Spirit Sword Sovereign

Chapter 4583

The so-called weapon is between magic weapon and magic weapon.

They are magic weapons, but they are not based on laws.

It's a magic weapon, but it's not just for attacking.

It can be said that this pair of ivory is neither a magic weapon nor a magic weapon.

But from another point of view, it is both a magic weapon and a magic weapon.

The war elephant of Lingya also knows that his body is too big and clumsy

Can it be faster than birds, no matter how fast it is?

Therefore, he spent most of his time refining his own pair of holy teeth.

In the face of this pair of lightning fast fangs, Zhu Hengyu flapped his wings to escape at full speed.

But obviously, that pair of fangs has the feature of automatic tracking.

No matter how Zhu Hengyu dodged, the two holy teeth were like maggots of tarsal bones, chasing after him.

As for speed

When flying in the air, the resistance of the sharp and smooth teeth is very small.

Zhu Hengyu's stature is so huge that the air resistance during flight can't be compared with that pair of holy teeth.

The speed of that pair of holy teeth is much faster than Zhu Hengyu.

Dong Dong

Finally, a few flashes, but always can not dodge under.

In a row of two roars, the pair of holy teeth hit Zhu Hengyu's five element source power shield.


In the fierce roar, Zhu Hengyu's body was suddenly blasted out of thousands of meters!

At the same time, the outer part of the five element source force shield, the golden earth source force shield, was exploded in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Zhu Hengyu could not help but be shocked!

The total strength of Zhu Hengyu's five element source force shield is as high as one trillion!

On average, there is at least 200 billion source force strength above the source force shield of each line.

But now, that pair of ivory, unexpectedly thundered a layer of source force shield.

This is enough to show that the destructive power to ivory has reached more than 200 billion!

The destructive power of a single ivory is more than 100 billion!

Because in a short time, the damage is too great.

The five elements have no time to evolve, they are completely blasted.

After a hit, the pair of Lingya hovered in the air and chased Zhu Hengyu's body, then shot at Zhu Hengyu at full speed again.


The next moment, another roar.

That pair of holy teeth, again heavy bang in Zhu Hengyu's source force shield.

Under the earth source force shield, the fire source force shield explodes in an instant.

In the face of this, Zhu Hengyu dare not stay

The power of the spirit tooth war elephant is too violent.

If we continue to fight, there will be at most three more bombardments, and Zhu Hengyu's shield will be completely blasted.

At that time, Zhu Hengyu will be made a double stake.

However, Zhu Hengyu wanted to leave, but the Lingya war elephant didn't want to let him go.

In the sound of Dong Dong

With each step of the war elephant, its thick limbs will trample on waves in the air.

Obviously, this war elephant of the spirit tooth is the blood of space.

Although stepping in the air, but every step out, as if stepping on the ground in general.


Although the stride of the tussock elephant was not extraordinary.

Step frequency is not fast

But every step out, but all strange across the distance of thousands of meters.

Boom! Boom! Boom

Step by step, walking in the void, the spirit tooth war elephant actually chased after Zhu Hengyu, and was not pulled too far away.

In the face of this, Zhu Hengyu gnawed his teeth fiercely, and with his right hand, he immediately summoned Xuantian's Dharma body.

Since the other side is still chasing, let's fight!


Between a series of intensive light noises.

A gray and black smoke, from the mid air, condensed out the Xuantian Dharma body.


Shaking the Xuantian sword in the hand, the Xuantian Dharma body flashed towards the Lingya battle elephant.

Seeing Zhu Hengyu calling out a separate body, the spirit tooth war elephant didn't take seriously.

I'm so weak. How about a separate body?

Between a general idea, that spirit tooth war elephant is easy, then let Xuan Tian law body close.

Although the attack and defense of Xuantian Dharma body are against the sky, in fact, the speed is not fast.

If the spirit tooth war elephant wants to go, Xuantian's Dharma body can't catch up with him.

But now

Zhu Hengyu ran in front, and Lingya war elephant chased after him.

Xuantian Dharma body and Lingya battle elephant are face-to-face.Therefore, they are bound to encounter each other.

Seeing the Xuantian Dharma body rushing towards us, the spirit tooth war elephant snorted coldly.

Facing Xuantian's Dharma body, Lingya battle elephant fiercely threw his long nose out from afar.

Don't underestimate these long noses

After hundreds of millions of years of practice, he has already cultivated his long nose to the height of terror.

Once caught by his long nose, the other party will never move again.

This long nose is not only extremely tough, but also has unparalleled strength.


In the fierce sound of breaking through the sky, the elephant trunk, which is 36 meters long, is like a long whip. It pulls towards the body of Xuantian Dharma.

Xuantian Dharma body is not afraid at all.

When the broken sword in his hand was pulled, eighteen sword Qi was instantly emitted.

Each of the 18 sword Qi contains 500 destructive forces.

The five hundred disintegrating forces are the five white handled broken swords refined into the star core in the dark sky!

The eighteen sword Qi crisscrossed and chopped at the nose of the Lingya war elephant.


The war elephant snorted coldly.

The strong elephant nose, with the momentum of destroying the withered and decaying, swept towards the body of Xuantian Dharma.


In the clear sound, the long nose of the Lingya war elephant collides with the sword Qi emitted by Xuantian's Dharma body.

Just for a moment

The eighteen sword Qi was instantly blasted by the long nose of the Lingya war elephant.

Although the long nose of the tussock war elephant has been cut out thousands of deep cuts.

However, it is obvious that the cutting mark is really just a trace.

It's broken, but there's no blood!

It can be seen from this that the defense of the spirit tooth war elephant has reached what extent!

It is worth mentioning that

Don't look at a pair of precious tools and holy teeth of the war elephant. They are so powerful.

But in fact, the Lingya people are born with incomparable physical training talent.

He doesn't have the shield of source force.

Lingya family, the perfect combination of source force and physical body.

The strength and tenacity of its fighting body is incredible.

If you want to destroy Zhu Hengyu's shield, you just need to bombard it directly.

However, this is not the case.

Their source force shield is fused with the body.

If you want to break down the shield, you have to destroy the leather, muscles, and even bones of the elephant.

The fusion of source force and body is not simply one plus one equals two, but multiple enhancement!

Even with the destructive power of 500 avalanches, the sword can't break through the thick skin of war elephants.

However, Xuantian Dharma body has intelligence, but no wisdom.

As a result, he did not have such feelings as disheartened or disheartened.

Under the fierce collision, the long nose of Lingya war elephant was chopped back by Xuantian's eighteen swords.

At the moment when the Tusk's long nose was about to roll back.

Xuantian's right hand reached out like lightning and grabbed the nose of the war elephant

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