity that he already knew that things would not be that simple, how could the advantages of the three dynasties be so easy to take advantage of?

Even if Venerable Qi Jing had passed away, Qi Chao would no longer have the support of a seventh-rank master, but who knew what agreement Master Qi Jing had reached with the other two seventh-rank masters before sitting down, How many backhands did you leave behind for Qi Dynasty and Emperor Qi?

It\'s a pity that when Shang Xia reminded Gong Zhuo, he didn\'t take it to heart. On the contrary, he thought that when the seventh-level masters didn\'t intervene in the dispute, they almost united with most of the sect power masters other than the three dynasties. Has a great chance of winning.

But Shang Xia has actually already thought that Gong Zhuo actually understands this truth in his heart, but to a large extent, it should be that other sects in the Yuanxing Realm, including Gong Zhuo and Wan Yunhui, have disappeared. other options.

The Chen Dynasty has already begun to annex the major martial arts forces in the territory, and even Wan Yunhui\'s ability to escape was an accident.

So will Yu Chao and Qi Chao follow suit?

Once the internal integration of the three dynasties is completed, will they have to attack the martial arts sect forces outside the sphere of influence of the three dynasties again?

Today, Emperor Chen wants to reduce his burden and break away from the Yuan Xingjie. Will Emperor Yu follow suit tomorrow? What about Emperor Qi?

Rather than being slaughtered little by little by the three dynasties in the future like boiling frogs in warm water, it is better to stand up and resist now, not to mention the temporary interruption of the inheritance of the Qi Dynasty, coupled with Emperor Chen\'s plot for the Qi Dynasty Dojo, I am afraid that at this time It is also their best and last chance.