Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1245

Shen Chongshan had just come out of the secret realm of a sixth-level talisman master. At this time, he may have nothing else on him, but the only thing is that there are many martial talismans, especially the sixth-level high-level martial talismans, which makes him even in the face of Even when a third-rank real person is suppressed, he can use this to turn the situation around.

Under such circumstances, it is entirely possible for Chongshan to retreat completely in the turbulence of the void, and all the plans of the Dachen Dynasty against this person will surely come to nothing.

In desperation, the dachen dynasty fourth-rank real person who had been hiding in the turbulence of the void and had never shown up, who originally wanted to fish, had no choice but to take action at this time.

The natural moat between the third and fourth ranks is enough to widen the huge gap in strength between the two sides, not to mention that Chong Shan is just an ordinary second-rank real person!

The moment the fourth-rank real person of the Dachen Dynasty made a move, the martial talismans that Shen Chongshan could use to fight against the third-rank real person all collapsed under the opponent\'s understatement.

However, the other party originally had the opportunity to take this opportunity to directly injure Shen Shenshan, but for some reason, he did not hurt him at all. This also showed the ingenious control of this fourth-rank real person, as well as the relationship between the two sides. disparity in strength.

However, at this moment, the fourth-rank real person of the Dachen Dynasty who was originally standing in the turbulent flow of the void suddenly shifted his gaze, and flicked his fingers towards a certain place in the turbulent flow.

A burst of energy burst out through the air, directly piercing through the void and hitting somewhere in the turbulent flow, and the void that was shaking like a wave suddenly exploded into chaos.

"Hey Yo"

An exclamation suddenly came from the turbulent flow of the void. Although a figure looked a bit embarrassed, it was actually not injured at all and escaped from the chaos, and rushed to meet Shen Shenshan immediately. .

Naturally, the fourth-rank real person of the Dachen Dynasty would not let the people who were obviously reinforcements join the heavy mountain. He took out a jade ruler from his cuff and swiped it in front of his eyes. Instead of getting closer, the distance between the stream and the heavy mountain is getting farther and farther.

"The magic weapon is close at hand!"

Another exclamation came from the figure\'s mouth, but immediately after that figure raised its hand and threw out a rope, it directly crossed the extended void and landed on the heavy mountain. address.

Naturally, Shen Chongshan would not let go of this opportunity. The moment he grabbed the slightly yellowed rope, he and the figure

The distance that was originally tens or hundreds of miles suddenly shortened to less than three feet, and the actual length of the rope seemed to be only three feet in total.

"Yihaisuo! Are you from Qihuan Island in the Yahai Sea?"

The fourth-rank real person of the Dachen Dynasty obviously recognized the other party\'s identity through the divine weapon called "Yuhaisuo".

"Hey, Hou Tang of Qihuan Island has met Duke Liu of Dachen Zhang!"

The flickering figure in the turbulent flow of the void finally stopped, but it looked like a warrior dressed in black, with a slightly thin body, and even looked a little funny.

The fourth-rank real person of the Dachen Dynasty, known as Zhang Liugong, did not stop his offensive just because the other party reported his family, and still said in a calm tone: "Why, Qihuan Island Do you intend to interfere with the affairs of my Dachen Dynasty?"

The third-rank real person called Hou Tang, while leading Shen Chongshan to move in the turbulent void with the help of the magic weapon in his hand, dodging Zhang Liugong\'s pursuit, he responded with the same tone. : "How dare Qihuan Island go against the dynasty? Hou\'s attack this time is purely because of personal friendship, and has nothing to do with Qihuan Island!"

"Personal friendship?"

At the beginning of the Dachen Dynasty, the third-rank real person who suppressed Shenshen Mountain sneered, and said: "Qihuan Island wants to seal it off, when did you have a personal relationship with my Chen Dynasty people?"

Master Hou Tang of Qihuan Island didn\'t care about responding to the two Masters of Chen Dynasty. Instead, he hid left and right in the turbulent void with a heavy mountain, and yelled, "Old Shen, do you still have any? Backhand? Old Hou, I will be unable to stop him!"

After all, he saw Shen Shenshan bowed his head without saying a word, so he couldn\'t help but shouted again: "Old Shen?"

Shen Shenshan suddenly let out a long breath, and sweat burst out from the tips of his hair and forehead in an instant.

"Finally found it!"

Under Hou Tang\'s astonished eyes, Shen Zhongshan pulled out a thing that looked like a few strands of hair tied together from the tip of his hair with his backhand.

Hou Tang swallowed a mouthful of foam, and said: "The flying silkworm of the Ten Wings Gate? Are you being tricked and traced all the way?"

Shen Zhongshan nodded with a gloomy expression, and said: "I didn\'t expect that the Ten Wings Sect would completely surrender to the Chen Dynasty. When the sect was purging the Chen Dynasty\'s spy, it never occurred to me that it was the Ten Wings Sect\'s secret conspiracy. "

After all, the hair-like worm in his hand immediately surged with the original source of energy in his palm.

There was a strange sound of "creaking" during the burning, and it turned into ashes in a short while.

Shen Shenshan, who got rid of the imprint on his body, soon joined forces with Houtang real person and joined the offensive against the two real people of Chen Dynasty.

However, the two of them, one of the second rank and the third rank, together cannot be the opponent of the fourth rank Daoist Zhang Liugong, not to mention that he also has a third rank daoist from the Chen Dynasty as his assistant.

The two are currently lingering on Hou Tang\'s magical weapon "Yihaisuo" and the martial talisman on Shen Zhongshan.

"The two of us won\'t be able to hold on for long if this goes on. Is there any help from Wan Yunhui? That guy is simply consuming your and my origin energy. He probably has his eyes on the \'Drag Haisuo\' in Laohou\'s hand. "

Under Zhang Liugong\'s deliberate restrictions, Hou Tang gradually felt powerless to control the "Yuhaisuo".

Shen Zhongshan shook his head solemnly, and said: "No, the help from our faction has already been blocked by people from Chen Chao and Ten Wings Gate. Ten Wings Gate, hehe, Ten Wings Gate!"

"Then what to do?"

Hou Tang yelled loudly at first, but then he said in a low voice: "I heard that you recently met a high-grade real person who is a sixth-rank grand master of talisman Taoism? Why don\'t we generalize people..."

Before Hou Tang could finish his words, Shen Zhongshan\'s condensed gaze was already looking at him.

Hou Tang waved his hands helplessly and said: "Don\'t, just say it casually, if we two break up at this time, it will be a joke."

After all, Hou Tang not only didn\'t have any sense of urgency, but relaxed a little.

Under such circumstances, Chongshan didn\'t want to reveal the location of the Grand Master of Talisman Dao, and he didn\'t want to lead the disaster to the secret place of the lair for help. Hiding behind!

Next, Hou Tang really didn\'t mention the star beast\'s lair again, but forcibly controlled the magic soldier Yi Haisuo to struggle to survive under the siege of the two real Chen Chao.

But at the same time, Shen Shenshan\'s resistance gradually weakened, and he even hid his body behind Hou Tang when facing the siege, as if he completely entrusted his life and death to Hou Tang alone.

At this time, in the turbulent void not far from the battle between the two sides, Shang Xia, who was hiding there, had a clear perception of Shen Shenshan\'s movements, and he was actually activating the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman"!

"Does it take so long just to activate a \'Wanyun Feixia Talisman\'?"

Shang Xia, who was hiding in the dark, muttered to himself.