Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1196

Since Xing Xingtian can often take the damaged star robe to the star observatory, and restore it with the help of the power of the star source aroused by the star observatory, Tong Yutang can also often get in touch with Xing Xingtian through his relationship with Xing Xingtian. The star robe, then Tong Yutang was able to finally complete the imitation of the star robe through the splicing of the talisman, which makes sense.

Although Shang Xia had already obtained the exact news from Xin Lu that the power of the star source can repair the star robe, Shang Xia soon realized another problem, and couldn\'t help asking: "Then... you guys can use the Star Observation Tower Gathering the starlight from outside the sky, condensing the power of the star source?"

As soon as Shang Xia finished speaking, he realized that he had asked a foolish question.

These two have just jointly inspired the observatory to receive the light from the stars. In the process, they are condensing all kinds of star demons. Shang Xia\'s help is needed to refine a few strands of star gangsters. The power of the source?

Sure enough, as soon as Shang Xia finished speaking, Xin Lu smiled bitterly and said, "Really Shang, you are making things difficult for us!"

Shang Xia hurriedly laughed and said, "Sorry, I was a little impatient!"

Xin Lu went on to say: "If we want to condense the power of the star source, we can\'t take shape with our current limited manpower. Taking the star observatory in Xingyuan City as an example, the minimum manpower to maintain the power of the star source is also At least one fifth-tier stargazer, three to four fourth-tier stargazers, twelve or more third-tier stargazers, and more first- and second-tier star apprentices and starmasters are needed to cooperate with each other. His job is to do it.”

Hearing what Xin Lu said, Shang Xia was silent for a while.

Tongyou Academy has also been recruiting some students over the years, with the intention of secretly cultivating low-level star apprentices and star masters, at least as assistants to assist Xin Lu, Yuan Qiuyuan and Yan Ming.

However, cultivating star masters is not an easy task, especially in this state of starting from scratch and almost starting from nothing, not to mention that even if some first- and second-level star apprentices and star masters are cultivated, it will take a long time. Only through the running-in of time can they form a certain tacit understanding with each other.

After all, such a huge observatory, although on the surface it can be activated by only three people including Xin Lu, but in fact it can only play the most superficial role of the observatory.

But to really bring out all the wonderful functions of an observatory requires the tacit cooperation of at least dozens, maybe even hundreds of stargazers, star masters, and star apprentices of all ranks.

Such a huge team of stargazers, not to mention the fact that it is impossible for Tongyou Academy to have it, even if it is united with Tianxing Pavilion, it is impossible to get together.

Not to mention other things, just a fifth-order grand stargazer, there is no such a person in the entire Lingfeng world.

However, condensing the power of the star source is not only possible with these people and a star observatory.

Xin Lu continued: "But even if you have enough star masters to deploy, if you want to gather the power of the star source, such a "pseudo seventh-order" power, you still need a secret method, and this secret method is widely used in the star observatory of Xingyuan City. Only Senior Brother Xiao and Xing Xingtian knew about it. "

Shang Xia felt even more frustrated when he heard this.

"That\'s not necessarily true!"

At this moment, a voice that sounded distinct and slightly dull came, but it gave off a very reassuring feeling.

When everyone on the observatory turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, they saw Yuan Qiuyuan\'s figure coming up from below the observatory.

At this moment, Yuan Qiuyuan\'s body was still surrounded by the aura of evil spirits, but his own aura had stabilized. Although his cultivation had not yet been fully consolidated, he was not afraid of falling from the fourth heaven.

"Thank you so much for the real person\'s help, Qiuyuan is very grateful!" Yuan Qiuyuan made a big gift to Shang Xia as soon as he came up.

Shang Xia hastily stretched out his hand and flicked him up, and lifted his figure up with a dark force, and said with a smile: "You call it so that people will be separated, you and I are both students trained by the Education Department Sanshe, so we will Call me senior brother!"

Yuan Qiuyuan thought about it seriously, then shook his head and said: "When I was in the outer house, there was an instructor named Meng Liangchen, who was said to be a roommate with you; when I was in the inner house, both Ju Xing and Zhang Jianfei once I have done my tutoring; after I entered Shangshe, the tutor of Shangshe is Sun Haiwei Sun Jiaoyu. These people were all my teachers, so I should call you Uncle Shang!"

Shang Xia smiled and didn\'t force him anymore.

Although there is no obvious habit of ranking seniority in Tongyou Academy, generally speaking, it still roughly follows the practice of reincarnation every 20 years. Those who have entered the house within two decades are usually referred to as brothers and sisters; but those who have entered the house with a difference of more than 20 years usually have a difference of one generation and are referred to as uncles and nephews.

Moreover, this customary rule of Tongyou Academy is actually for the convenience of making a rough comparison when communicating with other sects in the Lingfeng world.

Seeing that Shang Xia didn\'t object, Yuan Qiuyuan paused slightly, then returned to the topic just now, and continued: "The disciple just heard that Uncle Shang and two aunts talked about how to use the star observatory to gather the \'pseudo-seventh-order\' The power of the star source, in fact, the disciple knows this secret method, and apart from this secret method, the disciple also knows another secret method that is relatively easier to obtain the power of the \'false seventh level\'."

"how do you know?"

Xin Lu asked a question in disbelief, but immediately reacted, and suddenly asked, "Inheritance of the Tianguan sect?"

Yuan Qiuyuan nodded, and said with some embarrassment: "These two methods are recorded in those broken bronze fragments. After sorting them out, I discovered the existence of these two secret methods."

Speaking of this, Yuan Qiuyuan saw that Shang Xia was looking at him with some doubts, so he took the initiative to explain: "Uncle Shang may not know something, after you brought back the inheritance of stargazers from the observatory in Xingyuan City, although you let him The disciples and the two teachers sorted it out, but the two teachers gave the disciples to sort out the bronze fragments that were the core inheritance of the Guantian School, but the two of them did not touch them, so the bronze fragments were removed from the bronze fragments. In addition to the core inheritance, the two of them also don\'t know some of the other secrets."

Shang Xia looked at Xin Lu and Yan Ming with puzzled eyes.

Xin Lu smiled, and said: "My path has already been determined. The core inheritance of the Sky Watching School is basically useless to me. Being able to freely read all the other classics of Star Watching Masters except for the bronze fragments is already my responsibility. A privilege that even Xingyuan City never had."

Yan Ming also said: "In the future, the academy will cultivate a sufficient number of star apprentices, star masters, and star observers. My focus should still be on martial arts in the future."

Shang Xia nodded to express his understanding.

Although he knew that the reasons these two said were not all, Shang Xia already understood what they meant by "the law should not be passed lightly".

"Although I really want to say that you are thinking too much, but...forget it, when did you two change your minds, and then directly use the inheritance of the Tianguan sect for reference."

Shang Xia shook his head helplessly, then looked at Yuan Qiuyuan, and said: "The two methods you mentioned, the first one is fine, we don\'t have enough middle and low-level star masters to cultivate tacit understanding in a short period of time, you just say something What about the second method?"

Yuan Qiuyuan pointed to the shallow water beach under the star tree in the center of the observatory, and said: "The method is there."

Shang Xia looked in the direction he was pointing at, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said, "You mean the water of stars? Those are only fifth-order things."

Yuan Qiuyuan smiled and said: "The water of the stars is indeed a fifth-order thing, but how can it be a mortal thing as the spiritual water that can nourish the star tree? In fact, the water of the stars itself is also at the top of the fifth-order spiritual things."

At this time, Shang Xia had a certain understanding of the character of Yuan Qiuyuan, who seemed a bit dull at first, but actually liked to show off, so he said with a smile: "If there is anything else we don\'t know, let\'s say it all at once, Mo I\'m going to sell it again."

Yuan Qiuyuan\'s face turned red immediately, and he looked a little embarrassed, but now he is still a mid-level and high-level warrior of the Fourth Heaven, so he quickly adjusted, coughed lightly, and said: "The inheritance of the Tianguan sect There is such a record about being promoted to the sixth heaven."


Shang Xia looked at Yuan Qiuyuan in surprise.


Xin Lu and Yan Ming glanced at each other, and they seemed to want to avoid it at the same time.

Shang Xia waved his hand and said with a smile, "Go ahead!"

Seeing this, Yuan Qiuyuan relaxed a lot, and quickly said: "This record was originally about giving birth to a star tree..."

This time Yuan Qiuyuan didn\'t knock, but Shang Xia couldn\'t help but glanced at the small tree in the center of the observatory.

In order to protect itself, the star tree forced the origin to bear a star fruit, and then the whole spiritual plant degenerated back to the fifth level.

After more than ten years, even Lingfeng Realm has been promoted. Although this star tree has survived, it has grown slowly so far. As for when it can return to the sixth-level spiritual plant, there is no deadline in sight.

Yuan Qiuyuan didn\'t see Shang Xia\'s gaze, and continued: "...Because the star fruit borne by the star tree can greatly increase the success rate of warriors advancing to the sixth heaven, and the star water itself nourishes the star tree. Therefore, some big pharmacists put their minds on increasing the nourishing effect of the star water."

"According to the inheritance classics of the Guantian Sect, after countless attempts, those great pharmacists somehow integrated the two spirits, the Golden Crow\'s blood and the emperor\'s ointment, into the water of the stars, making the water of the stars The water has undergone some wonderful changes, and finally turned into a kind of spiritual water whose quality is at the sixth level, but some of its characteristics are already close to and have the power of the seventh level."

Shang Xia\'s expression became a little weird at this time, but both Xin Lu and Yan Ming were already attracted by the story Yuan Qiuyuan told, and no one noticed his expression.

Xin Lu couldn\'t help asking: "A kind of spiritual water whose characteristics have reached the seventh level. Is this another way you said to borrow the power of the \'pseudo-seventh level\'? But what is contained in this spiritual water is It may not be the power of the star, right?"

Yuan Qiuyuan nodded, and said: "It\'s not the power of the star, but after the tests of those great pharmacists, this spirit water seems to contain some kind of good luck, and it has a certain ability to repair almost any spiritual thing. .”

Yan Ming also said strangely at this time: "But the star tree is only a sixth-level spiritual plant. Even if the star fruit can greatly increase the possibility of a warrior advancing to the sixth-level heaven, a kind of spiritual water close to the seventh-level can be used to irrigate the sixth-level ones." Lingzhi... who would do such a foolish thing to lose money?"

Yuan Qiuyuan said helplessly: "The disciple was just talking about the reason why this kind of spiritual water was made, but he didn\'t say whether someone would be willing to use this kind of spiritual water to water the star tree."

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly asked: "But someone must have done this before? Then what about the star tree that has been watered with this kind of spiritual water?"