Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1233

"This Mr. Huang, I really have something urgent to see Mr. Shang. I would like to ask Mr. Huang to make it easier for me!"

The second-rank real person of Wan Yunhui was heavy, his square face was full of anxiety at this time, and even his fat body seemed to be exuding a smell of oil and sweat outside his clothes.

Huang Jinghan, who is also a beginner at the second rank in actual cultivation, but under the guise of the "Illusion Talisman", is an out-and-out third-rank peak cultivation, at this time, he is sipping the spirit tea in his hand leisurely. He praised: "Really Shen\'s spiritual tea is really good, it has a feeling of far-reaching artistic conception!"

Shen Chongshan\'s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said: "Since Master Huang likes it, Shen has a few taels, and I will give it to you someday!"

Huang Jinghan hurriedly waved his hands and smiled, "Master Shen doesn\'t need to be so polite. It\'s not that Huang is unwilling to accommodate. It\'s because Master Shang made a special confession before going into seclusion. It\'s not because the secret place of this lair is in danger of being destroyed, otherwise we should not disturb him easily."


Hearing the words, Shen Chongshan revealed an anxious expression, and muttered to himself, "What should I do?"

Huang Jinghan saw that the anxious expression on the expression of the real person from the upper realm did not seem to be fake, so he asked in a deep voice: "Realist Shen is so anxious, but is there something wrong?"

After all, without waiting for Shen Zhongshan to answer, Huang Jinghan hurriedly said: "Oh, Master Shen, don\'t get me wrong. Huang is just curious. If Master Shen thinks it is difficult to answer, there is no need to answer."

The expression on Shen Zhongshan\'s face changed, but finally he sighed and said: "Actually, there is nothing we can\'t say. There are quite a few people in the Yuanxing world who know about this. If there is a mistake, continue to make up for it with a large number of high-level talismans, and the talisman masters of our faction can\'t make enough high-level talismans in a short period of time. .”

"So it is!"

Huang Jinghan first nodded to express his understanding, and then said: "But as far as Huang knows, Shen Zhenren had previously agreed with Shang Zhenren to make a number of high-level martial talismans within half a year. Step formation talisman, I\'m afraid I can\'t fulfill the previous agreement..."

Before Huang Jinghan finished speaking, Shen Zhongshan hurriedly said: "The previous contract is void, we still need to make the formation talisman first, the formation talisman is important..."

Before Shen Chongshan could finish his words, a voice came from the depths of the lair\'s secret realm: "Why did Master Shen come here? Could it be that he disliked that Shang was too slow in making talismans, so he came here to urge him?"

Although Shang Xia\'s tone was meant to be teasing, Shen Shenshan didn\'t dare to be negligent, he hurriedly got up and bowed and said, "How dare you, how dare you, Shen Mou came here this time because he had no choice but to ask Master Shang to forgive me."

After hearing Shang Xia\'s voice, Huang Jinghan was calm on the surface, but in fact he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Shang Xia\'s figure seems to be slow but fast, and he seems to be strolling in the garden, but within a few steps, he has already come close.

Master Huang also got up at this time, and said with a smile: "Realist Shang seems to have left the customs earlier than expected."

Shang Xia smiled and said, "During this period of time, I have to work with Master Huang."

Huang Jinghan said "no problem", and then found a reason to resign temporarily.

After the two of them sat down, Shen Shenshan roughly explained to Shang Xia the reason why he asked for the formation talisman and the reason for doing so.

In fact, Shang Xia had already listened to most of the conversation between the two just now.

However, after hearing Shen Zhongshan\'s request to change the agreement, Shang Xia readily agreed.

The difficulty of making array talismans among martial talismans of the same rank tends to be

It is always the lowest, and Chongshan\'s change of agreement means that the difficulty of making Shangxia talismans has been greatly reduced.

However, Shang Xia asked again: "Real Master Shen Shen sent twenty pieces of sixth-level talisman paper and seventy pieces of fifth-level talisman paper. I don\'t know whether to make the fifth-level formation talisman or the sixth-level formation talisman first?"

Shen Zhongshan said without thinking: "First make the sixth-order formation talisman!"

As he spoke, Zhong Zhongshan took out another spirit-sealing box from his cuff, and after opening it, there were ten neatly arranged sixth-order talisman papers, and said: "Including the previous twenty sixth-order talisman papers, there are thirty sixth-order talisman papers in total. I also ask Master Shang to make ten sixth-order formation symbols as quickly as possible, it is urgent!"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said, "Since it\'s urgent, let\'s pick it up in two months."

"Two months?"

Shen Zhongshan couldn\'t help raising his voice, and looked at Shang Xia in astonishment.

Shang Xia met the other party\'s gaze with some astonishment, and said, "Why, is two months too long? If it\'s too urgent, should we shorten it by another ten days? Fifty days can\'t be any shorter..."

"No no no..."

Shen Zhongshan quickly waved his hands and said, "Two months is good, two months is already excellent!"

After all, Shen Chongshan still didn\'t seem to feel at ease, and asked cautiously: "Shang Zhenren, is it really okay for two months? That\'s..."

Shang Xia smiled, and said: "If it\'s other sixth-order martial talismans, two months is really difficult for Shang, but if it\'s just a sixth-order formation talisman, hehe..."

Shen Zhongshan got up solemnly and bowed respectfully to Shang Xia, saying in a deep voice, "Then...please!"

After receiving the promise from Shang Xia, Shen Zhongshan left in a hurry. It seemed that even if he got a big surprise from Shang Xia, it didn\'t dilute the anxiety in him.

Not long after Shen Chongshan left, Huang Jinghan had already left and returned, but because of Shang Xia\'s return, he no longer needed to use the "Illusion Talisman" to disguise the aura of a third-rank real person.

"Wan Yunhui may not be as simple as a mistake in the guardian formation of the sect\'s resident, maybe it was attacked!"

Huang Jinghan said suddenly.

Although Shang Xia didn\'t look back, he said curiously, "Oh, why do you know that?"

Huang Jinghan said: "The old man once heard that Shen Chongshan came to visit for the first time because a high-quality real person from Wan Yunhui and a small business real person didn\'t know each other?"

Shang Xia smiled and said, "You can say that!"

Huang Jinghan said: "If it\'s just as simple as a mistake in the sect\'s formation, he shouldn\'t be so anxious, and more importantly, it\'s not a trivial matter that he wants to change the agreement he made with Daoist Xiaoshang in advance. , how can a matter that has been decided by a sixth-level talisman master be changed as if it is a child\'s play? At the very least, the other party should also send a powerful person to explain the reason to you in person to show that you value it. And the best candidate should be his uncle Gong Zhuogong, but in fact, only Chongshan came here. Don\'t they know that doing so is disrespectful to a sixth-order grand master? ? Probably not, the real reason may be that Wan Yunhui\'s high-quality real person has no time to clone at this time."

Shang Xia nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Although it is a guess, it is still a possibility. It\'s just that the Wanyun Society itself belongs to the Dongtian Sect in Yuanxing Realm, which is second only to the three dynasties, and it is located in the Inside the territory of the Chen Dynasty, the relationship with the Dachen Dynasty seems to be pretty good. Under such circumstances, who can directly attack the sect residence of the Wan Yunhui?"

Huang Jinghan shook his head dumbly, and said: "

We still know too little about Yuan Xingjie, and it is impossible to judge at present. "

Shang Xia said helplessly: "It\'s not that we don\'t know too much, but that we don\'t have a channel to understand at all. Our people haven\'t walked out of the turbulent void yet."

Huang Jinghan nodded in agreement when he heard the words, but he quickly reacted and said, "You don\'t want to leave the secret realm of the lair again, and go to this void to find the location of the Yuanxing Realm? I can tell you , Huang will no longer pretend to be a third-rank real person to help you sit in town."

Shang Xia laughed "haha" and said, "How come? I\'m afraid I will stay here to make talismans for the next period of time. Even if I want to go out and explore, I\'m afraid I won\'t have time. "

Huang Jinghan quickly said goodbye and left, and it was Shang Xia who personally sent him back to Lingfeng Realm.

The next meeting between the Lingfeng Realm and the Lingtu Realm will require Kou Chongxue and Huang Jinghan, two spiritual realities, to go together.

And everything in the secret realm of the lair is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan, there is no need for Shang Xia to do anything himself.

So Shang Xia soon entered the state of retreat again.

Originally, he still had some miscellaneous things to deal with, but seeing the urgent need at Shenshenshan, Shang Xia had to focus on making the sixth-order array talisman first.

Shang Xia is a master who can even make the sixth-order "Liuhe Shifting Talisman". This time, it will be much easier to go back and make the sixth-order formation talisman, which can be called the threshold of the sixth-order martial talisman.

Sure enough, although Shang Xia hadn\'t made talismans by himself for a long time, after getting used to it a little, Yin Ke Xinghao\'s brush has returned to the point where he can use his fingers in Shang Xia\'s hands.

In less than half a month, Shang Xia had already made three sixth-order formation symbols in one go, and none of them failed.

After resting for two or three days, Shang Xia started making talismans again, and half a month passed quickly. This time, he made talismans five times and became three. A total of ten sixth-order formation talismans had been completed by him and six of them. , and there is one month left.

Another half month passed, and the number of sixth-order array talismans produced had reached eight, but this time four talisman papers were used.

In the last half of the month, even with his high-grade Daoist cultivation level, Shang Xia felt a little tired making high-level martial talismans at such a high frequency, so he deliberately rested for another five days. The two sixth-order talismans were completed overnight, and they were even completed two days ahead of schedule.

So far, the ten sixth-order talisman papers that Shang Xia promised Shen Zhongshan have all been completed, a total of fourteen sixth-order talisman papers have been used, and the remaining sixteen sixth-order talisman papers are purely earned by Shang Xia himself.

The six months had just arrived, and Shen Chongshan almost passed through the turbulent void under the pressure of time, and came to visit Shang Xia in the star beast\'s lair for the third time.

Seeing the ten sixth-order formation talismans neatly stacked here, Shen Zhenren felt that the sixth-order talisman masters he had seen and heard before were almost all deceitful people compared with the people in front of him.

In fact, when Shen Zhongshan came this time, he had already prepared that the opponent would not be able to complete ten sixth-order formation symbols at all. He even felt that as long as the opponent could produce eight sixth-order formation symbols, it would be considered rare, and even The bottom line he set for himself was only six or seven.

But the facts in front of him tell him that all of this is true. Shen Chongshan even couldn\'t help but examine each formation talisman carefully. The runes drawn on all the formation talismans are of the same style, undoubtedly from the same talisman master. !

This really made him feel a little scared.