Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1157

Under Yan Ming\'s reminder, Shang Xia realized that since Xin Lu could detect the strangeness in the void outside the northern region of Lingyu Realm, then with a more magnificent and complete star observatory, there must also be a larger number of stargazers The Tianxing Pavilion where the master exists is also very likely to be discovered.

Sure enough, after Shang Xia walked out of the cave, Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation sent the news that Yin Jingxu invited all real people in this world to discuss.

In the sky above the Jiaozhou sky, the arrival of Shang Xia made the other real people feel a little strange.

"Why is there only Daoist Xiaoshang coming here today, and Kou Shanchang is not there?"

As usual, Yang Taihe from Weiyang Palace asked with a smile as the host.

But what makes Yang Tai and the real person feel even more strange is that the aura revealed by Shang Xia\'s body at this time is vague and uncertain, giving people a feeling of elusiveness.

This is not the kind of hidden and hidden feeling that can be brought to people after being able to hide one\'s own cultivation, but a feeling of being so high that people can\'t catch up.

This shows that Shang Xia\'s cultivation progress in the third-rank outer realm is at least no longer behind him, and he may even have surpassed him!

After Yang Taihe asked the question, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang Xuansheng, who is also a third-rank real person, and found that Zhang Xuansheng had also realized the changes that had happened to Shang Xia.

How long is this?

Shang Xia didn\'t seem to notice the secret interaction between Yang and Zhang. His old man will be distracted during the process of retreat."

After finishing speaking, Shang Xia glanced at the real people present, and asked with a smile: "Why is everyone here, but the real master doesn\'t show up?"

Liu Jingsheng laughed and said, "It\'s probably because Tianxing Pavilion has discovered something on the observatory. The delay of Yin Zhenren\'s coming can only show that the matter may not be simple."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jingsheng looked at Shang Xia again, and said, "According to the rumors of his disciples, Tianxing Pavilion deliberately moved the star observatory to Yizhou after Zhenren Yin advanced to the sixth heaven. I wonder if Zhenren Xiaoshang knows about it?"

Shang Xia was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "There is such a thing? This junior doesn\'t know!"

Several other real people also had different expressions when they heard the words, but they would not show any attitude at this time.

On the contrary, Liu Jingsheng said with a smile: "Later, when Reverend Yin comes, Reverend Xiaoshang might as well ask directly."

Shang Xia laughed noncommittally, and then changed the subject.

But in his heart, he was thinking about the truth of the Tianxing Pavilion\'s relocation of the observatory.

The Tianxing Pavilion originally built a star observatory in Jiaozhou. The fundamental reason was that the Jiaozhou sky screen was once thrown into chaos during the invasion of the real people from the outer domain. Although it was restored afterwards, it was difficult to restore.

After the observatory is established here, it is extremely beneficial for observing the outer space.

What\'s more, Tianxing Pavilion and Tongyou College were intentionally close at that time, and Kou Chongxue had entrusted the original true spirit in Jiaozhou, so everything would go smoothly with this protection.

After the Observatory was built in Jiaozhou, it has gradually demonstrated its due value, and several actions have also brought great improvements to Jiaozhou\'s territory.

But after Yin Jingxu succeeded in being promoted to a real person in Wuxu Realm with the help of the Star Observatory, the relationship between Tianxing Pavilion and Tongyou Academy became delicate.

In fact, it\'s not that there is any estrangement between the two families, but that the observatory is located in Jiaozhou after all. After all, this is the sphere of influence of Tongyou Academy, the place where Kou Chongxue\'s original true spirit rests, but Yin Jingxu, a sixth-level real person, is Staying here all the year round, the origins of the virtual world of the two real people will always inadvertently influence each other and even target each other.

This is a kind of confrontation that comes from the instinct of warriors, not Kou Chongxue and Yin Jingxu\'s intentional conflict.

But if things go on like this, it will be of no benefit to the two real people after all, especially to Yin Jingxu who has a lower level of cultivation.

In fact, it is not too difficult to solve this kind of trouble, as long as Yin Jingxu leaves the observatory and returns to Yizhou, where his original true spirit entrusts, everything will be fine.

If it is said that Tianxing Pavilion built the observatory in Jiaozhou before because it was greedy for the particularity of Jiaozhou\'s sky, then as this world was promoted to the spirit world, and after several times of annexation and integration of foreign world fragments, the sky over Jiaozhou has gradually grown. Start recovery.

At this time, Jiaozhou Tianmu is not that special compared with other states.

It\'s a pity that the current Yin Jingxu doesn\'t know why, and obviously doesn\'t want to leave the observatory easily.

As for Liu Jingsheng\'s intentional mention of this matter at this time, I\'m afraid it may not be because there are some rumors, but it should be because he has his own plans and plans.

However, after the several real people exchanged greetings for a while, they still did not see Yin Jingxu appearing in the sky, which made the several real people feel unhappy.

In terms of qualifications among the sixth-level real people present, Yin Jingxu was the last one to advance to the Wuxu Realm.

However, without waiting for several real people to express their dissatisfaction, Shang Xia, Yang Taihe, and Zhang Xuansheng, three third-rank real people, looked at a certain direction in the void almost at the same time.

"Hey, this movement is..."

Yang Taihe\'s voice immediately attracted the attention of several real people present.

And at this moment, in the void tens of thousands of miles away from the sky, an inconspicuous void portal suddenly opened, and three or four starships jumped out of it one after another.

Several real people can naturally tell at a glance that these starships are not ships used by Lingfeng Realm to patrol the void.

Moreover, the condition of these four starships seems to be quite a lot, especially the last two starships. One of the masts and rudders was completely destroyed, and it was almost dragged out of the void portal by the starship in front. The side of the other ship was completely destroyed from the bow to the center of the hull, and it looked as if something had been corroded.

But at this time, the attention of the real people was not on the two starships that looked damaged in the eyes, but on the two relatively well-preserved starships in the front.

Because there are two huge star beasts bound on the front and rear decks of the two starships, and judging from the only experience of beheading star beasts in the previous Lingfeng world, each of the four star beasts The product ranks should have reached the fifth rank!

The few real people present naturally knew the value of four fifth-order star beasts. It can be said that the material resources stripped from any fifth-order star beast were enough to repair the two damaged starships.

After the four starships jumped out of the void portal, they came towards the sky of Lingfeng Realm extremely fast.

However, the real people present have already sensed that it is not because the speed of these four starships is higher, but because after the appearance of these four starships, they have been pulled by an invisible force of starlight, making them He quickly came towards the direction of Jiaozhou Tianmu.

Seeing the four starships pass through the sky and enter Jiaozhou one after another, the real people present also forgot their previous dissatisfaction.

After a while, Liu Jingsheng said "hey" and said, "Why do these four star beasts look so different from the previous litter?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Normally, the star beasts roaming the starry sky are full of strange things. The shape of the star beasts we have heard of before is not only different from the one we saw last time, but also different from the four beasts we saw this time. Also different."

Liu Jingsheng glanced at Shang Xia, and said with a smile: "It\'s still convenient for Xiao Shang to come and go, and the starry sky is magnificent. I\'m afraid I won\'t have the luck to appreciate it when I\'m trapped in a world."

Shang Xia smiled and didn\'t speak. Except for him and Lu Wuzi, among the sixth-level real people present, the rest are all real people from the spiritual world who sit in the Lingfeng world.

At this time, Li Jidao suddenly said: "It seems that the observatory may not only attract star beasts, but also actively look for traces of star beasts in the starry sky."

Shang Xia was thoughtful when he heard the words, but he didn\'t show it on his face.

But Lu Wuzi said: "The two star masters trained by Tianxing Pavilion under my sect seem to be of no use. It is said that all their abilities must be displayed through the star observatory. In a few years, where are the resources used to build an observatory? Besides, I don’t know how to build it!”

Shang Xia nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

Others don\'t know about the observatory in Tongyou and Dongtian, but Lu Wuzi knows about it.

But what Lu Wuzi didn\'t know was that even if there was an observatory, the so-called third-tier star masters trained by Tianxing Pavilion would have extremely limited effects.

The other real people smiled helplessly when they heard the words, but they didn\'t take it to heart.

Because under the circumstances at that time, if they were to stand in Yin Jingxu\'s position, it is unlikely that they would give some practical things to these star masters of other factions.

In fact, even if there is no observatory, the star master can still play a certain role through some other methods, or means unique to the situation.

Among the scattered inheritances of Tongyou Academy, there were one or two exclusive secret techniques that low-level star masters could use, but Tongyou Academy really began to establish a complete inheritance system of stargazers when Xin Lu entered the system. After the secret realm of the cave.

Although Shang Xia emptied the classics of stargazers in the observatory of Xingyuan City, if Xin Lu hadn\'t directly obtained them, Yan Ming and Yuan Qiuyuan would have spent several years just sorting out and interpreting those classics, let alone It is said that there are many code words, metaphors, etc., terms that are only passed down by word of mouth in the hands of the star masters of the Xingyuan City Observatory.

At this moment, Shang Xia\'s spiritual perception suddenly caught a subtle movement, and immediately heard Yin Jingxu\'s voice came before he appeared on the sky.

"Everyone, I\'m sorry, Yin is late!"

As soon as Yin Jingxu came up, she bowed her hands to the crowd and said, "I really didn\'t expect that Yin would notify you all to come, and the disciple who went out to chase the star beast would send a secret message to return. It was only a few steps late. "

Xuansheng Zhang asked directly: "Needless to say polite words, why did you come to us in such a hurry?"

Yin Jingxu suppressed the smile on his face, and said with a serious expression: "Everyone who is anxious to come here is because the stargazer in this pavilion has detected that a war is breaking out in the void near Lingyu Realm, and it is very likely that there will be Sixth-order real people participated, obviously more than one or two!"

The news Yin Jingxu brought was indeed shocking enough.

However, for Shang Xia, who had known the news for a long time, his attention at this time was obviously not on the news, but he suddenly discovered that the day when Yin Jingxu advanced to the Wuxu Realm was obviously the latest among those present , but his current cultivation progress in the first-grade realm seems to have surpassed Zhang Jianzi of the Beihai School, and even almost caught up with Huang Jinghan before the Lingfu Three Realms War.