Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1156

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since Shang Xia returned from the Xingyuan Dojo, and the time has already arrived in the summer of the fourteenth year of Lingfengli.

During this more than a month, the first thing Shang Xia had to do was to order Ren Huan to send the sixth-order talisman paper, and he wanted to make a few "Liuhe Shifting Talismans" as soon as possible.

After experiencing practical use, this talisman has proved to have incomparable advantages whether it is escaping, smuggling or infiltrating.

Besides, although he has already come out of the Xingyuan Dojo, Kou Chongxue is still in it after all. Even though Kou Chongxue still has the "Liuhe Shift Talisman" on his body, he still needs to prevent the worst from happening.

In fact, because of having Shang Xia, a sixth-level master of talisman, Tongyou Academy has always spared no effort in collecting high-level talisman papers, as well as the formula for making high-level talisman papers.

It\'s a pity that although more than half a year has passed, due to the closure of the Xingyuan Dojo and the seclusion of the void, all walks of life have lost such a platform for communication. Although Ren Huan has tried his best, he only sent him two sixth-order talisman papers. And in the hands of Shang Xia, there was only one talisman.

Even though there was only one "Liuhe Shifting Talisman", it gave Shang Xia a little more confidence.

For the rest of the time, he often spends part of his day communicating with Xin Lu.

Although Xin Lu only has the cultivation base of Wu Sha Realm, as a fourth-level stargazer, and had a close relationship with Xing Xingtian at the stargazing platform in Xingyuan City, it can give her considerable insight and at the same time Can know a lot of secrets.

And perhaps because Xin Lu received great trust from Shang Xia as soon as he came to Tongyou Academy, during the communication process between Xin Lu and Shang Xia, several of them were frank and knew everything without saying anything.

Apart from this, most of Shang Xia\'s energy was still devoted to cultivation.

It wasn\'t that he was eager to improve his cultivation level, but that under the dungeon of the star observation platform in the Xingyuan Dojo, it was because of the process of using the Sifangbei to absorb the power of the star source to advance his cultivation, which made his cultivation base improve too quickly, which seemed a bit "" indigestion".

You must know that there is a huge threshold between the third and fourth floors of the Wuxu Realm. Once the cultivation base crosses this threshold, it is usually called a high-grade real person, so if you have not crossed this threshold, you will be called a high-grade real person. Naturally, this threshold can only be "low quality".

Shang Xia himself once had a rough estimate. According to his normal cultivation progress, if he cultivated from entering the third-rank outer state to the third-rank peak, and only one step away from the fourth-rank Taoist state, it would take about twelve years. to fifteen years.

This is under the premise of not being disturbed by other situations.

If it is really calculated according to the actual situation, then this time may only be longer.

And the more than a month he spent in the dungeon with the help of the power of the star, but at least saved him more than three years of cultivation progress.

If you add the results of his two years of intermittent practice since he advanced to the third-rank real person, it has almost made him complete nearly one-third of the third-rank outer realm.

Moreover, in the dungeon of the observatory in Xingyuan Dojo, the Sifangbei has lost interest in devouring the source power of the stars. It should be that the power of the star source has lost its repairing effect on the Sifangbei.

Although Shang Xia\'s control over Sifangbei gradually deepened, under his active request, Sifangbei was still able to barely absorb a part of the power of the star source, and then transformed it into pure original energy for him to cultivate.

But for now, if Shang Xia forcibly improves his cultivation level, he will probably make his own foundation vain, and haste will make waste.

However, Shang Xia still hoped that Xin Lu could use the star observatory to try to extract some of the power of the star from the starlight essence.

His purpose is to reminisce about the power that instantly drained all the power of the star source in the dungeon and made all the power to seal the town disappear.

Even though everything happened in an instant, Shang Xia could still clearly feel that he must be holding something in his hand at that time.

Shang Xia even had a strong intuition that what he was holding was probably the Sifangbei!

It\'s a pity that the moment at that time was too short, and his attention was not on himself at that time, so that it disappeared before he had time to see it, and everything happened immediately after.

Just remembering the towering square monument in my mind, how could it be held in my hand?

This kind of strong contrast often prompts Shang Xia to doubt all this as an illusion.

This is not a good thing for Shang Xia who is currently focusing on tempering his own foundation.

Therefore, Shang Xia wanted to use Xin Lu to refine part of the source power of the stars again, and it would be best for him to truly experience the experience of holding the Sifangbei in his hands again.

It\'s a pity that Tongyou | The stargazing platform in Dongtian is exquisite, but compared to the magnificent stargazing platform in Xingyuan Dojo, it is still a little smaller, and Xin Lu is only a fourth-level stargazer, so naturally he cannot compete with Xiao Shengyi. Compared with such a fifth-level stargazer, the only three stargazers in Tongyou Academy can\'t compare with the huge number of more than ten stargazers in Xingyuan Taoist Observatory.

Without delaying the monitoring of the outer space in the northern region of Lingyu Realm, Xin Lu also needs to guide Yan Ming and Yuan Qiuyuan on the way to the stargazer. Therefore, the source of the stars that can be extracted every day is only A few wisps, accumulated in more than a month, are not as much as what Shang Xia swallowed in a day at the observatory of Xingyuan Dojo.

One must know that Shang Xia intercepted only 30% to 40% of the source power of the stars in the dojo observatory at that time.

When it comes to the inheritance of stargazers, although Yanming and Yuan Qiuyuan seem to be third-tier starmasters, Xin Lu said that the two of them look more like the ones who have been spoiled for choice. The foundation of the two of them is extremely lacking. These two are ignorant of the basic common sense of stargazers, and they even don\'t know why.

It was precisely because Xin Lu was aware of this that he had to spend time and energy to make up for the foundation of the two of them, and this also indirectly affected the refinement of the power of the star.

Fortunately, at present, Tongyou College has a complete inheritance in the cultivation of stargazers, and Xin Lu, a serious fourth-level stargazer, is in charge, and everything is on the right track.

When Shang Xia first heard the news, he naturally understood that Tianxing Pavilion was playing tricks on the star masters trained for various factions, and he was naturally extremely angry.

But after thinking about it, he also understood that this is human nature. If he was the one who was in charge of the Tianxing Pavilion, he might have done even better than Yin Jingxu!

Having said that, Shang Xia still made a note for Tianxing Pavilion in his heart, and he would naturally return it if he had the opportunity in the future.

Shang Xia was accumulating the power of the star source bit by bit, trying to reproduce the scene in the dungeon.

And during this process, Shang Xia was also constantly communicating with Sifangbei in some form, and gradually realized that maybe he didn\'t need to accumulate too much star power, in fact, it might be possible to consume his virtual realm At the cost of the source, it is also possible to reproduce the situation under the dungeon that day.

But this kind of consumption may be too heavy a burden even for Shang Xia now!

It\'s just that after Shang Xia realized this, he just wanted to try it impatiently. For this reason, in addition to carrying a batch of high-grade source crystals with him, he also specially used the few resources in the academy for cultivating heaven and earth essence. Gang took away a few of the best source crystals.

It\'s just that before he could leave the academy, an urgent message flew from the cave and intercepted him.

The content of the summons changed Shang Xia\'s face, but he also ignored the previous plan and hurried into the cave.

"What happened?"

After Shang Xia stepped onto the observatory, he asked directly.

Xin Lu didn\'t seem to be in a very good condition at this time, looking tired and weak, but he still kept his spirits up after hearing Shang Xia\'s inquiry, and with the help of Yan Ming and Yuan Qiuyuan, he began to continuously draw closer to the person above the void barrier. Void image.

"Here is the void about a million miles away from the northern region of Lingyu Realm that you ordered to detect. It seems that a large-scale conflict is breaking out!"

After Xin Lu pulled the star curtain in front of her as close as she could, she pointed to a spot no bigger than the belly of a finger and said.

Shang Xia almost exhausted his eyesight, and only then could he barely see that the void seemed to be faintly distorted, and even seemed to be floating with dark light.

If Xin Lu hadn\'t pointed it out on purpose, Shang Xia would never have noticed the difference.

This is no longer completely determined by the warrior\'s own cultivation level, but by the specialization of the martial arts.

Although there is only such a small area above the star screen in front of him, it is the result of Xin Lu\'s continuous zooming in and zooming in.

In fact, in the real starry sky at this time, the war that is breaking out may have already spread to tens of thousands of miles or even a wider void.

Shang Xia\'s eyes were fixed on the starry sky, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking about with his rapidly flickering eyes.

"Can you judge anything else from it? For example, the scale of the conflict, or the level of the conflict?"

Shang Xia thought for a while and asked again.

Xin Lu seemed to have considered this for a long time, and pondered: "This kind of battle with a huge scope, either has hundreds or thousands of middle and high-level warriors fighting in the void, or is a high-level real person whose cultivation base is above the fourth rank. We are doing it, and judging from the faint light emerging from this distorted void, it is clear that the latter possibility is more likely!"

Shang Xia nodded and said, "Understood, I\'m going to take a closer look secretly, and you can monitor it at any time!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Xia nodded towards the three of them and was about to leave.

But before he could leave, he was stopped by Yan Ming.

Shang Xia didn\'t know, so he looked back, but he heard Yan Ming say: "We can observe it, maybe Tianxing Pavilion may also notice it."

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, then nodded slowly, but still left the cave, but he was no longer in a hurry to leave.

However, just after he came out of the cave, he saw that Kou Chongxue\'s original incarnation was already waiting there.

"Tianxing Pavilion Yin Jingxu sent a message, they seem to have discovered something in the void, and they are anxious for real people in this world to come to discuss."

Shang Xia, who was already mentally prepared, nodded calmly, and then said: "I may leave again next time, and I will trouble you to stay behind."