Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1232

Perhaps it was because he deliberately hid it when he entered Yuanping Realm, Gao Qin was not able to recognize Shang Xia at all at first.

But after being reminded by Lan Zhengfeng, the real person Gao Qin instantly remembered this new rising real person in the Lingfeng world, and connected it with the news she had inquired from the Huajian Tower and Xingyuan Dojo, and immediately had a good opinion of the original person. Some things have been conjectured close to the facts.

For example, Wen Juxiang\'s death!

As a high-grade real person in Yuanhong\'s Upper Realm, the death of Wen Juxiang put great pressure on Xingyuan City, not to mention that this person died outside Xingyuan Dojo!

Shang Xia heard Master Gao Qin\'s almost assertive guess, and smiled without changing his face: "Really Gao has never seen it with his own eyes, so it\'s better not to make random suspicions, after all, the Lingfeng Realm is not as big as the Yuanming Realm. But it can’t stand Yuanhong’s upper realm’s revenge.”

Master Gao Qin\'s face changed when he heard the words, and he said sharply: "Since Lingfengjie knows how to respect Yuanhongjie, shouldn\'t he be afraid of me, Yuanmingjie?"

Facing the aggressive real Gao Qin, Shang Xia still calmly said: "It\'s just a small star beast lair, can such a thing be placed in the eyes of Yuanming Realm? But for the newly promoted Lingfeng Realm But it’s not without a small benefit, why doesn’t Master Gao hold his hand high?”

Master Gao Qin sneered and said, "What if Master Ben says no?"

Shang Xia still said with a smile on his face: "The worst result is to destroy this lair secret realm, erase the traces left by the void passage, and I will just return to Lingfeng Realm, but Master Gao will also get nothing."

Master Gao Qin said with contempt: "As Master Shang said, it\'s just a small lair secret realm, not to mention this world, even this master has never seen it in his eyes. Since he can\'t get it, it is ruined if it is destroyed. !"

Hearing this, Shang Xia took a step forward in the void, and said, "Since this is the case, then I have no choice but to have a fight with Gao Zhenren!"

Gao Qin Daoist said: "It\'s all nonsense to say so much, in the end we still have to speak according to our strength, but Shang Daoist is indeed bold, two third-rank Daoist people in this world died, don\'t Shang Daoist people want to say something? "

Facing a senior fourth-rank real person, Shang Xia did not dare to be careless in the slightest. The original field was ready to go. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "How did the real Gao Qin know that the two third-rank real people who died in the noble world originally had a chance?" How about the one who retreated completely?"

After leading Master Gao Qin here, Lan Zhengfeng, who had been following behind him without saying much, changed his expression slightly, and said loudly, "I didn\'t expect you to be so good at instigating dissension!"

Shang Xia glanced at the other party and said with a sneer, "Why, it\'s a pain in the foot from being caught, and you\'re impatient?"

"What are you talking about?"

Daoist Gao Qin also stepped out of the void, and the entire void shook for a while.

Shang Xia felt as if he was on the verge of a formidable enemy, but he had personally witnessed the fierce style that this high-quality real person displayed when he was fighting in the Yuanping Realm.

Whether it was Wenjuxiang or Huajianlou, the only way to cooperate with this Jurchen was to assist and cooperate.

"Since there is no need to fight to the death, let\'s decide the outcome with one move!"

As soon as the voice fell, the originally shaking void seemed to turn into rolling waves, even a tsunami, which directly merged with Gao Zhenren\'s own original domain, and rushed towards Shang Xia in a destructive manner.

This kind of contest, which is conducted directly in the way of the collision of the original domain without any fancy, is the most thrilling, the most intuitive, and it is also the most shocking!

Shang Xia knew the fierce style of this real Gao when he was fighting with others, but he didn\'t expect the opponent to be so violent.

But Shang Xia couldn\'t dodge at this time, because behind him was the secret realm of the lair, and hundreds of middle and high-level warriors in the secret realm of the lair.

In an instant, Shang Xia\'s original domain also merged into the void, and the surrounding void seemed to be animated by him. Facing the original void tsunami like a tsunami, Shang Xia\'s original domain seemed to condense the whole person. Essence, energy and spirit, a reef formed by stacking after integrating the origin of heaven and earth.

What follows is a no-frills, but truly soul-stirring collision of origins!

The moment the huge momentum erupted, it seemed that the void lost all sound at once.

As the so-called "big sound and rare sound" is nothing more than that!

But it\'s not just the sound. All the sixth-level real people who were watching the battle lost their vision, their divine perception, and all their senses at this moment, as if the whole person was wrapped in chaos.

Even the star beast lair, which was originally in the turbulent flow of the void and was deliberately avoided and protected by several real people, was undulating like duckweed on the water at this time.

Lan Zhengfeng had already dodged far away in the void, but he still vividly displayed the terrified expression on his face when he looked back.

Both of them are in the realm of fourth-rank Dao, and in terms of cultivation, they are only one rank higher than him. How can their burst of strength be able to reach such a level?

Could this be the reason why Gaopin Zhenren was able to become a Gaopin Zhenren?

But it is not that he has never been in contact with other fourth-rank real people. Although Yan Huayi\'s strength as a fourth-rank real person Dongtian is far superior to him, but if he can be compared with these two fourth-rank real people in front of him, Lan Zhengfeng is not at all. Do not believe.

Perhaps, even if they are the same fourth-rank real people, there are differences in strength between them.

Compared to Lan Zhengfeng\'s horror, Kou Chongxue and others had no time to be shocked at all. The huge space storm swept over and could directly overturn the entire secret realm of the lair, but the three of them had to bite the bullet and force the storm intercept it.

But even so, the lair secret realm is still drifting in the turbulence of the void, and it looks as if it will be overturned at any time.

It may have only been a moment, but for Kou Chongxue and others, it feels like years are passing by. The original collision of the earth and the world suddenly disappeared, and the aftermath caused by it also quickly disappeared.

Kou Chongxue and the others hurriedly looked towards the void where the two had fought just now, but they saw Shang Xia standing in the sky, while Gao Qin, who was opposite him, had disappeared.

But at this time, in Shang Xia\'s ears, there was the voice of the real Gaoqin: "The star curtain surrounding the Xingyuan Dojo is riddled with holes, real Shang, Lingfengjie, you can do it yourself..."

Kou Chongxue and others couldn\'t see where the real Gao Qin was, and they didn\'t know the confrontation between the two sides just now, but for a while, no one dared to go forward.

After a while, Kou Chongxue stepped forward cautiously, and said, "That high-grade Daoist from Yuanming Realm has left?"

Only then did Shang Xia wake up from his contemplation, turned his head and said with a smile, "Well, yes, the secret place of this lair has been saved."

Kou Chongxue nodded, and asked again: "Then that fight just now..."

Shang Xia said with a smile: "I was lucky enough to have the upper hand, but that real Gao Qin is really powerful, and the other party finally retreated unscathed."

Kou Chongxue breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and nodded towards Yin Jingxu and Lu Wuzi, indicating that the crisis was over.

Then Shang Xia turned around with Kou Chongxue, only to find that both Yin Jingxu and Lu Wuzi looked at him slightly differently, as if they were a little more in awe.

However, Lu Wuzi couldn\'t wait to ask: "Master Xiaoshang, people from Yuanming Realm won\'t come again?"

Shang Xia said with a smile after hearing the words: "No, this lair secret realm is much smaller than the one in Yuanxing Realm, and a single sixth-level real person is enough to guard it, and the five elements of the Chujia Grandmaster\'s void teleportation The formation is about to be completed, and after the void passage is replaced, the person who sits in the star beast lair can advance and retreat freely, and there is no need to worry that someone will find the location of the Lingfeng Realm through the void trajectory."

Lu Wuzi felt relieved when he heard this.

The four real people returned to the secret realm of the lair through the turbulence of the void. Many warriors who stayed in the secret realm have already noticed the turmoil in the void that just happened outside. There were still many people in panic, but with the four people Return panic quickly dissipated.

Although Lu Wuzi was still apprehensive, he still did not prevent Shang Xia and the others from leaving.

On the contrary, Yin Jingxu took the initiative to stay for some reason, and planned to guard the secret place of the lair together with Lu Wuzi for a period of time.

After Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue and others returned to Lingfeng Realm through the void passage, Yang Taihe and others immediately asked them what happened.

After Shang Xia gave a general account of the battle with Gao Qin and ensured that the secret place of the lair was safe for the time being, Liu Jingsheng couldn\'t wait to urge Shang Xia to return to Yuan Xingjie as soon as possible to replace Huang Jinghan.

Yang Taihe took a look at the other real people, but said: "This matter is too late, but there is another matter that has been delayed for a long time. I am afraid that if it is delayed, the other party will think that this world lacks sincerity, and it is nothing to stop cooperating. It would be bad if they turned against each other because of this."

Liu Jingsheng said angrily, "If Junior Brother Huang hadn\'t gone to the secret lair in Yuanxing Realm, I\'m afraid this would have happened a long time ago."

But Yang Taihe said: "It\'s still too late, and because Kou Shanchang returns, if Kou Shanchang and Huang Zhenren go together, it will show the sincerity of this world."

Liu Jingsheng didn\'t say anything when he heard the words, and the other real people only nodded in agreement.

Obviously, prior to this, several Dongtian masters who stayed behind had already negotiated a result.

Kou Chongxue had already learned something from Shang Xia on the way back from the turbulence of the void. At this time, he heard Master Yang\'s suggestion and immediately smiled and said: "Okay, the old man will have a encounter with Master Huang. However, everyone Allow me a few days. To tell you the truth, the old man was hunted down in the void before, and now he is exhausted, and he may need to recover for a while."

Master Yang smiled and said: "Don\'t worry, although we have communicated with the Lingtu world about the alliance in advance, some specific details still need to be coordinated. Well, is ten days enough?"

The meeting on the Jiaozhou sky ended quickly.

After Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue returned to Tongyou Academy, Kou Chongxue quickly entered the recovery state of retreat.

This time, he was really retreating.

And Shang Xia directly broke through the void and returned to the star beast lair in the Yuanxing Realm through the guidance of the observatory.

Shang Xia had just arrived in the secret realm of the lair, and his divine sense instantly enveloped the whole secret realm, and his brows frowned slightly...