Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1304

It is obviously not possible to completely integrate a fragment of the world into the Lingfeng world.

But when this kind of fusion starts, it means that the growth of the plane world also starts, and the favor of the original will has come.

Among the state territory of Haizhou, this place has already been occupied by the staff of Tongyou Academy and a formation has been arranged to protect safety.

Under Sun Haiwei\'s auspices, after the fragments of the world that were specially assigned to her had fallen into Haizhou, and the state domain Yuanhai had also begun to merge with the origin of the land and land fragments, she had already come here to swallow the advanced The potion hits the Martial Void Realm.

Previously, under the key training of Tongyou College, as well as the strong support of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia, Sun Haiwei and Gai Qingzhu had already completed a solid foundation accumulation in the Fifth Heaven. Qualifications, but in order to increase the success of the two, whether it is Kou Chongxue or Shang Xia, both of them are required not to be too eager, but to concentrate on accumulating foundations and wait for the best opportunity to arrive.

Of course, the reason why Kou and Shang asked them so much, apart from worrying that they would be promoted rashly, the more important reason is that Tongyou College has the only two seniors in the entire Lingfeng world. Pin Zhenren, they are not as eager as other sect forces in the Lingfeng world for the emergence of new sixth-level real people.

But now the opportunity to advance to the Wuxu Realm has appeared, and in terms of the current situation, it is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After calming down and adjusting her state to the best, Sun Haiwei swallowed the advanced potion that had already been prepared without hesitation, and began to complete the dantian origin by taking advantage of the mighty origin of heaven and earth formed by the turmoil of the state\'s source sea. final qualitative change.

Just as Sun Haiwei started the qualitative change process of advancing to the Martial Void Realm, and was about to usher in entrusting the original true spirit in the source sea of ​​Haizhou, at this time, two or three new recruits from Tianya Pavilion were on the eastern edge of Haizhou. The fifth-level expert is also complaining to the pavilion master Yu Yu about this matter.

"Pavilion Master, the fact that Haizhou Yuanhai is under the control of Tongyou Academy means that Tianya Pavilion will never have a bright future?"

A newly-promoted elder of Wuchongtian was quite vigorous. He thought that the pavilion master had made too much concessions during the transaction with Tongyou Academy, and his tone was quite dissatisfied.

Although most of the other fifth-level masters of Tianya Pavilion

Everyone remained silent, but there were still one or two who seemed a little bit aggrieved.

Mrs. Yu glanced at her, her mature demeanor carried a bit of sternness and majesty, causing the surrounding Tianya Pavilion elders to avoid her sight, only to see her chuckle, but asked calmly on the surface: "The setting of Haizhou is related to you?"

The newly promoted fifth-rank elder\'s expression froze: "This..., but my Tianya Pavilion is the number one sect overseas after all. Since Haizhou is established, my Tianya Pavilion will naturally occupy the first choice..."

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Yu didn\'t seem to take his words to heart at all, but continued to ask: "Is the development of Haizhou related to you?"

The newly promoted elder\'s face was slightly ugly, but he still insisted: "My Tianya Pavilion also contributes!"

Mrs. Yu let out a chuckle again, but this time she no longer concealed her sarcasm and contempt, and she continued to ask: "Haizhou now has a vast area of ​​thousands of miles, and it has come from behind in the Lingfeng Realm. Realm, have you ever gone outside the territory to escape to half a piece of land?"

The elder seemed uneasy at this time, but he still insisted: "Why does the pavilion master keep speaking for outsiders?"

At this time, Mrs. Yu didn\'t even bother to look at the new elder who was obviously used as a gunman, and said: "Because the master of the pavilion is afraid! It doesn\'t matter if you die, the master of the pavilion is worried about being killed because of your stupidity. Even the Tianya Pavilion has ruined the great situation that has been managed with great difficulty in the past 20 or 30 years."

Seeing that Mrs. Yu turned around and was about to leave, the newly promoted elder who was already in cold sweat still shouted unwillingly behind her: "But the pavilion master is so short-sighted, he never thought of seeking a promotion for the future of this pavilion\'s children." stage?"

A majestic aura suddenly rose from Mrs. Yu\'s body, and the aura formed by the four natal Yuangangs surrounded her body. The surrounding fifth-level elders of the Tianya Pavilion were all backed away repeatedly, suppressed by her aura. Then everything changed, and the newly promoted elder, who was already a little restless, was hit head-on by this aura, and he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"If there is really someone in Tianya Pavilion who is qualified to pursue the sixth level of heaven, he will not be a guy whose mind is affected by a few words. I really don\'t know how your martial arts will was condensed and sublimated in the first place. Could it be that you can enter this time?" Tier 5th Heaven, did you borrow the wind from others to open up Haizhou?”

Madam Yu sneered, the fourth floor of the Martial Gang Realm

The realm of cultivation has converged, and people have already fled towards Tianya Pavilion\'s new sect residence by the sea, and the two fifth-rank elders followed immediately.

The remaining two glanced at each other, and they could see each other\'s despondency in their eyes, and then took the newly promoted elder who had suffered a serious mental injury and followed Mrs. Yu.

However, there is actually one thing that Mrs. Yu did not tell the head of the pavilion, that is, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia personally promised her that if there are indeed warriors in Tianya Pavilion who have the posture of achieving a sixth-order real person in the future, then Tongyou Academy will Do your best to help Tianya Pavilion to promote their lava blessed land to the secret realm of cave.

There are thirty-three sixth-level real people in the Lingfeng Realm. In addition to the twenty-four real people in the spiritual world who can be used to entrust the original true spirits in the twenty-four states, there are still nine real people in the nine caves that can be achieved by the nine caves.

As far as Tianya Pavilion is concerned, the person who really hopes to hit the sixth heaven is actually herself, and Tianya Pavilion\'s shallow background and her own accumulation are not enough to support her to chase the real person in the spirit world.

Therefore, the goal of the Tianya Pavilion Master has always been very pragmatic, that is to use the power of the Tongyou Academy to create the secret realm of the cave sky, and then use his own body to try to hit the real person of the cave sky who has become the sixth heaven!

▽ 〖Umbrella

This is the most practical and effective way for Tianya Pavilion to truly rank among the top sects in the Lingfeng world.

Moreover, in a sense, Dongtian Daoist may be more conducive to maintaining the inheritance of the sect than the Spirit World Daoist.

A sect power, only if it has no worries about its own inheritance, can it be possible to go further and seek other things.

The rise of Tianya Pavilion does not pursue how fast or how dazzling and eye-catching, but it must be stable, so stable that no one can find any flaws!

At the same time, the continent formed by the fragments of the world floating above the Lingfeng Realm, although it seems that Kou Chongxue has cut off nearly 50% of it in one go, but because the continent itself owns part of the sea area, so at this time The entire world fragment actually still retains more than 60% of its original essence.

But at this time, although no one dared to approach the fragments of the spirit-level world guarded by the two high-grade real people, the communication symbols of various forces in the Lingfeng world have already moved towards the top of the floating continent one after another.

"The source sea in Youzhou is expanding again!" Kou Chongxue suddenly laughed.

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