Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1246

The dragging sea cable in the hands of the third-rank real Hou Tang in Qihuan Island is indeed quite delicate, but Shang Xia can\'t believe that under the combination of a fourth-rank and a third-rank in the Chen Dynasty, he actually behaved so lazily. Hip, Hou Tang and Shen Shenshan couldn\'t be dealt with for such a long time, not to mention that Shen Shenshan was still paddling at this time!

"These two people from Chen Dynasty obviously didn\'t try their best!"

Despite being disturbed by the turbulent flow of the void, Shang Xia was able to easily make such a judgment.

Until Shen Zhongshan hid behind Hou Tang and started to activate the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman". While Shang Xia was surprised at how slow the activation speed of the Talisman was, he also vaguely guessed the reason why the two real people of Chen Dynasty released the water.

The real purpose of these two people may have been waiting for the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" in the hands of General Shen Shen to be inspired!

Just judging from the slow speed of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", I am afraid that the original source energy required to activate this Talisman is extremely massive, and it can even make Shen Chongshan, a dignified sixth-level second-rank real person, have to rely on others protection of.

It seems that this talisman is really not suitable for use in confrontation with people!

Just when Shang Xia was thinking to himself, Shen Zhongshan finally activated the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" in his hand. During the skyrocketing cloud energy that could not be distorted or torn apart by the turbulent flow of the void, the two of Hou Tang and Shen Zhongshan The figure of the two disappeared completely, and even Shang Xia\'s own divine perception could not capture the slightest trace of the two of them.

Not only that, but on the way of the skyrocketing and spreading of the clouds, the turbulent currents in the surrounding space were even directly stretched out, as if an island suddenly rose above the surface of the undercurrent.

Shang Xia said inwardly that he was not good and wanted to retreat, but the inflated rosy clouds had already affected him, engulfing his figure directly in the rosy clouds.

Fortunately, the cloud seemed to have reached its limit when it swelled to Shang Xia\'s side, so although he was engulfed at this time, he was actually still on the edge of the cloud, and more importantly, the star beast\'s lair There is also the void positioning he left behind, and an original incarnation vaguely pointed out the direction for him.

Therefore, even though Shang Xia was in the midst of the clouds at this time, and even his perception of divine will was disturbed, and it was difficult for him to distinguish things, he still didn\'t panic at all.

"Hiss, what a brilliant martial talisman!"

Shang Xia even had time to sigh in his heart: "I have always wanted to verify the power of this talisman before, but I never thought that this time I was actually there. Fortunately, I hid quickly. If I was swallowed deeper, I\'m afraid It\'s not that you can\'t even perceive the void mark left in advance!"

Following the imprint of the void left in advance, Shang Xia forcibly rushed out from the edge of the cloud\'s aura in an awkward state that violated his own orientation perception.

And the moment he walked out, the original state of distorting his senses disappeared.

"This is only being affected at the fringes!"

Shang Xia looked at the piece of cloudy air that remained motionless under the impact of the turbulent flow in the void, feeling a little lingering in his heart.

But in the current situation, he has obviously lost the opportunity to track down the heavy mountain, not to mention the two real people of Chen Chao, who are now lost in the clouds and clouds.

However, Shang Xia looked at the rosy clouds that gradually became illusory in the turbulent flow of the void, and probably already understood that the two real people of the Chen Dynasty would not die, but it was a certainty that they would be completely shaken off by Shen Zhongshan and Hou Tang. things.

The power of this "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" is obviously much stronger than Shang Xia expected!

In fact, Chongshan didn\'t even have time to let this martial talisman exert its due power. It only showed the three functions of defense, flight and concealment, and it was already chased by the two real people of Chen Dynasty. Get out of the way.

Strictly speaking, it is a waste of Shen Chongshan to use this martial talisman to get out of the predicament!

Just for the sake of escaping, the two of them didn\'t seem to care much about it.

But Shang Xia was a bystander. He was also a fourth-rank Daohejing real person, and he could clearly perceive that Zhang Liugong, a high-rank real person from the Chen Dynasty, had always been reserved during the confrontation. During the process of mastering "Yuhaisuo", Tang Zhenren also had at least three chances to defeat the opponent\'s magic technique, but he directly let go of these opportunities.

After Shen Chongshan activated the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", Shang Xia suddenly realized that perhaps the opponent knew from the beginning that Chongshan would not be able to kill the opponent with this talisman by his side, but if he could force the opponent to kill him It is enough to use this talisman in a life-and-death crisis.

Shang Xia still clearly remembered that when Gong Zhuo came to visit Shang Xia with a heavy mountain

Hou once said that Wan Yunhui\'s sect\'s residence needs at least three "Wan Yun Fei Xia Talismans" to be safe, but they had already obtained two of these Talismans from Shang Xia before.

Now the third "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" is used by Shen Shenshan to save his life, which means that the sect residence of Wanyunhui still has a flaw!

But how can the other party be sure that there is only one "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" on Shen Zhongshan\'s body?

The illusory clouds in front of me are slowly dissipating, and the turbulent turbulent flow that was originally pushed away gradually converges towards the center, but in the process they agitate each other, making the turbulent flow here even more chaotic.

Although Shang Xia is not afraid, there is no need to stay here to consume his own Liuhe Origin Qi.

The original battle ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

However, for him, watching the battle in secret this time is not all fruitless, at least he has some understanding of the strife within Yuan Xingjie, and the situation inside Yuan Xingjie is obviously much more complicated than imagined.

Shang Xia turned around and shuttled through the turbulent void, preparing to return to the secret realm of the lair.

Because he never sensed a warning signal coming from the original incarnation, Shang Xia didn\'t rush, and hurried back through the turbulent flow of the void all the way leisurely.

[To be honest, I have been using reading books recently to follow up, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, both Android and Apple are fine. 】

However, just as he was getting closer and closer to the secret realm of the lair, and his connection with the original incarnation became clearer, Shang Xia suddenly stopped in the midst of the turbulent void, and his sight seemed to be able to see through the distorted void in front of him. To what\'s going on beyond the uncharted realms of Far Nest.

Someone from outside the secret realm of the lair came to the door again, and it seems that more than one group came, and now they are confronting each other outside the secret realm!

It\'s just that these two groups of people obviously maintain a certain degree of respect for the sixth-order talisman master who sits in the secret realm of the lair. Although the two confronting sides seem to be on the verge of swords, in fact, no one makes a move at this time.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that the aura of the fourth-grade Taoist realm displayed by the original incarnation at this time shocked the opposing sides outside the secret realm of the lair.

As Shang Xia got closer to the secret realm of the lair, the connection with the original incarnation became more and more clear, and the situation outside the secret realm of the lair gradually fell into his eyes.

What surprised him was that the two parties who were confronting each other at this time were both acquaintances of Shang Xia!