Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1305

As the base camp of Tongyou Academy, Youzhou has always been the focus of the entire academy\'s operations.

Especially since Shangxia advanced to the sixth heaven, Youzhou\'s territory has been continuously expanding with the abundance of source seas, from the initial area of ​​eight thousand miles to a radius of ten thousand miles.

Moreover, the expansion of the Youzhou prefecture is different from other prefectures with sixth-order real people\'s original true spirit sustenance. Shang Xia himself can completely control the source sea of ​​the Youzhou prefecture, and when he personally sits in Youzhou Sometimes, you can even combine your own divine perception range with the state domain of Youzhou.

Even Kou Chongxue couldn\'t do this in Jiaozhou.

This is also the reason why when Shang Xia asked Kou Chongxue if he needed to divide a small part of the world into Jiaozhou, the latter refused without hesitation.

And Youzhou, which originally had an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, has expanded its area by more than 2,000 miles after being integrated with some fragments of the spirit-level world. domains are roughly equivalent.

However, the accumulation of the source sea in Youzhou can far exceed that of Jiaozhou, and the integration of Youzhou is much better than the fragmentation of some of the coastal areas of Jiaozhou.

More importantly, even though Youzhou\'s background has expanded to such a state again, it still has not exceeded the control of the original true spirit entrusted by Shang Xia in Yuanhai.

At this time, as an important participant in promoting the continuous improvement of the two major states of Haizhou and Youzhou, the favor of the will of the world in the Lingfeng world has already arrived, and a steady stream of inspiration from the world has begun to feed him back.

At this time, Shang Xia can really step down from the threshold of the fifth rank at any time, and truly step into the Realm of Guizhen.

But Shang Xia was still indifferent, he regarded the favor of the will of the plane as his foundation, and the feedback of the inspiration of heaven and earth was used by him to further deduce and perfect the "Liuhe Mixed One No Leakage Method", "Liuhe Stick Method", and analysis. "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" and Mutation Formation Talisman.

Haizhou\'s source sea has already begun to turmoil. This is the appearance that Sun Haiwei\'s original true spirit has begun to penetrate into it, ready to complete the sustenance, and this also means that the sixth-order seed of Tongyou Academy has already left in the process of impacting the Wuxu realm. It\'s the end.

And at this time, Lingfeng Realm finally had the first sect faction that approached Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia on its own initiative.

Xuanshou and Xuanshang, the two elders of the Wugang Realm of Yanzhou Zhongxuanzong, came to visit. After receiving the promise of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia, Shang Xia once again cut a piece of roughly three square meters from the fragments of the world with a swipe of his long sword. Thousands of miles of land and land were given to the two of them.

Yanzhou is the smallest state in the Lingfeng world, and is surrounded by powerful enemies. Although Chongxuanzong has made great efforts to govern in recent decades, its state is finally

It only expanded to a radius of five thousand miles.

Although it has made considerable progress compared with the past, under the background of the rapid growth of Lingfeng as a whole, Yanzhou\'s progress is not so prominent.

But fortunately, the source sea in Yanzhou has always been well protected by Chongxuanzong, and the accumulated background is relatively abundant. This time, the land fragments of three thousand miles have been integrated, and the land can be expanded by at least two thousand miles.

In this way, even if there are 24 prefectures in Lingfeng, Yanzhou is no longer the countdown to the states with a radius of more than 7,000 li.

More importantly, if the state territory of the spirit-level world is regarded as the minimum radius of four to five thousand miles, then the state territory beyond seven thousand miles is eligible to be the place where the original true spirit of the sixth-level real person is placed.

And if Lingfeng Realm wants to further complete the promotion of Yuan-level Upper Realm, then the area of ​​its twenty-four states must reach a radius of more than ten thousand li.

Of course, Chongxuanzong would have to pay a price if he wanted to get the three thousand miles of land from Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia.

The land of Yanzhou borders Yongzhou in the west, Jizhou in the north, Qingzhou and Xuzhou in the east, and Yuzhou in the south. Among them, the Shendu Sect is competing with Tongyou College for the control of Bingzhou, and the Jizhou White Deer Sect is at odds with Tongyou College. And the real person of Jiujing taught by Shendu entrusted the original true spirit in the land of Qingzhou.

In this case, it is necessary for Chongxuanzong of Yanzhou to involve the hostile forces of Tongyou Academy in the south.

Although there are two high-quality real people in Tongyou Academy at this time, and it is very likely that there will be a third and fourth sixth-level masters, the status and status of Wuxujing real people are all detached, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be in some respects. Get off in person.

But in this way, as Sun Haiwei and Gai Qingzhu attacked the Wuxu Realm one after another, no matter whether they succeeded in the end, I am afraid that they would not be able to participate in the competition with other sect forces in the future. In terms of strength, it is weak.

Therefore, Chongxuanzong will share a large part of the pressure for Tongyou Academy in the south.

Of course, just this is far from worth the benefits of the three thousand miles of land offered by Tongyou Academy. Chongxuanzong will also pay a lot of material resources for Tongyou Academy in the next few years, and need to send middle and high-level warriors to cooperate The various actions of Tongyou Academy can almost be said to have tied the entire sect to the chariot of Tongyou Academy.

The land fragments of three thousand miles began to merge into Yanzhou, and Yuanhai was able to expand amidst the shocks. Under such circumstances, Yanzhou, which did not have a sixth-order real person entrusting Yuanhai with the original true spirit to suppress it, was the most likely to be taken advantage of by others. into the season of destruction.

And at this time, Kou Chongxue quietly appeared in the sky over Yanzhou, making a stand for the expansion of Yanzhou\'s territory, and also put an end to the thoughts of other real people in the Lingfeng world who wanted to take the opportunity to learn about Yanzhou\'s heritage.

And Yanzhou prefecture

Part of the world\'s love and inspirational feedback brought about by growth naturally fell on the warriors of Chongxuanzong who handled the matter, while the other part naturally belonged to Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue, of which the former naturally still had to share the bulk.

Seeing that Chongxuanzong of Yanzhou received such great benefits like a pie falling from the sky, the heads and elders of several sects in Lingfeng circle immediately intended to come to visit.

However, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia remained unmoved, and instead met the two fifth-rank patriarchs of the Changbai Sect in Liaozhou according to the original plan.

When it comes to the origin of the relationship between Changbai School and Tongyou Academy, it seems a bit complicated.

As early as before the Cangyu and Cangling realms merged and the two realms still existed, the two realms were already hostile, but at that time Tongyou Academy was not yet qualified to be an enemy of the Changbai faction. The enemies of Tongyou Academy in the domain are only a few big family forces in Liaozhou.

However, with the rise of Kou Chongxue and the continuous improvement of Tongyou Academy\'s advantages in the two worlds, the relationship between Tongyou Academy and Changbai School has changed to both competition and cooperation.

With the completion of the integration of the Cangyu and Cangling worlds, the battlefields of the two worlds disappeared, and because the Dongtian Sect began to come to the fore, the two forces completely turned to cooperation, and even gradually formed an alliance of mutual support.

Until Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia were successively promoted to the Sixth Heaven, and Tongyou Blessed Land was promoted to the Secret Realm of Dongtian, Tongyou College became the top sect force in the Lingfeng world, and at this time, the Changbai faction, which originally maintained the ally relationship, adjusted itself again In previous operations, Tongyou Academy was often the only one to follow, and the relationship between the two is still as friendly as before.

It can be said that during the communication process between the two families, the Changbai faction has always been very knowledgeable about current affairs.

It is under such circumstances that it is obviously necessary for Tongyou Academy to help the Changbai faction if it has spare capacity.

▽ This is not the case.

Liaozhou has always been the sphere of influence of the Changbai faction, and now the territory of Liaozhou is 7,500 miles, which is a medium among the 24 states in the entire Lingfeng world, and now it has a distance of 2,000 miles to Youyuan College Gift, after the fusion, the Liaozhou prefecture will surely increase to a radius of more than nine thousand miles, and there is only one step away from the Wanli prefecture.

After the two ancestors of the Changbai Sect brought the fragments of land and land back to Liaozhou, they, like Chongxuanzong, handed over the matter of integrating the fragments into Liaozhou to the best of the younger generations. Concentrate on these few people as much as possible.

As a result, the fragments of the spirit-level world brought back by Shang Xia this time have been reduced by 30%, and nearly 80% of the fragments of the entire world have been divided, while the 20% of the land fragments that are still suspended in mid-air are still less than 30%. Thirty percent of the original essence.

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