Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1297

"Behind the Dark Star Pirates may be a Yuan-level upper realm!"

The words of the fourth leader of the Cloud Piercer made Shang Xia seem to have discovered a huge secret all of a sudden.

If everything Song Zhen said is true, then is the Yuanming Realm standing behind the Dark Star Pirates?

Shang Xia suddenly asked: "The star robbers robbed the worlds of the heavens under the starry sky, are they also very good at breaking through the turbulence of the void to find these plane worlds?"


Song Zhen said bluntly: "Actually, the so-called Star Thief is just a scornful name for us in many planes and worlds. In fact, most of us internally call ourselves \'adventurers under the stars\'. We are not just under the stars. Looking for the plane world, we also explored and discovered many unknown places, conquered the world of alien beasts, hunted alien beasts in the starry sky, and enjoyed the endless but colorful and magnificent scenery under the starry sky..."

This is an existence who obviously engraved the star thief profession into his bones. When he said these words, he even looked a little proud, and even the whole person was about to become excited.

Fortunately, this guy seemed to be able to remember his own situation at this time, and quickly calmed down, changing into an embarrassing and smiling expression.

Shang Xia finally turned around at this time, but a faint layer of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi lingered on his face, still making it impossible for the fourth master of the Cloud Piercer to see his true face clearly.

"Actually, there is another problem that has been bothering me, that is, those warriors among the star thieves whose cultivation base is above the sixth heaven, such as Song Zhenren, where do you entrust your original true spirit?"

Shang Xia finally asked a question he had always wanted to know.

The fourth master of the Cloud Piercer who was called "Song Zhenren" felt quite flattered. He didn\'t even dare to say it, but he was almost certain in his heart that this high-quality real person in front of him must have come from a place that was relatively isolated from the outside world. In the void world, at least his understanding of Star Pirates is extremely limited.

However, in the face of Shang Xia\'s question, Song Zhen still seriously replied: "Among the star thieves, warriors above the sixth level have various sustenances of their original true spirits. Some star thieves themselves were born in a certain plane world. The original true spirit is naturally entrusted there; some star bandits hold one or two planes and worlds as their foundation, and the sixth-level masters they train will naturally entrust the original true spirit here; The starship that the thief rides on is a place similar to a moving cave, so it can naturally carry the warrior\'s true spirit; there are also little people like me, who mostly find a remote and secret place in the starry sky. Where, entrust your original true spirit on a star..."


Shang Xia was surprised when he heard the words: "Earth and stars?"

This made him suddenly think of the advanced inheritance method of Wuxu Realm in Tianxing Pavilion.

Song Zhen nodded and said: "The earth star is indeed a possibility, and there are often creatures on the earth star, which makes it relatively easy for warriors to entrust the original true spirit. However, the earth star itself is too restrictive, and it can often provide a warrior with six stages of advancement. The heavy sky is already the limit, and if you want to go further, it is almost impossible, unless someone is willing to spend a huge price and energy to re-develop an earth star into a plane world again."

Shang Xia said thoughtfully: "So, the star that your original true spirit entrusts is not the earth star?"

Song Zhen nodded and said: "Try to find a star that is big enough and secret enough to be difficult to be noticed by others."

Shang Xia asked, "Is it extremely risky to do so?"

Song Zhen sighed softly: "There is no way to do this. I can only hope that the starry sky is vast and boundless. The stars are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River. No one can notice your star that is used to enshrine the original true spirit."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "So the star that is used to entrust the original true spirit is the most core secret in you?"

Song Zhen said calmly: "That\'s right! So I can control you, and I am willing to be used by you, but if you want me to tell you where the original true spirit resides, then I will have to die."

Shang Xia let out a chuckle, and said: "That depends on whether your Excellency can offer the value of avoiding death."

That Song Zhen is also a smart person, immediately said: "Then what do you want to do next? Do you want to betray Cloud Piercer, or continue to work as an internal response inside?"

Shang Xia shook his head, and said frankly: "I haven\'t made up my mind yet, but now let\'s follow the deity to meet those two!"

After all, Shang Xia headed out of this ruined world first.

The reason why Shang Xia stayed motionless at the core of the ruined world before was actually to absorb and digest the aftertaste of the last ray of seventh-order power permeating this ruined world.

Now that it has been digested, this ruined world has no value to him, so naturally Shang Xia will not stay here for a while longer.

The two had just walked out of the ruined world one after the other, and Song Zhen behind him said: "My lord, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, those two may not be sincerely attached to you, your lord has just released the two of you, maybe it\'s about now The news that your lord is a person from the outer domain has been sent back to Yuan Xingjie."

Shang Xia didn\'t seem to be surprised by this, but he also seemed to have the intention of judging the other party, so he said with a smile: "Then do you think someone from the Yuan Xing Realm will come to rescue them, or maybe a seventh-rank master from the Yuan Xing Realm will come personally?" ?”

"That\'s not the case. These two should be pawns pushed by the sects behind them under the pressure of Qi Chao and Yu Chao. Since the merchant fleet has been destroyed and the fragments of the world have not fallen into the hands of Chen Chao, then this time The purpose of the time has been achieved. Maybe it is the best result for the fragment of the world to fall into the hands of the man from the outer domain at this time."

Shang Xia chuckled and said, "It seems that the actual situation in Yuan Xingjie may be much more severe than what those two just said."

Song Zhen hastily echoed: "My lord is saying that, in fact, the master... Gao Takong, the leader of the Cloud Piercer bandit, once said that the best way to alleviate the situation in Yuan Xingjie is to find a plane world that can be conquered. In fact, Yuan Xingjie has been secretly offering rewards to the star pirates in Chaotic Star Sea to find the plane world in the void around them, but there has been no result for nearly a hundred years."

The words of the fourth leader of the Pirates of the Clouds seemed to be intended for Shang Xia.

Shang Xia was calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was already secretly full of vigilance.

I don\'t know how long the secret lair in the turbulent void will be able to bluff all the forces in the Yuanxing Realm, or...they have already suspected it? "

"Other than the secret transactions with you Cloud Piercer Pirates, does Yuan Xingjie also have contact and cooperation with other Star Thief groups? For example...Dark Star Pirates?"

Song Zhen said honestly, "I don\'t know!"

At this time, a large damaged starship in the depths of the void slowly sailed towards Shang Xia\'s direction.

Song Zhen who was standing behind him said in a deep voice: "My lord, this ship is the flagship of the starship merchant fleet organized by me, and the world fragment is also on this starship."