Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1296

Shang Xia didn\'t expect that his trip to Yuan Xingjie might be coming to an end before it even started.

When he came across the ruins of the Cang Realm that had been wiped out by seventh-level masters in one fell swoop, he wanted to go deep into it on a whim to experience the long-lasting seventh-level power lingering on this ruined world.

However, he never thought that with the help of the Sifangbei, his own cultivation would change. After a period of closed-door training, not only would he "digest" the seventh-order power that permeated the entire ruins, but it would also make him feel better. There has been a fundamental qualitative change in his own cultivation realm.

Shang Xia\'s own cultivation realm had been immersed for a long time in the fourth-grade Taoist realm, especially after he successively refined the "water of three lights", the origin of heaven and earth in the Linglang world, and added the "refining source returning to the void and returning to the original formation" After the blessing of ", his own cultivation has actually reached the point where he is close to the fifth-rank returning to the true state.

It\'s just that at this time, Shang Xia has already discovered that it is not an easy task to break through from the fourth rank to the fifth rank. In addition to the accumulation of his own origin as the foundation, a little qualitative change is needed. And the occurrence of this qualitative change requires a certain opportunity, even chance.

Shang Xia originally made up his mind to go to Yuan Xingjie, one of the purposes was to find opportunities for breakthrough.

It\'s just that he didn\'t expect the opportunity to break through to come so quickly. Before he even found the specific void position where Yuan Xingjie was located, he had already encountered the opportunity to break through.

In this world of ruins, Shang Xia realized the permeability, permanence, and destructiveness of power, and these characteristics Shang Xia can completely simulate and even initially realize through the source of Liuhe.

And the simulation and realization of this obviously higher power in essence is the opportunity and opportunity for Shang Xia to cross the five-rank Guizhen Realm this time.

It\'s just that Shang Xia\'s current situation is actually a bit strange. Maybe outsiders can\'t see anything, but he himself knows that his current state seems to be in a state of breaking through from the fourth rank to the fifth rank but has not yet broken through. .

And at this time, he already has a certain understanding. If he wants to really cross the last threshold and end this strange state, he may need to return to the Lingfeng Realm, the ghostly place where his original source of true spirits is located. State.

However, this also made Shang Xia feel a little hesitant for a while. He came here with great difficulty, but now he has to turn around and return. This trip is not even qualified to be described as anticlimactic.

And just when he couldn\'t make a choice for a while, the hunted Cloud Piercer, and the two real people Kang and Yu broke into this ruined world one after another, and at the same time fell into the control of Shang Xia\'s original domain.

As for the reason why Kang and Yu didn\'t immediately choose to escape when they realized that they had stepped into Gaopin Daoist\'s original domain, or used some secret technique to send a message for help, it was because when they realized it, , Shang Xia\'s Liuhe origin also completed the penetration of the original domain of the two of them, and this also included the Cloud Piercer who arrived first.

The enhancement of the penetration of Shang Xia\'s original domain is due to his previous digestion of the penetration of the seventh-order power.

This can be regarded as pie in the sky!

A fragment of the spirit-level world, most of the harvest of a starship caravan, and the latest situation within the Yuanxing Realm brought by two sixth-order real people in the Yuanxing Realm, as well as the specific location of the Yuanxing Realm in this void , it seems that it is completely worth Shang Xia\'s trip.

But in the end, what Shang Xia didn\'t expect was that he accidentally learned about the iron token in his hand from the cloud piercing bandit named Song Zhen.

But before that, Shang Xia first became interested in the strength of the Cloud Piercer.

This cloud piercer named Song Zhen has a sixth-rank and second-rank cultivation base, and claims to be the fourth leader of the cloud piercer, and the entire cloud piercer has a total of three giant starships, seven large starships, and the rest. Small starships are useless, and there are six bandit leaders whose cultivation base is above the sixth heaven.

There are still three leaders on Song Zhen\'s head. They are the first "Huoshaoyun" Gao Takong, who is the only high-grade real person among the cloud-piercing bandits; Ruoxu, and the third master "Wuxuyun" Jiang Qiu, both of them have cultivation bases outside the third rank.

And under Song Zhen, there are still the fifth and sixth positions. One is generally a second-rank real person like him, while the other is only a first-rank real person.

Although Song Zhen only briefly introduced the overall strength of the Cloud Piercers, Shang Xia was shocked when he heard it. Just one Cloud Piercer has six masters above the sixth heaven and above. There are nearly a hundred boats in total, and even one or two ordinary Cangjies can\'t match this strength.

In other words, with the scale of these star thieves, even destroying one or two Cangjies is probably just a matter of time. No wonder the other party can even obtain the fragments of the spirit-level world. The Venerable Master is in charge of the power to make deals.

However, just when Shang Xia lamented the tyrannical power of these star bandits, the fainting fourth master said cautiously: "My lord, in fact...in fact, even if we Cloud Piercers are many star bandits in Chaos Star Sea The strength among them can only be at the middle level."


Shang Xia still stood with his back, and couldn\'t help snorting when he heard the words, he seemed to understand that his exclamation just now revealed his ignorance, but he didn\'t feel embarrassed either, at least now the life of the fourth leader of the Cloud Piercer Pirates Between his thoughts.

The fourth leader of the Cloud Piercer Pirates was also really well-behaved. After realizing that Shang Xia might not know much about the Star Pirates in the Chaotic Star Sea, he immediately introduced: "Actually, according to the overall strength and size of the Star Pirates, It can roughly be divided into three grades: large, medium and small. Those with the ancestors of the seventh-level masters are naturally the large-scale star thief groups; The star bandits formed by sixth-level real people who are not as high as high-grade can only be counted as small star bandit groups; as for those scattered star bandits who don’t even have sixth-level real people, they can only be regarded as low-level at best.”

Shang Xia smiled silently, and said: "So, this Cloud Piercer can be regarded as a medium-sized star thief group?"

Song Zhen hurriedly said: "It can only be said that it has barely stepped into the threshold of a medium-sized pirate group, but it is completely incomparable with the famous Dark Star Pirates. It is rumored that there is a large-scale star pirate group with a seventh-level master in charge. .”

"Large Star Thief Group?"

Shang Xia\'s heart moved, and he quickly noticed Song Zhen\'s words, and immediately asked: "Why is it \'rumor\'? Is it possible that the strength of this large pirate group of Dark Star Pirates can be adulterated?"

Song Zhen said helplessly: "I want my lord to know that although the Dark Star Pirates are very famous, the sea of ​​chaotic stars is vast and boundless, and the large and small Star Pirate groups inside are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River. It claims to be only a medium-sized pirate group, but there are at least three pirate leaders who are above high-grade, and what is certain is that there have been seven-level masters who have had the experience of standing up for them, it seems that more than once. Although If there are enough benefits, it is not a big deal to be able to lightly move a seventh-level master to make a move, but there are rumors in the Star Pirates in the Chaotic Star Sea that there may be a certain Yuan-level upper realm standing behind the Dark Star Pirates."