Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1195

Shang Xia can roughly guess that all parties in the Lingfeng world are paying attention to the starlight vision on the sky in Youzhou at this time. In fact, he did not deliberately cover it up after entering the Daohe realm, trying to cover it up.

As far as the current situation facing the Lingfeng world is concerned, the danger is not inside but outside.

But what Shang Xia didn\'t know was that Yin Jingxu actually had such a detailed understanding of his personal martial arts cultivation method.

In fact, Tianxing Pavilion is not the only one like this. I am afraid that all the influential forces in the entire Lingfeng world are collecting information about Shang Xia\'s martial arts practice both openly and secretly.

In fact, this is not just aimed at Shang Xia. Although the brand-new martial arts practice system he displayed is indeed a bit amazing on him, in fact, collecting the training information of high-level warriors is the task of every sect. something that goes on in the dark.

This kind of situation is not only common in Tianxing Pavilion, but also all major sects in Lingfeng Realm, including Tongyou Academy, are doing the same thing, even in all walks of life.

It\'s just that Shang Xia\'s special way of martial arts practice is too eye-catching, and his existence can even overshadow Kou Chongxue, who is favored by heaven and earth.

Shang Xia did not expect that when his retreat was about to end, he happened to run into Xin Lu, in order to help Yuan Qiuyuan advance both in the martial arts and the stargazing path, and deliberately drew and gathered the extraterrestrial starlight and extracted the star evil spirit from it.

Originally, when Shang Xia was preparing to practice in closed doors three years ago, he had already noticed that Yuan Qiuyuan had already reached the threshold of advancing to the fourth-level heaven. For this reason, he specially asked Xin Lu to help Yuan Qiuyuan obtain the third-tier star teacher first. To break through, even if the task assigned by Kou Chongxue is delayed for a while, he will not hesitate.

But he didn\'t expect that Yuan Qiuyuan\'s transition from a third-level star master to a fourth-level stargazer would take three years.

But what he didn\'t even expect was that when Yuan Qiuyuan both advanced to the fourth heaven on the path of stargazer and martial arts, the advanced method he chose would be the "four evil fellow practitioners" created by Shang Xia!

Of course, the four original spirits that Yuan Qiuyuan planned to train were not Shang Xia\'s four seasons of spirits representing spring, summer, autumn and winter, but centered on the Lingfeng world, recruited and trained from the four void star fields. The four refined Star Fiends.

Originally, according to Xin Lu and Yan Ming\'s estimation, even with their help, Yuan Qiuyuan was able to extract the four original star demons from the extraterrestrial light that he had attracted, which were enough for him to advance to the fourth heaven. Somewhat reluctantly, and even relying on some luck to some extent, and when necessary, I am afraid that Yan Ming, a fifth-level master, will need to escape from the sky to refine Xingsha at close range for help.

And even after successfully laying the foundation of the "four evil spirits fellow practitioners" this time, Yuan Qiuyuan may need to draw the extraterrestrial starlight many times to refine the spirit evil spirits, so that he can continuously improve his cultivation until he reaches the great achievement of the Wusha realm. realm.

It\'s just that Yuan Qiuyuan\'s luck is obviously very good. Just when he was about to attack the double quadruple heavens of martial arts and stargazer, he just happened to meet someone who woke up from the retreat and was facing the power of his own original energy and stars. The friendly and eager Shang Xia.

Therefore, although Shang Xia is not a stargazer, nor can he manipulate the observatory to draw more starlight from the starry sky, but he can extract from the gathered starlight, and even squeeze out more and more pure Xingsha!

At this time, Xin Lu and Yan Ming, who had already reacted, hurriedly started to cooperate. The two of them no longer paid attention to the refinement of Xingsha, but focused all their energy on attracting the extraterrestrial starlight, so that the steady stream of starlight Gathering towards the Youzhou sky. This time, not only is Yuan Qiuyuan more than enough for the four kinds of star demons required by the advanced stargazer and the double fourth level of the martial arts realm, but it even greatly improves his cultivation level after he successfully advanced. , it will inevitably save him a lot of training time.

In addition, in addition to the four kinds of star demons that Yuan Qiuyuan needed to advance to the fourth heaven, Shang Xia also extracted five or six different types of scattered star demons from these concentrated starlight, and even two or three kinds of star demons. The scattered strands of stellar essence were finally thrown into the shallow puddle of star water accumulated under the star tree in the observatory.

But after everything calmed down, Shang Xia suddenly appeared on the stargazing platform of the secret cave, and only then did he realize that the benefits brought by his actions seemed to be more than just those just now.

Above the observatory, Xin Lu\'s energy surge has not yet subsided, and it can be seen at a glance that her cultivation at this time has reached the fourth level of the Martial Shade Realm.

Obviously, after Shang Xia extracted different types of star demons from the starlight drawn from the observatory, Xin Lu was close to the water tower first, and selected the most suitable star demon to refine and become the original spirit demon.

Yan Ming also got an improvement in cultivation.

Influenced by the inheritance of stargazers, after successfully advancing to the fifth heaven, Yan Ming planned to choose a suitable star gang when refining the second natal Yuan gang.

With Xin Lu\'s suggestion and help before, although Yan Ming found a suitable star gang, it was extremely difficult to collect this kind of star gang. In the past few years, Yan Ming assisted Xin Lu in accumulating knowledge about the inheritance of stargazers. Understand, while doing everything possible to collect the essence of Yuangang from this star gang, until this time pulling the starlight from the sky, Yan Ming has collected the essence of the seven strands of Yuangang from this star gang.

However, in the process of drawing the extraterrestrial starlight this time, because of Shang Xia\'s personal action, he not only extracted a variety of star evil spirits from the starlight gathered on the Youzhou sky, but also extracted a lot of Yuangang essence. There are three strands that are exactly what Yan Ming needs, and she has completed the second level of Wugang Realm cultivation in one fell swoop.

More importantly, through these years of practical accumulation in the inheritance of stargazers, after Yan Ming has made up for a short board of the natal star gang, I am afraid that it will not be long before Tongyou Academy will usher in the third and fourth rank. Stargazer.

As for the second fourth-level stargazer, it is naturally Yuan Qiuyuan who has just completed the advanced level.

"Junior Sister Yan, Miss Xin, congratulations!"

Shang Xia arched his hands towards the two and said with a smile.

As for Yuan Qiuyuan, this guy is retreating to consolidate his cultivation in the secret room opened in the observatory.

The original purpose of making such a big commotion this time was only to make Yuan Qiuyuan advance. As for the improvement of Xin Lu and Yan Ming\'s cultivation base, it was completely accidental.

Seeing this, Yan Ming and Xin Lu quickly returned the salute.

No matter whether it is her own cultivation or the degree of trust of the academy, Yan Ming can become one of the core executives of the academy without exception, and she also has some understanding of the purpose of Shang Xia\'s previous retreat.

Seeing him leaving the customs this time, Yan Ming immediately said with a bit of surprise: "Brother Shang has come out of the customs this time, but he has got his wish?"

Shang Xia let out a hearty laugh when he heard the words, and said: "Fortunately, I didn\'t disgrace my life, and now I can be called a high-quality real person!"

Yan Ming was excited and said with a bit of melancholy: "Brother Shang, I think you were chased and killed by me in the battle between the two worlds. I never thought that in just twenty or thirty years, the difference between you and me It has already hit this point!"

Although Xin Lu didn\'t speak, his eyes were a little surprised when he turned to Shang Xia. As a fourth-rank stargazer at Xingyuan City Observatory, Xin Lu is well-informed. Therefore, she may be more aware of the real difference between a third-rank real person and a fourth-rank real person than Yan Ming, a fifth-rank warrior, and she is also more knowledgeable. To be able to understand the so-called "Gaopin Zhenren" is not just a simple name.

However, Shang Xia came to the Observatory this time not just to congratulate the three of them, but for another purpose.

I saw that he took out a cloak filled with strong star power from the Qiankun bag in his cuff, and the moment he shook it off, the starlight dotted on it seemed as if there were stars twinkling on it.

"This is... the star robe?"

As the former stargazer of the Xingyuan City Observatory, and her special relationship with the seventh battalion master, the great stargazer Xing Xingtian, she is no stranger to the star robe worn by Xingyuanwei.

But what surprised Xin Lu was, how could there be a complete star robe in Shang Xia\'s hands?

You must know that Xingyuanwei has claimed so far that since Xingyuanwei was founded by the star master more than a thousand years ago, not a single star robe has been lost and wandered outside.

Ke Xinlu\'s surprise was obviously revealed too early.

Shang Xia laughed and said: "This is indeed a star robe, but it is not an ordinary star robe, but the star robe of the Master Wei once worn by Zhuge Xiang!"

At this moment, Xin Lu\'s beautiful eyes widened, and he was speechless in shock.

Maybe it was because Yan Ming had a higher level of cultivation, or maybe his feeling for the Star Robe of Master Wei was not as intuitive and strong as that of Xin Lu. In addition to being surprised for a moment, curiosity quickly gained the upper hand, saying: " What is the use of this star robe? Is the star robe worn by Master Wei more magical than the star robe of ordinary Xing Yuanwei?"

Shang Xia nodded, and said with a smile: "There are indeed some unknown magical functions on the star robe of the Guardian Lord, but the most important thing at the moment is..."

Having said that, Shang Xia\'s tone paused slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pull at the hem of the star-robed cloak, and a half-foot-long crack suddenly appeared, and then continued: "... find a way to get rid of this Xing Xing cloak. The gown is fully repaired!"

Yan Ming looked at Shang Xia in astonishment, the Star Robe of the Guardian Lord was extraordinary at first glance, how did she know how to repair such items?

At this time, Xin Lu murmured: "Is there any way for Master Shang to repair it with the help of the star observatory?"

Shang Xia smiled wryly and said: "I just know that this star robe contains ample power of star origin, and this star robe of Lord Wei is even more stained with real seventh-order star power, so I want to see what it can do." Can it be repaired with the help of extraterrestrial starlight drawn by the observatory."

Unexpectedly, Xin Lu nodded at this time and said, "It is indeed possible."

Shang Xia was stunned when he heard it. He was just in the mood to give it a try. How could he have expected that Xin Lu would give him such an affirmative answer?

Before Shang Xia could ask, Xin Lu went on to say: "Although the people in robes of Xingyuanwei are famous, the star robes on them are not always indestructible. I once heard Xing Xingtian say that, If the ordinary star robes are only slightly damaged, in fact, when the guards to which the robed man belongs are rehearsing the joint attack formation on weekdays, they will slowly repair themselves in the accumulation of the induced star power.

"But if the star robe is severely damaged, it needs to be temporarily brought back to the observatory and repaired with the power of the star source."

"It\'s just that Xing Xingtian has never mentioned a word about how to repair it. This should involve Xingyuanwei\'s own secrets."

Shang Xia nodded to express his understanding when he heard the words, and at the same time probably understood the reason why Tong Yutang was able to imitate the star robe.