Spirit Sword Sovereign

Chapter 4582

Looking at Zhu Hengyu with a smile on his face, the centipede said, "here are 360 sets of broken suits."

"They are 360 pieces of broken swords and 360 sets of destroyed armor. Please count them."

"What! You... "

Surprised to see that thousand foot centipede, Zhu Hengyu stood there, for a long time did not speak.

Originally, Zhu Hengyu only wanted 30 broken swords, and he was basically satisfied.

But I didn't think

The centipede thought he wanted three hundred!

What's more, these three hundred refer not to 300 pieces, but to 300 sets!

After standing for a long time, Zhu Hengyu made a decision.

Since people have already taken it out, he has no reason not to accept it.

With a wave of his right hand, Zhu Hengyu put away 360 sets of broken suits.

Looking at the three parts of the thousand legged centipede, Zhu Hengyu said, "our festival has been uncovered. We will meet again later..."

While speaking, Zhu Hengyu put away the Xuantian Dharma body and turned to fly away in the distance.

Seeing Zhu Hengyu go far away, the three parts of the centipede can't help but breathe.

In the end, the three statues were saved, and the mining rights of the collapsed underground palace were also preserved.

Although the effort is a little bit more, a little big

But compared with the loss, it is acceptable after all.

Don't think that the probability of the second level destroying battlefield is very low.

Although it's not too high, there is a 20% probability of falling a broken sword and a 20% probability of falling a disintegrated armor.

Add up, there is a 40% probability.

Basically, if the battlefield is destroyed in two rounds, one will emerge.

It's either a broken sword or a shattered armor.

It can be said that As long as you have time, as long as you live long enough.

There must be no lack of broken swords and shattered armor.

Of course, this time, the cost is not small.

If the lion asks for more, he will have to think about it.

If you lose your body, you will lose it. You can refine one more.

As for the benefits of the collapse of the underground palace, it doesn't matter.

When the payoff is not proportional to the payoff, there is no need for peace talks.

Not to mention how the centipede thinks.

On the other side, Zhu Hengyu left the collapsed underground palace excitedly.

In a remote corner, Zhu Hengyu put down his tent and began to refine the 360 sets of broken suits.

When Zhu Hengyu finally refined all the broken swords into the star core of Xuantian.

In Xuantian, there are 500 broken swords and 461 destroyed armor.

It took only about seventeen or eighteen days, and the destructive power of Xuantian's Dharma body increased three or four times.

Now, only a breath.

Xuantian Dharma body can release a sword lotus with eighteen leaves!

The total destructive power of 9000 collapses!

If you go back to the first level to destroy the battlefield, you can almost kill the ruined general in seconds!

But of course, for the time being, it's still a thousand times less destructive.

But obviously, there's a long way to go.

This round of collapse of the battlefield, there is still more than half a month.

After the end of refining, Zhu Hengyu finally came out.

Once again, the demonization was opened, and the demon fighting body was condensed.

Zhu Hengyu flapped a pair of demon wings and flew to the position of the next collapsed underground palace.

Along the way, Zhu Hengyu did not find too many broken soldiers.

There are 36 underground palaces in the second level collapse battlefield.

There are millions of Tibetan soldiers in each underground palace.

The Tibetan soldiers in these thirty-six underground palaces accounted for more than 90% of the second level destroyed battlefield.

As for the broken soldiers wandering on the plain, they are just scattered soldiers wandering from the entrance of the collapsed underground palaces.

After all, the main battlefield of the second level collapse is the collapse of the underground palace.

It is worth mentioning that

Although there are many entrances to the dilapidated underground palace of the second level collapse battlefield, it is the fixed one that opens each time.

The other entrances will only be opened when the first level of collapse battlefield is opened.

Therefore, as long as the entrance is kept, a mine can be occupied by the second level collapse battlefield.

Thirty six mines can be occupied by 36 forces at most.

Zhu Hengyu was flying all the way

Soon, they arrived at the next collapsed underground palace.

Originally, Zhu Hengyu wanted to come

As soon as he shows up here, the foreign friars who are in charge of Garrisoning the underground palace will surely kill him.

However, what Chu Heng Yu expected.In the middle of the entrance to the underground palace, there is a precious blue tent.

The curtain of the tent was opened. An old man with white hair and beard sat in it with his eyes closed.

In the face of Zhu Hengyu's arrival, the old man said nothing and ignored him.

Here's Zhu Zhuyu's mouth.

If he is ignored, there is nothing he can do.

As for the fact that the other party occupied the collapsed underground palace, Zhu Hengyu had no idea.

If he has the ability, he can occupy a collapsed underground palace.

He was not invited or provoked.

The reason why they occupy an underground palace is purely secondary collapse. This is the hidden rule of the battlefield.

Zhu Hengyu is not arrogant enough to challenge and destroy the hidden rules of the battlefield with his own strength.

He's not that ambitious, he's not that overbearing.

Zhu Hengyu's only target was the monks who didn't say a word, just because he was a demon.

I didn't invite you, I didn't provoke you.

If you come up, you will die. Don't blame me for killing!

With a helpless sigh, Zhu Hengyu flapped his wings and flew to the distance.

Just as Zhu Hengyu's figure is about to disappear in the sky.

The old man, whose hair was white, opened his eyes slowly.

Seeing Zhu Hengyu disappear, the old man sighed and shook his head.

This old man is the snow eagle king of the star immortal gate!

The gate of stars and immortals will not hate demons.

Even if it is encountered in this ruined battlefield, it will not be pursued.

It's not just star gate!

In fact, the dragon clan does not hate the demons.

Even if it is encountered in a collapsed battlefield, it will not be pursued.

Even if there was a chase, it was just normal plunder, not because of the demonic identity.

Only the demon clan and the Phoenix clan are really hostile to the demon clan!

For the rest of the month

Zhu Hengyu passed through seven collapsed underground palaces.

But I don't know because Zhu Hengyu was so lucky.

Or that star immortal gate, as well as the dragon clan's influence is too big.

The seven underground palaces in succession were all owned by these two forces.

Fortunately, Zhu Hengyu found the eighth dilapidated underground palace according to the map.

Almost as soon as he showed up

In a long howling sound, a battle elephant with holy teeth rushed over from the entrance of the collapsed underground palace.


Looking at the shining Lingya battle elephant, Zhu Hengyu couldn't help but wonder.

Obviously, this is the great power of a demon clan, in fact The terror is at its height!

The size of this battle elephant is too huge.

The height has reached more than 30 meters!

Running all the way, the four thick legs, which were as thick as beams and pillars, trampled on the ground.

Don't look at the ivory elephant. It doesn't seem to have wings.

But all the way running, the Lingya war elephant actually stepped on the air and rose into the air.

Seemingly stupid and incomparable huge body, but the speed is amazing!

"The remaining evils of demons..."

"Die for me..."

With the roar of the fangs.

At the next moment, the black ivory of the war elephant gradually brightened up.

Chi Chi

The next moment, two sharp whistles.

That pair of sharp ivory, fierce from the mouth of the war elephant of the spirit tooth spurt out.

Obviously, this elephant has already refined a pair of ivory into a special treasure!

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