Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1197

"Then what will happen if there is really a star tree that has been watered with this brand-new spiritual water?"

Shang Xia suddenly interrupted and asked.

Yuan Qiuyuan looked up at Shang Xia, and said, "Uncle Shang, do you think the Lingfeng Realm can breed a seventh-order spiritual creature?"

Shang Xia immediately shook his head and said: "Impossible, the upper limit of the spirit-level world is the sixth level, we can bring the seventh-level spiritual things born in the outer domain into the Lingfeng world, but it is absolutely impossible for the Lingfeng world to breed A seventh-order thing."

Yuan Qiuyuan nodded at first, but then he said seriously: "But if the star tree is planted in a relatively isolated secret space, it will be like the current Tongyou Cave, if it is prepared by three top spirits If the \'false seventh-order\' spiritual water is used for a long time, then the star tree is very likely to break through the limit of the sixth-order spiritual plant!"

Looking at the astonished expressions of Shang Xia, Xin Lu, Yan Ming and others, Yuan Qiuyuan continued: "Of course, if the Lingfeng Realm can be promoted to a Yuan-level world again in the future, then the seventh-level star tree will naturally no longer need to be planted in the world. In the specially isolated secret space."

Shang Xia was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If the star tree breaks through the limit of the sixth-level spiritual plant and becomes a real seventh-level spiritual plant, what\'s the use?"

Yuan Qiuyuan shook his head and said: "The specific role of the disciple is also unknown, and the inheritance recorded on the bronze fragments of the Guantian Sect is not clearly stated, it is only said to be related to the martial arts inheritance of the Guantian Sect. Pai core inheritance unique secret method."

Shang Xia hurriedly said: "Since it is a unique secret method, isn\'t there any clue in it?"

In fact, Shang Xia was not anxious because he couldn\'t learn the content of the secret method, but was worried that the lack of martial arts inheritance of the Guantian School would affect the future development of Yuan Qiuyuan.

Yuan Qiuyuan obviously understood the real intention of Shang Xia\'s worry, and a look of gratitude flashed in his eyes, but he smiled on his face: "The inheritance of the Tianguan sect is indeed incomplete, and at present it has only gathered the sixth heaven. The following inheritance, but this is already a great opportunity for disciples!"

What Yuan Qiuyuan said is actually not wrong. At least for now, the limit of martial arts inheritance in the entire Lingfeng world has only reached the sixth heaven. One of the top inheritances in the entire Lingfeng world!

"It\'s a pity, but you are only at the fourth level, and there is still some time before the sixth level. We still have time and opportunity to complete the remaining martial arts inheritance!"

Shang Xia comforted her.

Yuan Qiuyuan smiled, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that Shang Xia\'s expression moved slightly, and his gaze was raised to look at the void beyond the sky in Youzhou.

"Uncle Shang..."

As soon as Yuan Qiuyuan opened his mouth, he was stopped by Shang Xia, whose expression became a little dignified.

When Yuan Qiuyuan saw this, he didn\'t know what serious things might have happened. At this moment, his heart moved, and the observatory under his feet was suddenly aroused by the original spirit that had just been cultivated in his body. The extraterrestrial curtain that emerged was first pulled closer from a very far distance, and then pieces of the sky curtain began to jump and change on the barrier.

And at this time, not to mention Yan Ming, even Xin Lu, who is his own fourth-level stargazer, stood beside Yuan Qiuyuan and couldn\'t keep up with his rhythm for a while.

Although Yuan Qiuyuan has just advanced to the fourth stage of martial arts and stargazer inheritance, he inherited the core inheritance of the skygazer, and immediately showed a level of stargazing that almost surpassed Xin Lu!

Xin Lu was amazed in her heart, but she didn\'t show any mental imbalance. In fact, this woman had a very clear position in Tongyou Academy from the very beginning, so she completed her identity change in the first time, and started The role as the deputy fully assists Yuan Qiuyuan in performing stargazing.

As for Yan Ming, even as a master of the fifth heaven, looking at the deep-space star screen reflected on the barrier of the cave at this time is a bit dizzying, so she simply moved her eyes away and started to work as a supporter. To cooperate with the actions of the two.

In just a moment, the star curtain that jumped frequently on the barrier of the cave suddenly became fixed. Yuan Qiuyuan put all his attention on the star curtain in front of him, and kept closing the distance. There was a bright light shining in it, and he said: "This is... the void channel opened by the star beast. Is there a star beast following the gathered starlight?"

Yuan Qiuyuan\'s astonished eyes turned to Shang Xia beside him.

Xin Lu, who was standing beside him, also looked at the star screen in front of him with a serious expression, obviously he had confirmed Yuan Qiuyuan\'s judgment.

As for Yan Ming, although she is also on the star screen in front of her,

She tried her best to find something, but judging from her slightly confused eyes, it was obvious that she hadn\'t found any clues yet.

Shang Xia nodded, his expression seemed noncommittal, but he asked in a questioning tone: "What else can you see?"

The Xingsha around Yuan Qiuyuan\'s body seemed to be trying to get as close as possible to even match the rhythm of the observatory under his feet.

Then Yuan Qiuyuan let out an exclamation: "There are sixth-order star beasts, and... two ends!?"

Shang Xia let out a long laugh when he heard the words, and his figure suddenly disappeared on the observatory, only his voice resounded in the ears of the three: "You don\'t need to pay attention to the two sixth-order star beasts, the remaining star beasts There are others to take care of it yourself, the task of the three of you is to find the space channel where they descended into this void, and locate their lair!"

Seeing this, Yuan Qiuyuan hurriedly said loudly: "Uncle Shang, don\'t forget to collect the star core essence in the star beast\'s body, it is the best spiritual material used to make star tools!"

Shang Xia\'s voice rang in the ears of the three: "Don\'t worry, this time all the useful things on these star beasts will be covered by Tongyou Academy!"

Afterwards, Shang Xia didn\'t give any other orders, obviously he was far away.

At this time, Xin Lu suddenly asked in a low tone: "Does the Tianguan school inheritance you get even include the production of star vessels?"

Yuan Qiuyuan looked stunned, then shook his head and said, "No."

Xin Lu looked at Yan Ming again and asked, "Could it be that Tongyou College has a secret inheritance of star crafts?"

Yan Ming sneered, and said: "Don\'t say there is no, even if there is, the Qitang of Tongyou College can\'t make it at all!"

When the star beast was invaded for the first time because of the Tianxing Pavilion, Shang Xia once found a bone that gathered the essence of the star beast in the body of a sixth-order star beast killed by him, and that bone directly Helped Shang Xia to exchange for a magical-level talisman pen from Tong Yutang.

Now Tongyou Academy also has its own complete stargazer inheritance. It is natural to know that the spiritual material that gathers the essence of the whole body in the star beast is called the star core, and the best use of the star core is to make it that can be used by the stargazer. As a stellar device for stargazing.

It is said that this is the second time that Lingfeng Realm has been harassed by star beasts, and compared to the first time, the tribe of star beasts that harassed this time is obviously stronger. There are at least five or six fifth-order star beasts following, and there are more than twenty other third- and fourth-order star beasts. This is not counting whether there are other high-level star beasts left behind in the lair of this star beast tribe.

Moreover, when Shang Xia encountered a star beast for the first time, the star beast as the leader had only just entered the sixth level. At this time, as the star beast group was getting closer and closer to the Lingfeng Realm, Yuan Qiuyuan had already discovered that the leader of the star beast had just entered the sixth level. The aura of each of the two star beasts has exceeded the level of the sixth-level beginners.

What\'s even more frightening is that star beasts, which are huge monsters that can cross the starry sky, have an extremely powerful group advantage. Usually, when facing warriors of the same level, they are enough to fight one against five, one against seven, even more……

Therefore, despite the fact that this group of star beasts is only about 30 heads in total, its overall strength can almost match any two Dongtian sects in the Lingfeng world.

If one is really inadvertently attacked and harassed by them, even a spirit-level world is enough to corrupt a large area.

However, this time Shang Xia and the stargazers of Tongyou Academy were the first to notice the intrusion of the star beasts, but they did not immediately notify the other sect forces in the Lingfeng world to jointly resist, and Shang Xia actually planned to let the star beasts intrude. Tongyou Academy, or to be more precise, the power of the entire state of Youzhou Martial Arts World with Tongyou Academy as the main body will face the intrusion of the star beast group head-on!

The three deputy mountain chiefs sitting in Tongyou College received Shang Xia\'s notice immediately, and followed the entire Tongyou College up and down, as well as the strongholds stationed in Youzhou, including middle and high-level warriors who traveled abroad. All those who qualified to go beyond the sky received the news.

Most of Tongyou Academy\'s power has been mobilized, and streaks of light streak across the sky above Lingfeng Realm, rushing towards the nearest stronghold where Tongyou Academy is stationed.

Among these people are not only those warriors trained from Tongyou Academy, but also some mid-to-high-level warriors from Youzhou.

There are already starships of different sizes waiting for middle and high-level warriors from all over the place to board the ships, and then soar into the sky and leap towards the sky beyond the Youzhou sky.

The sudden large-scale mobilization in Youzhou instantly alarmed the martial arts forces of all sizes in Lingfeng Realm. action

Efficient organization and action demonstrated.

At the same time, no matter whether it is above the sky or under the sky, there are secret communication talismans one after another, and various divine senses are criss-crossed, but they all have only one purpose. What is Tongyou Academy going to do?

Not long after, Tianxing Pavilion suddenly issued a warning to all forces in the entire Lingfeng world that a large-scale star beast group is coming!

After this news was sent out, the entire Lingfeng world was in a state of chaos.

However, at this time, some quick-thinking high-level warriors realized something, but because of this, these people wondered whether the people of Tongyou Academy were crazy, and they wanted to meet the invasion of the star beast group by themselves?

Shang Xia naturally knew that if his order continued, he didn\'t know how much casualties it would bring to Tongyou Academy and the entire Youzhou martial arts world, but he still did it without hesitation.

Not only that, but when Shang Xia made this decision, another sixth-order real person from the academy was not present.

What is even more incomprehensible is that the three deputy mountain chiefs who sit in charge and control the daily life of the academy agreed to Shang Xia\'s decision without hesitation, and tried their best to cooperate immediately.

Apart from the benefits that Tongyou Academy might bring by eliminating this huge group of star beasts, Shang Xia\'s more important purpose is to take the opportunity to test Tongyou Academy\'s response speed to foreign invasions.

I don\'t know why, after Kou Chongxue experienced the change of Xingyuan guard master in Xingyuan Dojo, and after Shang Xia went through Yuanpingjie\'s trip, the two of them both had a certain urgency to be promoted to a high-ranking real person as soon as possible feel.

If only one of them has this sense of urgency, or if two people have a sense of urgency for the same thing, it may be just an illusion. However, there was an astonishing unanimity in the matter of attacking the fourth-rank Taoist realm, so Shang Xia couldn\'t help but overreact!

One after another starships broke through the sky of Youzhou, and then without stopping at all, they went straight towards the direction where the star beasts attacked in the depths of the void.

Of course, although these starships do not stop, they are not rushing indiscriminately. Instead, they adjust their courses and queues during the process of sailing in the void. Starships of different specifications are matched during the voyage to form a simple formation. Strive to form some kind of situational cooperation in the first time when contacting the enemy.

And when Tongyou College and Youzhou\'s martial arts forces began to go to the depths of the void beyond the sky, the strengths of the major sects in the Lingfeng world also began to organize their personnel and star boats to go to the sky.

Although the practice of Tongyou Academy has made other sects in Lingfeng Realm quite critical, but they will not take it seriously and do nothing, watching Youzhou warriors and star beasts fight to the death.

In other words, even if it\'s just grabbing loot, you can\'t just pick up what\'s left by others!

And just when the major sect forces in the Lingfeng world began to mobilize their own forces after Tongyou College, preparing to follow behind to meet the invading star beast group, there was still an invisible competition in the Lingfeng world that was going on between the two sides. It was going on like a raging fire without face to face.

The Lingfeng Realm, which has once been invaded by star beasts, naturally knows that after the birth of a sixth-level star beast leader, every star beast group will often have a treasure land similar to the blessed land space, where many kinds of rich spirits are bred. materials, including many high-level and extremely rare spirits.

The group of star beasts who came to invade the Lingfeng Realm this time is larger than the first time, so their lair secrets will only be larger, and there will only be more spiritual materials and spiritual objects!

At this time, find out and locate the secret place of the star beast\'s lair in the void at the first time, and naturally you can get great benefits from it.

In the past, in the entire Lingfeng world, only the Tianxing Pavilion family had a relatively complete inheritance of stargazers, especially the existence of fourth-order stargazers. Naturally, this matter can only be handed over to Tianxingge.

However, now there is obviously another force capable of finding out the secret realm of the star beast\'s lair from the depths of the void, and the stargazers of the Tianxing Pavilion obviously have a group of competitors!

If some unresponsive people were unaware of what happened in the starlight descending from the sky in Youzhou at the beginning, then the Youzhou martial arts forces with Tongyou Academy as the main body threw off other state forces in the Lingfeng Realm and took the lead in breaking through. Entering the void to meet the incoming star beast group, at this time almost all the forces with a relatively complete inheritance of martial arts have already known that the Tongyou Academy may have established a relatively independent inheritance system for stargazers!

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