Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1141

Before Shang Xia was escorted to the dungeon of the observatory, he had made an agreement with Kou Chongxue and Feng Ziying on the star boat.

When he was re-banned by the guards of the observatory, if he could withstand the opponent\'s ban, he would open his palm; otherwise, he would clench his fist.

If it\'s the latter, then Kou Chongxue and Feng Ziying will grab the person immediately, and Shang Xia will also struggle and resist with all his strength, and as for the exposure of his identity, he can\'t take care of it at all.

To put it bluntly, this is actually an unreliable adventure, and what Shang Xia relies on is his own hidden cultivation realm and the origin of the heaven and earth with the characteristic of annihilation, but now he has added the Sifangbei, and The latter has obviously become the biggest reliance in his hands.

After he was pushed in from under the arch, he walked through a dark underground corridor and came to the real dungeon.

Unlike the gloomy and dark underground environment in the imagination, although the dungeon under the observatory is filled with a sense of twilight, it is actually not dark.

But Shang Xia was surprised by the two people who could be called "jailers" waiting for him at the entrance of the corridor, because the spirit that was not completely suppressed could clearly perceive that these two people did not have the slightest martial arts cultivation. Ordinary people!

"Please come with us!"

The two ordinary jailers were polite in their words, and even made a "please" gesture towards Shang Xia.

Shang Xia didn\'t say anything, just walked forward behind the two of them.

At the same time, a deep and vast pressure surged from all directions in the dungeon, all pressing on Shang Xia\'s body.

This is the suppressive power exerted by the entire observatory in the dungeon.

At this time, Shang Xia could even imagine the cheers of Sifangbei in his mind.

It\'s just that this time is obviously not the time to let Sifangbei devour the original power of these stars, Shang Xia can only try his best to suppress the active and somewhat excessive Sifangbei.

Fortunately, as the Sifangbei continued to be repaired in his hands, the bond between Shang Xia and the Sifangbei became deeper and deeper, and the degree of control over the Sifangbei became higher and higher.

However, although Shang Xia controls the Sifang Monument, it does not prevent him from understanding the original power of the stars that fill the dungeon. Therefore, it also makes him realize that the warriors of the seventh battalion stationed at the Observatory have a deep understanding of the dungeon of the Observatory. Self-confidence is not aimless.

Before the fighters are thrown into the dungeon, apart from the fact that under the arch, the starlight will be attracted by the observatory to block their origin, and the bans on the fighters will be strengthened regularly, the dungeon is full of township power It can also make it difficult for warriors to move an inch.

Why in the dungeon

Will the "jailor" be an ordinary person?

Because only ordinary people will not be affected by the sealing power that exists in the dungeon all the time.

In other words, even if a warrior had never experienced being blocked by the power of the stars under the arch before entering the dungeon, as long as he entered the dungeon, three or five ordinary jailers would be able to restrain him.

Heh... being controlled by ordinary people!

Shang Xia could almost imagine the humiliation of those high-ranking warriors in the past, when they tried to escape, they were pinned down by three or five ordinary strong men and couldn\'t move.

But Shang Xia\'s origin has not been completely sealed at this time, and he has also hidden his cultivation realm.

It\'s just that if he didn\'t rely on the Sifangbei, but simply broke out his real cultivation, could he forcibly escape from the dungeon with the force of sealing the town?

After the thought flashed through his mind, Shang Xia involuntarily turned around and glanced back at the corridor leading to the observatory behind him, and shook his head involuntarily.

His own source of heaven and earth can indeed wash away some of the surrounding power that is based on the power of the stars, but because of the extremely high characteristics of this kind of power to seal the town, it is far better than Feng Ziying\'s seven-man team guard attack Even if he exploded with all his strength, it might only support him to break out of the dungeon.

And in this process, he probably can\'t be blocked too strongly, and at the same time, the stargazers who may exist on the observatory need to be unable to respond in time.

But no matter what, at least Shang Xia had a chance to break out of the dungeon on his own, which was enough for him to rest assured.

What\'s more, he has the big killer Sifangbei!

While Shang Xia was constantly performing various deductions and deductions in his mind, he was actually led by two jailers to a step that continued down.

"Well, still going down?"

Shang Xia asked abruptly.

The two jailers were easy to talk to, and one of them replied with a smile: "There are three floors in the underground prison here. The uppermost floor is for fourth-order masters, and the lower floor is for ordinary fifth-order experts like you." warriors, and those in the bottom floor are some special people."

"A sixth-order master?"

Shang Xia tried to ask.

Another jailer smiled and replied: "Actually, we can\'t see it, but there should be some, but most of them are people with special identities."

"For example, Liu Jiuzhen and the three guards of the first battalion?"

Shang Xia muttered something in his heart, but he didn\'t ask it out of his mouth.

The two ordinary people in front of me seem to be easy to talk to, but who knows if there are any in this dungeon?

Is there any other covert means of being able to see or hear what he is saying and doing?

Although Shang Xia had never entered the dungeon on the top floor, he could still feel that the dungeon there was not much different from ordinary prison cells. The warriors are basically no different from ordinary people.

The dungeon on the second underground floor looked much more organized, and Shang Xia was taken directly into a separate cell.

In the process of walking towards this small cell, Shang Xia passed about twenty or thirty similar cells along the way, at least half of which were imprisoned in them, and on the other side that he did not pass, there were about two or three other cells. There were ten cells, but the sense of divine will was suppressed to a greater degree here, and he didn\'t realize whether there were people imprisoned inside.

As for the cell on the third underground floor, Shang Xia\'s sense of divine will was directly blocked by the entrance of the downward passage.

After being imprisoned in the small cell where he was, seeing the jailer walking away, Shang Xia directly settled down in the corner to recover the consumption caused by forcibly extending the perception of the mind along the way.

About a day later, Shang Xia was awakened by the sound of the jailer delivering meals. When he got up, he felt pretty good, but his body was a little weak.

Shang Xia hurriedly looked inside himself with his own perception, only then did he suddenly realize that his original Qi had passed away to a certain extent.

Shang Xia raised his eyebrows, and quickly calmed down to perceive it carefully. It took a long time before he realized that this underground cage was still subtly absorbing the original energy in the martial artist\'s body, so that the martial artist became transformed under the condition of being banned. become weaker.

But this is nothing to Shang Xia. He didn\'t realize it before, but now that he has discovered it, with his almost flawless origin of the virtual realm and his tyrannical body, he can completely ignore this method.

Although the meals served by the jailers were crude, they were not disgusting, and were roughly equivalent to the rough and light meals of ordinary families.

After eating, Shang Xia began to search carefully in the cage, and he was relieved a lot until he could confirm that there was no other way to keep the star observatory in this cell.

And then Shang Xia began to think about how to supplement the Sifangbei without disturbing the observatory.

This is a rare opportunity for Shang Xia.

The original agreement with Kou Chongxue and Feng Ziying has been postponed in front of the matter of supplementing the Sifangbei.

What\'s more, with the Sifang Monument that can devour the source of the star-watching platform\'s power to seal the town, the difficulty of what Shang Xia, Kou Chongxue, and Feng Ziying want to discuss has long been reduced.