Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1140

Shang Xia didn\'t pretend to be hesitant when he said this, but he was really uncertain.

According to the path he had gone through in his previous martial arts practice, the realm would naturally be named the "Seven Star Realm" when he reached the seventh heaven, so this realm must be related to the stars.

Because of this, after realizing that the last starlight restriction in his body contained traits beyond its six-in-one origin, Shang Xia took it for granted that it might be a diluted seventh-order power.

But in fact, it is not rigorous to judge that Xingyuanwei\'s joint attack formation is related to the power of the seventh level based on this point alone. Although Shang Xia himself is very sure, but if he really wants to tell the reason, others may not necessarily agree.

Fortunately, Kou Chongxue did not get serious with Shang Xia on this point, but frowned and said: "From what I have heard and combined with Feng Ziying\'s news, when you were thrown into the underground cage of the Observatory, Maybe the restrictions on your body will be strengthened again, and the dungeon itself has various restrictions and suppressions from the observatory, if it is really a seventh-level power, then you may not be able to break free."

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "That\'s not necessarily true, after all, I was captured as a warrior in the Wugang realm, as long as my real cultivation can not be noticed by then, maybe I can get away with it. After all, the seal treatment received by a fifth-order martial artist cannot be compared with that of a sixth-order real person anyway, right?"

Kou Chongxue hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Forget it, it\'s just fine if you can\'t detect your true cultivation until the handover with the seventh battalion guard stationed at the observatory. If you accidentally expose it, then It can only explode on the spot, a big battle."

Speaking of this, Kou Chongxue paused slightly, and said, "Remember, don\'t be brave and take risks!"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Don\'t worry, I will take care of myself, but Feng Ziying\'s current status is rare, so don\'t give up unless it is absolutely necessary."

Kou Chongxue smiled, and said meaningfully: "On this matter, even the old man can\'t restrain him."

Shang Xia obviously misunderstood, thinking of Feng Ziying\'s unrestrained way of doing things that day, he actually nodded in agreement.

But just as Kou Chongxue turned to leave, Shang Xia suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked: "By the way, what is the situation in Xingyuan City now? The seventh battalion guard has been stationed at the observatory, and the battalion leader Xing Xing Does Tian also sit there?"

Kou Chongxue didn\'t turn his head back and said, "If there is another sixth-level real person sitting in the town, and I am a great stargazer, do you think the old man and Feng Ziying will send you in?"

Shang Xia quickly grabbed the iron railing of the cage and asked, "Where did Xing Xingtian go?"

"have no idea!"

Kou Chongxue turned his head and said: "Since Liu Jiuzhen was captured in the conference hall that day and suppressed in the dungeon of the observatory, Xing Xingtian didn\'t know where he went, at least except for the camp owner who was in the conference hall that day. Nobody knows."

Shang Xia asked again: "Then who is in charge of Xingyuan City now?"

Kou Chongxue said: "It\'s He Yingrui, the leader of the second battalion, and Feng Ziyuan, the leader of the fourth battalion. Feng Ziying is now the deputy team leader of the fourth battalion, but I think it will be corrected soon."

Sure enough, the interior of Xingyuan City must be suppressed by a sixth-layer heavenly person, otherwise, even if all ties with the outside world are cut off and they escape into the void, Xingyuan City may soon fall into chaos.

He Yingrui, the leader of the second battalion, is said to be a third-rank real person in the Wuxu Realm.

Although it seems that the current Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue are on the same level as this person, but this is the land of Xingyuan and his home field, and there are too many advantages to take advantage of.

Shang Xia even suspected that when this person was sitting in Xingyuan City, his explosive strength might even easily defeat Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia.

No one knows what kind of backhand the person who created the land of Xingyuan in the legend, and is most likely the existence of the Seventh Heaven\'s great supernatural power, will leave Xingyuan City.

At least for now, the method of hiding the entire Xingyuan land into the void is beyond Shang Xia\'s comprehension.

Feng Ziying\'s starship circled the northern wilderness and finally returned to the observatory in the northern part of Xingyuan City.

During this period, Shang Xia heard from the cage at the bottom of the cabin that at least two unidentified warriors had been captured and sent to other cages.

After Xingzhou stopped, less than a stick of incense passed, Kou Chongxue and the veteran called "Old Jia" came over, checked the restrictions on Shang Xia, and then put the It was lifted out of the cage.

After being escorted out of the Xingzhou, Shang Xia discovered that there were a total of five unidentified warriors captured outside the wasteland this time.

But Shang Xia soon had to turn his eyes away from the other captured warriors, because the huge pyramid-shaped observatory in front of him was too magnificent.

The starship that Shang Xia and the others were on before looked like a carriage under a high hill in front of the observatory.

Shang Xia had seen three star observatories before, but whether it was the dilapidated star observatory in the cave ruins, the star observatory built by Tianxing Pavilion in Jiaozhou, or the one in Tongyou cave, Compared with the star observatory in Xingyuan City in front of me, the star observatory based on the jade pillar supporting the sky suddenly feels insignificant.

And the observatory in front of me is by no means just grand and simple, not to mention the densely packed formations of the observatory itself from top to bottom.

, Just looking at the starlight hanging from the sky overhead, bathing the entire huge observatory in it, one can know that Xingyuan City\'s development and utilization of this observatory may have reached the extreme.

Not far away were several Xing Yuanwei in star robes, and one of the two leaders was Feng Ziying.

"Captain Feng, you captured five alive at once. You have achieved a good result this trip. If you go out a few more times, I\'m afraid the dungeon of our observatory will not be able to hold it."

A fifth-tier martial artist with a square face and big forehead said with a teasing smile.

Feng Ziying smiled "haha" when she heard the words, and didn\'t care about the tone of the other party, and said with a smile: "Firstly, it\'s because of good luck, and secondly, it\'s also because of the old team leader\'s entrustment. If I don\'t be more active, the old team leader will not allow me to pick him up. s position."

On the opposite side, the warrior with a square face and big forehead, who was obviously also the leader of the team, let out a "hey" and said with a bit of a sigh: "The old team leader\'s retreat is wonderful, but it\'s a pity that you and I are fighting In the year of the old man, he did not have the blessings of his old man."

Feng Ziying was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and even lowered her tone a little, and said, "Brother, but what news is coming from the city? Brother, I\'ve been wandering around outside the city for the past few days, so the news is very late."

Feng Ziying said while stuffing a small jade pot to the leader of the seventh battalion opposite.

Shang Xia could see clearly not far away that the jade pot was a special jug usually used by Tongyou Academy to hold the fourth-grade monkey wine. An entry item.

The leader of the Seventh Battalion\'s eyes lit up when he saw the jade pot in Feng Ziying\'s hand. After taking the jug, he shook his head slightly in his hand, and then took a sip directly at the spout of the pot. Then he showed a relaxed expression, and said: "You still have a connection, Xiao Feng, and you can find good wines of this level. Actually, it\'s nothing, but I heard that there are some problems inside the remaining four guards of the first battalion. Steady, and you also know that the relationship between Tian Moran, the deputy commander of the second battalion, and our battalion leader, the old man, has always been at odds, and there is news that people from the first battalion recently visited Tian Moran secretly."

Feng Ziying took a deep breath when she heard the words, and said, "Brother, Deputy Camp Master Tian is also a real person of the sixth rank, this..."

The leader of the Seventh Battalion seems to be an extremely alcoholic. He always subconsciously wants to stuff the spout into his mouth when he holds the jade pot in his hand, but every time he does this But he was stopped by him again, but his eyes glanced at the jug in his hand from time to time. Hearing what Feng Ziying said, he was absent-minded and at the same time said with a bit of disdain in his tone: "Master Wei is missing, the first battalion guard Without Liu Jiuzhen, there will be no big waves. As for Tian Moran, hehe, he is only a sixth-rank first-rank, even if Campmaster He left Xingyuan City, he would not dare to step into the observatory lightly."

Shang Xia heard clearly from the sidelines that the team leader used the word "missing" when referring to the defender Zhuge Xiang.

Shang Xia swept his eyes away and met Kou Chongxue who was escorting him. Obviously, the other party also noticed the words in the team leader\'s words.

But Feng Ziying was not far away with a shocked expression on his face, and said: "Brother, you are talking too much, Mr. He is a third-rank real person, and Mr. Xun should not be here, right?"

The square-faced team leader couldn\'t hold back after all, put the spout into his mouth and took another sip, then glanced at Feng Ziying, and said, "Hey, brother, your time to enter Xingyuanwei is still too short after all, our first The Seventh Battalion has a detached position in this observatory, especially after the old man who is the camp owner has advanced to the sixth heaven, it is even more... hehe, this wine is really good!"

Feng Ziying knew that the other party didn\'t want to say more, so she quickly smiled and said: "If I get good wine again in the future, I will definitely not forget my brother."

The square-face team leader laughed, stretched out his hand and patted Feng Ziying on the shoulder, then looked at Shang Xia and the others who had been escorted over, and loudly ordered his team guards: "What are you still doing in a daze, quickly take people over and stuff them into the dungeon , don’t forget to check the restrictions on everyone, so that there are no mistakes.”

After finishing speaking, the square-face team leader looked at Feng Ziying again, and said, "Brother, I hope you can understand in this critical time."

Feng Ziying said with a smile: "Brother is meticulous in his work, which actually eliminates the possibility of my younger brother making mistakes here."

The square-face team leader was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "Brother Feng can still speak. When the other team guards came to hand over people these days, I didn\'t miss their ugly faces."

Shang Xia and other five captured warriors were escorted forward and handed over in turn. Shang Xia was ranked fourth. It was obvious. First, two guards stepped forward to check whether there were any mistakes in the restraints on the captured warriors and signs of breaking free. He was led into an arch opened under the observatory by the two guards in the middle, and the two guards standing under the arch pushed him onto a gray stone platform, and suddenly a beam of stars fell down On the warrior.

The martial artist suddenly became ferocious, trembling all over, opened his mouth wide and seemed to be screaming, but there was no sound, but it could be seen that he must be enduring great pain.

A moment later, the starlight hanging from the top of the arch suddenly disappeared, and the martial artist who was at least at the fourth and third level suddenly stumbled to the ground, and was picked up by the guard standing next to the arch and thrown directly into the arch. deep.

Watching the second captured fourth-tier warrior being pushed into the arch, Feng Ziying showed curiosity, and said: "It is said that all warriors who enter the dungeon of the Star Observation Terrace will be planted with the \'Star Ban\', and will be banned by the star." Those who have planted the \'star ban\' will have no possibility of cracking and escaping, brother

I have seen it today. "

The team leader with the square face said with a smile: "Unless the cultivation base is abolished, where is there any restriction that cannot be broken in this world? Although the \'Star Restriction\' is powerful, warriors who are locked in the dungeon still have to break it every once in a while." Re-fortify the ban, and the higher the martial artist\'s cultivation level, the shorter the time interval for strengthening the ban. However, even if the ban on his body is broken, as long as the person is still in the dungeon, he will not be able to escape. The sixth-level masters can\'t do it either!"

In the end, the square-faced team leader\'s expression was full of confidence, and even his tone was quite proud.

Feng Ziying was naturally complimented again when she heard the words, but she glanced at Kou Chongxue behind her without any trace.

At this time, the third warrior who was captured had been escorted to the arch under the observatory, while Kou Chongxue and Lao Jia were escorting Shang Xia to handover with the guards of the Seventh Battalion.

Feng Ziying\'s eyes signaled that not only Kou Chongxue saw it, but even Shang Xia who was pushed to the side of the two guards of the Seventh Battalion understood the meaning of Feng Ziying\'s eyes.

But Shang Xia didn\'t make any hints, but walked obediently towards the dungeon arch under the observatory under the push of the two seventh Indian guards.

Before that, when the two guards of the Seventh Battalion inspected the restraints on him, they did not find any signs of the restraints being loosened, invalidated, or even broken free.

Shang Xia informed Kou Chongxue and Feng Ziying with practical actions that he would continue to enter the dungeon of the observatory according to the original plan.

However, there is one final test in this process, and that is the "star ban" imposed on warriors under the arch with the help of the observatory.

It\'s just that no one noticed at this time that when Shang Xia walked under the arch, Kou Chongxue\'s footsteps inadvertently slowed down by two steps, and on the other side, Feng Ziying also walked away because of the conversation with the square face team leader Two steps into it.

At the same time, both of them glanced at Shang Xia, who was already standing under the arch, from the corner of their eyes, specifically at the half-clenched fist of his right hand.

Starlight fell on the arch, and Shang Xia\'s figure suddenly trembled slightly, but the half-closed palm of his right hand never clenched into a fist.

Kou and Feng immediately moved away from the arch for a moment, Kou Chongxue and Lao Kou escorted the last captured warrior to hand over, and Feng Ziying also had a conversation with the square-faced team leader, with a smile on his face .

Shang Xia\'s figure trembled more and more violently, but he never raised his half-drowned head. Others could not see his expression at this time, but his right palm was always open, The longer the starlight hanging on his body lasted, instead of clenching his half-clenched palms, they opened all of a sudden, and the five fingers stretched out straight!

The eyes of Kou Chongxue and Feng Ziying met again inadvertently, but at that moment, they both seemed to see the astonishment in each other\'s eyes, but they quickly hid the emotion in their eyes deeply stand up.

At this time, the square-faced team leader who was talking with Feng Ziying sipped the fine wine in the jade pot, squinted his eyes and looked under the arch, and asked curiously in a half-baffled voice: "Hey, this guy doesn\'t It’s simple, the astral light entering the body can still bear it.”

Feng Ziying looked at Shang Xia under the arch without the slightest emotion in his eyes, and said in a light tone: "Maybe it\'s because this person has a higher level of cultivation, the third level of the fifth level, and his strength is not bad. This person also took the opportunity to use him to practice a joint attack formation."

The square-face team leader smiled and said: "It\'s time to practice. Brother Feng will soon take over as the team leader. You should really get familiar with this joint attack as soon as possible."

Almost as soon as the square-face team leader finished speaking, the starlight falling on Shang Xia dissipated, and a team guard stepped forward and pushed him into the dungeon behind the arch.

And just when Shang Xia fell into the dungeon behind the arch, after the darkness in the depths of the dungeon covered his expression, a look of unsatisfactory expression appeared on Shang Xia\'s face.

Before the power of starlight infiltrated into his body had time to form the origin of the dantian that restrained and imprisoned him, most of it was swallowed up by the square tablet that suddenly jumped out.

If Shang Xia hadn\'t seen the opportunity quickly and quickly stopped Sifangbei from continuing to swallow the power of starlight, the remaining indifferent starlight in his body might not even be able to form the most shallow layer of restriction.

But even so, Shang Xia could feel that the thin layer of starlight restriction was extraordinary, at least it was several times tougher than the restriction imposed on him by Feng Ziying and other seven team guards who jointly mobilized the power of starlight. times.

However, Shang Xia\'s attention at this time was obviously not on the "star ban" in his body, but on the square monument that swallowed most of the power of "star ban".

This is already the second time that the Sifangbei has been activated actively in the near future, and compared to the first time when it throbbed briefly during the process of traveling through the void, the movement of the Sifangbei is obviously bigger this time.

Moreover, Shang Xia can clearly perceive the power of the swallowed up half of the "Star Forbidden", which has a significant repairing effect on the body of the Sifangbei.

Thinking of this, Shang Xia couldn\'t help subconsciously looking up at the surroundings of the dungeon. All the forbidden powers that filled it all came from the observatory, or more precisely, from the observatory\'s arrival from the outer starry sky The star essence.

At this time, this underground prison, which can be regarded as an iron wall for other warriors, has completely turned into a place of great nourishment in Shang Xia\'s eyes.

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